Chapter 125 A new tithe?
Goli star region.

This marginal star region, which governs nearly fifty planets, receives almost no attention from the Empire.

Of course, matters related to the tithe are excluded.

Like much of the Imperium, the Gori Sector must fend for itself, and faces the same chronic dangers that all of humanity faces:
Wars, mutations, xenomorph activity, the Mark of Chaos, and so on.

For the Marius family, who occupy the position of governor of the star zone and rule this place, they are more afraid of another thing.

It is a prophecy that has been passed down for thousands of years.

It is also a curse on the Marius family.

Because the prophecy is about the destruction of the Marius family!
People are saying that after the terrible storm, the tyrant who cruelly rules the Goli Sector will die tragically on the throne.

And his bloodline will be completely cut off and cease to exist.

To this end, the Marius family killed many people and destroyed many forces.

They even secretly released a plague on a certain planet and executed an extermination order just to eliminate hidden dangers.

However, no matter how hard the Marius family tried, even if they executed all those who leaked the news.

This prophecy always reappears at some point, like a thorn in the flesh.

This made the Marius family even more frightened.

Because five years ago, the terrible storm that was predicted came.

The prophecy has begun!
In the royal court of Mattila, the capital of the Goli Sector, a crucial divination is taking place.

"This is an ominous place, my lord, the source of filth and corruption."

Chief fortune teller Mondi's hoarse voice became more and more excited, like a madman.

“Maybe some people say it’s a rumor, but the tarot cards show it’s true and the prophecy is coming true.

Before the Astronomican lights up again, the whole place will be torn apart by demons..."

Suddenly he pointed his staff at the great Moff Marius Hallis:
"You will die miserably on the throne, and no one in your family will survive!"

Opposite the Chief Diviner, the Star Governor Harris was like a fat mountain of meat, deeply sunken in a throne covered with various sophisticated defense devices.

To avoid being assassinated, he rarely left his throne.

This throne is both a fortress and a cage.

He was so obese that he couldn't even stand up, and the throne could only be carried forward by the royal guards.

The chief fortune teller's words made Harris' pupils shrink suddenly, and a trace of fear appeared on his fat, sinister and cruel face.

He waved his hand, and the chief fortune teller Ers immediately shut up, kowtowed carefully, and retreated.

Fear and anger built up in Harris:

"Why won't that damn fate let me go?"

After the Warp Storm struck, the Gori Sector was completely cut off from Holy Terra.

And according to the judgment of the Warp scholars, the cracks caused by the storm will hardly heal.

That means that the Gori Sector will no longer receive support from the Empire and will have to face the terrible Chaos and aliens alone.

What’s even more terrifying is that the prophecies passed down from ancient times are coming true!

In order to survive, he had to remove unnecessary obstacles and completely take control of the power and fleet of the star sector.

However, before Harris could relax, the news from the observatory made him even more frightened.

The terrifying Tyranid fleet has arrived in this star region!

Just by mentioning the name of this race, his heart felt like it was entangled by a poisonous snake and almost stopped beating.

Harris roared:

"Damn it, bugs! Someone tell me if the fleet has arrived yet!"

Shelan, the chief advisor of the royal court, stepped forward and answered:
"Your Majesty, the fleet has assembled near the airport, and the main fleet has arrived..."

Hearing this, Harris breathed a sigh of relief.

Shelan continued:

"However, we were unable to contact some planets. Fleets from several planets refused to accept orders in the name of protecting their planets. These are the recorded lists."

He took out the paper list and gently placed it on the floating plate.

Harris's mind moved slightly, and the mechanical float connected to his thoughts flew in front of him.

Then the throne extended its mechanical arm and gently picked up the list, stopping two meters away from his body.

Any material other than the throne is dangerous and should not be taken too close.

Harris took out a magnifying glass with difficulty and squinted his eyes to look carefully at the planets on the list that dared to refuse the orders of the star governor.

He gave a sinister and cruel smile.

These are all hidden dangers in the future and need to be thoroughly cleaned!
Harris put down the magnifying glass and told Shelan:
"Go, get the fleet ready to set off at any time!"

The fleet is gathering near the airport of Mattila.

