Enter World of Warcraft with Dark Skills

Chapter 92 North Wind Canned Food

Chapter 92 North Wind Canned Food
Jaina picked up the letter, used the lock picking spell to open it, and pulled out the letter inside.

How are you doing recently? Do you miss me? It was still hot summer when I left Dalaran. By the time you receive this letter, it will probably be snowing in Hearthglen. I have experienced a lot of great things in the past few months!

Don't worry, I'm fine.

You should have seen the gift I gave you, these canned North Wind meats are the treasure of the Walrus! It is fresh, sweet and delicious, and has the salty taste of the sea breeze!
For them, I walked a whole day in the cold wind of Northrend. I "persuaded" the walrus for a long time before they agreed to give me their stored cans. For this, I lost a bag of Kul Tiras Easter chocolates and three minutes of cooling.

I believe you already know what happened in the Battle of Grim Batol. I was lucky enough to drive away Deathwing.

I must solemnly add that the Magic Guardian is a generous sire. He felt that I, as a paladin, often did dangerous things and was too unsafe. He gave me a shield called the Eternal Barrier.

We discussed it for a long time, and he thought we should go to the Stone Core when we have time. There are many treasures there, and he only wants the dragon head.

I secured a few small benefits for Kul Tiras that will make life a little easier for my father-in-law.

In order to solve the big problem of Dragon Soul, I had to follow the Life-Binder and Master Krasus to Dragon Rest Temple.

The Dragon Rest Temple is located in the center of Dragonbone Wilderness. It is a complex of buildings. There are many ferocious beasts and various dangerous creatures around the huge tower. After we arrived at the temple, the queen summoned all the dragon clan members.

Unfortunately, after the orc disaster and the continuous war with demons, only a few dragons can come to the Dragon Temple! As a result, there are only five red dragons in the Dragon Temple.

They counted me among the red dragonflight, barely enough to open the Ruby Temple. The rest were the young dragons that survived the Battle of Grim Batol.

But the good news is that the red dragons have saved almost all of their eggs, and I believe the red dragon army will recover soon. The queen said that she sensed that she still had a few children alive, and she believed that they would come soon.

There has been no dragon stationed here for a long time, so there are many tomb robbers in the Dragonbone Wasteland. They steal everything, even dragon bones. So the queen issued a call for conscription. We have been fighting bandits in the Dragonbone Wasteland for more than a month. I think their stealing of dragon bones is not a simple matter.

Since I'm the only one who can't fly, the five of us split into four teams. The Queen, Master Krasus, and the Elder will go it alone! I'll be in a team with Keristrasza.

She is the only red dragon left in the Dragon Sleep Temple. According to the life span of the dragon race, she is still a little girl. We set out from the Dragon Sleep Temple every morning, and sometimes we will fight outside for several days in a row.

See that arcane crystal? It's from my visit to the snow kobolds. You probably wouldn't imagine that the puny kobolds would form a symbiotic relationship with the mammoths of the frozen wasteland.

Mammoths are similar to centaurs. I remember that my teacher Archbishop Faol showed me the notes of Brian Bronzebeard, which recorded centaurs. Mammoths are half man and half elephant, and they are just as fierce and brutal.

At that time, Keristrasza and I were surrounded by a mammoth general and his tribe near Wintergrasp Lake. The lake water was frozen into a mirror. These mammoths took advantage of the fact that Dragonblight had no master and invaded here from the Borean Tundra. Keristrasza wanted to take me away quickly because there were too many of them.

As soon as we took off, a clever kobold caught us with a big net. You have no idea how many mammoths were charging at us. I had no choice but to treat them to a meteor shower.

Then they had to give in, and the clever kobold begged me to forgive it.

For Master Yip's sake, I finally softened my heart and accepted his apology. I took this arcane crystal.

It promised that it would never come to Dragonbone Wilds to rob graves again in its lifetime. If I catch it again, I can take away its candle.

