Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 325 Warning and Shaking

Chapter 325 Warning and Shaking

The Fall of Kings appeared in Azeroth for the first time. There was a loud bang, shaking the earth. It was as if a blazing sun rose in the night sky, illuminating the entire Broken Isles.

The explosion of this sun not only broke Kil'jaeden's fel cloud, but also turned the fel warships in the sky into a rain of fire. They were all blasted into a green mark in the air. That was the result of them being shattered by the fusion attack and then ignited by the high heat.

This world has never seen such crazy magic. Its power is beyond the limit, and its scope is unimaginably large.

Almost at the same time, Naxxramas released a huge magic shield to block the aftermath of the collision between 'Fall of Kings' and 'Darkness of a Thousand Souls'.

No one has ever seen such magic. It completely exceeds the scope of this world's original magic system.

A demon hit by Heaven's Fist would leave behind a charred body. A guy killed by elemental magic would at least leave behind a corpse. Even a person who was infused with fel energy would leave behind a pile of ashes. But the Fall of Kings was like an eraser erasing a blackboard, erasing every moment within the explosion range.

After this blow, the nature of the entire war changed completely. It changed from a fight between soldiers of large armies to a competition of power in the extraordinary world. It also changed from a consumption of financial resources, material resources, the number and quality of soldiers between two political groups to a life-and-death battle of leaders.

The mushroom cloud rising into the sky was extremely shocking, causing everyone's heart rate to speed up and blood pressure to rise.

Waiting for the magic effect to fade, the tragic situation on the ground was revealed. Kil'jaeden stood there with an angry look on his face. His armor was broken, his shield exploded, and his face was distorted. Only a few high-ranking Eredar generals were left by his side.

Two of the Eredar women were particularly conspicuous. They were originally called the Eredar Twins. Both were very beautiful and charming. Now only one was left standing, and the other had fallen to the ground with serious injuries.

In order to stand out, they stood a little closer to the front. One of the unlucky ones was caught in the middle of the collision between the Fall of Kings and the Darkness of a Thousand Souls.

Kil'jaeden's choice was correct. His Darkness of a Thousand Souls counteracted the power of the Fall of Kings.

The core of a storm is often gentle and drizzling, and the same is true for this huge output of force. The collision of the two sides gave Kil'jaeden and the people around him a chance to survive.

However, the fate of some people seems to be doomed. For example, Prince Malchezaar, this is his third time in Azeroth. Each time is not a pleasant experience.

The first time was during the Third War. It had just arrived in Azeroth and encountered Tyran Fordring in Southshore. The angry Archimonde ignored the casualties of his men and used Air Blast. That attack sent Prince Malchezaar, who had just arrived in Azeroth, high into the sky. Then Tyran Fordring's Heaven's Fist hit it continuously, turning it into ashes.

The second time was in Karazhan, because it was an Eredar, it was resurrected by Argus first. Kil'jaeden let it make amends and thus exempted it from the punishment of the Shivaratrix.

Those bitches are the only ones in the Burning Legion who can ignore the status of the eredar. They will never miss the opportunity to torture an eredar prince.

Well, Sulaya, the Mother of the Universe, wisely believed that Prince Malchezaar was Kil'jaeden's illegitimate son. As for which of the two Eredar twins Kil'jaeden and Malchezaar gave birth to him, He was going to find out during the interrogation.

Unfortunately, Sargeras never responded to the Legion's communications, and Kil'jaeden used his privileges to send Malchezaar directly to Azeroth.

Get up wherever you fall.

However, poor Prince Malchezaar encountered the most terrible person in the Alliance: Archmage Rhonin, the head of the Committee of Discovery and Reform, the leader of the Alliance's Technology Development Committee, and the leader of the Spellcaster Council.

The two sides fought fiercely in Karazhan. The ending was tragic. The unrighteous Rhonin openly instigated his wife, Vereesa Windrunner, and Archmage Solanlian to besiege it.

It still remembers Ronin's last words:

"This year's KPI depends entirely on it!"

It was sent back into the Twisting Nether once again. It really was 'where it fell, it kept falling.'

This was its third time in Azeroth, and the experience was still very short. In order to seek revenge, it took the lead and rushed to the front line.

Just now it was at the place where the battle between the two sides was the most intense, and its spell was bothering Cairne Bloodhoof.

Even though he was the strongest warrior in the alliance, a quasi-demigod, Cain Bloodhoof was still at a disadvantage.

There is another important reason why this prince rushed to the front line, that is, he realized a unique ability. That is the weakening ray, this innate ability has an extremely exaggerated effect, it can take away 99% of the opponent's life energy at once.

In other words, once its enemy is hit by this move, it will lose 99% of its maximum health. At the same time, it will launch a crazy attack, and the continuous double-axe swing will quickly kill its enemy.

