Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 337 Rafaam: If you hit me, I will hit you. Come out and hit me if you dare.

Chapter 337 Rafaam: If you hit me, I will hit you. Come out and hit me if you dare.
Whoa whoa whoa!
The clear cry came from the heavily guarded tree house.

Tirion Fordring's old face finally showed a long-lost smile. Kalandra's face was also filled with happiness. She was only in her forties, but she looked like a fifty-year-old woman. Her forehead and eyes were covered with wrinkles, her cheeks were thin, and the long skirt she usually wore looked even bigger.

It has been almost a year since Taelan Fordring passed away. This was a huge blow to Tirion Fordring and his wife, who had only one son.

When Kalandra thought of his son who was once full of vigor and powerful like a god, he was about to shed a few tears. For them, this year was really like a year.

In fact, the death of a loved one is a huge blow to people. The last moments are hurtful to both parties. If the patient is okay, most of them have a bad temper. Their personality may even change due to the torture of the disease. They will torture their loved ones desperately and say hurtful words.

This kind of torture will allow their loved ones to have peace of mind after their death. Most of them will say:
"At least I've done him justice."

Then the ruthless time will erase all traces of the deceased, his voice, smile, the items he used, his clothes, shoes and socks, and the precious items he left behind.

Once all traces of him have disappeared, the living will gradually find peace.

If the deceased was of a peaceful character or was young, then what he left behind was not only sadness but also regret. This is a cruel mental punishment for his loved ones. Some people may even never forget it for the rest of their lives.

Tirion Fordring was overwhelmed with emotion after hearing the sound of his grandson's birth. He couldn't calm down for a long time. He looked up at the window.

A huge tree in front of the gate swayed its branches in the breeze. The leaves rustled. Everything around seemed to be immersed in a joyous mood. The snow lotus on the windowsill actually bloomed. The snow-white petals bloomed in the cold air provided by the magic circle.

As the child's crying was heard, the magic circle outside the tree house also emitted green light.

A beam of milky white energy fell from the sky into the delivery room. Tirion Fordring was filled with joy and surprise.

Soon, the door opened.

Tyrande Whisperwind, the high priest of the night elves, walked out with brisk steps. The forehead of this powerful transcendent was also covered with sweat.

"It's a boy! Congratulations, both of you."

Kalandra quickly handed over a small red gift box. Gold coins had no practical significance to the high priests, but after spending so much time with humans, they knew that this was a courtesy to express gratitude. The gift box contained more small things.

After Tyrande accepted the gift, Tirion Fordring asked:
"Is Janna okay?"

He watched this child grow up. He watched her grow from an innocent little girl to a big girl. Then he watched her put on her wedding dress and marry his son. And now, she gave birth to the only son of the Fording family.

The affection between them is indescribable. She is more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law.

She and her son grew up together, experienced ups and downs, and entered into marriage with this pure love.

My son is an upright person who never makes mistakes. If he were still alive, how happy would his big family be?
However, fate is unpredictable and things change, and he is gone anyway.

He had been a soldier all his life, but he couldn't even protect his own son. He had been a paladin all his life, but he couldn't heal the pain in his family's hearts.

Tyran Fordring, founder of the Alliance, Grand Marshal of the Crusaders, Titan guardian of the world of Azeroth, and a high-level demigod.

Tirion Fordring was originally a Paladin who kept his promise. Today, life has taught him to cherish his family, live well, watch his grandson grow up, and then die with his wife. This may be the path he wants to take.

The great cause we pursued in the past is now nothing but a mirage. Life is lived by people. Without people, no matter how much gold, silver and treasures we have, they are worthless. Without people, no matter how powerful we are, what good is it? Without people, great achievements are nothing but passing clouds.

Seeing that the two had calmed down a little, Tyrande continued:

“I have to congratulate you again, that child is a natural born demigod!

As soon as he was born, he possessed the Force of Holy Light and the Force of Life.

And just now, the Titan of Azeroth bestowed a blessing.

This child is different from humans. He is an immortal. He will not age or die."

At this time, the door was opened, and several high-ranking generals in military uniforms walked in from outside.

