Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 324: The Fall of Kings and the Darkness of Souls

Chapter 324: The Fall of Kings and the Darkness of a Thousand Souls

Taelan Fordring was the first to emerge from the cave of Aggramar's Vault facing the rising sun.

Tichondrius had already fled. This was because He was certain of two things.

The first thing is that Illidan and Tyran Fordring are in the same group. Illidan Stormrage seems to be pursuing power and has no humanity, but in fact, he is secretly colluding with his home planet and enslaving several powerful demons, including the souls of his compatriots.

The second thing is that all the prophecies are bullshit and cannot be trusted at all. The reason for this is that Emperor Denathrius's plan was half completed, and Illidan and that ugly and thin woman both obtained the power of Argus.

Illidan has gained the fel power of Argus. His body is filled with explosive power, but there is no sign of losing control. It must be that Taelan Fordring has extracted the power of Argus and given it to him. Illidan is now many times more dangerous than he was in Felwood.

And Tyran Fording's mistress, the ugly and thin woman, got the power of order from Argus, which was the original power of him as a Titan. He actually recognized her, her name was Jaina, and it was she and Prince Kael'thas, who was supposed to be a toy of the Legion, who summoned the magic circle with two archmages and beat him up together with Illidan Stormrage.

Of course, he also fought back, and used a pre-set ambush array to trick Illidan. If Tyran Fordring knew about this, he would definitely say that it was not a gang fight, but a mutual fight!
The reason why it was so arrogant to guard the portal alone was because the magic circle gave it confidence. It felt that no one could hurt it. In the world of Azeroth, there were very few beings who could fight against a demigod like it.

In its impression, the Elf Queen Azshara possessed the same power as it did. After all, she had once taught Mannaros a lesson.

Now that Illidan and Jaina have both obtained the power of Argus, Emperor Denathrius' plan is half successful.

As for how it knew that Tyran Fording did not take away all of Argus's power, of course it was because Argus was a Titan. How could a Titan have only this little power?

Now, what it has to do is to go to the north, to that place, to complete the last task given by the emperor. It has to go ahead and not let that bitch succeed.

Of course, in Tichondrius' eyes, the tall and strong Jinteisa is a beauty. A thin human like Jaina is simply too ugly. Different races have different aesthetics. Only Draenei women are an exception. Males of almost all races find them very attractive. Even women of other races are no exception.

For example, Jaina likes the little Draenei girl Zerilla very much. The little girl has a pretty face and a pair of cute horns, which makes her look very sweet and lovely.

The Burning Legion's demons have been losing strength. They already have a sense that something bad is going to happen. First, many of the Legion's portals have closed, and they have received very few reinforcements. Then there are rumors that the Sargerite Keystone is lost.

They could ignore other bad news, but they could not stand the loss of power of the Argus Gem. The Burning Legion was an organization with clear internal classes. Most of them joined the Legion because they were afraid that the Legion would destroy them. Only the annihilan joined the Legion out of their own evil instincts to vent their desire to destroy everything.

The Legion has a thousand disadvantages, but there is one biggest advantage, which is that Argus can perfectly revive them. Now that the only Argus is gone, the Legion can only bring them disadvantages.

As an organization, if it cannot provide benefits or emotional value to its members, what is the point of working for it?

It was fine before, they were always the strong side. They could vent their anger on the weak to satisfy their desires. Now the situation has reversed. Not only have they lost their reinforcements, but they also have to face a great being. He is even stronger than Kil'jaeden.

Now that Tichondrius had escaped from the battlefield again, the once powerful demon army was immediately shaken.

If it was a battle with trolls, their flight was a good thing, as they could be followed and chased to seize the land they occupied. But demons were different, and any demon was a huge hidden danger. Not to mention destruction and killing, most of them could summon their own kind. If a demon was left alone, it would soon become a stronghold.

Tyran Fordring said to Jaina beside him: "Janna, teleport back to Naxxramas, and then move to the Tomb of Sargeras. Order the front-line troops to raise the Azerite defense array, and all the archmages to prepare defensive spells.

Blackhorn, Hodor. You lead the army to chase the retreating demons. The main thing is to block the seaport. Don't let them escape. "

Jaina nodded. She tapped the ground lightly with her staff, and a purple magic light flashed, and the Azerite recall took effect. Archmage Khadgar took the initiative to follow the team. After a flash, the team disappeared.

More fel warships emerged from the void. Many of them were stained with blood. Some were emitting thick smoke. Obviously, they had also experienced a great battle. The dragon army led by the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza caused great damage to the demon fleet.

The strangely powerful anti-Titan array makes it difficult for Titan-level creatures to enter Azeroth. Unless you actively weaken your own power, or summon them from the internal energy source. This makes it difficult for the main force of the Burning Legion to enter the world of Azeroth in large numbers to fight. This is also the reason why this disaster-ridden planet can persist to this day.