It's just that the cooldown time for this ability is too long. This is a common drawback of all powerful talents. These abilities either consume too much energy and cannot be used continuously, or the cooldown time is too long and can only be used once in a battle, or the spell takes too long to guide and the opponent has already escaped. Everything is balanced. If there is no such restriction, then Tyran Fordring can use Titan's Grip infinitely, wouldn't he be able to kill everything in one second?
So the prince tried his best to restrain his impulse. He wanted to wait for Tyran Fording to arrive, make some arrogant remarks, and then kill him in one blow. This might even directly defeat the Alliance army.

Then it really faced Taelan Fording. Its blue face turned red with excitement, and its breathing began to quicken. Adrenaline was secreted crazily. The Eredar twins standing next to it looked at it strangely, and then reached out to grab it.

Does it have bad tendencies? Taelan Fording likes women!

They are imagining others by their own example. Prince Malchezaar only wants to be successful, famous, and powerful in Azeroth. He doesn't think about those petty things.

It has stepped forward, ready to challenge the demigod.

Then the "Fall of Kings" came! The poor prince took a few steps ahead. He left Kil'jaeden's balance range. He faced the Titan power of Tyran Fordring.

Ivan the Great simply wiped it out of the physical world, and not only did it die, it also dragged down the Eredar twins, sisters who still cared about the safety of their compatriots. One of them was also wiped out with it.

Kil'jaeden once again witnessed the death of his dear eredar brethren. He was filled with rage.

"Taelan Fording, you hateful little bug!"

But His anger instantly shifted its target. It saw the Prophet Velen!

The latter looked at him and his army with pity. He held the Exodar Staff of Light in one hand and a rosary in the other, with his eyes half closed. Behind him followed a tall Eredar.

It doesn't recognize it and should be an excellent successor.

On the other side was this slender Draenei woman, whom He knew: Yrel. In Draenor, she led the younger generation of Eredar to fight against the Burning Legion. But she had always been lucky and had never faced the high-ranking lords of the Legion. She was also very powerful, and the Eredar were always excellent.

There was a woman following behind Taelan Fording. Archmage Jaina Proudmoore. She had always been against the Legion. But she was very difficult to deal with because she was equipped with artifacts and was proficient in transmutation spells, which was completely different from those mages who only used elemental magic. She was proficient in teleportation, and nothing could catch her except special magic circles.

Behind him was an old acquaintance. Kil'jaeden's hatred for him was twofold, and he clearly felt his spirit unconsciously agitated. He was startled.

This is impossible. Sargeras's incarnation has been devoured by Him, although it will take a long time to completely digest it. How did it affect his body?
The power of God is indeed difficult to control. I don't know how Tyran Fording coped with it.

That person is Archmage Khadgar, the oldest Archmage of Dalaran in the Alliance and the successor of the former Guardian Medivh. It was only because of the intervention of Tyran Fordring that he failed to obtain the Guardian's Staff.

Taelan Fordring abolished the organization of Dalaran. It should not exist. No organization has ever been independent of a nation, not to mention that the Alliance is an alliance of the oldest and most orthodox races in Azeroth. Every race has paid sweat and blood to protect this world.

Anyone who sympathizes with the foreign enemy cannot be forgiven and cannot exist within the core territory of the Alliance.

Tyran Fording abolished this organization and established the Spellcaster Association to manage these mages, so that everyone can equally learn magic and obtain resources, instead of bringing in outsiders at every turn to seek benefits for themselves.

As a result, Khadgar lost the chance to become the leader of Dalaran, and this position now belongs to Kael'thas. Because he has been fighting for the Alliance since the Third War. He faced the great lich of the Burning Legion. He led his troops to defeat Amenna who invaded the Barrens. He went on an expedition to Silithus and flattened the Zora Hive with a flamestorm. The high elves paid the price of blood for this world, so they can enjoy the protection of this world.

The future of the Chief may belong to Ronin. Because humans also fight for this world. The spellcasters in this world cannot be neutral.

"Vellen, we meet again, you traitor. Do you finally dare to come and see me?"

Velen held the staff in one hand and walked to Taelan Fording:

"Kil'jaeden, my old friend. I personally have never thought of avoiding meeting you."

Looking at the furious Kil'jaeden.

Weiren whispered, "I have seen your end. Failure is just around the corner."

"How many lives have been lost because of your selfish desires. How many compatriots have died in the war you provoked."

Kil'jaeden, who was known for his rationality, could no longer calm down when he saw Velen. Blood rushed to his brain, making it difficult for him to think seriously.

"This is all your fault. You betrayed us along with those lowly creatures. No one can defeat a Titan..."

At this point, He suddenly thought of Tyran Fordring killing Argus. Wasn't that just a mortal killing a Titan? They were both Titans, so why was Sargeras invincible?

A strong will is very important for everyone. Successful people can be talented or mediocre. But you must not be weak-willed, otherwise how can you face failure? How can you get through the lows in life?

Life is not destined to be a smooth journey. There will be bumps and bumps, ups and downs. If you don't have a tenacious mind, how can you survive those transitional periods? Only by enduring loneliness and failure can you persist until victory comes.

