Chapter 58 Holy Freeze
Watching his comrades split up into two groups, a chase began here.

Tyran Fording was not in good condition, and blood was occasionally seen dripping down his golden armor of the Source of Order. It was unclear whether it was his own or the troll's.

The Aura of Purification was no longer enough to restore his lost vitality. He had already taken several bolts of lightning, and many more spears, and was under siege by the united Zul'Matha trolls, and the remaining Amani trolls.

He didn't know at first why these trolls wanted to kill him so much, and he thought of many reasons.

The most likely possibility was that the nobles had colluded with the trolls. And that strange mission made him understand. The bronze dragons were also involved! This was why things were so weird recently. But why did they start interfering now? Why not when he first arrived in Dalaran?

The loss of their leader made the remaining Amani trolls furious. Too many people died, and their hatred made them fearless. More importantly, the powerful enemy was injured, and they were about to succeed!
Twisted Branch also found a way to deal with Tyran Fording, that is, the Earthbound Totem. After such a long battle, it found that this human was very special. All shadow spells and voodoo spells had very little effect on him, such as the powerful frog transformation spell.

But his resistance to natural spells is much lower, for example, his own lightning bolt can cause great damage to him. So it and the remaining two shamans took turns using earthbind totem to deal with him.

Tailan was alone, and no one helped him to remove the totem, which had little durability, which led to him being surrounded in the open space for the first time. He had to use the Holy Shield.

With the help of invincibility, he escaped the siege of the trolls. Then, despite taking damage and consuming mana, he used shockwaves and holy bullets to kill the two low-level shamans. He never wanted to experience that turtle-like speed again.

This battle cost Tyran a great deal. His horse was killed, and his hard source of order armor was ripped in several places. If he could return alive this time, he would have wounds to be proud of.

Now these trolls were also blood-thirsty. They had lost too many people, and the hatred of a thousand years was like a mountain. Especially the spellcasters, except for Twisted Branch, all the other spellcasters were killed.

Shadows began to appear in front of Taelan Fording's eyes. He had overdrawn too much strength and used up all the potions on his body. He was still standing, thanks to Jaina. It was she who thought that tailoring had no future and changed to alchemy.

She often asked Taelan Fordring to take her to collect herbs in Tirisfal and Hillbrad. It turned out that she was very talented! But her weakness was cooking. This seriously affected the taste of the potions she made!

The potions she made were either too sweet, too bitter, or too numbing. And her potion teacher couldn't find any fault with them! Everything was so standard. The effect was amazing!
When Taelan Fordring parted ways with her, she gave him her latest powerful healing potion! She also told him that it was sweet, with the flavor of Stormsong oranges!

Today he finally tasted it, and after drinking it, he immediately became energetic. He estimated that he couldn't even bite tofu.

The bottle of acid saved him, but human power was limited, and he still couldn't kill 500 trolls alone.

It's time, he activated the Holy Freeze!

The trolls felt that they were finally going to kill this terrible man. He was too tough and his damage reduction must be at the Loa level.

I killed their new "chief" in a group of trolls! Well, they won't mention it. I helped a lot.

Several small leaders felt that their chance had come. As long as they killed the human cub, they could take his teeth as a trophy. They could also sacrifice his head to Bwonsamdi, which would surely bring them an unimaginable reward!
And his armor is really hard, it's not ordinary stuff. The new chief is dead. Maybe I will have a chance to get it!
But as soon as they surrounded me, I felt a bone-chilling chill surging through my body, a force that could even freeze my soul.

At this time, Taelan Fording had an ice-blue halo under his feet!
All the trolls were hit by the freezing attack. Ice flowers began to form on their bodies, and a thin layer of ice formed on their bodies. Although they broke free from the thin ice in an instant, their movements became slow.

The reason why he waited until now to activate the Holy Freeze was to give their spellcasters hope and let them get closer to him. Now the only long-range spell attacker left was Twisted Branch.