Now it has also reached a new node. After experiencing the war ten thousand years ago, the dragon army suffered heavy losses, with only one black dragon left.

As long as the Highmountain Tauren died, the magic circle would begin to weaken, and the dragons would have to use more blood to organize the Legion fleet's attack. In order to prevent the black dragons from becoming extinct, Tyran Fordring even left behind Nefarios, who was more sensible to the times.

This clever dragon spared the little red dragon Valastrasz and the green dragon Ysondre in the Hinterlands, which was a gesture of goodwill to the Alliance. We should not interfere with each other, so please do not kill them all! I hope that with the death of Deathwing, he can slowly get rid of his madness and regain his sanity as a guardian dragon. Take on the responsibility that he should bear.

Compared to not casting the bell now, it is better to let Abyssian live well. After all, he is a minotaur and has a natural bond with the Alliance.

The blue and green dragons were also in a bad situation, they reproduced slowly and were few in number. Fortunately, they had all three generations, and the dragon kings, who were the main fighting force, were still alive.

The bronze dragons were in a more difficult situation. Soridormi had gone into hiding, leaving only Chromie. She led a group of young dragons with limited combat power. She could only play a supporting role and barely keep the magic circle running. Fortunately, He had been blessed by Azeroth himself, and had a strong ability to protect his life. Moreover, according to Him, His shadow eternal dragon Milok had merged with Him, which allowed Him to use the power of time without any worries.

If the ground forces cannot defeat Kil'jaeden, it will only be a matter of time before they break through the magic circle.

As soon as the fel warship appeared, it launched an attack on the main force of the Alliance led by Elder Cairne Bloodhoof.

The Alliance's high-craftsman Mekkatorque has not slept for two days. He and Gazlowe have been commanding automated troops and anti-aircraft artillery units to fight against the threat from the sky.

As the commander of the Alliance Air Force, Falstad was the most uncomfortable. He mixed the Hippogryph Knights, Griffins, and Dragonhawk Knights together, with only a few dozen two-headed Chimaeras as the main force, and struggled to resist the powerful air force of the Legion.

Hippogryphs and Griffins are considered the most powerful heavy air combat forces of the Alliance. They weigh several tons, but they have no advantage against Destroyer Guards and Fel Warships.

The only two-headed Chimeras that can fight against these behemoths are ground-based troops. They are good at attacking clustered infantry and stationary fel turrets on the ground, but they are bulky and bloated in the air.

Now the situation on the Broken Coast has reversed. Kil'jaeden finally got what he wanted and devoured the incarnation of Sargeras. His fel power has been sublimated. Although he still failed to become the omnipotent god he dreamed of, and did not obtain the ultimate secret of the material universe, he was able to bear the sound of all things, and he already knew the secret of the fragment of the godhead.

Everything in the world has a destiny. If we were to say what is the most difficult thing, it is definitely not to go from one to a hundred, or even more. It is precisely to go from zero to one.

From one to one hundred is a simple accumulation of quantity. From zero to one is a qualitative change. He has already stepped into the realm of God and escaped from the realm of demigods.

The Eredar are truly talented. Not to mention Velen, Kil'jaeden, and Archimonde. Even Akama and Mal'dra are talented people.

This is not even Nobundo. He is the first shaman master of the Alliance and the first Broken One to fully integrate into the Alliance. In essence, he is also an Eredar, but now, after being driven out of his tribe, he has considered himself a part of Azeroth.

Compared to Argus, Azeroth has a higher level of power. As soon as He came to this world, He got in touch with the world soul of this world. In just one month, He formed an organization called the Earth Ring with the Tauren, the Night Elves, and some humans who were proficient in soul magic.

In fact, there has been a profession similar to shaman among the Tauren for a long time, but this profession lacks a standardized spell system and development direction. Most of them are regarded as natural spellcasters like Soul Walkers.

Nobundo combined the magic civilization of the Eredar with the elemental power of Draenor and realized a new way of balance. When he came to Azeroth, he met many Tauren Soul Walkers.

Taelan Fording once told him: We need faith, and faith is a very important spiritual need.

What we should believe in most is the power of our ancestors. What an intelligent being should remember most is his ancestors.

The thoughts and spiritual power left by our ancestors are an inexhaustible wealth. For example, believing in things that cannot be touched or trusted is much stronger.

Based on this, Nobundo and Soul Walker created many new spells and gradually developed them into a new system. The most useful spell system is the Soul System, and there are already two spells that can be used in actual combat.

One is called Soul Link: It can link up to four units together. The linked targets will share vitality for a certain period of time. Whenever someone is hurt, the damage will be shared equally among the four.

