Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 126: Reinstall the Chicken Thief

Chapter 126: Reinstall the Chicken Thief

With the roar of the engine and the rotation of huge gears, the mechanical gate of the upper nest area slowly rose.

When the mechanical door was fully opened, it announced that the Shangchao area, which had been closed for five years, was officially unsealed.

The sound of heavy mechanical footsteps was heard, and hundreds of fully armed sentry mechas walked out of the door.

Following the Sentinel Mech are various armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, energy cannons, etc.

All armed forces in the Royal Court area came out in full force, and with them came the priests of the State Religion, mechanics of the Mechanicus, craftsmen, and so on.

They will go to the lower nest and participate in the battle plan to retake the hive city.

Anglican Church in Xiachao District.

This used to be the core area of ​​the Chicken Thief Sect, but now all the Chicken Thieves have been cleared out and it is now used as Ron's temporary office.

He and a group of senior officials from the Royal Court District were recuperating here.

The surprise decapitation operation plan was very successful, and most of the members involved in the operation survived.

Ron was sitting at his desk, counting the number of thieves and their followers to form a detailed analysis report.

Because in the next battle, those cunning aliens will be the main force.

After seizing the Hive Network, he controlled all the Chicken Thieves and their followers.

According to statistics, there are currently about five million purebred first and second generation chicken thieves, about ten million hybrid chicken thieves, and the number of chicken thieves believers is the largest, about 300 million.

These are all important combat forces.

In order to ensure the purity of the Chicken Thief team, he has separated the Chicken Thief believers from the Hive Network.

These people returned to normal faith and life.

Bishop Dorney is doing this with his Anglican clergy.

They destroyed the statues of the Four-Armed God in churches and confiscated the statues of the Four-Armed God in people's hands.

At the same time, they stepped up the construction of new statues of the Divine Emperor, distributed shrines to the people, and so on.

Of course, the most important task of the state religion is to comfort those confused and cunning believers.

Guide them to establish correct beliefs and return to the embrace of the great God-Emperor.

Ron didn't have to worry about these things at all. Bishop Donny was the one who rushed to do it and did the whole process himself.

Leading those lost lambs back to the right path has always been the driving force that sustains him.

Bishop Doni looked very holy:

"Governor, why don't you hand over those aliens to me? These lost lambs need the guidance of the great God-Emperor!"

After all, converting aliens and heretics is an important part of his teachings.

Now he finally has the chance to try it, and he can't wait.

Ron shook his head, his attitude firm:

"We can talk about this matter again after you get those alien believers back on the right track."

"You are right. If we can't even convert the alien believers, how can we convert the aliens?"

Bishop Doni looked enlightened, turned around and floated away.

Ron smiled slightly and continued with his work.

He had no doubts about the old pastor's ability to preach.

After receiving the blessing, Bishop Donnie’s missionary ability became stronger as the scope of his missionary work became wider and wider.

It was as if there was a force field around me that distorted my mind.

What Ron was worried about was not Bishop Donnie's preaching ability, but his theory.

If he really goes to convert the devil one day, it will be a disaster.

How presumptuous it is to try to steal the hearts of the Four Gods of Chaos.

But this is a matter for the future, so don't worry too much about it now.

That guy Donny is right under his nose, he shouldn't be able to do anything weird.

With the arrival of the Royal Court Defense Force and judicial police, the area occupied by the chicken thieves has been completely recovered.

There are still too few people now, so almost all the defense forces and judicial police have been sent down this time.

Many administrative officials also came.

However, it is still a bit difficult to control such a large area with only a few hundred thousand people.

Fortunately, Bayev is in charge of these things. He is actively screening and expanding manpower to maintain the stability of the territory.

The old butler did a great job, and Ron hardly had to worry about internal affairs.

So Ron can devote all his energy to the military and clean up the remaining Chaos Cultists in the nest.

This will be the final step in reclaiming the hive.

Ron looked through the information he got from Ji Zei.

Currently occupying nearly one-third of the Lower Nest is a Chaos sect called "Blood Red Skull".

As soon as you hear the name, you know that it is a sect that believes in Khorne.

Fortunately, the Khorne sect is relatively brainless and only knows how to chop, chop and chop, including among their own people. That's why the sect was prevented from spreading to more areas due to their cunning obstruction.

