Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 88: Better to send it to Tanaris

Chapter 88: Better to send it to Tanaris (Thanks to 20230427637252 for the reward)

The moment the sun rose above the horizon, the whole world seemed to come alive.

The birds began to sing, and some wild animals hid in their nests. The trees on the mountain were gilded by the rising sun. Looking out, there was a blue sea in the distance. From time to time, a fierce wave rushed towards the land, and in an instant it crashed into broken jade all over the sky. The salty sea breeze gently caressed Taelan Fordring's face and blew up his golden hair.

This world is so beautiful!
At this moment, a huge red dragon came into his sight, and it flew slowly around the ruins of Grim Batol!
Then she flew to the mountain where Taelan Fording was. When she landed on the top of the mountain, she had turned into a beautiful woman. She had a pair of beautiful dragon horns on her head, decorated with four purple magic gems, and a comfortable smile on her face. She was wearing red armor, making her look like a blooming flaming flower!
She walked towards Taelan Fording step by step, and stretched out her fair hands to help Taelan Fording put a strand of wind-blown golden hair back behind his ear. A nice-sounding girl said, "It's hard to choose, isn't it?"

"Great Life-Binder, good morning!" Taelan Fording greeted him in a friendly manner. Then he said softly, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

“To be honest, it is like a hot potato. Holding it will bring countless dangers. Giving it up will also make you unwilling to give up the power that is within your reach.

And Deathwing is still alive, and we need him."

Alexstrasza said: "My child, I have fought to protect this planet for tens of thousands of years.

This is the first time I accept the protection of a mortal race. I get tired and hurt.

When I was trapped in this hellish place by the orcs and unable to break free, only Korialstrasz remembered me. Only you came from afar to rescue me from the slavery of the Dragon Soul.

In Grim Batol, I watched my dragon egg being hacked open by an orc with an axe, the yolk spilling all over the floor. A little life left me before it even had a chance to see the world. It should have died on the front line of the war against demons.

Every time the Burning Legion invades our world, I lead the charge. Every time the world is in crisis, I am the first to stand up. But what have I gained?
As members of the dragon army, some of them watched my offspring being killed and me being imprisoned without doing anything in order to uphold their so-called justice.

Hatred fills my heart, and I wish I could burn everything in front of me to ashes!

But I can't.

This is not only our duty to protect the dragons, nor is it just a mission given to us by the Titans. This is for the world that gave birth to me and raised me.

As the Life Binder of this world, all living beings are my children.

I watched them being born, growing up, making mistakes, correcting themselves, and improving. How could I bear to let them be enslaved by the devil?
My child, you are still young, and you will face countless choices in the future. Your power is growing all the time, and the choices you face will affect more and more people. No one can make decisions for you. Only by defeating yourself can you achieve real growth.

You must remember: it is strong belief that generates power, but power cannot generate belief!

Korialstrasz gave you a treasure that a red dragon can only get once in his lifetime, and he chose to believe in you!
I also believe that you will find a solution. No matter what choice you make, the Red Dragon Army and I will support your decision." After saying this, she turned into a dragon again and flew away.

The next day, the ruins of Grim Batol.

The area had been cleared, and the dwarf elite guards and the Silver Hand elite knights took over the defense. There was a long table in the temporary camp, and a daisy was placed on the table.

Taelan Fordring is already there. Only Falstad and Rhonin are with him. Vereesa will come in later as an observer.

Soon after, several giant dragons of different colors appeared in the sky.

The red dragon was the largest, but had small wings. She landed first and turned into a human form. She sat in the first seat to the right of Tyran Fording. Krasus patted Tyran Fording on the shoulder and chose the next seat.

Then a night elf woman with her eyes closed came in, she only brought her little daughter. She sat next to the red dragon queen. Next was the blue dragon Malygos, he sat directly on the first seat to the left of Taelan Fording.

Although the Dragon Soul is in the hands of humans, Deathwing almost ended in tragedy, which makes this dragon, who has always been dissatisfied with mortals' abuse of magic, in a good mood!