The ten-kilometer-long Armageddon battleship was suspended in the air, surrounded by nearly twenty cruisers.

There were several holes on the outside of the battleship, and bloodstains all over the interior.

It seemed as if they had experienced a brutal boarding battle not long ago.

This battleship originally belonged to the Gori Battlefleet of the Imperial Navy Fleet of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Now, it belongs to the Governor Marius Harris.

This fleet was assembled here under the orders of Harris, and they did not do this to protect the star sector and fight against the Zerg fleet.

Because Harris was fully aware of the dangers of fighting the Zerg Hive Fleet.

The fleet's mission is to protect Harris and his allies and enable them to safely escape from this star region before danger comes.

As for the people in the star zone, everything will be left to fate...

Inside the royal court, Harris was anxiously awaiting further news about the Hive Fleet.

In particular, are there any signs that they are approaching the capital, Mattila?

If so, he would immediately implement the plan to withdraw from the Gori Star Sector.

It is unwise to fight against the hive fleet.

As the governor of a star region, he has a sacred obligation to preserve the vitality of mankind.

Soon, the news Harris had been waiting for arrived.

Along with heavy footsteps, a warrior about 2.2 meters tall and wearing heavy power armor walked in.

He is Solei, the captain of the royal guard.

Having undergone more than a dozen genetic modification surgeries, his strength is almost on par with that of a Space Marine.

Solei and his hundreds of royal guards who have also undergone transformation surgery are almost the top fighters in the star zone.

This is a powerful warrior that was secretly created by the Marius family, to which Harris belongs, after spending thousands of years and investing vast amounts of resources almost equivalent to several planets.

At the same time, it is also a guarantee for him to seize power.

Solei came to the throne and knelt on one knee:
"Your Majesty, according to monitoring, the Hive Fleet has left the Gori Sector!"

Harris frowned. He was always cautious about important news.

"Is the news certain?"

"Yes, multiple observation stations have come to the same conclusion. There is no trace of any hive fleet in the Goli sector."

Harris heaved a sigh of relief after receiving a positive reply: "The damn bugs are finally gone! Don't slack off, let the fleet remain assembled for the time being..."

After giving the order, he waved his hand and asked Sorey to leave.

The evacuation of the Zerg Hive Fleet is undoubtedly great news.

But the shadow they left behind made Harris feel uneasy.

This feeling of having one's fate controlled by others was really unbearable for him!
He must build more ships and create a more powerful fleet. Only by mastering absolute military force can he ensure his own safety.

Harris summoned officials from the Ministry of the Interior to inquire about tax collection.

He would collect tithes from the planets in the Goli sector on behalf of the Empire.

However, he concluded:

The empire had just collected taxes, and those planets might not be able to pay new taxes in the short term.

Harris sneered:
"Paying taxes is the sacred duty of all citizens of the empire. There is no room for any sophistry."

Under the obstruction of the Great Rift, the light of Holy Terra is no longer there.

Now in the Goli Sector, the one representing the Empire of Man is the Sector Governor, the great Majesty Marius Hallis.

Any planet that dares to refuse to pay the tithe will be severely punished!
Soon, under Harris's orders, officials from the Timara Interior Department took quick action.

They will use the data collected in the past to calculate the tithe that each planet needs to pay.

At an iron table deep inside the Ministry of the Interior, an elderly administrative official was flipping through documents.

He wondered:
"Ers Star, the first-class superior in the tax hierarchy?"

This tax level is very special, only slightly lower than Timara, the capital of the Gori Sector.

The old administrative official was looking through the information about the planet Ers.

There are very few records above, only mentioning that it is the most marginal and typical mineral-producing planet in the Gori star zone.

The elderly administrative official hesitated whether to report the situation.

But he thought about it and gave up.

After all, it was the adults in the Ministry of the Interior of Holy Terra who set the tax levels, so how could they be wrong?
Even if there is a mistake, it is none of his business, so why create trouble?


The bright red Sky Eagle seal was stamped on the tithe tax payment document of Ers Star.

The tax level is the first-class superior!

Ers, the lower nest of the hive city.


Ron, who was finishing up the raid plan, sneezed several times.

He scratched his head:

"That's weird, is anyone thinking about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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