Chapter 87 Sunrise
"Congratulations, Jaina!" This was the third blessing Jaina received.

Jadis smiled and said to Jaina: "You really found a treasure. I heard the exact news. He led the dwarves to win the Battle of Grim Batol and has now become a hero of the Alliance!"

Jaina tried her best to appear calm, but she couldn't help but feel a little proud. After all, she was only a teenager, at the age of falling in love, full of curiosity about unknown things, and couldn't completely hide her emotions.

"Yes, I have received a message from my father. He won the Battle of Grim Batol and destroyed the Dragonmaw Clan."

"What's even more amazing is..." She also began to dance with joy, "He saved a great being." She didn't dare to say the name of the Red Dragon Queen. And the outsiders were saying that Tyran Fording saved a great being.

Some say it is an ancient demigod, some say it is a dragon. More people believe it is a dragon, after all, everyone has seen dragons in World War II. It's just that they didn't leave a good impression. And everyone doesn't know what a guardian dragon is.

Jaina thought about her father's words:

"He has obtained the Dragon Soul. He faces a great decision. If he handles it well, he will win the friendship of the dragons."

"If he is not handled properly, he will bring disaster upon himself. There must be many people coveting the power he holds. You must be mentally prepared."

"Sometimes I'd rather he kill all those dragons. Of course, he could also choose to enslave them. The temptation of that kind of power is almost irresistible."

"All kinds of temptations, both overt and covert, will follow."

"It's not easy to stand by his side. There are so many eyes on you. They all want to get in touch with him through you."

"He's so young and he's surrounded by so many sophisticated people."

"You announced your relationship too early. There must be a lot of people who are jealous of you."

Jaina replied: "But now it's here, who can resist? From the moment I decided to pick up that ragdoll cat, everything was doomed."

"I was always worried that he wouldn't admit to the relationship. He was always so distant.

There are rumors out there that she is the secret lover of the future Grand Marshal of the Alliance and the Grand Lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Such ugly words are spread.

I have to thank him for making our story public. He took responsibility instead of escaping it. This is a choice made by both of us. Even if there is no good result, at least we will feel better! "

"I'm sure he will make the right choice."

Dai Lin was stunned for a moment. He was surprised that his daughter could say such a thing. This was not like what a child would say. It seemed that she had thought a lot about it.

"You may not know this, but this has caused controversy in both Kul Tiras and Lordaeron.

In Kul Tiras, some people want you to be together, while others oppose it and would rather you marry and go to Lordaeron."

"Ordinary people in Kul Tiras actually hope that you two can be together. Since the news of your relationship spread, Kul Tiras has been doing well. So much so that the roadside stalls have sold a lot more."

"And the nobles of Lordaeron mentioned Princess Calia Menethil again. They thought it would be best for a princess of Lordaeron to marry a Lordaeron. After all, Princess Calia is beautiful and has a good personality. She is a famous beauty in Lordaeron."

Why do we need other people's consent for our affairs? The more Jaina thought about it, the more she thought about it. Finally, she gave up and chose to finish today's class first.

Tailan said that her ability to transform space and energy is particularly strong, and she has the hope of achieving success in teleportation.

Well, Teleportation belongs to the Transformation Department. I think I should focus on Transformation Department and Elemental Department's Ice Magic. This will not only bring out my own talents, but also cooperate with his Holy Freeze.

Looking at Jaina immersed in the study of magic, Jadis sighed.

If only I could find a legend, I wouldn't have to worry about the survival of my family. But I don't know where my prince charming is.

The burden of family and long-standing friendship brought her close to Jaina, but the pride of the ancient nobility kept her away from Jaina.

She thought that she was no worse than Jaina in terms of beauty, talent and family background, which always made her feel conflicted and afraid to face her own heart.

Meanwhile, in the throne room of Lordaeron.

Terenas Menethil II sat high on the throne. On both sides stood many nobles, including Agamand, Old Rivendell, North, Uther the Lightbringer representing the military, Gavinrad Doom, the temporary Lord of Mardenholde, the Great Knight Sedan Dathrohan, and Alexandros Mograine. All of them were present, and Crown Prince Arthas also attended the meeting.

Terenas has been very busy these two days. This is the fifth day after the Battle of Grim Batol.

The kingdom has received a summons from the Privy Council and a magical letter from Dalaran, and the old king has just seen the performance report submitted by Taelan Fordring.

