Chapter 57 Late Rescue

The Zul'Matha trolls have lived in East Wilder for tens of thousands of years.

Even Lordaan, the great pioneer knight of the Solas Empire, could not conquer this place.

However, the kingship is not eternal, let alone a settlement like Zul'Matha on the edge of the Troll Empire.

The Zul'Matha trolls had a glorious past. They once dominated the entire East Wilderness. They were a branch of the Amani trolls.

They built huge altars to worship their Loa spirits.

They formed a powerful army and patrolled the territory day and night. Until they participated in the war between Zul'Aman and humans and long ears.

Today, it can only be confined to a corner of Zul'Matha. The only thing that reminds people of its former glory is probably the altar that will not collapse even if it is another thousand years.

This is why Zubrin Twisted Branch often comes here. The glory of the past and the decline of today make the last great shaman of the tribe worried.

Just the day before yesterday, its last chieftain was killed by the Amani troll commander, Tareshson. Originally, Niuzhi wanted to gather all the tribesmen to kill this group of Amani trolls and avenge the old chieftain!
But when he saw the indifference of his compatriots, his spirit faded.

The Zul'Aman trolls have also fallen into decline. They were driven into the depths of the forest by the ugly long-eared elves, but they still have a few legends. Their chieftain Zul'jin is a hero among the trolls. The sorcerer Jin'do is a powerful spellcaster.

Zubrin Twisted Branch also heard that Zul'Aman had made a great discovery and that they could borrow the power of the gods. Once they succeeded, the trolls would be able to reshape the order of the entire East Road.

He compromised, but at this time, it received a letter. A letter from a human noble, asking it to help get rid of a person. This was not the first time.

But this time the target was a little tricky, because he was the son of a lord, and he was capable of all kinds of evil. He even took possession of a princess by force. The poor princess cried all day long.

The righteous nobleman decided to rescue the princess he loved. He didn't have to do anything, just wait for him to come to him and kill him. He wanted to destroy all the trolls and seize their territory to please the princess.

After the success, they promised that one tenth of the profits from the smuggling business would belong to the trolls. And they would veto any proposal to destroy Zul'Masha.

Zubrin Niuzhi has been making profits from these businesses that help people get rid of harm.

And in yesterday's conversation with Tareshson, it found that he did not come to help Zul'Masha, and killing their chieftain was not Zul'jin's order. The real reason is that it wants to be the troll king of Zul'Masha!

In this case, why not take this opportunity to let Tareshsen prove himself by showing his bravery! All that remains is to wait for the human lord who intends to destroy Zul'Masha to fall into his trap.

It was not stupid. Since the lord could occupy a princess, he must have a territory and a large army. All it had to do was cooperate with them and surround and kill the lord.

The one who did it was Tareshsen, and I just had to watch. What if that lord's army was large in number? Wouldn't the Zul'Masha trolls be in big trouble?

So it ingeniously divided the tribe into two, with one troop led by Gayalai, the strongest and smartest warrior in the tribe, provoking internal strife and then hiding in the mountains with the hunters and some tribesmen.

He took part of the tribe's forces and the new chieftain to prepare to meet their enemies.

However, the course of events was completely different from what had been agreed upon. Although the target did appear, this evil lord actually possessed legendary power.

Although it executed its plan perfectly, the foreign Zul'Aman trolls were doomed. Taresh'Sen also died at the hands of the lord.

But this lord is not so easy to kill. He has a strange aura, and all spells have very little effect on him. Even his magic may not succeed.

Now the target has become a hedgehog, but if he is not killed, those people will definitely find a way to organize a large army to destroy Zul'Masha!

Because of the division of troops, he thought of giving up, but a voice in his heart told him: Kill that guy. Otherwise, he will definitely destroy Zul'Masha!

He felt that the voice was right. It was determined to kill him. Even if it cost everyone here, as long as it killed him, it would leave a way for its descendants to survive.

Demetrius and Bridget led their men out of the battle and fled into the wilderness.

Tyran Fordring stopped Twisted Branch and the Zul'Matha trolls he led. None of the trolls wanted to stay alone to harass Tyran Fordring. And this situation was exactly what Twisted Branch wanted. This was a chance to surround and kill the great knight.

Demetria looked back at the figure that seemed to be covered in holy light. After leaving him, his body immediately sank. Without the support of the halo, the negative effects of some of their vicious sorcery began to affect them again, and their wounds stopped healing.

