Chapter 86 Chase
Deathwing swallowed several dragon eggs, holding some in his claws.

It did not dare to stop for even a second and flew high into the sky. The Red Dragon Queen transformed into a giant dragon again and lifted up Taelan Fordring.

The blue dragon king Malygos also chased after him and would definitely not be absent in the hunt for Deathwing.

Only then did Taelan Fordring realize that having big wings had its advantages.

The Red Dragon Queen flies faster than Malygos, and Deathwing flies much faster than the Red Dragon Queen. Fortunately, the Dragon Soul is a long-range attack.

Deathwing was hit by the Dragon Soul's full force three times. His armor was shattered and blood was flowing freely. He couldn't even save the dragon eggs in his claws! One of them was saved by Tyran Fordring with the Divine Grip! The others fell into the sea!

Another time, it was almost caught by the light net created by the Dragon Soul.

In the end, Deathwing only managed to save the dragon egg in his mouth, and he escaped to the vicinity of the Great Whirlpool before escaping from the pursuit. He ventured into the unknown fog.

According to the Red Dragon Queen, this injury will take decades to heal, as his essence has been damaged by the power of the five-colored dragon. He can only recover by returning to the lair of the Stone Core.

Its powerful armor was badly damaged, and it would take a long time just to collect materials to repair it.

Taelan Fording sat on the back of the Red Dragon Queen. They flew and stopped, talking and laughing all the way, and returned to Grim Batol three days later.

After spending the past few days together, Taelan Fording and the Red Dragon Queen have become familiar with each other! They can even make some harmless jokes.

Their auras were very similar because of the same meditation method! These days, Taelan Fording turned into a question baby and asked the Red Dragon Queen many questions!
As an elder, the Red Dragon Queen told Taelan Fordring the ancient history.

She was not actually an old dragon; her first mate, the Elder, was much older than she was, so she knew very little about Anther.

But she told Tyran Fording that she knew of a Tauren tribe with a special organization called the Sunwalkers, who worshipped the sun god Anser.

When she has time in the future, she can take him to see the Sunwalker. She still remembers a powerful Tauren warrior named Hun Gaoling! He once used the Pillars of Creation to seal Deathwing underground.

When they returned to Grim Batol, it had been taken over by humans and dwarves. He saw a special person here, who was now staring at Vereesa in a daze.

Duncan Centurus, this guy is still involved in this matter.

The youthful and beautiful Vereesa astounded him! Every day he thought about how to get closer to the goddess in his heart, but he didn't dare to act.

The unfortunate Ronin was wrapped like a dumpling, lying on the bed, his injuries were all on his back. Surrounded by a group of rough men, Vereesa had to take on the task of taking care of him.

When Taelan Fordring and the Dragon Queen returned, he immediately organized a meeting.

As the supreme commander here, he has the responsibility and authority to deal with the finishing touches of the campaign he initiated.

Including clearing out the escaped orcs and distributing the benefits after the war.

Duncan's arrival also represents the Kingdom of Lordaeron's support for Taelan Fordring, and he will participate in the operation to wipe out the orcs.

To put it nicely, it is about dealing with post-war affairs, but in fact it is about distributing benefits.

After all, by retaking Grim Batol, the Alliance's sphere of influence has expanded.

The only orc forces currently active in the Eastern Kingdoms are the former Horde Chieftain Orgrim Doomhammer, who fled not long ago, Grommash Hellscream of the Warsong Clan, and the Blackhand brothers of Blackrock Mountain. Grim Batol cuts off direct traffic between Dun Morogh and Hillsbrad, and seriously threatens the north-south passage of the Thandor Bridge, which is equivalent to strangling the Alliance.

Now that it has been opened, Lordaeron's forces can have more influence on the southern kingdoms and strengthen exchanges with the dwarves, a stable ally. The dwarves and gnomes of Ironforge can provide Lordaeron with a large amount of metal and mechanical products. And Lordaeron's food and minerals are also the materials they need.

Taelan Fordring will distribute this big cake on behalf of the interests of Lordaeron!
After nearly ten days of arguments and discussions, the dust finally settled: the profits from Sador's transportation lifeline would be shared by Lordaeron, Ironforge, and Dalaran.

Lordaeron had thirty percent, Ironforge and the mountain dwarves of Rom shared thirty percent, and Dalaran had ten percent.

The remainder was divided between Stromgarde and Stormwind at the suggestion of Taelan Fordring, because Stromgarde had always supported Lordaeron's policies and their leader had rushed into the Dark Portal to protect the people of the Alliance and had not returned since.

Taelan Fording used his power for personal gain. He secured tax exemption for Kul Tiras. Because they were the beneficiaries of the opening of the North-South Passage, and Kul Tiras also provided part of the funds for this expedition. They also prepared ships. However, the plan changed, the port was destroyed and it was not used. The unlucky brother-in-law was almost killed by the red dragon.

Grim Batol still belongs to the dwarves, after all, it has always been the territory of the dwarves. But Lordaeron will station troops in Thandor and send observers to Grim Batol to strengthen the connection between Lordaeron and the dwarven kingdom and deal with related business disputes in the future.

In addition, Grim Batol has accumulated a large amount of wealth, which was plundered by the Dragonmaw orcs in the world of Azeroth over the years. This income should allow the cash-strapped Alliance to breathe a sigh of relief.

The tax reform in Lordaeron some time ago caused an uproar.

The king announced that in-kind taxes would no longer be levied in the future, which would inevitably lead to a drop in food prices and, in turn, a serious decline in the quality of life of the lower-class people.

It was hoped that this huge fortune would persuade the king to stop enforcing the decree, at least not before the autumn harvest.

As for how the wealth will be distributed this time, we will have to wait for the decision of the alliance meeting held in the throne hall.

This time, Quel'Thalas got an unexpected surprise. Because Vereesa participated in the entire Battle of Grim Batol, the high elves also got permission to pass the Thandor Bridge. They have a great demand for the dwarven metal.

In the past, they obtained these indirectly from Lordaeron, and Lordaeron's forging industry was far inferior to that of the dwarves. But they could forget about the treasures that the orcs had looted from Quel'Thalas.

Terenas, a veteran, will not suffer any loss in distribution. All countries that withdraw from the alliance will not be able to obtain the right to distribute.

The Alliance's distribution meeting had just ended when Taelan Fordring received a magical letter from the Red Dragon Queen.

A higher-level meeting is about to begin, which will determine the future of the entire world, because this meeting will deal with the ownership of a treasure.

Dragon Soul!

It choked the throats of all dragons, and Taelan Fordring received a private message from his teacher, Krasus.

The dragons are already arguing loudly and are even about to fight!
And the bronze dragon that had not appeared before sent out a special envoy, Chronom, and little Chromie finally appeared.

Everyone must be responsible for what they do, even if you are a guardian dragon!

As the holder of the Dragon Soul, Tyran Fordring holds the power to dispose of it. Now the fate of every dragon in Azeroth is in his hands!
After more than ten days of fermentation, the news of Tyran Fordring and the mage Rhonin's expedition has spread throughout Dalaran! As Tyran Fordring's official girlfriend, Jaina has become the focus recently!

 The third update is here, please subscribe!
  The listing was rushed, so Penglai was a bit hectic.

(End of this chapter)

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