Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 323 The end is coming

Chapter 323 The end is coming
Velen looked at the young man opposite him seriously. He seemed to have grown a little taller. He had an extremely powerful strength. Holy light was constantly emanating from his body.

If you just stand next to Him a few days ago, you will feel yourself surrounded by a soft holy light. That energy gently surrounds you, giving you a unique sense of security and making you unconsciously approach Him.

He has a special kind of affinity, even strangers will have a good impression of him. Oh, and he is also very handsome and masculine.

But now He was completely different. The sudden increase in the power of Holy Light made Him like a fiercely burning fireball, and He seemed to be able to scorch everything around Him. A powerful radiance would occasionally appear from under His feet.

The energy he possessed was beyond his control. And after killing Argus, his power increased even more. Velen didn't know why. But he could feel it. He had completely exceeded the limits of the demigod realm.

In front of Him, there was a feeling of facing Sargeras directly. He had become a Titan-level creature. He only lacked an opportunity to reach the step that Archimonde dreamed of.

Velen had told Taelan Fording all the secrets he knew about the Soul Song Crystal. He also heard the story of the sun god Anser from Taelan Fording.

When Taelan Fording spoke of his brother's betrayal in a sympathetic tone, Velen suddenly stopped him:
"My child, you can't do this.

Don't abuse your sympathy, because then you will unconsciously bear the fate of the other person! "

"I have lived through countless years, and time has taught me this."

“You can offer help to those who are suffering, but you cannot shoulder their fate for them.

Everyone is born with a mission. Before you complete your mission, you have no right to sympathize with others.

You should not bear the fate of others. This includes me."

"You are many times more powerful than Illidan Stormrage. But you are far less open-minded than he is. You shoulder the responsibility of too many people. So you are always very tired.

You are who you are. A human, a paladin, a demigod, you should only do what you should do. You are not a savior.

He is God, He is already dead, He does not need your sympathy, and you should not sympathize with Him.

You have done the best thing for Him by promoting the Holy Light Church."

“Remember what I just told you, you can’t and shouldn’t bear His fate.

Think about your wife, she loves you so much. Think about the little life that is coming, how much he wants to see you and grow up under your care.

You can also think of your parents, who look forward to your coming home every day.

When I look at you, I always feel that you are a tired traveler in a foreign land. You are looking for a home, a destination.

But what is home?

Wherever Lady Jaina is, that's your home! Isn't this the bond you've been looking for? You have to think of her all the time to overcome the assimilation from the Force.

And what you have received is not a legacy, but a curse, which will bring you misfortune sooner or later. You owe Him nothing."

"Take care of this crystal. Don't be like me."

Taelan Fording nodded. He felt much better. Although the huge power had not yet been assimilated, He had begun to get rid of the sympathy that came from nowhere.

He looked up at the blue child sticking out of the big hole above his head. He always felt that the child was so far away from him, yet so close. Over the years, it seemed that all the important things that happened to him happened on moonlit nights.

The first time He saved Jaina, the blue child was hanging in the sky.

When He accepted Anther's legacy for the first time, the Blue Child also rose early.

When He watched the sunrise on the high mountains of Grim Batol, she was hanging high in the sky to accompany Him.

There was also bright moonlight when facing Viktor Goss.

The battle to kill several ancient gods also took place under the moonlight.

She and I have a strong affinity!
What He needs to do now is to quickly end this war, then stop, take a good rest, and absorb those external forces.

"I understand, Prophet. I will do my best."

Velen waved the Exodar Staff of Light, and the barrier disappeared.

“Kid, you’ve done great. Better than most.

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Strength and salvation are not everything to you. Everyone has their limitations, even Titans."

In fact, what Wei Lun wants to say most is that human nature and divine nature are not the same. It is not known which will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

Taelan Fording nodded silently and accepted the prophet's advice. But he felt that he, with his iron will, would be able to overcome those difficulties, safely get through this crisis, and then find a way to enter the Shadow Realm and find a way to completely solve the problem of Force assimilation.

The most important thing now is to survive the crisis, kill Kil'jaeden, and resist Sargeras' attack.

Argus's experience confirmed that what Argus reminded him was true, and he did not lie to himself. Many Nathrezim were indeed loyal to certain people in the Shadow Realm. Those mechanical creations all had their own little calculations. Of course, in Anser's remaining consciousness, they were just servants.

