Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 338 Master of Strategy

Chapter 338 Master of Strategy
With Zoval gone, the battle ended, and Castle Nathria had a new master.

Renathal took over the position of Emperor Denathrius and became the master of Revendreth. The former glory was gone.

Nothing can remain unchanged forever, and nothing can be strong forever.

Time is the most fair thing. No matter how rich or powerful you are, every day still counts 1,440 minutes.

Time is the most ruthless thing. No matter how powerful you are, and how far you can go, you will still be nothing but a pile of dust after a hundred years.

The emperor is gone, but the sword remains. The Lord of Arms finally got the sword. He planned to take out the sword spirit, Remonia, but she was very stubborn and refused to leave. She chose to stick to her master.

Even though his hands were covered in blood and he was full of sins, she still chose to stay with him. Loyalty is the last beauty in the world.

The leader said: "We don't have time to slowly deal with Remonia. The most urgent task is to open the gate of Zaremetis.

Use the divine legacy within to disable that dangerous device."

He imprisoned the sword casually.

Anser's attention was not on the Lord of Soldiers. He was staring at the gate.

Sylvanas Windrunner is not coming back!
He is the most powerful ranger. And the warden has been defeated, he must have hidden in the Tower of Damned Souls. He is like a dying patient, either gamble everything or hide and never come out.

Sylvanas won't be caught? Anser couldn't sit still any longer.

When people are in a hurry, they often lose the ability to think. When someone you care about is in trouble, you will be confused because of your concern, especially for someone like Anser who is straightforward, it is even more difficult for him to tolerate the people he cares about being hurt.

His moral bottom line prevented him from abandoning his companions. All along the way, Sylvanas followed him step by step, thinking of him in everything. He risked his life to go to the Maw for him. He couldn't just sit there and wait. This was a torment.

People's work styles and codes of conduct often vary greatly. Take borrowing money for example: some people can use other people's money with a clear conscience, and will not take the initiative to return the money to you even if they have overcome the crisis. However, some people will be eager to pay off their debts once they have overcome the crisis. If they wait one more day, they will feel uncomfortable.

Anser is the kind of person who never owes money to others, and he will never give up on his friends.

The Ice Queen felt bad when she saw Anser fidgeting. This time when Anser came back, she felt that he had changed a lot. In the past, he never stayed with other opposite sexes. He didn't care about other opposite sexes. But he left Jaina. Sylvanas Windrunner followed behind him.

She is also a very outstanding woman. In the eyes of some people, she is a very good candidate for a spouse. Although Anser did not make any intimate moves with her, he actually allowed Sylvanas Windrunner to enter his birthplace and accepted her calling his name wrong.

That woman loved Him, there was no doubt about that. Otherwise why would she have come to the kingdom of the dead?
Anser, you can't leave me. And you can't be with Sylvanas. But what can He do to Sylvanas? Everything is about to be settled. There are many days ahead. The world changes, who knows what He will choose in the future?

What should I do? Should I kill Sylvanas like Denathrius did? Would Anser be angry if that happened? Although there were plenty of women for Anser. The Eternal One wouldn't care about such a thing. But He was just unhappy.

Many things can be shared. But not love. Love is selfish. It is the mutual possession of two people.

New love is like flawless porcelain or a bright mirror, it is seamless and has no flaws. If there are any, it is not love, it is compromise.

Every misunderstanding and mistake in the future will leave a scar on it. This scar can never be repaired. Although it may not break, those betrayals and ambiguities are like a smear of mosquito blood on a white wall, so dazzling.

Love can never be restored. It can be restored because it has never been broken.

The Queen of Winter kept looking at Anser. She hoped that he would consider the overall situation and solve the trouble of Zaremetis first. But she was also afraid that he would sacrifice Sylvanas Windrunner for the overall situation. Because such ruthlessness would definitely fall on her head in the future.

In fact, she had already felt the difference in Anser. During the battle just now, Anser gave up the chance to kill Zoval in order to block Zoval's attack for her. If it was the old him, for the sake of his mother's instructions, he would definitely let Zoval attack him and then kill the enemy with one sword.

Various thoughts kept rolling around in her mind, messing up her thoughts. She even forgot to mention the sword.

The military leader standing aside reminded:
"Your Highness Anser, what we need to do now is to quickly open Zaremetis and get the legacy of the Firstborn."

"As long as we shut down that dangerous device, everything will be solved. Sylvanas Windrunner's safety will also be guaranteed to the greatest extent."

Anser wanted to object: "How can I abandon my friend..."

The military leader, who is a master of strategy, spoke first:
"The Maw is now filled with turbulent energy. All detection spells are incapable of accurately locating Sylvanas. We can only enter the Maw ourselves and slowly search for her."

“We can’t be sure whether she was captured by Zovar. But He can use her to threaten you.

For example, if you were asked to give Him the seal of the covenant, what would you do? "

Anser was stunned. They were close, but Sylvanas Windrunner was not that girl after all...

He could get hurt to protect her, but he couldn't give up his mission for her. Or even give up the whole world. He was influenced too much by Taelan Fording. Countless epochs passed, and he realized that the only people who can remember you are those who love you.

