Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 129: Liberation of Ers Planet

Chapter 129: Liberation of Ers Planet

Ers star sub nest No. 1.

Ochi Cotton, the manager of the top level of the sub-nest, was worried because the activities of the rebels were becoming more and more rampant and were almost threatening the top level.

And famine was plaguing everyone.

A large number of people are starving to death every day!

This loyal manager from the steward's family was extremely worried.

He was worried about the fate of the nest.

This is an important mission entrusted to him by the Governor.

If the nest falls, even if he is lucky enough to survive, he cannot escape the fate of being judged.

But Ochi was already powerless to save the situation. The armed forces in the sub-nest could not withstand the offensive of the rebels.

He could hardly even maintain his armed forces due to food shortage!
Due to the intense activity of the subspace storm, cross-region communications are extremely difficult.

Ochi tried to contact the main nest many times to seek reinforcements, but received almost no response.

The only time they were able to contact him, the result they got was that he was told to hold on, as the main nest was currently unable to send out reinforcements.

After that, there was no news from the main nest, as if all of them had been forgotten.

This almost made Ochi despair.

Now the rebels are attacking the top floor, which means the sub-nest will fall soon.

The head of the sub-nest defense army rushed over to report:
"Master Supervisor, the rebels have launched another attack, and the top gate is about to collapse...

We need reinforcements!"

“I understand, you ask the soldiers to hold on for a while longer.

Tell them that reinforcements from the main nest are on the way and will arrive soon!"

Ochi was not at all flustered and spoke firmly to the commander of the sub-nest defense corps.

It seemed as if victory was certain.

After the other person left, he looked exhausted.

Ochi has been deceiving the defense soldiers, hoping that they can hold out a little longer.

But now there is no way to deceive anymore.

Ochi walked over to the communicator and tried to contact the main nest again.

However, all he got was a bunch of noise, and the communicator failed to connect.

The last hope was gone.

He hung up the communicator, walked into a secret room, put on the long-dusty combat armor, and grabbed an exquisite laser pistol.

Now the only option left is to die in battle.

As for escaping?

He never thought about it, and there was nowhere to escape.

Returning to the Royal Court would only result in more severe punishment and would also drag down the Cotton family.

Just as Ochi was preparing to go out to fight with the determination to die, the communicator suddenly issued a prompt.

That was a communication message from the main nest spire mansion.

This means that it was a communication from the Governor!

He almost pounced over and connected the signal.

"Governor, I am Ochi, the manager of sub-nest No. 1!"

Ron's gentle voice came from the communicator:
"Aoqi, you and the warriors of Nest No. 1 have worked hard..."

Hearing the Governor's caring voice, Ochi's tears suddenly fell.

They have not been forgotten.

Since there is communication, it means that the main nest has solved the problem and they have reinforcements!
Soon, he learned from the Governor that the reinforcements from the Royal Court District had arrived at the gate of Sub-Nest No. 1.

As long as the city gate is opened, they can enter the sub-nest to provide support at any time.

And not only armed support, a convoy transporting food is also on the way and will arrive soon.

After the main nest was recaptured, under Ron's order, the Royal Court District immediately sent reinforcements.

These included heavily-armored thieves and a small number of guards and defense forces.

These troops will be divided into three routes to provide reinforcements to the various sub-nests in front.

Then a food transport convoy was sent out to deliver supplies to each sub-nest.

After all, time is life. If the food can be transported faster, fewer people will die.

While sending out the army, the Royal Court actively contacted other sub-nests, but the subspace storm and the radiation outside had a great impact on the signal.

It was not until Kohl developed new communication equipment that he solved this problem and was able to quickly contact the sub-nests.

Ochi was ecstatic at the news of the arrival of reinforcements.

Nest No. 1 is saved!

After expressing his immense gratitude and loyalty, he patiently waited for the Governor to hang up the phone before he carefully put down the receiver of the communicator.

As soon as he put down the communicator, Ochi received a report that a large assault ship from the Royal Court District had landed at the airport!
That was the vehicle of the Governor's guards. For the planet Ers, the arrival of the guards was equivalent to the presence of the Governor in person.

