Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 322 Unexpected results

Chapter 322 Unexpected results

"Soul Harvest!"

Following Argus's low voice, Taelan Fordring and his companions were all imprisoned in the middle of the hall.

At this point, when everyone was about to die, Brian Bronzebeard still had the mood to complain.

"It's really a matter of time. Now it's our turn to be pulled together. You Titans all like to gather people together. And then kill them?"

"Sure enough, gods think differently from humans. When we face a group of people, we like to break them up and defeat them one by one!"

No one was in the mood to listen to his nonsense, he was too thick-skinned. Maybe he hadn't realized that death was coming, maybe he didn't think so much, or more likely he had faced such a desperate situation before.

Jaina's eyes were red and her lips moved:
"He hasn't even seen the world yet..."

Velen didn't have as much despair as they did. Just like the Fall of Kings couldn't kill Tyran Fordring, the Titans weren't that easy to die. Argus was already at the end of its rope.

This Soul Harvest is the same as Archimonde's Soul Burn, both of which burn their own souls in the hope of burning others to death. They hurt themselves before they hurt the enemy. Archimonde's goal is to burn others to death before his own soul is completely burned out. Argus's goal is to burn the enemy to death in a huge instant of burning.

Archimonde's "Soul Burning" might have originated from Argus.

After this blow, He will be weakened. But how to avoid this blow is the problem of Tyran Fordring. He not only wants to kill Argus, but also has to keep the strength to deal with more powerful enemies.

He knew that if Taelan Fording used his power recklessly, he would be able to kill Argus immediately, but his danger was within himself.

Damn you, Archimonde!
Perhaps this was the fate He bore.

Let me share some of your burden! He raised his right hand and placed it on Taelan Fording's back.

"Holy Infusion!" A large amount of power was injected into Tyran Fording's body. The sphere behind him that had stopped rotating was activated ahead of time.

Argus's scythe was about to strike down. This was His most powerful power, destroying everything.

Jaina moved closer to Taelan and hugged him tightly.

Taelan Fordring turned into holy light, and when He appeared again, He was already standing on a seven-story ladder made of holy light. With every step He took, a new layer of holy light appeared.

The combat boots made of source ore stepped heavily on it, making a bang, bang sound, as if stepping on everyone's heart.

The holy light that shot up into the sky was even more powerful than the "Fall of Kings" just now. The few warships that escaped did not flee all the way without Kil'jaeden's order. They did not dare to disobey Argus's order just now. They were also unwilling to give up their hope of resurrection.

So when Argus reappeared and the power of the Titans erupted, they returned, just in time for the emergence of the Seven-Layer Heavenly Ladder.

As Taelan Fordring took seven steps, Jaina and all of them were freed from the imprisonment of Argus by the Holy Light.

Brian Bronzebeard stared at the strange sight before him in amazement:
"The Holy Light Steps that can break all restrictions!"

Jaina said another name:
"Astral Wandering?"

Argus's sickle was a little slow. The Soul Harvest slashed forward, but it only hit a void. The figures flashed from real to virtual, and then appeared outside the sickle's attack range.

Argus immediately began to pant violently. A large amount of Titan power was lost, and the whole world darkened. Mountains and rivers began to collapse, riverbeds turned into sand, and the fel energy streams began to dry up. The fel energy clouds that covered the sky dispersed, and Argus welcomed the long-lost bright starry sky.

The holy light that soared into the sky turned all the unfortunate fel warships into streams of exploding light. They mixed with the moonlight and starlight and brought a quiet and eerie night to Argus.

Taelan Fording said softly, "It's been many years since I last had dumplings."

People around me were confused.

Before Argus's Titan power completely faded, a huge fel storm rose in the west. A face with flames was about to appear. At the same time, he stretched out an illusory giant hand filled with fel energy.

Taelan Fording knew that the fallen Titan must be here to fight for the remaining body and soul of Argus. Although his incarnation was huge, he was actually very weak. So much so that he didn't dare to reach out to him.

Could it be that the message from Argus was referring to Him? Is that enough?
Taelan Fording made up his mind that now that things had come to this, he might as well get rid of him as soon as possible!
Behind him, the orb representing holy light and the orb representing the void lit up at the same time, and then they collided with each other.

All the emotions in Tyran Fording's eyes disappeared, and a powerful magical aura emanated from him. The shadows of angels emitting holy light were floating around him.

