Chapter 72 Price
Taelan Fordring nodded. "Yes, I'm sure it was a bronze dragon, but I don't know who it was. It couldn't be Chromie.

Although she is very active and has been committed to maintaining the timeline, there is no record of her taking action against mortals in the secrets of the code.

And I heard his voice, it was a male dragon. He was much weaker than Chromie."

Crassus frowned. He had been trying to persuade the bronze dragon and the blue dragon to rescue his queen as soon as possible.

But the bronze dragon kept stalling for time. Only the green and blue dragons responded to its call. However, the item was special and the dragons could not use it directly.

Krasus had been selecting his men until he found Taelan Fordring. He decided to forgo the help of the bronze dragon. When he received the magical message from Mordra, he decided to move forward with the expedition immediately.

Tyran Fording has been promoted to a domain-level legend. According to Modra, that powerful holy light spell should be called Emperor's Fall! The power to bring down an emperor.

No known creature, except the Guardian of Tirisfal or a dragon, can withstand a full-strength attack.

Krasus took the Dragon Codex that Taelan Fording had opened. After getting his permission, he turned to the latest page. However, the new spell was not recorded there. He added a newly made page to the codex. Then he returned the codex to Taelan. Obviously, he had made new gains.

Crassus thought for a moment and then asked, "What's the name of the new spell you got? And where did that strange holy flame on you come from?"

Taelan Fording said: "I call it the Fist of Heaven, and that holy flame is produced by the Eight Virtues. It acts on the soul! Is it a magic barrier? An additional effect of the sealing technique? I'm not sure.

The "Eight Virtues" can confine any living being in a holy space."

“How long will it last?”

"Until the target dies, or I die. The one who dies will lose his soul forever. The soul turns into mental energy and flows into an unknown place."

"What a powerful force, what's the price?"

"It will take a long time before the full power of Holy Light can be used again. If it weren't for the inexplicable time, I wouldn't want to use it."

"But if the bronze dragon doesn't know what's good for it, it's only worth 35 heart energy."

He didn't say that he could terminate this ability, nor did he mention its casting buffer time, nor did he say that it could inflict the seven deadly sins on the intruding target.

Because no one knows if there are any extraordinary creatures watching him, especially the omnipresent Nathrezim.

Jaina's eyes sparkled with stars, she admired him a little. A powerful dragon, only worth 35 heart energy.

So domineering, and I heard that it really left at that time and didn't dare to show up in Stratholme.

Tyran Fording knew that he was with Jaina and had delayed the rescue plan for the Red Dragon Queen. This would seriously disrupt the continuation of the timeline!

In order to turn the world back to its original path, the bronze dragons must hope that the red dragon queen will be tortured by the orcs for a few more years. But Taelan Fording believes that a guardian dragon who has fought for the world all his life should not be treated like this.

Not only did he have to rescue Alexstrasza in advance, he also had to test his Nephalem talents. Not everyone wants to live like a puppet. Even the Titans don't have the power to manipulate other people's lives like this.

What's more, Azeroth has its own Titans.

The carriage soon arrived at the Violet Castle, and Tyran Fordring was the first to get off. He politely opened the door for his mentor, then opened the door on Jaina's side. Jaina took his hand and got off the carriage. She then took Tyran Fordring's arm. The two followed Krasus into the banquet hall, which was illuminated by magic lights. Many guests had already arrived.

If Dalaran had not prohibited the use of magic outside the magic laboratory, Taelan Fording believed that these archmages would definitely choose teleportation. This way of appearing is the style of a wizard.

The first thing Tyran saw was a few members of the Kirin Tor Six-Man Council. The most eye-catching one was not the tall and thin Chief Speaker Antonidas, but an elf:
Kael'thas Sunstrider, the elven prince of Quel'Thalas, is handsome and impeccable in every way except that he is too serious.

Three spheres representing arcane power rotated regularly above his head. He was wearing a gorgeous robe of the Archmage of Dalaran. When seeing him, Tailan would think of Ao and the Joy of Fire.

Antonidas was the first to stand up when he saw Tyran Fording walking in with Jaina Proudmoore. He was tall, with more white hair than black, and a kind face. The only flaw was that he was a little bald.

He laughed heartily and said, "Let us welcome Grand Knight Tyran Fordring and Lady Jaina of the Knights of the Silver Hand to attend this banquet!"

Taelan Fordring bowed politely to the Archmage. When he first came to Dalaran, he received the help of Antonidas, which enabled him to successfully obtain the Violet Eye, which was a divine artifact to him.

Because of the relationship between master and disciple, Jaina just bowed seriously and said nothing.

Then Prince Kael'thas came over, and Taelan Fordring extended his hand and shook his hand politely, for they were partners.

Kael'thas's followers are the tutors of Taelan Fordring, who learned a lot of mystical knowledge from the high elves, which makes his mana fluctuations somewhat similar to those of the high elves.

Kael'thas exclaimed, "I never thought that in just four years, Archmage Solanlian's friend has become a legend. Humans are truly an awe-inspiring race!"

Elves with long lives can best understand that difficulty, so they can hold their heads high and look at people through their nostrils, but that does not include a strong one.

Taelan Fording nodded and said, "I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the future!"

Then a strong aroma came! Taelan Fording immediately thought of the letter from his friend the little goblin! He could smell like Jaina's perfume, but Archmage Kel'Thuzad should never smell like perfume!
What he always wondered was why he couldn't sense the power of psychic magic from Kel'Thuzad.

Instead of shaking hands with Kel'Thuzad, he saluted the archmage like a student, and Kel'Thuzad seemed very excited.

He couldn't wait to say: "You are simply a miracle. Can you tell me how you entered the realm?"

Tyran Fording was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have no concept of promotion. He could level up as long as he gained experience. This seemed to be the ability given to him by the Diablo skill system.

Or it could be said that the ability of the Nephalem, this bloodline can master the ultimate power in the dark world.

He looked at the middle-aged wizard who was thirsty for knowledge and power, and said, "I don't really know why. I just keep reading, meditating, and practicing my martial arts every day. When I'm not on duty, I go on adventures and travel. I try to adjust my mindset and maintain a good state of mind. There's nothing else to do."

After thinking for a while, Taelan Fording added: "Power is only what you fully control! And power is not all I pursue!"

He glanced at Jaina. She seemed to have thought of something and blushed!
At this time, a woman came over. She was Modra, a member of the Kirin Tor Council of Six, and she would be the longest-serving councillor.

She was leaning on a staff as long as her body and wearing a gold and purple robe. She didn't look very old. She was actually a student of Antonidas!
However, Tyran Fordring had never liked her, she was more like a politician than a mage. So he just nodded, and then walked to the center of the table with Antonidas, and Jaina and he sat on the right side next to the archmage!

 I had a stomachache last night and was restless all night. I think I will be late today. Post first and edit later!
(End of this chapter)

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