Chapter 71 Dinner Party
Happy times always pass quickly, and Taelan Fordring and Jaina spent a pleasant evening.

They discussed magic and whispered to each other. Taelan Fordring also asked Jaina to read the Dragon Codex's records on the mysticism.

Knowledge is never too much. They get along very naturally. Just like family, there is no barrier, and there are no boring and rigid aristocratic etiquette. She doesn't need to lift her skirt to salute, and he doesn't need to show gentlemanly manners. They help each other and rely on each other.

Although Jaina has not experienced more suffering now, she has met more people and understood their lives.

She went to the military camp with Tyran to visit the lieutenant of the great lord, Alton, and listened to his stories about the orc war. She went to the church to visit Havenfa and listened to her talk about her own way of the Holy Light. She went to the Firestone Farm to visit Janis and listened to her stories about the farm. She also recognized the true face of those nobles from Tyran Fording's experience.

Environment can really change a person. She saw Taelan's efforts, Tirion's justice, Havenfa's selflessness, and Janis's kindness. She will not trust anyone easily, nor will she judge anyone easily.

She was more mature and stronger than in her original time and space. She became the apprentice of Archmage Antonidas six years earlier and became a mage at the age of eleven. She was exposed to the world of magic earlier and learned more mystical knowledge, which was the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of dragon race.

A stable relationship allowed her to focus more on learning magic, rather than wasting time on each other. She also wouldn't be sad because Kael'thas called her a secret lover. This allowed her to face all difficulties with more confidence.

College dormitory,

Jaina tried on her gown in front of a mirror, and Jandice played makeshift maid, helping Jaina secure the belt and zip up the back of the gown.

"How is it? This combination is great! Believe me, you will definitely charm him!"

Jaina twisted her body a little bit, not quite used to it. She had been with the Fording family for quite a long time, and their unkempt appearance was beginning to affect her.

But she knew that the Kingdom of Lordaeron advocated blue and white. Most of Taelan Fordring's clothes were blue and white, and she wore a blue dress that really took into account the styles of Kul Tiras and Lordaeron.

The complicated cuff design fits her identity as a Kul Tiras princess. Jandice's noble knowledge is quite impressive.

She not only took into account Jaina's status as a princess, but also considered how she would match up with her male companion.

In fact, the Barov family is a descendant of the nobles of the Arathi Empire, far from being comparable to ordinary noble families.

She received a good education since she was a child. Although Jaina also received a similar education, she later played with Taelan Fording and gradually began to interact with people from all walks of life. She was infected with that casual style.

She was also greatly influenced by Calandra, and she was also somewhat moving in that direction. Her learning of court etiquette was in vain.

In Jandice's eyes, she was just lucky. There were so many beautiful princesses and celebrities in the empire, why was she the only one who was favored by a young legend?

The resources a legend could provide her were beyond the reach of a duke or even a king! For example, some high-level spellcasting materials and the fascinating Dragon Codex, which was a treasure of a great wizard. No amount of money could buy the opportunity to read it.

This time, when Taelan Fordring was promoted to a realm legend, he brought Jaina to the level of the Kirin Tor Council in Dalaran as soon as he arrived in Dalaran.

Even if they were apprentices of great nobles like them, and they were talented, it would take time to accumulate experience if they wanted to attend a gathering of this level. Those who attended the banquet not only had secular power. More importantly, they were all overlords. The masters of powerful extraordinary power were the fulcrum of state relations.

Talking to the people here can give you information and opportunities that others don't expect. And Jaina will get in touch with these people in advance.

She sighed in her heart. Fortunately, she did not get involved in those people's affairs. Her father had always wanted to take revenge on Lordaeron. Now he seemed a little crazy and actually connected with those nobles in Stratholme. If King Terenas knew about this, I wonder if he would be exiled to a deserted island to dig potatoes.

Jaina tidied her clothes and put on a pair of small leather boots. At this time, the maid in the dormitory told her that someone wanted to see her. She said goodbye to Jandice excitedly and wished her a good mood tonight.

When she came outside, she saw Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who was standing outside the door with a smile on his face.

"Dad! Why are you here?"

"I've only been to Dalaran once in the past six months. Did you miss me?"

"Of course!" Jaina walked up quickly and gave her father a hug. Their relationship improved. Tirion and Daelin both loved their children, but their ways were different. Tirion didn't want his children to be what he wanted them to be like, like Daelin did. He wanted them to be happy and have a happy childhood.

He has been teaching by example, asking Taelan Fording to control his behavior and use his power carefully. He also told him that power is the last resort to solve problems, but it is by no means a sledgehammer that can smash any problem.

Dai Lin said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't see that. By the way, I heard that Master Antonidas accepted you as an apprentice in advance?"

"Yes! I successfully constructed a magic circuit last month and communicated with the elemental world.

I am now a full-fledged mage. In a few months, when I have mastered blizzard and cone of ice, I can participate in the Hillbrad Summer Trial!"

"Ah! That's very dangerous. Not only are there many lurking killer spiders, but there are also violent elemental creatures. If you're unlucky, you might even run into a two-headed ogre."

"Of course I know, so I want Tailan to be my squire knight."

"Ha! You call that a trial? That's too much!"


"By the way, daughter, why are you dressed so formally? Is there a social gathering at the Mages Guild?"

"No, there is a party at Violet Castle tonight, and Tailan is going to take me with him. My mentor has already agreed."

"Ha! Really? It seems like we are destined to be father and daughter."

"Dad, have you been invited too?"

"Of course, I just received the invitation letter. They need the support of the Kul Tiras Navy."

"Behave well! This will be of great benefit to your study life in Dalaran."

"I understand, Dad. Tailan will come to pick me up later, shall we go together?"

"It's better not to, after all, he belongs to the Kingdom of Lordaeron. You can join him, after all, he is the protagonist, but it's better for me to go alone."

Jaina nodded, said goodbye to her father, and got on a carriage that was parked in front of the door. It was the carriage of Archmage Krasus.

As soon as she entered the carriage, Jaina felt a cool breeze. The carriage was protected by the Holy Light, and Taelan Fordring was indeed wearing the casual clothes of the Royal Knights of Lordaeron. The blue and white color scheme and the double-headed eagle emblem made him look more stable.

Jaina quickly turned her eyes away and gave a mage salute to Master Krasus who was sitting beside her:
"Mystery is above! Master Krasus, good evening!"

"Mystery is above! Jaina, please sit down. Congratulations on becoming a formal mage so quickly."

Taelan Fording said at the right moment: "Teacher, this is all thanks to the help of your Dragon Codex."

Krasus didn't care. This was just a small accumulation in his long life. For a red dragon with infinite lifespan, this was nothing. It was just that the book itself was special.

He nodded and said, "Books are meant for people to learn from. Otherwise, what's the point of writing them? By the way, was that really a bronze dragon?"

 Thanks to book friend aa1062313725 for the reward!
  Thanks to the monthly tickets from the book friends Chen Qun of Nothing is Impossible. Thanks to all the book friends for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! Thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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