"Agus, you have reached the end. Whoever comes today will go to hell!"

It's a pitiful Titan, but who isn't pitiful?
It is the millions of fellow countrymen in Elwynn Forest who are not to be pitied.

Are the Draenei in Hellfire Peninsula not pitiful?
Or are the souls of Lordaeron not pitiful?
Or is the Nanhai Town engulfed in flames not pitiful?
No matter what, you have done it, you have to admit it. When the real doom comes, no one can save you, not even the father of the gods!
"Titan's Grip!"

A huge hand that reached all the way down to the sky descended from the sky with holy light and the power of the void. It grasped Argus.

There was a crackling sound. Even the powerful Titans could not resist the power of the mixture of void and holy light!
"Ah!" A hollow scream rang in everyone's heart. Argus's transparent soul floated out of his body, and even his soul was seriously damaged. The giant hand continued to clench.

The fel energy storm that had just appeared dissipated immediately, and the giant fel energy hand turned into nothingness, as if it had never appeared.

At this time, the Nathreza Fortress, which was ready to move not far away, stopped for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a loud cheer from farther away. That was the base camp of the Holy Light Army. Countless Holy Light warriors knelt on one knee to pay respect to their new leader!

The material universe has existed for countless epochs, and for the first time someone killed a Titan.

The already frantic demons suddenly became panicked, and they regained their instincts. Anyone who didn't flee now was brainless. A new Titan had risen. The hope of the Burning Legion's resurrection was gone. Anyone who walked past would become food for the new Titan.

The soul power of Argus has begun to be extracted by Taelan Fordring. The Sargerite Keystone in Jaina's hand has begun to charge.

This great being is different from Argus and Sargeras who only know how to use fel energy. All the force can be used by Him.

Taelan Fording struck with ease, smashing the prison of the Council of Destroyers to pieces, and the Titan souls were finally free.

Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, looked at Argus, who was about to die, in pain and could only sigh softly. Without Iona and Aggramar, the four of them could not purify Argus at all, and could only watch a man with the same powerful power as their compatriots kill him.

This feeling of powerlessness was the second time in his long life. The first time was when he faced Sargeras who used fel energy.

Nathreza Keep was the Nathrezim's main base on Argus. With Argus dead, the Burning Legion was in disarray. The magical aura around it gradually faded, revealing a building with a mixture of death and fel energy.

It turned out that the power of death used by the Burning Legion was brought by them. It was a huge magic circle. It emitted a black light, hit the giant hand of Taelan Fording, and then pulled the remaining soul of Argus into the starry sky!

Taelan Fording once again drew some of Anser's power. The color of the World Stone in his sea of ​​consciousness faded a little. He was about to reach his limit.

The giant hand struck the strange building with a fierce punch. The all-conquering force destroyed the solid fortress with ease.

Several Nathrezim inside were imprisoned in mid-air by the mixed power. They opened their mouths wide, and all their souls were sucked out, transformed into power and flowed into the key stone.

At this moment, Velen suddenly shouted:

"Jaina! Teleport, the Nathrezim have detonated a fel bomb!"

The prophet did not bother to consider the accuracy of the prophecy. At this critical moment, it is better to speak out.

Boom! Boom! The sound kept ringing. The shock wave of the explosion, the extremely dangerous rays, the evil energy splashing everywhere, turned the Burning Throne into a hell on earth.

Jaina raised her staff high, and everyone's figures became illusory. The spreading evil energy made her skin feel hot and painful. If they didn't leave, they would all die here.

The Titans led by Aman'thor also turned into light and left.

Aman'thul said: "Let us hasten back to the Pantheon. Our brother is still continuing his evil crusade. All we have to do is stop him at the most critical moment.

He has brought too much harm and suffering to this world. Then save our fellow Aggramar. Hopefully he can survive the explosion."

Norgannon said: "Who was that man just now? It is all Sargeras' fault. He made it impossible for us to guide this fellow and let him walk on the path of order."

Forger Kasgroth, a Titan as kind and gentle as his dwarven creations, went on to say, "At least he fought evil, without our help. He accomplished the great feat of destroying the evil of Argus."

We should provide them with as much help as possible. Sargeras should be hiding near the world of Azeroth.

All we have to do is get there quickly and stop him before he does something evil again.”

Velen looked at Argus at the last moment of the Sargerit Keystone transmission. This was his hometown, but from today on, it no longer existed. What remained might be some broken continents floating in the endless space.