It's just that they don't think so. Things in this world are sometimes ridiculous. Humans hate human nature, thinking it contains too many negative things, but they have to succumb to it. But those creatures desperately want to possess human nature and enjoy the happiness that human nature brings them. In their eyes, human nature is precious. It is the true gift of the Creator.

The reason why some things have come to this point today is the result of their own judgment. Sometimes Taelan Fording wondered whether it was right or wrong for the Original Mother to create these intelligent Eternals.

Should they be given discretion?

He didn't have a correct answer now. Maybe he never would. This problem was a bit like the intelligent machines that humans were facing. It was neither possible to advance nor to retreat. Who knew what they would become once they were out of the control of their masters? Perhaps only after He arrived there and dealt with them could He draw a conclusion.

As for how to solve it, it might really be as Weiren said.

There is no fairness in the world. Only when there are more unfair things and more people endure injustice will they start to think of ways to solve it.

It was the power of death that took away Argus's soul. There are very few people who can use the power of death in this way. Velen and Taelan Fordring can't think of anyone other than someone in the Pantheon of Death. As for the one in Northrend, it is still unknown who he is. They also have no ability to reach into Argus.

Velen still didn't know what they wanted to do by taking Argus's soul. But he guessed that it was not a good thing. Taelan Fording referred to his experience in his previous life and guessed that it was the masterpiece of the famous Jailer. He must have done it through the Nathrezim under his collaborator Emperor Denathrius. As for how the Jailer himself mastered the commanding power of the Lord of Arms, he didn't know how he did it. Anyway, the creation of the Original Mother has become a mess because of the love, hatred and hatred generated by herself.

Of course, as long as Sargeras and the Titans of the Pantheon exist, they dare not appear in the material universe.

Velen left. Jaina walked in immediately. After the Argus expedition, she had never been more dependent on Taelan Fordring. She didn't want to leave him for a minute.

The couple sat side by side on the steps, with the dragon-forged giant sword stuck on the top step, and Brian Bronzebeard's expedition hat hanging on the hilt.

Jaina leaned her head on Taelan Fording's shoulder. Her long, smooth hair was piled on top of her head, and a strand of white hair playfully popped out and was tucked behind the girl's ear.

Neither of them spoke, but just looked up at the moonlight pouring through the hole above their heads, enjoying the quiet and peaceful time before the war.

Sometimes, some words don't need to be said, everyone knows it in their hearts. This is almost the last battle, and if they can get through the last battle safely, they will win a long period of peace.

After a while, Taelan Fording asked softly:

"Jenna, is there any news from the Archdruid?"

Jaina whispered, "Archdruid Malfurion went to Moonglade. He sent word that the White Stag Malorne responded to your call and has awakened ahead of schedule. He will be here soon to help us."

"Hamuel Runetotem went deep into the Emerald Dream and conveyed your request. Lady Aviana is willing to wake up early, and she will come to the material plane to help us."

"Cenaris, the Keeper of the Jungle, will not be absent. The Wolf God Goldrinn is missing. If he is here, he will respond to our call."

"The turtle demigod Tortolla will also come. Agamaggan is willing to help us, but almost all of his descendants have fallen. He cannot come to our world in the flesh. However, he will give his power to Karga Thornrib and let him fight on behalf of the remaining wild boar people."

People are your own people. Ten thousand years have passed, and the people who can help you are still the same people who helped you before. Except for Goldrin who might have been in trouble, everyone who can come has come.

"What do the people of the Elemental World say?"

"His Majesty Neptulon said that he had no choice but to take part in the battle. He would personally bring Grand Duke Hydraxis with him. Prince Sunderland has already left Teldrassil through the portal. However, he can only bring a limited number of people.

The Stonemother Therazane needs to stay in Deepholm to resist the dark creatures that invade the underground world, but He has sent all His children He can mobilize, and Princess Celedes of Maraudon will also join the battle. "

"The internal strife in the Fire Elemental has not yet ended, but the Fire Lord Execustus will bring the administrator Ragnaros to join the battle."

A year ago, the geosculptor Yip once said that in order to save the kobolds in the underground world, he had to betray his former master. At that time, no one believed him. Now it seems that he was not lying, and the so-called Lord of Darkness has been stirring up trouble underground.

The preparations Taelan Fordring made in the Elemental World of Fire worked. Although the incompetent Executus did not make the Elemental World of Fire stronger, it did fulfill its promise. It did not completely settle the internal strife of the Elemental World of Fire, but it settled Ragnaros. It made the Elemental World of Fire a helper of the Alliance instead of an enemy.