It seems that this ability is useless, but when it is used on several Paladins with extremely strong defense, you will know how powerful it is. You will find that the originally fragile spellcasting unit becomes tougher.

Another one is called Purification, which is a super powerful removal spell. It can remove any spell that is not too exaggerated by the Purification user at a higher Mystic level.

And when this magic is used on an enemy, it will slow down the opponent's thinking speed. It is a very powerful magic to dispel.

Based on these magics, Nobundo created a supernatural power, but no one has seen this magic yet. It is said that this spell was inspired by Cain Bloodhoof.

Kil'jaeden completed his transformation. His body became taller and larger, and he exuded a terrifying aura. As soon as he appeared, endless hellfire was summoned from the endless void.

Just like Tyran Fording's promotion to demigod, it solidified a sanctuary aura. And Kil'jaeden's newly awakened talent is called "Armageddon".

As Kil'jaeden announced the coming of doomsday in a loud voice, clouds of fel energy rolled in the sky. Green meteors fell from the sky and smashed towards the top of the Alliance army.

Kil'jaeden was very proud of himself because he had finally stepped into the realm of God. Outsiders could not understand his feeling of pride.

He has struggled for tens of thousands of years for this day.

For this day, He sacrificed His relatives, friends, compatriots, and even the world that gave birth to and raised Him.

For this day, He betrayed His ideals.

The pride he felt at that moment was beyond words. He felt that his whole body was transparent.

"Vyren! I have finally surpassed you. Your prediction has failed!"

He suddenly wanted to meet his old friend. He especially wanted to see what the betrayer who had fled from the battlefield would look like when he saw him with his current power.

It is a pity that Archimonde cannot see this day, as this is his lifelong pursuit.

When he saw the summoning array set up by the bugs in Azeroth, he was nervous. It was a ritual to summon a great being. The longer the summoning process, the more powerful the summoned being was.

Now He has also entered that realm. He also possesses that power.

"Poor ants, your time of death has come!"

The red hand waved, and the entire world of Azeroth shook. Then the sky of the Broken Isles, which should have been bright and sunny, darkened, and boundless darkness enveloped it. The formation of the entire Azeroth Alliance army was stagnant.

"Evil Mirror Image."

There was an immediate chaos in the alliance team, and some weak-willed people had phantoms around them. They were either relatives of the victims, or creatures from the victims' worst nightmares.

In just a few moments, many Alliance soldiers killed each other.

At this moment, Archmage Kael'thas, along with the Alliance's mage troops, summoned a purple shield to block the meteor shower falling from the sky.

The Crusader High Priest, High Paladin, and Gadgetzan Governor Liadrin were the first to step forward. Havenfa, Emily, and other priests followed closely behind. The milky white holy light was surging in the magic circle.
"Mass dispersal!"

In just a moment, the illusions summoned by the fel energy were dispelled. The curse cast by the legion soldiers was also dispelled by the priests of the chaplaincy with a joint spell.

Kil'jaeden raised his hand again with disdain, and endless fel energy rushed into the sky. After dispelling it, the evil mirror image disappeared, and His spell guidance was also completed.

A large number of fel warships emerged from the void. This time, He summoned more interstellar warships. These warships are the backbone of the Legion. Except for those damn dragons, the Alliance has no fleet that can fight against them.

King Kael'thas's forehead was already covered with cold sweat. He knew that once these warships opened fire, the magic shield he had summoned would not last long. Once the shield disappeared, the Alliance would begin to suffer heavy casualties.

'Taelan Fordring, my old friend, have you not yet finished devouring? You are needed here.'

The evil energy cannons on the battleships had been fully charged and were about to open fire. At this moment, an absurdly huge aerial fortress appeared out of thin air.

The aerial fortress of Naxxramas!
Holy light floated in the air, and a figure appeared beside Cain Bloodhoof in a flash.

Holy Light broke through the clouds of fel energy and rose high into the sky. Taelan Fording raised his hands. A brilliant sun rose from his hands. The air was filled with the power of order and the sulfur smell of fel energy.

He whispered:
"The Fall of the Gods!"

Countless substances desperately gathered towards Kil'jaeden with him as the center. Then the fel energy made it infinitely hotter. These simple substances aggregated into countless new substances, and then emitted a large amount of light and heat.

Taelan Fording silently said in his heart: "Fusion strike, Kil'jaeden, eat my big Ivan!"

Kil'jaeden's spirit was surging. What kind of magic was this? Was this the power of the Titans of Tyran Fordring? He could actually make the simplest elements combine into new matter. What was this? Genesis? Was it the power to simulate the explosion of stars in the universe?

He can't wait any longer. Since you don't have any moral principles and go all out from the beginning, don't blame me.

"Darkness of a Thousand Souls!"

"Fall of the Gods Vs Darkness of a Thousand Souls!"

(End of this chapter)

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