Sometimes, Velen always has a sense of fate. Whether it is Argus or Draenor, they all ended up being torn apart. Is it his destiny that makes him keep experiencing such things? Or is it his destiny that makes these two worlds suffer this fate.

He couldn't tell what he felt. It was a mixture of sweetness, sourness, bitterness and spiciness, which made him numb and collapsed.

His teacher once taught him: Only by enduring loneliness can you keep your dreams.

He had also used these words to teach Yrel and Zerilla. But after countless years, what did He gain from his persistence?
It seemed that there was only loneliness. He guarded the loneliness, and only got loneliness. Fortunately, Taelan Fordring appeared. He also had Nuri, so he would not die alone.

But what about his son? When he was young, he had the same sense of justice as Taelan Fordring and loved to help others. It was Sargeras and Kil'jaeden who took away everything from him.

Thinking about my own long life experience, it is full of painful memories, and there are only a few happy days among them.

It seems that life is a road full of unknowns. Pain is the norm, and happiness is the change.

Fortunately, everything will pass. Although the Archon's seat is gone, he still has Azeroth and Nuri. He just poured all his power into Tyran Fordring's body. He is visibly aging. But so what?

No one can control our destiny. They want Taelan Fordring to walk the same lonely road as themselves. I won't!

Old people are stubborn, and so is Viren.

"Taran, we have arrived at the Aggramar Vault. We will rest there for a day. Now that things have come to this, you don't have to worry about the Army of the Light. They have the most advanced starships. The fel bombs on Argus are limited in power. They dare not and do not have the ability to use more powerful bombs.

Turalyon and the others are most likely still alive."

The prophet did not mention the soul of Argus that was taken away by the beam of light. That was obviously a long-planned conspiracy. But the bomb was definitely a spur-of-the-moment plan. This also shows that the person who manipulated the entire conspiracy was anxious.

His hometown was destroyed and his son died tragically. He didn't want to see Taelan Fording repeat his mistakes. He had been fighting so that the Allied Races could have a new home and so that his compatriots could be respected. He needed to do something for him.

Time shifted. With the help of Jaina's positioning and Jace's dark weaving on the opposite side, they finally came back. In Illidan's opinion, they had to lose at least one or two people to complete the task. In the end, they all came back safely.

Except for aging Velen!

This place is still in the hands of the Alliance. Tichondrius did not break through here. He claimed that Taelan Fordring is here. Because the powerful aura has always existed. No magical creation can have such an effect. At most, they have a bloodsucking aura and a concentration aura. And that effect is only half of the original.

In fact, he knew it very well in his heart. It was possible that Tyran Fordring was no longer here. Because He had never shown His head. He was not one of those demons whose brains were burned by the fel energy. The Anther Legacy that Tyran Fordring faced was much easier than Sargeras. He had been exposed to this power for more than ten years.

Taelan Fordring had long since adapted to the Holy Light of Anther. The Sargeras avatar that Kil'jaeden faced was not only of higher essence and more energy, but it was also the first time that Kil'jaeden had absorbed the power of God. Peeping into the realm of God.

But there is no evidence of his departure. Blackhorn may be a bull that charges into battle. But Hodor is a human who is good at defense. Under his coordination, the army is united. The demons paid a huge price but failed to take away this territory.

Ado, who was killing the enemy, was shocked.

"The Great Lord is back! Because His aura is more powerful and has a greater influence." But he did not publicize it. The Great Lord did not appear, which meant that He had a new plan.

Deep within Aggramar's vault.

Velen summoned a powerful ward. Just him and Taelan Fordring.

"Great Lord. I need to tell you about the Song of the Soul..."

What should be done has been done, what shouldn’t be done has also been done, and the rest is left to time.

Time soon came to the next day. A huge portal leading to the nearby starry sky suddenly stopped working and slowly dimmed. It was powered by the Argus crystal.

The crystal ran out of energy and the portal was suddenly cut off.

I can't hide it anymore, something happened to Argus!
Tichondrius did not report this to Kil'jaeden, but chose to carry out a risky invasion mission. He wanted to personally attack the Vault of Aggramar and see if Taelan Fordring had taken the Key of the Realms from Illidan.

It's a powerful artifact. No one would give it away. Unless they were in the same group.

Unfortunately, it guessed right.

(End of this chapter)

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