Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 127 The thieves are extremely loyal!

Chapter 127 The thieves are extremely loyal!
The blood mud of the Khorne blood beast splashed and smeared all the Khorne believers around it.

This scene made them completely stunned, and some of them even fell to their knees due to their legs going weak.

The Khorne believers simply could not accept this.

They spent so much blood to summon the messenger of the great Blood God, and he died just like that?
"Governor, it's quite powerful, isn't it?"

On a steel platform in a community several kilometers away from the Khorne stronghold.

Kaul enthusiastically introduced his work to Ron.

“That sneaky missile just now was created by this sage himself.

The use of high-strength mixed refined gold and instantaneous burst of compressed fuel is enough to break through most flesh and blood bodies..."

Ron looked away from the surveillance video and nodded with satisfaction:
"Not bad, it's a bit expensive, but it's worth it. However, I am not satisfied with one thing..."

Kaur was a little disappointed when he saw his work being questioned:
"What's wrong? It's impossible. It's such a perfect work!"

"The name is not very good. Chicken Thief Missile is too common. How about calling him King Kong Little Tornado?"

Kaur was very pleased with the name:
"What a great name, I'll call you that from now on!"

Behind the two men, Yarui and Keith were whispering to each other.

Yarui scratched his head and complained:

"Why didn't the wise man just make a missile instead of adding a thief? Isn't this just increasing the cost in a roundabout way?
Besides, the name the Governor gave it is not much better than Chicken Thief Missile, right? "

“What do you know? This is the wisdom of the wise man.

The Governor's request is to arm the chicken thieves, and the budget can only be used to arm the chicken thieves.

If the wise man wants to use the budget to research something else at this time, what should we do? "

"How to do?"

Keith looked at Kerry, as if to say, "Why don't you get it?"

"Add some tricks to the research, so that you can use the budget to research your own things."

"Hiss~ That makes sense."

"There is also the question of the name. Do you dare to say that the name chosen by the Governor is not good? Do you still want a budget next time?"

"Do you think the Governor knows about this?"

"Of course, smart people see through it but don't say it..."

Kerry suddenly reacted and pointed at himself:

"So, I'm the only fool here?"

Keith looked at Yari and nodded at him firmly.

Ron has a keen sense of hearing.

He heard what they both said, but didn't mind at all.

He knew Kaur very well, so he left some room for him when allocating the budget.

He didn't care how Cole did it, as long as the result was useful and met his requirements.

"Governor, there is also this, the Heavy-Armored Ripper Chicken Trickster..."

Ron continued to listen to Call's enthusiastic introduction, nodding in praise from time to time.

Although this guy may do some tricks occasionally, he is generally reliable.

On the ground below the few people, smoke and black fog were everywhere. A large and heavily armed team of thieves had gathered and was heading towards the area of ​​the Khorne sect.

Behind the heavily-armored chicken thief is a surging army of ordinary chicken thieves.

As for the defense force's sentry mechas, armored tanks, and infantry, they were responsible for the finishing work at the back.

Kaul further emphasized:
"I would also like to point out that these heavily-armored chicken thieves are equipped with sound generators, which can give the enemy the greatest degree of deterrence!"

Ron clapped his hands and praised vigorously:
“This idea is very good and deserves encouragement, but I would like to give you a little advice.”

"Your Excellency the Governor, please speak."

"You forgot to put the Imperial Sky Eagle emblem on the heavy-armored chicken thieves. You can add it later.

Remember to make it eye-catching so that people can spot it at first glance..."

Ron pulled out his jeweled gold pocket watch and checked the time.

The planned time has arrived.

He looked towards the territory of the Khorne Cult and gave the order with a cold gaze:
"All attacks!"

As the order was issued, the armies assembled in various areas of the Lower Nest launched an attack on the Khorne Cult at the same time.


A Khorne stronghold.

The altar was blown up by a shell.

"Enemy attack!"

The Khorne believers recovered from the shock of the death of the Khorne blood beast and rushed outside with their weapons in hand.

The followers of the Blood God will never retreat, and any enemy that comes will be subjected to the most brutal slaughter!

The leading Khorne believers shouted slogans, ready to kill all the enemies.

They have done this many times.

It was nothing more than rushing forward, chopping those weak enemies into pieces, absorbing the blood god's gift from them, and becoming stronger.