Neptulon has always been reliable and will not betray his allies unless he is controlled.

"Okay, Janna, don't worry. So many strong people are here to help us. What else do you have to worry about?"

The reason why the Alliance summoned so many allies is because the Alliance's think tank predicted Kil'jaeden's strategy. He would not deploy only those few fel warships. He must have left something behind. We will need to awaken those comrades who helped the Alliance in ancient times.

the next day.

At dawn, a fierce battle broke out in the Vault of Aggramar. Groups of demon guards launched the attack in a coordinated manner.

Tichondrius personally led his men to attack. Perhaps it really wanted to see if Tyran Fordring was peacefully consuming energy in the Aggramar Vault, or perhaps it had to do it for Kil'jaeden to see.

This attack was more brutal than ever before. The frontline positions quickly turned into ruins, with a large number of demon corpses piled up. Their blood dyed the stones green and corroded the weeds that stubbornly survived in Storm Sound, causing them to emit wisps of green smoke.

They finally broke into the ruins of Aggramar's treasury. Blackhorn wiped the green and red mixed blood splattered on his face with his three-fingered big hand. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was injured. He had just faced the king of the Nathrezim, Tichondrius. The demon was seriously injured. Illidan had used soul strike to enslave it, but it had fled. But that strike still hurt its soul.

Even though the dreadlord was injured, Blackhorn still didn't get the upper hand. Fortunately, he was a powerful tauren. His ancestral talent for toughness saved him.

"The Overlord should be well soon. Just hold on for the last few minutes." Ado encouraged.

"Okay, I know, I won't die. I haven't had your son's full moon party yet." This full moon party seems to be the original creation of Tyran Fording. Every compatriot who has a happy event in his family will take out a little money and treat everyone to a meal. The guests who come will consciously bring some small items as souvenirs.

Since the establishment of the Alliance, there has been constant fighting, and even if the casualties are small, many people have died. Carlin Redpath, Lady Thane, Thassarian Dawnseeker, Stareye, and Maiev Shadowsong's lieutenant Lady Sana almost died.

Each name brought glory and sadness to the alliance. The government will subsidize this kind of celebration, which is a necessary way for everyone to enhance their feelings and release pressure.

After a round of attacks, Tichondrius finally saw the door to Aggramar's vault. The Alliance only had one last line of defense. Their commander was very cunning. They resisted step by step, making the demons pay a heavy price.

Most of those hateful Tauren Elite Guards were only injured but not killed. There must be a large number of wounded soldiers on the top of the mountain. Once those Paladins and Tauren Soul Walkers recover their mana, they will soon be able to fight again.

The Alliance's new-style army emphasizes the unity of officers and soldiers, and their leaders often lead by example, so their combat effectiveness is amazing, and it is particularly difficult to defeat them.

In ancient times, a mortal army would collapse if only 10 to 20 percent of them were killed. Now, they would probably lose their fighting power only when their commander died in battle.

Fortunately, the answer is about to be known, and his mission is about to be completed. It is time to return home to Revendreth.

Tichondrius would not lead the charge again, and a large number of demon guards launched another charge. The powerful Tauren Elite Guard finally suffered a large number of casualties. They were also reaching their limit.

With a loud bang, the door of the treasure house opened, and a figure with eight wings on his back walked out.

Tichondrius immediately transformed into a bat and fled in all directions.

Seeing Him, it felt like it had seen the Great Emperor, who was even more terrifying than the Great Emperor. If He fell into His hands, his soul would definitely be in danger, as His control over the power of death was completely different from before.

At the same time, a powerful fel storm rose in the Tomb of Sargeras. Endless fel flames fell from the sky, and the entire Broken Coast was covered by a rain of fire. Countless green meteor showers streaked across the sky. Every fireball that fell would bring death and a hellfire with flames all over its body.

The storm quickly approached Stormheim and collided with the Holy Light rising behind Taelan Fordring. The two sides were evenly matched, and the Broken Isles were divided into two worlds by the fel energy and the holy light. Kil'jaeden's voice resounded throughout the peninsula:

"Are all the cannon fodders dead? It doesn't matter! Now I will do what even Sargeras couldn't do. I will stain this unfortunate world with blood to ensure that I become the true master of the Burning Legion! Doomsday has come! Let this world be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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