This is also the reason why Anser gave up killing Zoval and chose to protect the Ice Queen.

He found that he and Tailan were both like chess pieces in the hands of others. They had no freedom, no self, and were constantly faced with difficult choices.

The results of a choice made willingly and a choice made under duress may be exactly the same, but the feelings in your heart are completely different.

Anser silently felt his physical condition. Killing Denathrius calmed his angry soul. The change in his mentality allowed him to break through the shackles of the past. His recovery ability improved again.

"Let us prepare to go to Zaremetis tomorrow. Destroy the device as soon as possible. Then eliminate the Jailer. Let the Shadowlands return to peace."

After saying this, Anser was about to turn around and leave. The Ice Queen stood up and wanted to remind Anser something.

Zaremetis is not a safe place.

But the Lord of Arms stopped the Ice Queen. The latter was stunned for a moment and did not speak. Instead, she waited for the Lord of Arms to give an explanation.

After watching Anser leave, the Lord of Arms told him the reason.

"This is a good opportunity to kill the Jailer. That magic circle is definitely not simple. It can not only extract the energy of the soul of Azeroth. It can even reshape a new world. The Jailer must have set a trap in it."

“Instead of attacking there, it is better to let Him out. His dream should be to reshape this multiverse, and then break the limitations of the Eternals, become a true Titan, and then rule the entire world.”

The eldest daughter is someone who follows the rules even more strictly than the Ice Queen.

"We don't know whether it's safe in there or not. We can't let Anser take the risk alone. The orcs you sent in haven't come back yet. Doesn't that prove something is wrong?"

The commander's face was calm:

"It's very dangerous there for others, but not for Anther who holds the Ring of Zaremetis Primordial. He is different from us. That place is Anther's home."

"He is part of the mother's body. How could he be in danger?"

"As for the runes on Anser's sword, they are just an amplification. They will not affect His Highness Anser."

Instead of waiting for the Ice Queen to question him, it would be better to speak out about it openly. After all, Anser was not affected at all.

The eldest daughter was silent, but Pelagos was secretly watching the Lord of Arms. He was very worried about the runes of the Lord of Arms. Because he was a Kyrian, he was very sensitive to the power of the soul, and he was deeply afraid of the power of the Lord of Arms's Chain of Domination.

More importantly, the Lord of Arms is a master of strategy. Could He really not foresee the warden's betrayal? What about His Soul Eye?

But Anser didn't react at all. This made him hide his worries in his heart. After all, he was not an eternal being, and many things were not his responsibility.

In the end, he left with Gristia. Pelagius could only tell his eldest daughter his thoughts. The Eternal One agreed with his concerns. But He was worried about more than that.

“We may be on the wrong track.”

Pelagius looked at Gristia in confusion. Ever since Devos and Uther left them, the eldest daughter often fell into deep thought.

Originally, she was the most pious and loyal believer of the Primordial Mother Goddess. She firmly enforced the rules set when the Death Pantheon was first established. She was the embodiment of loyalty, and she also had her own mark.

However, the key to open the Holy Tomb did not require her seal. This made Him very disappointed. Coupled with the departure of the loyal Saint Jedworth, He began to doubt himself.

"What did you say? You have always been loyal to your duties, and His Highness Anser has recognized you. He has never doubted you since his return."

Gristia did not respond.

"Everything is changing, but we never change. Is this really true? We screen and judge those souls according to rigid rules, but never consider the difference between their behavior and their inner heart." "Originally, Mother built this place to protect Azeroth and fight against the Lord of the Void.

But they have all changed. They have become indifferent to their missions, and instead have become crazy about extracting the anima of those mortal souls."

Pelagos wanted to interrupt him. Now was not the time to think about the good and bad of the past system. Ensuring Anser's safety was the most important thing. Once Anser was in trouble, it would be too late to say anything.

On the surface, the Shadow Realm has been settled, and all that is left is for Anser to retrieve the God's Legacy and deal with the rebellious warden. But is this really the case?
But he was just an ordinary Kyrian, and his status was very different from that of the eldest daughter. He could only wait for Him to finish.

"Let's not talk about the Maw. That's where the souls who committed the most heinous crimes are punished. Revendreth is even worse than the Maw.

Those Stoneborn, Venthyr, and Nathrezim. They are all extremely sinful. That place is a place for atonement, not a place to exploit anima."

Pelagius no longer wanted to tolerate his eldest daughter's dissatisfaction with the Shadow Realm system.

"My lady, those things happened after His Highness Anser led us to quell the rebellion in the Shadow Realm. When the time comes, you only need to tell His Highness Anser these words. He will make the decision immediately. Renathal is completely different from Denathrius. He will obey His Highness's orders immediately.

What we need now is to ensure that His Highness Anser gets the item safely."

"Now everyone is focusing on the fate of the Shadow Realm. But this is not just about the Shadow Realm. It concerns the fate of the entire material universe.

The Void Lord is growing stronger. Only the Titans of Azeroth can stand against him."

The eldest daughter was suddenly stuck. Yes, everyone was fighting for their own interests. Except for Anser, I'm afraid no one paid attention to the ultimate enemy.