This time, however, they saw something different.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The Khorne believer who rushed to the front looked at the attacking heavy-armored chicken thief and paused:
Skull sacrifice... Shit, is that a thief?"

The ground in front of them suddenly shook, and densely packed heavily armed chicken thieves appeared in the ranks of Khorne's followers. "For the Emperor!"

A passionate war song was played from the sound generator on the heavy-armored chicken thief.

The extremely loyal and loud oaths uttered by those heavily armored chicken thieves completely drowned out the Blood God Oath shouted by the Khorne believers.

This made the Khorne believers very uncomfortable.

In the past, when people were hacked, they were the ones who shouted the loudest.

This will not only intimidate the enemy, but also gain the power of the great blood god.

But now, their voices were drowned out and they were completely no match for the others!

Invisibly, the morale of Khorne believers dropped a lot.

"Blood...blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull to the skull throne"

The Khorne believers were forced to take an oath and rushed towards the heavily armored chicken thieves in inexplicable embarrassment.

The brave Khorne believer who had just rushed to the front swung an axe at the small armed chicken thief who was rushing towards him.

The axe's powerful blow almost cut the armed chicken thief in half, and his body was splashed with slime.

The Khorne followers laughed wildly:

"A thief is a thief, it's no big deal, warriors of the Blood God, kill as much as you want!"

Unfortunately, he chopped off a suicidal exploding chicken.

A mechanical click sounded, and the spike trap that popped out from inside the armed chicken thief locked him tightly.

The ignition device then started, igniting the high-fuel value fuel on the bodies of the Khorne believers.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
The Khorne believer screamed and turned into a fire man in front of everyone's eyes.

There are several types of suicidal thieves.

From highly flammable, highly toxic, to violent explosions and more.

The mission of these thieves is to get close to the enemy with deadly weapons and die together with them.

The deaths of dozens of companions made the Khorne believers somewhat timid.

They can't tell which chickens can be chopped off and which cannot.

Those thieves named Heavy Rippers wielded various chainsaw weapons and claws and rushed into battle with the Khorne believers.

The enemies that Khorne believers could previously kill with a single axe were now equipped with heavy armor.

They couldn't cut it at all.

After finally killing one, the next one pounced on me.

The loyal heavy-armored chicken thieves did not stop at all. Their mission was to charge into the formation and deal with the toughest enemies.

The heavily armored chicken thieves played the declaration of loyalty to the Emperor until death and charged forward recklessly.

Push! Push! Push!

Ron looked at this scene and was extremely satisfied:
"So loyal!"

Before the Khorne believers who had withstood the charge of the heavily-armored Chicken Thieves could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a tidal wave of ordinary Chicken Thieves.

Their strength was failing them, and they were soon overwhelmed.

An army of thieves charging in suicidal fashion is just so terrifying.

The reason why Chief Chicken Thief did not have a decisive battle with the Cult of Khorne before was mainly to avoid too many casualties of Chicken Thieves that would affect the lighting of the psychic beacon.

And with Ron's armed support, those thieves became even more terrifying.

Coupled with the reckless charge, it would be strange if the Khorne Cult could withstand it.

After the thieves' army rushed through, it was the turn of the defense soldiers on the third line.

When they arrived, they saw only the remains of the body.

The soldiers in the front row driving the Sentinel mechas were all feeling very suffocated.

I finally got the chance to drive a mecha, but there's no room for me to show my abilities.

The battle was a bit futile and they could only clean up the battlefield.
The core area of ​​the Khorne sect.

Piles of bones surrounded the tent like small hills, and inside the tent were several of the most valiant Blood God warriors.

They were nearly three meters tall and covered in heavy armor.

They paid no attention to the sound of artillery fire coming from afar.

These are just daily routines in the territory.

Even if there are no enemies, there are constant wars within the territory.

Finally, a Khorne believer with news rushed into the tent:

"Master Priest, the chicken thieves are attacking our territory, they, they..."


The Khorne believer who brought the news was cut in half by the guards of the great tent holding great swords and fell to the ground.

The tallest priest sitting on the throne nodded with satisfaction and said in a cold voice:
"Those who disrupt the duel and instill fear in the enemy do not deserve to live!"

At this moment, an important duel was taking place inside the big tent.

Anyone who trespasses will be brutally executed.

As for those weak thieves who dare to invade, and any enemies.

Wait until the duel is over, then go and kill all the enemies!

(End of this chapter)

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