The leader was none other than Baine Bloodhoof, Tyran Fordring's successor and the new Grand Marshal of the Alliance. He was no longer the young man he once was. He had experienced countless intrigues and changes in the world this year. That stubborn kid was now able to shoulder the burden left by his teacher.

Behind him followed a male high elf with pointy ears, Kael'thas Sunstrider. The floating sphere above his head had disappeared. He had also calmed down. He no longer looked worried.

Behind him was an old human, Paladin Ravengarde, a compatriot of Tirion Fordring and one of the five oldest paladins of the Silver Hand. He dedicated his entire life to the Alliance. He never married and lived alone. If it weren't for the World Tree Nordrassil, which blessed the people of the Alliance and greatly extended their lifespans, he might have died.

A body full of hidden injuries and incurable mental illness. Fortunately, they have never defeated this veteran who has fought many battles. Today, he is still strong. But he has taken off his military uniform.

Behind her was Shandris Feathermoon, who had not changed at all. She was still as relaxed as ever. She was considered Baine's deputy, and some people predicted that when Baine Bloodhoof's ten-year term was over, she would take over his position and lead the Alliance's powerful army.

Archdruid Fandral Staghelm certainly would not miss the birth of his young son. He brought his granddaughter to Moonglade very early.

He is a druid, just teleport over here.

Malfurion had aged a lot, and Taelan Fordring had finally become the sun god Anther. The nightmare he had been worried about for years had finally come true. The Alliance had lost its most powerful protector. He didn't dare to say what the future would be like.

But it is definitely not calm.

The battle of the Broken Isles lasted for a full six months. Countless soldiers of the Alliance died in that nightmare land. The final cleanup was very troublesome. Fortunately, with the help of Cairne Bloodhoof, he could still handle it.

This time, Cairne did not come. He stayed in Teldrassil. After the Crusaders returned to the Crossroads, Liadrin was transferred there. The Great Purge began soon.

All the nobles who made mistakes during the Third War were liquidated. No matter what race or person, no one escaped this blow.

The new generation of intellectuals that Tyran Fording had cultivated for nearly twenty years finally took over and took all the important administrative powers into his hands. Under Tyran Fording's instruction, the new military nobles who had surrendered to the old nobles were also hit.

These drastic measures worked, and the Crusaders retained the fruits of victory. The people of the Alliance enjoyed the treatment they deserved, which also led to the prosperity of this multi-ethnic country.

But this action also left a hidden worry. The number of old nobles was huge, and it was impossible to execute them all. Many people were exiled. These people were driven to the edge with hatred. Some Lordaeron nobles even fled to the East Road.

After everyone exchanged greetings, a girl with a pair of beautiful little horns on her head poked her head out of the delivery room. It was the little Draenei girl Zerilla.

She was holding a swaddling baby in her arms.

"Madam, please come in."

Then a group of people walked in one after another.

Jaina is no longer that young girl. She is a mother.

"Thank you all for coming." She simply greeted the guests. Soon she lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. No matter how tired she was, she insisted on letting the child sleep beside her.

Demetria and Jandice Barov looked at Jaina with distress. The baby was quite big, and the delivery was not smooth. Fortunately, she was a powerful demigod. With the help of a powerful priest like Tyrande, she was able to give birth smoothly.

She fell asleep exhausted, and soon tears started to flow from her eyes.

Nearly a year of missing him, 365 days of sadness, almost overwhelmed her. She was not that strong. She was just a woman. Fortunately, she had a child. She had to be optimistic, not angry, and dared not be sad. But that feeling of emptiness always accompanied her.

She often said:
"Once I'm done unloading, I'll go into the Shadow Realm. I'm going to find his father no matter what."

"He made a promise to me for a lifetime. But this life had just begun, and He left. What is this?"

This year was the busiest year for Brian Bronzebeard. He led his people and a large amount of funds approved by his boss to dig up the entire Broken Isles.

He also led a team to break into the Frozen Throne, and in the cold and snowy Northrend, he found his long-lost brother Muradin Bronzebeard. Then he led a multi-racial mixed force to fight against the demon army left by Jintesha.