"This planet of Ers is truly a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers..."

Ron couldn't help but sigh that the small planet of Ers alone had gathered believers of the four great Chaos evil gods: Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh.

If it weren't for my arrival, this planet would have been completely destroyed. If luckily, this planet would wait for the Empire's expeditionary fleet to arrive, and then receive the extermination order, ending its miserable fate.

But now it’s different, the planet Ers will be liberated soon.

In fact, after gaining control of the thief army, coupled with the military strength of the Royal Court, dealing with these damn heretics is no longer a big problem.

The question is how to reduce the cost of war.

Ron already had an idea, he was going to design weapons for the chicken thief.

He specially selected nearly two million powerful first-generation chicken-thief aliens, who would serve as the vanguard force to deal with the Khorne sect.

These thieves will be equipped with steel armor and claws, and carry flamethrowers, high-powered bombs, etc.

Under his control, these armed thieves will not fear death and will be brutal enough.

They will use their lives to bring a little shock of death to the followers of the Khorne sect.

"What do you want to talk to me about? I'm busy here."

Kaul was a little anxious. He had recently got some inspiration from the mechanical forum and was preparing to make some new things.

"I have a task for you, you will like it"

Afterwards, Ron told Caul his ideas and asked him to lead the mechanics and craftsmen to design weapons for the chicken thief.

"These are my ideas, how to execute them is up to you"

"Okay, I'll take this mission!"

Ron was right, Call was indeed interested.

Caul has accumulated a lot of inspiration and can't wait to arm the aliens with those strange and dangerous things.

These Moss also mocked him, saying that he always made some rubbish machines that had no practical significance.

Because those weapons are too dangerous and difficult for humans to control.

But now it can be fully used.

Those weapons are dangerous for humans to use, but they are just right for arming those damn aliens.

Soon, the mechanical factories in the Lower Nest District were operational again, and these mechanical factories would provide Kaul with the necessary resources.

Thanks to the efforts of Kaul, mechanics and craftsmen, nearly two million new generations of thieves were armed.

These thieves have thick spiked armor embedded in their bodies and are equipped with all kinds of strange and dangerous weapons.

After the transformation, those chicken thieves almost had a scarlet mechanical glow on their bodies, which was chilling.

After receiving the report, Ron came to the machinery factory to inspect the progress of the armed work.

He looked at the heavily armed chicken thieves, nodded with satisfaction, and affirmed the work of Kaul and others.

"Great, we can go to war with the Chaos Cult!"


Bloody Skull Territory.

In an open-air base of the sect, a ceremony of revelry and killing is being held.

The Khorne believers, with bones hanging on their bodies and covered in blood, piled the corpses and flesh into a small hill, and a bloody duel broke out around the hill.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

When the duel ended, only half of the Khorne followers were left on the field.

They drew more power and became stronger.

The victorious warriors planted the bodies of the defeated as flags on the mountain of corpses and began to sing war songs under the guidance of the sacrifice.

Under the high-pitched war songs, the mountain of corpses underwent a strange change.

Along with thick blood, a terrifying Khorne blood beast crawled out.

"The great Blood God Messenger!"

The priest was extremely excited, looking up at the blood beast of Khorne.

Especially its claws, which are so strong.

Snap, the Khorne blood beast swung its claws and smashed the little guy in front of it into meat paste.

The sacrifice got the classic ending it deserved.

The followers of Khorne were even more excited, as the great Blood God gifted them with extremely powerful war beasts!
A strange mechanical missile shot from a distance pierced into the chest of the Khorne blood beast.

Is that a chicken?
The Khorne followers were stunned.

They watched helplessly as the mechanically-armed little chicken thief crawled madly like a drill and burrowed into their flesh.

This sudden attack stunned the Khorne believers.

But this attack seemed to fail to kill the blood beast of Khorne.

It climbed to its feet, howling angrily.


The followers of Khorne are even more fanatical:
"The great Blood God's messenger is invincible. Sacrifice blood to the Blood God and skull to the skull throne!"

However, the next second, a strange sound came from the body of the Khorne Blood Beast, and it let out a scream.

With a dull thud, the blood beast of Khorne turned into meat paste.

(End of this chapter)

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