He was already quite satisfied. You can't blame a teenager for everything. It was already good enough to be able to win and get the biggest share in the subsequent distribution of benefits.

He also had the foresight to obtain the right to station troops. Although the king felt that he could get more if he negotiated, it would be detrimental to unity, especially the relationship with the dwarves.

That would not be in their own interests. Lordaeron is the leader of the Alliance, but it cannot be a lone commander. The dwarves, who have always supported humans, should share the benefits.

It was okay for Kul Tiras to gain some benefits. Although Daelin disliked the orc internment camps, he still supported Lordaeron. If he gained nothing, it would be difficult for him to explain himself under that special political system.

The excuse was acceptable, after all, they had provided the start-up funds and ships. And it was said that the one who met Tyran Fording was the admiral's son, Tandre, who almost followed in his brother's footsteps.

As to whether he went to visit his brother-in-law, that is a matter of opinion.

The people below were arguing about the selection of the general of the garrison, and the position of the special representative was also a good job. Terenas looked at them and said nothing.

He was weighing the pros and cons. In fact, it would be better if his daughter could take the initiative. She always couldn't stick to her own choices.

However, he did not realize that his daughter could not stick to her own choice because she had a strong father.

In fact, Princess Jialiya is a person with a strong personality. It's just that she was born in such a family, so it's difficult for her to stick to her own choices.

The country where Tyran Fording originally lived had a long history of culture. In traditional culture, the definition of wife was: a woman who was equal to her husband.

This sentence is full of Eastern wisdom.

Only a family with equal husband and wife can be happy. A family with either party being dominant will bring pain to the children. Having a good mother is happiness for the first half of life. Having a good father is happiness for the second half of life.

The prince looked at the nobles below with a bit of confusion. Didn't they want to drive Taelan Fordring away?
Why is he talking about his sister again? Is their marriage a tool for these nobles to gain benefits?
For a moment, he felt as if he was suffocated by something! He really wanted to end this boring quarrel quickly.

Muradin promised to teach him a trick today, hopefully not throwing sand in his eyes or kicking him in the stomach, but even so, it was better than Uther's lectures.

Taelan Fording had not been sleeping well these days. The Dragon Soul could not be put into the magic backpack or the Diablo inventory. He had to hide it around his waist. He did not dare to let this treasure out of his sight.

And there was always a voice in his ear telling him to merge with the dragon soul and become the king of the world.

He has also been thinking about whether he should hold the Dragon Soul. Holding it seems that it can really help him solve a lot of problems.

At least in the next third war, it can play a huge role.

But there was always another voice in my heart telling me not to take this thing.

Deathwing was not like this before, he was indeed corrupted by the whispers of the old gods. But he became the fragmented form he is today after using the Dragon Soul.

The Black Dragon King was very smart. He had actually defeated himself this time. He not only arranged a spy, but also saw through the spy's betrayal. He also used Ronin to arrange a double insurance for himself.

It just didn't expect that Nekros would be so smart as to regard him as the offspring of the red dragon, and then give him the dragon soul.

It despises its own power as a mortal. It always thinks it can manipulate everyone at will.

He didn't understand his own abilities, and he underestimated the effect of the Paladin's aura. He didn't know that they could also work on the Dragon Clan.

It never imagined that it could control the dragon soul, nor did it expect that it could use the dragon soul to absorb its power.

It seems that the reason for the black dragon's failure was arrogance and greed. Its arrogance started when it possessed the dragon soul.

Power that he could not completely control would bring disaster. Wasn't it greed that he wanted to control the dragon soul?

After the tug of war at the negotiation table, the whispers in his ears and the shattered body of Deathwing appeared alternately, as if two little people were arguing in his mind.

His irritable mood made him leave the tent very early. The camp was silent, with only a few dwarf sentinels on guard. Taelan Fordring waved his hand to tell them not to salute.

He himself climbed up the highest mountain near Grim Batol, where there was an orc observation post, but now there was no one there, so he should send a few people to set up an observation post. A Nagrand-style tent was set up there alone.

There is a big hole in the middle of the ceiling of this semi-permanent tent. It should be the result of a piece of debris from the meteorite spell used by Malygos, the blue dragon king, during the Dragon War, which fell here.

At this time, a white line appeared on the eastern horizon. Blue Boy was reluctant to leave, but the sun was about to rise!
A new day is coming.

 Fourth update, thank you all for subscribing.

(End of this chapter)

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