Brann Bronzebeard performed exceptionally well. He not only unlocked a corner of the magic circle, but also ordered the Draenei Paladin Yrel, the professional gravedigger Rafaam, the red dragon Kristasza, and the black dragon king Blackhorn who loved traveling to besiege Jintesha.

Although the latter was extremely powerful, he could not withstand the siege of a group of high-level heroes.

Finally, Rafaam used the "hybrid bomb" to severely injure Jintaisa. This unscrupulous thief not only blew her up, but also stole the female demon's personal storage bag.

Rafaam's risky theft allowed him to join the Jana Universe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and received a bounty that would make him laugh in the middle of the night. His risky move actually stole a treasure that Jin Taisha carried with her. Communication across the distant starry sky is very difficult, it requires a positioning device and energy.

Kalandra hurried in to take care of Jaina, who had fallen asleep, while Tirion Fording went to look after the only child of the Fording family.

He was a sturdy boy, with a much better-looking face than the average child, and a vague resemblance to Taelan Fording. He did not suck his fingers like the average child. Instead, he clenched one hand into a fist and tightly grasped one of Zerilla's fingers with the other.

There is a crystal clear Azerite crystal between his eyebrows.

As soon as Tirion Fording approached Him, he felt that there was a powerful energy source in that small body. That power would slowly activate as He grew up. And the gem contained a powerful power. It was waiting for an opportunity, and old Fording felt that as long as someone threatened Him, the power inside would be immediately activated.

This is a blessing from the Titan of Azeroth, and also a compensation for Tyran Fording's achievements.

Kalandra wiped away the tears from the corners of Jaina's eyes distressedly, tucked in the quilt for her, and then looked around the delivery room. In the closet, there was a dress of her son and a white shirt that he often wore. She could understand her feelings.

This child came to this family when she was a teenager and never left. Now her husband, who had grown up with her, has left her. She feels very uncomfortable. It's like someone has dug a piece out of her heart.

Taelan Fordring didn't just die, he was replaced by another consciousness. It's all because of that woman in the sky and that damn dragon. Everyone knows that all the tragedies come from that ring.

Brian Bronzebeard, who went to Northrend to dig graves, had already told Jaina about the shattering of the World Wall. It was because Jinteisa escaped into that magic circle that she was able to avoid Rafaam's big bomb.

In the distant Northrend, the wind is still cold and the snow is falling heavily.

Rafaam was wearing a beautiful Alliance uniform and a traditional hat. He looked gloomy, no longer as crazy and excited as before. Behind him stood several expedition leaders. There were humans, elves, dwarves, and even a few of Rafaam's own people.

The damn device had already been activated. This made the support Rafaam had just requested useless. The team of archmages had no other options.

"This thing is a scourge. It's draining the power from our world."

As soon as he finished speaking, something similar to the device rising from the ground appeared in the broken sky. They were like mirrors. Then the whole world shook.

Nobundo, wearing a full set of armor, covered his forehead in pain: "The earth is dying, and the soul of the world is crying."

Luo Ning said dissatisfiedly: "It's all your fault. The big bomb was set off too slowly. If it had been faster, that damn woman would have been blown to death."

Rafaam said unhappily, "That thing is very difficult to control. If you are not careful, it will blow up your own people. That dreadlord is also very cunning.

But there won’t be a next time.”

At this time, a virtual spirit said, "Boss, we finally got a new home. We also recruited a group of good guys and were ready to do something big. How could it be ruined by that stinky woman?"

They had had enough of the days of drifting in the stars, which were not only dangerous, but also exploited by those powerful financial groups. They actually collected protection fees from interstellar pirates!

Rafaam said fiercely:

"You want to steal my business? No way! I'm going to send an energy siphon device! He stole ours, so I'll steal theirs. Anyway, she doesn't dare to come out."

The void elves immediately became excited, and they inserted the newly acquired Azerite crystals into the void elves' magic circle.

Soon the sky darkened, and Rafaam's flagship was teleported over. In a moment, the Frozen Throne became a high-tech product base. Pink pipes were built one after another. The bold Rafaam began to build an energy station blatantly.

So many great wizards cannot break the magic circle, but it is very easy to divert the energy it extracts.