I asked the elder to cut this crystal for me. The elder said that this was the largest piece of arcane crystal it had ever cut. So much so that it was reluctant to process it further.

He told me that even if the original stone is worn directly, it can strengthen the magic circuit for the mage. The elder is really a good person. Not only did he give me the blessing of loyalty, he also gave this gem a nice name: Dawn!
It suits you so well. That morning you walked into my world like the first ray of morning light.

Speaking of Wintergrasp, do you remember the last letter? I met the druid who was not mentally normal. He is now called Mrga-Mrga.

He put on a strange suit of clothes and became the king of the murlocs. It seems that he was forgiven by his colleagues and was not driven back to Nordrassil.

After more than a month of fighting, we finally cleared the area around Wyrmrest Temple. This place is too big, and we have too few dragons. I guess we have to wait until Keristrasza and Kalec become dragons before we can completely clean up this frozen land. After completing the quest in Dragonblight, I feel like I can finally return from the freezing Northrend to the warmth of Dalaran.

But the bronze dragon sounded a warning, and Kronom, also known as Chromie, sent a request for help to the temple.

Because the bronze dragons have not recovered their strength, they hope that the dragonflight will send investigators into Tanaris to investigate an invasion of non-Azeroth creatures.

According to the bronze dragon's intelligence, the two-headed ogre Gul'gall came to Tanaris, but no one knew what they wanted to do.

They first established several strongholds in Tanaris, apparently preparing to build a base here. However, before the strongholds were built, they invaded a lost land called Un'Goro Crater.

It is close to Silithus, a land that involves the ancient dark empire. And Gul'gall is a dangerous cannibal magician. It is unknown what kind of trouble will happen if these two guys get together.

By the time you receive this letter, I will probably be eating sand in the desert of Tanaris.

Guess who sent me to Tanaris? Yes, it was Tandrei again!
Not only did he send me from Northrend to Tanaris, he also sent the unfortunate Rhonin here. Master Krasus recruited him.

Don't worry, I got along well with Tandre along the way and I admire him very much.

I promise, I will return to Dalaran before the Feast of Winter Veil. My mother is waiting for us at home.

Love you, Teresa Tarez

This is the name the elders gave me as a member of the Red Dragon Legion. It means Son of the Stars. Oh, and don't forget to leave me a can of North Wind!
Jaina put the letter away and never forgot to eat!
"These two pots of flowers are so beautiful!" said Jandice.

"I have never seen such beautiful flowers."

Jaina said: "This pot is called Talandra Rose, and the other pot is called Snow Lotus. They only grow in Northrend.

So if you want to keep them alive, you need to input ice power into the magic circle every few days! Otherwise, they will wither quickly!"

Zhandis said: "Snow lotus! I have heard of it. It is a precious medicinal material. Alchemy masters can use it to make potions. It is also a material for the magic experiments of great wizards.

But most snow lotus flowers are red, and only snow lotus that has grown for many years will bloom white flowers. The liquid dripping from its petals can heal external injuries!"

"If you can cultivate it successfully, you will be rich! In fact, it is priceless."

Jandice had indeed received a good aristocratic education. She knew a lot of knowledge that Jaina didn't know. This was the heritage of the ancient nobility.

After saying this, Jandice felt that it was nonsense.

Jaina was not short of money at all. Not counting the money provided by Kul Tiras, even the business of the great knight in Dalaran was taken care of by Jaina, and she had begun to participate in the family affairs of the Fording family.

After all, Tyran Fordring was already the Lord of Hearthglen, and his family was too small. In addition to his father and mother, there were only two squire knights.

Jaina put away the treasure chest and began to think about how to celebrate the Feast of Winter Veil.

He said he wanted to take me to Alterac to ski, but I heard there are orcs and ogres in Alterac. Why not just go to Caer Darrow for a vacation?

This was her first public appearance in Hearthglen, so it was inevitable that she was nervous.

 I have something to do today, so I posted late. Thank you all for your subscriptions and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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