As a master of strategy, the Lord of Arms kept his eyes on the Holy Tomb, as if everything would be fine as long as he got the inheritance.

The Jailer is just like him, only more so. He is plotting to reshape the world.

Denathrius was trying his best to strengthen himself. As the leader of the Kyrian, he could feel that Denathrius was not completely dead, and that the long sword made of some unknown thing had been protecting his soul.

Anser has too many character flaws. Sometimes he is indecisive, sometimes he is simple and rude. He is stubborn and inflexible. He is trapped in the love affairs of his children.

Gristia can still feel the love that Anser has for a certain girl in his soul.

The Ice Queen looks cold as ice, but she is actually warm inside. She has always been obsessed with Anser. Her every move can stir her up. Now she is probably at a loss.

The clever Sylvanas has disappeared again, and no one knows whether she was captured by the Jailer or swallowed by some unknown monster.

The Shadow Realm is not like other places. There are all kinds of monsters and demons here.

Seeing Him daydreaming again, Pelagius felt tired.

"Madam, don't you think His Highness Anser is abnormal? He was so easily persuaded by the Lord of Arms!
According to His character, He should rush to the Maw and block the gate of Zoval."

The eldest daughter was startled. She felt cold sweat on her back and her wings were lifted high. She was also a Kyrian. If Pelagos could feel it, how could she not feel it? Once some things were revealed and the inertial thinking was broken, those difficult problems would be solved immediately.

"Zovaar is not right either. If he really captured Sylvanas, He should have come looking for him."

So it wasn't Zovar who captured Sylvanas.

Pelagius continued, "I'm afraid Sylvanas wants to hide. She is very smart."


"You have all lived through countless years, and experienced countless betrayals and battles. Only Anser is not like that. He died, and then came back to life." He wanted to say:

"Anser is not suitable to lead the Shadow Realm at all, but Taelan Fording is a good candidate."

My Lord, don't blame me, you owe it to Taelan Fordring! The world needs him, not you who are always so impulsive.

Hopefully He will come back, it's so hard.

"As long as Lady Sylvanas doesn't show up, no one can find her in the Maw. His Highness Anser will suspect everyone except the Ice Queen."

As for why the eldest daughter was not surprised that the Jailer knew Sylvanas's identity and thoughts.

The warden used to be an arbitrator! You can doubt His character, but you cannot doubt His ability.

"This will make His Highness Anser more alert? Should we go find Him?"

Pelagius held his forehead and said, "The Lord of Arms and the Ice Queen are guarding there. What can we say?"

"Then what should we do?"

Pelagius really wants to say that you bunch of second-generation rich kids, except for the cunning Denathrius and the shrewd Lord of Arms, are living too smoothly.

"Send out the Kyrians to bring back Lady Jaina Proudmoore, the true spouse of His Highness Anther!

Only she can truly influence His Highness Anser. "Pelagos will not tell his eldest daughter that Anser and Tailan are merging more and more deeply. Something is about to awaken. It will make the final choice.


It seems that in the original world, the ordinary little blue man is really capable. No wonder he can become the new arbitrator, and the Lord of Arms has to personally put the crown of dominance on him.

Neither of them doubted that Lady Jaina Proudmoore would refuse to come to the Shadowlands. That was impossible.

The Lord of Arms and the Ice Queen exchanged a few words and then left.

the next day.

Everyone gathered in Ardenweald and set off to Zaremetis. With the protection of Anther's Wall of Sighs, they did not encounter any risks, just as the Lord of Arms said.

Anser was not a fool. He guessed that the Jailer would not be willing to wait for death in the Tower of Sinful Souls in the Devouring Abyss. He would definitely choose to go all out.

The brother who was not completely dead was imprisoned by the Lord of Arms, and the energy had been eroding Lemonia. It was just that the sword was made of special materials, so there was no way to deal with him for the time being. Otherwise, he would have come here to take a look.

However, He lived a long life, but He had few experiences. He was always in a state of silence, and He was out of touch with the world.

Five sigils flew out of Anser's hand, forming a pentagram in the air. The stars spun into the ring of Zaremetis, which shone.

At this moment, a huge hammer ruthlessly smashed down from the void. The door was about to open, and Anser's mission was completed! It was time to reveal the mystery.

Suddenly someone said:

"Anser, our battle is not over yet!"

A huge red sword flew over from the void.

At the same time, a giant fortress also moved out from the void.

Everyone was shocked.

Naxxramas! It is said that he is a Titan creation. Why did he come here?

The eldest daughter's nervous expression finally relaxed. Fortunately, she was also thinking about her husband. Pelagius's plan was accomplished so easily.

Just as she was relieved, the Ice Queen's heart was tangled. Why did she come? She didn't come at first, but she came now?
Just as Gristia's heart calmed down, she heard a familiar voice:
“That’s great! Thank you, Cristia.

I have to thank you for sending me all the props I needed."

"A grand show is about to begin! All the actors are in place. This is the pinnacle of strategy. This is the stage that determines the direction of the entire world!"

"Little guys, are you ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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