Chapter 54 Great Knight

Disturbing a Mak'gora is an insult to a warrior! The troll switched to a violent state and approached Demetria with an interception. After Demetria's Word of Shield was cast, she only gained a negative effect of Soul Weakness.

The Power Word Shield only took one hit before disappearing. Demetria was a powerful Discipline Priest with many metamagic skills. When she saw the warrior approaching, she knew that the next blow would most likely be a hamstring.

Bridget was worthy of being a high-ranking lord and commander of the Scarlet Crusade. She immediately swung her weapon and preemptively attacked the troll with a hamstring attack. She was expecting an enhanced hamstring attack. Unfortunately, due to the level difference, she only caused damage to the troll, and the hamstring effect was resisted.

Demetria used this opportunity to launch a Psychic Scream.

The troll leader was frightened for only a moment before recovering. He leaped and slashed, hitting Bridget's shield, and then kicked her away! Only then did Bridget realize how much pressure Renault was under.

At this time, Bridget was still wondering why it didn't let the trolls besiege them? If it was her...

After knocking Bridget away, he raised his sword again and slashed horizontally! Bridget was hit, and after recovering, she immediately intercepted. She knew that she couldn't let Demetria face a senior warrior directly.

The Holy Light still hadn't arrived. After the troll was intercepted, he was stunned for only a very short time. When he saw Bridget coming to disrupt the situation again, he simply gave up the idea of ​​dealing with her alone.

He launched a whirlwind slash, his body spinning at high speed, combined with the giant sword, creating a storm of death! Bridget blocked it with her sword. Then the weapon was knocked away, and the long sword opened a long gash in her abdomen.

She immediately collapsed. In fact, the human body is very fragile. Medivh died from the fatal attack of the weapon when he was too proud of himself.

The movies we usually watch are all lies. When you go against solid wooden tables, chairs and benches, nine out of ten people will fail.

Demetria was also hit by the giant sword, and her arms and chest were cut.

Then she saw a red light coming out of the warrior's hand! The weapon seemed to be surrounded by a trace of blood red. She thought it must be a fatal blow or a beheading.

Execute, the warrior tries to kill a target with health less than 20%, which will cause huge physical damage to the target.

She thought about the prophecy she had made yesterday, and she had no premonition of death. Now it seemed that her so-called prophecies were all false.

No wonder Bridget called me a charlatan.

She closed her eyes, waiting for death to come, just like her parents did when they faced the orc soldiers. I hope I can reunite with them when I get there.

At this time, of the remaining six members, except for Renault who had lost his resistance and Bridget who was injured, the others became panicked and their backbone collapsed.

Demetria only heard a "hum" sound, which was the sound of the Power Word Shield being hit by the weapon. Then she saw a counterintuitive Power Word Shield. It ignored the effect of Soul Weakness.

At this time, the occult told her that she had received divine protection. She suddenly began to breathe heavily, and she knew that she was saved.

The Holy Light has finally arrived. Only he can use the Holy Blessing.

At this time, a crisp sound of horse hooves came from not far away. A pure white warhorse ran over from the path! On the horse was a handsome knight, wearing a golden source of order armor, with his mask open.

When Demetria saw this face, he could understand why Jaina kept writing to him.

Such a young Grand Knight is also the youngest Knight Commander since the establishment of the Silver Hand.

He held a war hammer in his hand. The golden armor of the Source of Order was shone by the sun, as if it was coated with a layer of gold. Such a gorgeous armor, worn on his body, did not look out of place at all. The warhorse carried him straight towards Demetria. Then golden spots appeared under the feet of the white warhorse, filling the entire battlefield in a few breaths.

Bridget and Agamand immediately felt their wounds healing. The voodoo spells on their bodies seemed to have come to an end and quickly faded away.

The unique aura of the Great Knight Holy Light: Light of Purification. Not only can it heal injuries, but it can also greatly reduce curses and various negative effects, even toxins. Tyran Fording took a breath. He suppressed his anxiety and finally caught up!