When Jintaisa drained Azeroth's energy, he drained Jintaisa's and lost it back. Although he didn't drain as much as Jintaisa, it was enough to disgust her. Anyway, I'm not feeling well, so don't think about it either. Harming others for personal gain has always been Rafaam's favorite trick.

The Jailer initiated the energy extraction plan, but failed to reverse the situation. Anser still killed Emperor Denathrius under his nose. It turned out that after the Salamene was split in two, its power did not decrease much.

When it came together again, runes of dominance appeared on it. These runes did not bind Anther as they had bound Arthas, but strengthened him.

The Ice Queen's face was livid. Although Anser was not abnormal, and he still suppressed the Jailer with the help of the newly born Salamani, she was very worried. Sylvanas Windrunner was a special demigod. Her life force and death force were integrated into one. She could unconsciously distinguish malice. She was always hostile to the Lord of Arms.

Now something unexpected has happened. However, these runes and the Chain of Domination are the special skills of the Lord of Arms, so it is reasonable to use them to strengthen Anser. She can only wait and see.

Soon the Jailer released the accumulated Azerite power, and a large number of hexagonal energy pits appeared on the ground.

Everyone began to dodge, but at the same time, the warden used his left arm to block the blow of Salamani of Ansir.

He swung his right hammer heavily. Countless chains shot out at him. All those who were avoiding the energy traps on the ground were shot, and they were pulled towards the warden by the chains of domination.

At the same time, the energy trap on the ground began to explode.

Anser didn't expect that the warden would dare to withstand his attack.

The depth of the feelings between people cannot be seen at ordinary times. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He did not care about protecting the Lord of Arms and the eldest daughter. Instead, he flashed in front of the Ice Queen. He raised his left hand and summoned a holy light to isolate the warden from everyone. Then he waved Sarameni to cut off the chain that the warden Zoval was holding the Ice Queen.

Logically speaking, the Chain of Domination could not be cut off. Fortunately, Anser's mysterious level was higher than the Jailer. With the simultaneous explosion of the power of the void and the holy light, He cut the chain with one sword.

The Lord of Soldiers in the distance looked at Anser in surprise. He had not expected that the warden was so fierce that he dared to take Anser's attack head-on.

But He instantly saw the chance to win! He didn't have time to think too much. The opportunity was right in front of him. He waved his staff, and countless white rune chains flew out of his hand. Those chains seemed to have eyes and connected with the chains of the warden who failed to catch anyone.

The warden struggled desperately. It turned out that once the chains were connected by the Lord of Arms, it was difficult to break them. And he himself was injured. He was imprisoned.

“Anser, leave her alone.

Attack the Jailer quickly, his mark is on his chest. Dig him out! "

It turned out that the bulge on the warden's chest that had been repaired by two-fifths was where the mark was.

Anser still hesitated for a second, helping the Ice Queen block the destructive energy gushing out from under her feet.

Then He appeared in front of the warden in an instant.

Sarameni, holding the sword high up, flashed with light, and stabbed the sword into the hole in the warden's chest.


Zoval's cries of pain mixed with the screams of those just killed by his burst of Azerite energy.

The marks of the Arbitrator and Zoval all fell into Anther's hands.

The Lord of Arms felt relieved. All the marks were in place. All that was left was to open the gate of Zaremetis and get the last legacy.

Great things are about to be accomplished.

Although the warden's mark was taken away, Anser's hesitation to protect the Ice Queen finally gave him a chance.

He once again used the magic circle to draw the power of Azeroth.

He was half defeated, but it didn't matter, He could still perish together with me! Anser, you are a lecher and a womanizer. You finally gave me the chance to perish together with me!

However, when the magic circle was blocked, the energy transmitted was half less than expected.

"This is impossible! Denathrius, you bastard. You lied to me!"

A portal suddenly opened and the warden walked in. These bad guys are difficult to kill and they always seize the opportunity to escape.

The Lord of Arms secretly sighed that it was a pity. However, since he had lost the mark, he could only sit and wait for death.

But He had already seen what kind of person Ansher was.

Just wait for the flowers to bloom!

(End of this chapter)

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