Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 124: The Insect Nest Arrives?

Chapter 124: The Insect Nest Arrives?

When the chicken thieves dispersed from the chicken thief leader, only a pile of debris was left on the ground.

Its flesh and blood were basically eaten clean by its offspring.

Ron was certain that the thief leader was completely dead.

Because the light spot representing it has completely disappeared in the cellular network.

This means that he can take over the Hive Network with impunity, and thereby control more than tens of millions of Chicken Thief's descendants and hundreds of millions of Chicken Thief's followers.

This battle alone made his strength soar, it was a great harvest.

Just when Ron wanted to further operate the honeycomb network, something strange happened.

Suddenly, the millions of thieves in the area seemed to sense something.

They quieted down and looked up at the sky.

At the same time, all the chicken thieves in the lower nest area made the same move.

That is a genetic instinct deeply rooted in the blood, waiting for the arrival of some existence.

Ron also felt the terrifying presence and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

The psychic consciousness was frantically warning itself not to conduct any subspace exploration at this moment.

He immediately understood what this meant.

The Hive Fleet has arrived!
At least we have reached the planetary system where Ers is located.

The Tyranids are unified and controlled by a hive mind called the Hive Mind.

This collective consciousness, which is so powerful that it is almost divine, has left a concrete form in the subspace.

The embodiment of the hive will is a majestic shadow.

That enormous force is enough to scare any psychic energy or chaos that comes face to face with the image into incontinence, and then die on the spot.

Ron could feel that as the Zerg fleet approached, the shadow of the Zerg will suffocated almost all subspace activities.

Rendering warp navigation or communication impossible.

This meant that Ron couldn't even open a portal and escape to the warp at this time.

The hive mind is so terrifying, it is like a bug.

Fortunately, the real Zerg fleet is just the tentacles of the Zerg will reaching out to the galaxy, not the main force of the Zerg.

Otherwise, I really don’t know how the empire can survive.

But the tentacle-like hive fleet alone is far beyond what the current planet Ers can deal with.

There is no possibility of resistance at all, and it is even impossible to call for help or escape!

Ron felt deeply desperate about this.

But he still made his own response.

Ron immediately replaced the chicken thief clan leader with Little Sun and completely seized the chicken thief's hive network.

After completely seizing the Hive Network, he quickly shut down the psychic beacon that attracted the Zerg fleet.

Then he mobilized almost all his energy to completely destroy the communication channel.

This is similar to disconnecting the Internet, converting the cellular network from the Internet to the intranet and denying any access.

After all, if the communication channel is retained, there is a possibility of being contacted and captured by the Zerg fleet.

Just destroying the communication channel almost exhausted all the energy that Ron had accumulated during this period.

But it's not a loss. If he can survive, he can at least get a complete beehive network.

Such a sophisticated psychic network was simply not something he could construct on his own.

After doing all this, Ron looked up at the sky, waiting for what happened next.

He had done everything he could, and now all that was left was to pray.

Pray that the Hive Fleet will lose interest and leave once the beacon goes out or the Hive Network cannot be found.


The vastness of space.

The space was distorted.

The Tyranid Hive Fleet ended its FTL travel and appeared at the edge of the Erth system.

Wrapped in a thick cloud of defensive spores, the hive mothership's tail swayed in space.

There are countless biological warships floating around.

It serves as a node controlled by the hive mind and constitutes the core of the hive fleet.

This massive living biological vessel is covered in a leathery skin and hundreds of feet of chitin armor to protect it from the harsh environments of the Void or the Warp.

At the same time, it is also a biological factory.

Capable of creating billions of Tyranids and adjusting their genomes to suit the new world's environment. When the Hive Ship reaches the new world, these nightmarish Tyranids will awaken and be released onto the planet's surface.

They will devour everything.

Because the hive mothership uses the gravity between galaxies to travel at superluminal speeds.

Once safely in the system, they can only move forward through traditional propulsion methods.

Sometimes this delays their arrival at a planet by years or even decades.

In space, the tentacles of the hive mothership swayed as it slowly glided towards the direction of the planet Ers.

It is expected to reach its destination in two years.

Suddenly, the hive mothership stopped sailing, as if something unexpected had happened.

Inside the hive mothership, huge blood vessels and cavities are beating.

Densely packed hive slaves shuttle through it, providing maintenance for vital organs.

Within those twisting, flesh-filled corridors lurks a host of Ronin, Tyranids, and worse.

Inside the core chamber, the nest master, whose body was connected to various blood vessels and whose head had chamfers, was busy.

It is the Synaptic Commander, responsible for coordinating the mental commands of the Hive Mind to control other Tyranids.

For example, chicken thieves and their hosts.

The nest master was puzzled.

According to normal procedures, it should now follow the psychic lighthouse to take over the hive network of the hive vanguard.

But just now, the lighthouse suddenly went out.

Even stranger, it couldn't even find the existence of a cellular network.

What exactly is going on?

The nest master thought about it and contacted the hive network along the original communication channel, but there was almost no response.

Not at all.

The message sent back through the communication channel is roughly like this:
"Sorry, the user you called is out of service area, please try again later.

Sorry, the subscriber you dialed can not..."

This is the first time the nest owner has encountered such a situation.

Moreover, there was almost no description of this situation in its genetic memory, which confused it.

What should I do?
The Broodmaster hesitated, whether to continue the attack without the psychic beacon and the hive network.

For it and the hive mothership.

The planet turned pitch black and everything was unknown.

Does life exist on the planet, or is this a giant trap?
Just as the nest master was thinking.

Suddenly, another strong psychic message appeared in the information-receiving biological organ of the cavity.

Another psychic lighthouse on a planet has been lit up!

The signal was stronger than the previous signal sent by Ers.

That means... a feast!
In the end, the nest owner chose a more secure option.

Go devour the newly discovered planet first!

The Nest Master placed a mark on the planet Ers, and then entered the location data of the new galaxy into his biological organs.

In space.

The hive fleet received new information, and the mothership and the surrounding biological ships all turned to a new direction.

The narwhal worm ship responsible for establishing the "space compression navigation channel" flew to the front of the fleet.

The complex sensory organs on the head of the narwhal ship locked onto the galaxy where the new planet was located.

It used the galaxy's own gravity to lead the entire Zerg fleet into superluminal travel.

With the sudden distortion of space, the hive fleet disappeared.

The Zerg Hive Fleet left the Ers planetary system and headed for a new galaxy.

There they will spread the gospel of the Great Devourer!

"Phew, finally gone..."

Ron wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

But what he didn't know was.

The emergence of the Hive Fleet triggered a series of chain reactions within the entire star region...

(End of this chapter)

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