Demetria left the other two stronger paladins to Bridget and the others, so that they could protect the unconscious Reno. Once they recovered their mana, they could immediately treat everyone's injuries. Angela was a priest, and she was a distant relative of Havenfa. She kept looking back at the tall figure: "He is so powerful! He is worthy of being the pride of Lordaeron, the apprentice of Archbishop Faol.

He and his father, Tirion Fordring, were both noble paladins. Only the princess of Kul Tiras is worthy of him."

Demetria said, "Say less. If Bridget hears you, she will definitely beat you up!"

Agamand rolled his eyes and said frankly, "It's a pity that after today, the Holy Light of Lordaeron will fall. Many nobles in Stratholme will be happy to hear this news."

This statement immediately angered everyone! After all, their lives were saved by Tyran Fordring with his own life. Not everyone is as upright as Agamand.

Demetria has always had a sharp tongue, and her sometimes-correct prophetic ability made her tongue even more powerful: "Devlin Agamand, shut up! Although everyone knows that you are very straightforward and say whatever you want.

Don't worry! I didn't see the vision of Taelan Fordring's fall, but I saw yours!"

"You are better than you let on, and you will defeat your brother, and you will also receive eternal life!"

A dragon has a reverse scale. If you touch it, you will die! Agamand's brother is his reverse scale.

The eldest and second sons are his Achilles' heel! Devlin Agamand tried hard to control his anger. It's not the right time yet. Wait until that soft-hearted guy dies. The anger will burn him. The king will not forgive him. He has no way to defend himself!
But he won't say anything now. He's afraid that he won't be able to control himself and might overdo it.

Demetria has always been smart, and she has just broken through her mental flaw. In addition to the Prayer of Fortitude, she may have awakened other holy light abilities. He didn't even dare to think about it.

"Soul comfort, Agamand! What I got was soul comfort. You'd better take care of yourself in the future. Not everyone can only see the appearance."

"Life is like a play. Some people live truthfully and stick to their own path, like Taelan Fording; some people live hypocritically and stick to their own performance, like you!"

Agamand's face turned red, but he didn't dare to look at Demetria or say anything. She actually knew what he was thinking.

You should know that mind magic is the most terrible magic in the whole world!

Frostbolts, Pyroblasts, and even Blizzards are all inferior to mind magic. Even if you are burned to ashes by a fireball, it is more satisfying than having your mind enslaved by others.

Necromancers are the most respected mages, such as Grand Necromancer North. They can fully control their own power, which is why Kel'Thuzad envies Tyran Fordring.

It's just that these people rely on their talents to make a living. No matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

Whatever you gain, you must lose; everything has a price.

Such people can fully master their own power and become addicted to it. They are particularly prone to depravity. From then on, there is no recovery!
Demetria ignored Agamand and quickened her pace. She still remembered the troll village they bypassed. According to Taelan Fordring's character, he would definitely open up the transportation line first. The reinforcements must be there!

After climbing a hill, they immediately saw a team of several hundred people, led by several paladins. This was a powerful team, and they had just experienced a great battle.

Demetria spotted Carlin Redpath, Taelan Fording's squire knight, at a glance. She immediately arranged for her teammates to return to the village to rest, and then she and Angela, who volunteered, acted as guides for the team!

It turned out that they were attacked by a group of trolls that suddenly rushed out of the forest. There were thousands of trolls in this group, and they included men, women, and children. They seemed to have eaten something wrong, and each troll attacked the knights fearlessly. Fortunately, Kalin was experienced and with the help of several paladins of the Silver Hand, he repelled the attack.

Demetria looked at the broken arms and limbs on the ground. This was simply a war of annihilation. For a loose tribe like the Zul'Masha trolls, it was simply impossible. If the casualties were too high, they would flee.

The whole thing is wrong.

Karin immediately led the reorganized troops and began to march towards the altar.

He broke out in a cold sweat. Demetria had already told him about the wrongs of the trolls. Angela was a careless girl, but her sixth sense was more accurate than the results of ordinary people's thinking. She could often get to the essence of something in one sentence.

She opened her mouth and said, "I think the trolls actually want to kill the Grand Knight himself! Agamand's words were meant to warn the Grand Knight."

Karin said, "The altar is just ahead! Great Knight, please don't be in any danger!"

 Penglai has been a bit busy lately, so I can't make changes until late. Sorry for forgetting.

(End of this chapter)

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