Once mentally resilient people fall into self-doubt, it can lead to more serious consequences.

Why can't Sargeras be defeated? If he is invincible, why hasn't he come back?
Weiren whispered, "It's time. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will eventually blossom and bear fruit.

The battle has begun. Be careful, and you will surely defeat Him! Don’t accept gifts from others lightly. ”

Kil'jaeden knew that such self-doubt was meaningless and would only drag him into the abyss, but when he saw the calm Velen and the safe Khadgar, he could no longer control his wild thoughts. The old friend who had been hunting him for ten thousand years had become a thorn in his side.

He was jealous of His prophetic ability and gift. He was even more jealous that He could be trusted by so many people. This jealousy and injustice tormented Him day and night, making Him unrecognizable. He wanted to speak ill of Him whenever he saw Him.

"This is all your fault..."

Taelan Fordring didn't want to listen to Kil'jaeden bringing up Velen's old scores. But there were two exceptions: Brann Bronzebeard. He even took out a small notebook and began to record Velen's black accounts.

The other person is Illidan Stormrage. Although he is no longer interested in politics and power, he can be considered to have retired after achieving success. His ideal has changed from love and defeating his brother, to looking forward to retirement life.

He has always been worried about the hidden dangers that the immortal Draenei would bring to the Alliance. Isn't it just right that someone is now exposing the Draenei's true colors?
Tyran Fordring is the protector and banner of the Alliance. He must be flawless. He must not have any flaws in public or private morality. But the Draenei cannot do that. It is best to be half black and half white. Isn't this a good opportunity? He turned around and looked at the old dwarf who had taken back his expedition hat and said:

"Brother, you'd better publish a book. I think it will be a big seller. I want to buy a few copies now."

Brann Bronzebeard seemed to have seen the gold waving to him.

"Really? Will the boss lady agree to pay?"

Illidan said: "She will. I will tell her, and I will personally sponsor you some funds for the expedition." The ten thousand year old fox is not called that for nothing, he immediately gave the old dwarf a reason.

This is all for exploration! Argus is a good place. It was bombed by Tyran Fordring. Although only a few continents are left, it is a big planet, and those lands are not small. Recruiting a few druids to save it can also build a new base. When more people settle down, he can be regarded as expanding the territory for the Alliance. Such merits seem to have fiefs and titles, and even become a pioneer knight, with a lot of small money.

Taelan Fordring waved his hand, ordered the ordinary soldiers to retreat, and blockaded the entire Broken Isles. Then he chose to face Kil'jaeden alone.

Jaina, Kael'thas, Rhonin and others found their own opponents.

Jaina now particularly disliked women who acted coquettishly. The still-living high-level warlock Alysse was exactly the type she disliked. She could even see that this beautiful Eredar demon was very interested in Tyran Fordring. Moreover, she was a mage specialized in ice, and the other party was a fire warlock, so they were naturally incompatible.

Kill her!
In the world of Azeroth, she can use her full power, holding the Soul Collector's Staff high. The powerful force of order opens a space rift.

A tall sea element walked out of the portal. It had no elemental shackles. This was the Grand Duke of Hydraxis in his full state. Its body had arrived at the Broken Isles.

More than a decade has passed, and it and Jaina have worked together many times.

"My dear lady, His Majesty has arrived in Kul Tiras. The teleportation array will be established soon and all the elements will arrive soon."

Jaina said loudly: "Thank you for the support of the Elemental World to the Alliance."

Hydraxis raised his hand and opened a dozen portals:

“Summon the power of endless water to fight against the Burning Legion. The water element has an unshirkable responsibility!”

In a few breaths, hundreds of tall sea elementals emerged from the elemental portals. Half of them were melee fighters, and half were magic users. As soon as they walked out of the portals, they used frost arrows and blizzards on the demons.

Grand Duke Hydraxis took a few steps back and began a grand summoning ceremony with several water elementals that he had just summoned.

A war broke out between the two sides.

With the help of Taelan Fordring's halo, the group of heroes began to surround and kill the demons one by one.

The first to fall was a reckless annihilan lord.

Kil'jaeden found that his men were no match for those little bugs. He knew that it was because of Taelan Fordring's holy frost aura and sanctuary. This difficult human was more suitable for large-scale combat than his own strength.

If it weren't for the soft-hearted Tyran Fording who ordered the Alliance's low-level troops to retreat, they would have been even more passive. With the help of Tyran Fording's aura, those little bugs became particularly difficult to deal with. If I can't kill him, then they will definitely lose today!
His reason finally overcame his impulse. Once he killed Taelan Fordring, it would be easy to kill Velen.

"Tyran Fording, die! Doomsday!"

Countless green meteors fell from the sky. As soon as they hit the ground, hellfires appeared. As soon as those huge hellfires appeared, they began to besiege Taelan Fordring.

Taelan Fordring was not to be outdone.

"Fist of Heaven!"

"Fight me. The more servants you summon, the faster you will die. The power you gain is just what I can restrain!"

(End of this chapter)

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