It had been fighting for a long time. The remaining headhunters had few javelins left. Fortunately, there were not many hunters, and the remaining ones could rely on the high defense and high blocking of the Holy Shield to hold on. The warriors chasing behind Tailan were slowed down by the Holy Ice.

Tailan was really thankful that hunters didn't have Viper Sting yet. This annoying spell was brought to the East Road with the arrival of the Kaldorei. He had to find a way to have his teacher train a team of professionals from special channels to deal with professional spellcasters. And one dwarf would soon have a Kaldorei companion.

These trolls were attacked by the holy ice, and their movements became jerky and extremely uncomfortable.

Taelan Fording tried to switch the auras, so that he could recover while kiting.

Holy Freeze has low damage, but it has a bug-like feature. That is, all beings cannot avoid freezing, even if you cannot freeze.

He wanted to try it sometime. Would the freezing caused by Holy Ice trigger the effect of Ice Breaking? If it could, then all the spells of the Ice Mage would increase the critical strike chance by 50%. It would allow the Mage to have god-like output capabilities.

As far as he knew, Antonidas and Jaina were both great mages who were proficient in transmutation and evocation. In other words, Antonidas's faction should be good at ice spells. And Prince Kael'thas was a master of protection and fire.

So Tyran Fording and Twisted Branch started a life-and-death race. Tyran Fording knew that when his physical strength was exhausted, it would be his death. He was not a perpetual motion machine! Human power has its limits. It all depends on whether the two teams can bring reinforcements.

Taelan Fording had already deviated from the direction. He did not dare to go deep into the jungle, which was the home of the trolls. They were called forest trolls. Moreover, the trolls were really talented. Their regeneration ability completely defeated the holy ice, and no one was frozen to death.

The trolls were not fools, they deliberately drove Tyran into the forest. Tyran Fording did not dare to go into the deep mountains and forests, the bushes were his home.

Aside from the fact that it is the home of the trolls, Azeroth itself has its own demons and monsters. Just because it is not mentioned in the story does not mean that there are none here. Maybe there is a Nathrezim hiding here, or a servant of the Old God or something.

At that point, he could only sacrifice skill points to upgrade vitality skills or strengthen prayer. But if he used too many skill points, he would not be able to upgrade Zealotry and Heaven's Fist at level 30. The rewards from the quests were completely random, and he didn't know when he would be able to find the remains of the Sun God again.

At this moment, a group of tattered trolls suddenly ran out from the forest in front.

Taelan Fording...

You came at the right time. Didn't these trolls flee across the mountains? And why are you wearing such tattered clothes and are you injured? Are there really Nathrezim in the mountains?
The two teams of trolls squeezed Taelan in the middle, and Taelan Fordring felt that old Bwonsamdi was waving at him!
Now it’s just one last gamble. His mission to save Azeroth has failed before it even began!
Just when Tailan was planning to burn his boats and kill one to get his money's worth, suddenly several trolls behind him started to get chaotic! Then he heard his squire knight Karin shouting: "The main force of the trolls is here! Paladins of the Silver Hand! Charge!"

A team of fully armed paladins rode on war horses and arrived first! Behind them were Demetria and the young priest Angela! Angela was from Stratholme! She was born in a civilian family and lived near Faol Cathedral. She was outgoing, a little careless in her words, and quite gossipy. So Havenfa once asked Taelan to take care of her and let her suffer less.

Taking advantage of the chaos behind the trolls, Tyran Fording began to approach Kalin. Only by returning to the team could he survive. He originally thought that the trolls that came later were the interception troops arranged by Niuzhi. But seeing the confused look on the faces of the new trolls, it didn't seem like that.

After this group of trolls determined the situation, some of them suddenly turned around and fled into the forest and disappeared.

They didn't even know why they came here.

You damn dwarf, just wait for me!

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(End of this chapter)

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