The last one to fall behind was a short dwarf girl, Chromie, who sat in the third seat on the left.

Although she is an observer of the Bronze Dragon Clan and is very powerful, she is under a lot of pressure sitting in a meeting with a group of His Majesties today.

His Majesty Nozdormu is really something. He is always indispensable when there is trouble. He disappears every time when someone takes the blame!

Because this battle was brought forward a long time ago, it caused a lot of trouble. The Red Dragon Legion will become stronger in the future, and they will be the first to recover among the five major dragon legions. This will cause many subsequent timelines to be disrupted. The bronze dragon has begun to lose control of the timeline, and she can't even feel herself anymore.

But His Majesty disappeared, and the entire bronze dragon army was lying flat. Except for himself and another bronze dragon, no other dragon cared about the timeline.

In fact, Chromie was very complaining. Even if his power became weaker, he could not see the future. But he was still alive, so didn't that prove that the future was good? Why should we do something that was thankless?
At this time, Taelan Fordring was the first to speak: "First of all, on behalf of the Alliance, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the Menethil family, I pay tribute to the great Majesty the Life-Binder. The main issue of this meeting is the handling of the Dragon Soul."

"I want to hear everyone's opinions first!"

Alexstrasza spoke first: "I have to thank the Human Alliance and the Grand Lord of the Silver Hand Knights, Taelan Fordring, for his support. He got me out of trouble. And the Red Dragon Legion saved most of the dragon eggs.

I declare that the Red Dragon Legion respects any decision made by the current owner of the Dragon Soul!"

Malygos then spoke: "Although you are powerful and can use the Dragon Soul, I believe that the Dragon Soul cannot be kept by humans.

Once lost, it will cause irreversible consequences. Most importantly, it will bring endless troubles to the kingdom that holds it. "

Although Malygos' words were very impolite and carried his usual arrogance, it must be said that there was some truth in his words.

More than ten days have passed, and Taelan Fordring has not used the Dragon Soul to attack or enslave any dragon, and it is highly likely that he will not do so in the future.

The Paladin's reputation is good at this stage, and he himself has not shown any insane behavior like Deathwing.

Since he could control his desires, the question became how to keep the artifact, rather than fighting for control.

The Dragon Soul absorbed the power of Deathwing, and the power of the five-colored dragons was combined into one within it, making it like a Zod rune inlaid, and no dragon could destroy it.

But such a thing is too dangerous, and it cannot be put into a storage container, so it can only be carried with you.

Krasus glanced at Malygos with dissatisfaction, but now was not the time for him to speak.

Ysera said: "Human energy and lifespan are limited. People with ulterior motives are everywhere! We need to choose a guardian for the Dragon Soul."

The wound on Krasus' arm had not yet completely healed. He moved with difficulty and said, "Tyran Fordring can take the Dragon Soul and hide in Dalaran. I will teach him while protecting the Dragon Soul. The magic barrier in Dalaran can also serve as an early warning."

Taelan Fording noticed his teacher's discomfort. He raised his hand, and a holy light completely different from that of other paladins fell on Krasus. His injuries healed quickly. The latter looked at him with relief in his eyes.

Malygos retorted: "The Dragon Soul concerns all dragons. If we do this, we will be considered as belonging to the red dragon clan. It's not that I don't trust Your Majesty Alexstrasza, but this is not appropriate."

Crassus thought to himself: "You are it!"

After all the big guys finished speaking, Chromie said softly, "Why not send it to Tanaris? The Bronze Dragon will let Her Majesty the Dragon Queen Soridormi take care of it personally."

I have to find something for her to do; I can’t be the only one suffering all day long!

As soon as she spoke, even the usually casual Ronin and Falstad looked at her strangely.

The other dragon leaders also turned their eyes to her, the king's gaze!
Chromie shrank his neck guiltily!
 Thanks for the reward from 20230427637252

  Thanks to the three book friends, Wrath of the Mountain God, Fate is You, and 110705010033858, for their rewards. Thank you!

  I would also like to thank everyone for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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