Chapter 93 Going Home
The Winter Veil Festival originated from the dwarves and later became a common festival for the entire Alliance. It is the last festival of the year and heralds a new beginning. Whenever this festival comes, the entire East Continent will enter a carnival.

After a busy year, people will take a good vacation. Because this year, the Great Knight led his army to attack and wiped out the orcs of Grim Batol, which effectively deterred the restless forces of the East Road. This year's harvest is also good, with an extra three or five bushels. So this year's Winter Veil Festival will definitely be very lively!
Jaina completed the low-level mage course ahead of schedule and passed the end-of-year assessment with excellent results. She has now caught up with Jandice, who entered school before her, and became her classmate.

After today, she would wait for Taelan Fordring to return from overseas, and then they would sail directly to Lordaeron, stopping briefly in Felstone, and finally to Hearthglen.

This year she will spend more than a month's vacation in Hearthglen. Compared to Kul Tiras, where the interpersonal relationships are complicated, she prefers the warm atmosphere of Hearthglen.

Ms. Calandra, who is not as strict as her mother, can work on a recipe or plan an outing together. Sometimes she is looking forward to her own family life.

Simple and warm, far from fame and fortune, without intrigue, and no extra perfume. The only regret is Tirion Fording's self-exile. He has never been able to untie that knot in his heart. When not involved in official business, Tirion Fording is also a very easy-going person.

He cares more about his children's growth than their achievements. He likes to be with his children and would even take his family camping in the mountains, chatting happily while grilling game.

The family lay in the tent, watching the stars and talking about happy things. These were things that he had never experienced before. It was a pity that the orc broke up the perfect and happy family.

In Hearthglen she could study magic freely, or simply be a housewife.

When something becomes a hobby, it can make rapid progress. But when it becomes a career, it will soon become boring, and the rest is all due to the pressure of life.

She had to write a letter to her parents in advance to tell them where she was going, as she hadn't been home for a long time.

At noon the next day, Taelan Fordring, who had been traveling for half a year, finally saw the high tower of Dalaran.

Rhonin rode his horse behind Taelan Fordring. The easy-going wizard had already untied his knot, but there was still a strand of red hair on his head standing stubbornly.

After the journey in Tanaris, they had become very good friends. He twisted his uncomfortable buttocks and said to Taelan Fording: "I'm finally back. It's not easy!"

Taelan Fording said: "I never thought we would meet her again. It's a pity that Gul'gall escaped in the end."

Ronin said, "Yes! What on earth are those ogres? They keep talking about Twilight Judgment all day long! Do they really know what Twilight is? Could it be that the way two-headed ogres think is different from normal species?"

"I don't know. People pursue different things. For example, I just want my family to live in peace, have fewer wars, and for the nobles not to be too greedy."

Luo Ning immediately retorted: "Pay attention to your position. You are a great noble, and a military noble with a fiefdom!"

"You can't say that, Ronin. My pursuit is different from what you think. It's not a life of luxury. Compared to that, I would prefer to be with Janna in Hearthglen or somewhere else, grow crops, raise flowers, have a few children, and grow old slowly."

"When I die, my children will be able to proudly say: My father lived up to the name of Paladin."

Luo Ning said: "Yes, who would want to fight a war when they can grow flowers and farm? But the world is full of wars.

Although we broke up Gujar's tribe this time, we let him escape. I believe it won't be long before he gathers more villains."

"But I have to praise you. Your command this time was really great!"

"I never thought that dragoons could be used in this way! The continuous flank penetration strategy is really powerful. It is completely different from the traditional human cavalry combat method. Two rounds of charge made the powerful ogres defeated."

"Hey! I have good news for you. Vereesa has come to Dalaran. She will be a ranger in Dalaran in the future." "Then I congratulate you in advance on getting the beauty."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not me, I didn't!"

"Go, you cowardly rat!"

"You're no better!"

"Much better than you!"

Speaking of Gujar, that's another story.

Cho'gall is a two-headed ogre. He was born in Highmaul Castle in Draenor. Because of his two heads, he has a strong talent in magic. Ogres and orcs are of the same origin. They have always ruled the orcs.

Later they were defeated by the orcs and joined the Horde. In pursuit of power, Cho'gall became an apprentice to the cunning and sinister orc Gul'dan and became a member of the Shadow Council.

When the orcs were fighting the Draenei, he was ordered to deal with the problem of the hundred ghost orcs. There, he came into contact with the power of the void and heard the whispers of the void. Later, he became the chief of the Twilight Hammer.

After the Dark Portal was opened, Cho'gall followed the Horde to Azeroth. Gul'dan betrayed Orgrim and went to find the remains of Sargeras, which was torn to pieces by demons in the Broken Isles.

Cho'gall escaped by chance and led his clan to Kalimdor, following the whispers of the Old Gods.

There, he encountered a deadly death god, the half-orc assassin Garona! His men were killed one after another. Gul'gall began to think of a way to deal with Garona. At this time, he met Taelan Fording who came to investigate the invasion.

Its clan was completely defeated by the dragon army led by Tyran Fordring. It fled to the Silithid Lair in Un'Goro, and its followers are scattered in the desert of Tanaris.

Five days later, Taelan Fordring finally returned to Hearthglen with Jaina and met his mother, Kalandra.

During these five days, he first went to the Lordaeron Chapel to visit his teacher Faol.

The old man's health had not been very good recently, but his spirits were good. Tyran Fording knew that he would have to preside over the ceremony for Arthas to join the Knights of the Silver Hand, and he would slowly get better.

Next, we went to visit Firestone Farm. Janis had obviously aged a lot this year. And things were busy at home. John was still in Andorhal and hadn't come back yet.

This year was not easy for Lordaeron. The escape of Orgrim Doomhammer brought hidden dangers to the Alliance. If Tyran Fordring had not conquered Grim Batol, Lordaeron would have started to implement the policy of collecting currency taxes this year.

As soon as he and Jaina entered the door, they saw his squires, Karin Redpath and Paris, waiting for him, and of course Helen and the priest of Havenfa of Mardenhold were also there.

This was the first Feast of Winter Veil that Taelan Fordring had spent at home in four years.

 Post first and then edit. Life is helpless!

(End of this chapter)

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