Chapter 53 Makgora
Raynor looked at the Zul'Matha trolls lined up in neat rows, and his mouth was bitter. The Zul'Matha trolls had never been so organized, they had always been a loose tribe. If they won, they would rush forward, and if they lost, they would scatter.

Bridget said, "This is trouble! This is a small army. It seems that the Zul'Matha trolls have changed their masters. They should be called Amani trolls now, but the number is obviously wrong, it's too small.

I heard that the leader of the Amani trolls is a veteran of many battles, his name is Zul'jin, and he is a legendary warlord! "

Demetria said, "There are no overlords here! Keep going. I hope the Grand Knight will recruit the knights of the Order of the Silver Hand as soon as possible because you are his childhood playmate."

Looking at this group of trolls, they were in neat formation, not fighting separately like before. The troll warriors were at the front. Behind them were the sorcerers, and behind them were two shamans. At the back stood two trolls, one of whom was tall and well-armored, obviously different from the Zul'Matha trolls.

Next to it was Zubrin Twisted Branch, and the trolls following behind were all wearing neat armor. The young tall troll said something to Twisted Branch, and then Twisted Branch shouted loudly! The entire troll team began to advance in an orderly manner! The disobedient guys in the team were whipped by the sorcerers!
They moved slowly but determinedly towards the valley entrance.

Bridget frowned and whispered, "They are using us as a training ground. Once they get their way, we'll be dead."

As the sun rose higher in the sky, the White Lady and the Blue Child reluctantly disappeared below the horizon. The trolls finally got used to the commands, and they began to attack the mountain pass in an orderly manner. With the support of Twisted Branch's healing waves, casualties continued to decrease.

Moreover, most of their casualties were caused by Renault and his men using their rage and holy seal's extraordinary abilities.

The trolls began to work together smoothly. The seriously injured warriors moved back while the shamans treated them! The sorcerer kept harassing the three priests led by Demetria with curses! Soon, only Demetria could provide efficient treatment.

Raynor shouted angrily: "Agamemand! Pay attention to controlling your mana. As a priest, you should read the big healing in advance and use Power Word: Shield and Recovery more often."

Agamand has always been "straightforward" and almost couldn't suppress his dissatisfaction with Renault!
"You are just as hateful as my brother, arrogant and self-deprecating."

Raynor certainly didn't know what was in Agamand's mind. He was trying hard to resist the attack of the trolls, and a small leader and a sorcerer were targeting him.

The battle continued! There were casualties in Renault's team again! Bob Barnir was first hit by a spell, and then he wandered aimlessly! But he went in the direction of the troll. Renault had no choice but to push the front line forward to protect Barnir.

But at this time, Niuzhi released a lightning chain. Reno, who was eager to save people, was paralyzed by lightning. A tall troll leader jumped and cut off Baniel's head. This sword took the life of the heir of the Baniel family, and then several trolls wanted to take Baniel's body away.

You know, trolls eat people! Raynor watched as the trolls were about to drag away Barnil's body. He swung his weapon hard, expending precious rage and using Cleave. He beat back the two trolls in front of him and took back the body! The price was two scars on his body.

Demetria did not blame Raynor for his recklessness, but she was under more pressure. As the captain of the priests in the team, she not only had the responsibility of being the main healer, but also had to dispel the witchcraft and command several other healers.

Not every trainee member of the Silver Hand is a Paladin who can use Flash of Light, there are also ordinary knights. And the Greater Holy Light requires calling upon Holy Light, which is what Taelan Fording calls the reading bar.

Therefore, skills that can be cast instantly are all good skills! And skills like Zeal, which have no pre-casting time, no long casting buffer, and even no post-casting time, are really amazing skills, so its hit rate is touching.

The real rule-based skill heavy attack has low skill damage. In the absence of crushing attack equipment support, it is entirely dependent on the true damage attached to the Nephalem talent to hit the enemy.

A good healer will always pre-read a large treatment. Usually use recovery and Power Word: Shield more often.

Fortunately, as an advanced class, the Paladin has a wealth of protective means. When the two groups cooperate with each other, these abilities have a powerful effect. The battle continues, and the trolls have lost a lot of manpower. As for injuries, they don't care. The trolls' regeneration talent is very powerful, and some can even regenerate fingers or limbs.

Demetria's main healing method has changed from Word of Shield to Restoration. She began to save her mana. Because the trolls have become proficient in cooperation. Their leader no longer wants to bear casualties. The troll with unique clothing walked towards the valley from the back. The troll warriors immediately stopped attacking and threw short spears instead!
In fact, the trolls are a very smart race. They threw their spears at Demetria because the priests had no mana left, which caused their treatment to be intermittent.

Demetria seems to have the ability to foresee the future, and she can always dodge those fatal attacks. Use the Power Word Shield to withstand some attacks that cannot be avoided.

Renault didn't want a girl to stand in front of him. He stood in front of Demetria! At this time, the tall troll commander came over.

Although most trolls are hunchbacked, he is still much taller than Reno! He suddenly jumped up and slashed down with his two-handed giant sword! Reno quickly took out his shield and blocked the powerful blow! There was a loud bang, and Reno's hands trembled a little.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bridget quickly took out a full-body shield, raised the huge shield, and slammed it to the ground with a clang, protecting Demetrius behind her!
But she didn't dare to go up to help Raynor! Because the small group of Zul'Aman trolls had stopped throwing spears, and the equipment and training of the Zul'Matha trolls were much worse than those of the Zul'Aman trolls. They also stopped attacking and began to cheer for the tall troll.

Bridget was a little confused. The troll clearly had the upper hand, so why did he come out to challenge?
This challenge is a bit like the orcs' Mak'gora, an alternative battlefield duel. Once you break the rules, don't blame them for bullying you with your numbers.

Renault knew that he had underestimated this troll. He was tall and thin. But when he came closer, his warrior instinct told him that this troll should be very high, probably level 5 or even level 6. That means he might be over level 50!

With the help of my professional advantages and excellent equipment, I can fight it, but my strength and recovery ability are definitely much worse than its opponent.

Now is not the time to think about this. Only by taking care of the present can there be a future. I hope that the great knight can really come to save him.

The battle continued. The tall troll seemed to be trying to establish his authority among the Zul'Matha trolls. He did not use any voodoo magic, but only used the abilities of a warrior.

Renault tried his best to avoid the opponent's frontal attack, but he would lose if he defended for too long.

Finally, the shield and the giant sword collided head-on, and his hand went numb. The shield flew out of his hand, and the troll launched a heroic attack. Renault had to hold the sword with both hands to block the attack! The two weapons intersected, and Renault was pushed back a step. He didn't dare to dodge backwards. He could only hold on and move forward. At this time, the troll slashed horizontally with his two-handed sword, and then turned it into a diagonal strike, which directly sent Renault's sword flying. He instinctively launched a thunder strike to try to slow down the opponent. After all, everyone had broken tendons. The speed was not very fast.

But the troll was tall and had long legs, so he kicked him in the abdomen. Renault groaned, his body flew into the air and hit a big tree, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Demetria ignored Makgora's rules and called out a beam of holy light. She couldn't just watch him die in front of her.

The troll warrior turned his head and looked at Demetria. Suddenly, he raised his hands. A strange icon appeared above his head. Then he rushed towards Demetria in an instant. She only had time to cast the Power Shield on herself!

Then he saw the ugly face of the troll swiftly bypass the shield standing on the ground and appear in front of him, brandishing his weapon with a grim smile.

That smile seemed to be mocking her arrogance.

 Today I am in a hurry, so I will post it first and then revise it. Thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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