He quickly changed into a formal dress and went to the airport with his subordinates. Aoqi and his subordinates waited respectfully in the waiting area of ​​the airport, welcoming the arrival of Master Wang.

When the assault ship's hatch slowly opened.

The welcoming crowd suddenly became agitated, and some people screamed in fear.

Ochi was also startled.

Because what appeared before people was an alien beast armed to the teeth!
It stared at everyone coldly, with a slight flame coming out of its nostrils.

"Stop it, don't be rude!"

Qio reacted and immediately stopped the guards and the panicked welcoming team.

Because he saw the shining Imperial Sky Eagle emblem on the armed alien, as well as the golden lion emblem belonging to the Grant family.

This means that the alien in front of us belongs to the Governor.

"Sorry to let these damn beasts scare you, but don't worry, they won't hurt you"

A guard came out of the cabin and explained to Ochi and others.

A dozen guards and several huge, heavily-armored chicken thieves walked down from the large assault ship.

These are the forces equipped to the top level to prevent the top level from falling in unexpected situations.

At the same time, this also announces the existence of Heavy Equipment Chicken Trick to managers.

Avoid any misunderstandings in the upcoming battle.

After welcoming the arrival of the royal division, Ochi accompanied the royal guards to announce the good news to the defense forces and officials of the sub-nest.

The guards brought greetings from the Governor to everyone.

People were extremely excited and thrilled; they saw hope for survival.

Afterwards, with the help of the guards and heavily-armored thieves, the top fighters quickly repelled the rebels.

Without the interference of Chaos forces and aliens, ordinary rebels would be unable to resist the attacks of the Imperial Guards and the heavily armored thieves.

It can be said that the Royal Court District now has absolute military advantage on this planet.

After letting the rebels see the power of the Royal Guards and the Heavy Armored Raiders, the Royal Guards followed the Governor's orders and asked Ochi to send out all the drones.

They carry sound-generating devices that broadcast the Governor's voice to the entire Hive 1.

"People of Nest No. 1, I am your Governor Ron Grant..."

In the recording, Ron told the people involved in the rebellion that the suffering was over.

Any rebels who laid down their arms and pledged their loyalty would be offered work and adequate food.

At the same time, a stern warning was issued.

The armed forces from the Royal Court District have arrived at the gate of Sub-Nest City No. 1, and any meaningless resistance will be completely disintegrated.

They only have one chance to be forgiven.

We must be completely disarmed before the sun rises tomorrow.

When the sun rises, any rebel holding a weapon will be regarded as a complete betrayal of the Royal Court.

These people will face the most brutal execution!

After the recording was broadcast several times, the drone returned to the top floor of the sub-nest.

Wangting District has given these people opportunities. If they don’t cherish them, there is nothing that can be done.

That night, most of the rebels quietly laid down their weapons.

However, there are still some people who are unwilling to be loyal to the governor and have a strong will to resist.

So, they had no chance of survival.

Ron doesn't need such people either.

As the sun rises, the gate of Nest No. 1 slowly rises driven by gears.

Nearly 1 armed chickens entered Nest No. under the terrified gaze of the people.

The killing begins!

Those rebels who persisted in resisting were almost torn to pieces by the terrible attack of the heavily armored thieves.

Even if some of the rebels were overcome by fear and dropped their weapons in surrender on the spot, it would be of no use.

As it was too late, the Governor refused their allegiance.

Under the pursuit of the heavily-armored chicken thieves, the remaining rebels were completely strangled.

At the same time, they also helped to deal with many mutant creatures and small-scale chaos cult dens.

This solves the hidden danger for nest No. 1.
The spire mansion in the Royal Court District.

Ron was busy in his office, planning to design a citizen hierarchy system for the people under his rule.

Soon, he received good news from various sub-nests.

With the reinforcement of the armed forces of the Royal Court, the three sub-nests were recaptured and brought back under his rule.

This means that the enemies have been wiped out and the planet Ers has been completely liberated!

As the governor, he can implement the next plan...

(End of this chapter)

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