Some time ago, it was the day when Jaina started school. If he didn't go to see her, she would not give up. So he asked for leave to go to Dalaran and also to see his teacher.

It happened to be his turn to finish the course early this time, so he had to settle Jaina and rush back immediately.

As soon as he arrived at Light's Hope Chapel, he received a report from his attendant Karin that Renault's assessment team had lost contact yesterday and the liaison soldiers were unable to contact them.

Taelan Fordring knew something was going to happen. He immediately put on his armor and prepared his weapons. He then recruited a team of Silver Hand Paladins and rushed to Zul'Matha.

There is no mini-map here, let alone coordinates to help. Finding a few people in such a large forest is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Later, they met several teams of adventurers and another team of examiners from the Silver Hand. Taelan Fording divided the map of Zul'Matha into different areas. Finally, Kalin analyzed Raynor's personality and the composition of the team and finally determined the direction.

Given Raynor's stubborn and reckless character, he did not respond to the contact, nor did he send anyone for help. He was probably deep in Zul'Matha. According to the trolls' movements learned from reconnaissance, he knew that the incident should have occurred in the altar area.

So Taelan Fordring immediately asked Davy Farrell to return to the chapel and gather all the forces that could be mobilized. He himself cleared out the trolls and beasts along the way and marched towards the troll altar. This time they would definitely face a large force of Zul'Matha trolls, and they would not be able to do it without enough manpower.

He couldn't go all out and kill all the trolls by himself. There were at least several thousand trolls in Zul'Matha, and there were at least a thousand warriors among them. He had to prepare manpower and move forward step by step. Otherwise, not only would he fail to save Raynor, Bridget and the others, but he would also put the rescuers in danger.

The tactic of adding fuel to the fire is to give away lives, which has always been a taboo in military strategists.

He activated the purification aura. The recovery effect of this aura and its ability to weaken persistent negative effects were simply made for jungle warfare.

Tyran continued to advance while eliminating the troll villages on the road. By the time he met Paris who had arrived from the rear, he had finally assembled a force of 500 men and recruited some independent adventurers.

In the Western countries in the Middle Ages, assembling 500 regular troops at one time was already a big move.

When they arrived near the altar, Tailan found something wrong, that is, there were too few Zul'Matha trolls. They did not gather together, and many trolls even crossed the mountains and entered the deep mountains.

Did the Zul'Matha trolls get wind of this? That was too fast! Did someone tip them off?
The scouts sent out brought back some bad news, that is, they found several trolls who were obviously dressed differently from the Zul'Matha trolls. As a local resident, Kalin immediately said to Tailan: "Great Knight, I suspect that the Amani trolls from Zul'Aman are involved.

Also, will we be judged for mobilizing so many people without authorization?"

Taelan Fording said, "I'm afraid it's not just one hand that's involved. The number of trolls is wrong. The trolls here should have split. This is a good opportunity. As for the trial, if I don't recruit these people, will I have to watch Raynor and his men being killed by the trolls, or be defeated because of too few people? Will I not be judged then? I'm afraid I will be exiled then."

Paris said, "Great Knight, why don't we wait a while?"

"We can't wait. Renault and his men can't hold out for long."

At this time, a scout ran in: "Great Knight, the location has been determined. But there is a troll village ahead."

Such accurate information was thanks to the contribution of Tyran Fording, who recruited many elite hunters and established a scout force.

Taelan Fording said: "You clear the village, Paris, and you are responsible for establishing a stronghold.

Karin and Dawi will lead the remaining people. I will go over to support them first. After you build a stronghold, leave some people behind and then march forward immediately to seize the opportunity. Defeat them and set off!"

 Thanks to Beichao Guojing, 20180221225713043, Yuckwt, Mango Milk Tea, Morning Bell) Evening Drum, Language of the Stars, Deep Freedom, 20201227123422349, 20180606221723265 and other book friends for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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