Chapter 130 Celebration
After Ron successfully regained control of the sub-nest, he immediately sent people from the Mechanicus to each sub-nest to lay a psychic network.

At the same time, Bayev was also actively sorting out the political affairs of the sub-nest and incorporating them into the new administrative system of the Royal Court District.

The state religion also re-established a branch in Zichao.

When the spiritual network is connected, communication becomes efficient and fast.

All aspects of the sub-nest are synchronized with the main nest, and order and production are restored.

The completion of these works has given each region a new look.

This also means that the planet Ers has completely returned to Ron's rule and it will usher in a new beginning.
Today is October 10th.

The people of Ers have smiles on their faces.

The hive city was decorated with festive flags everywhere, and the sound generators were playing hymns about the planet Ers.

This day is the day of Ers' return.

Such a celebration will be held every year on this day in the future.

On this day, people don’t need to work, don’t need to have any worries, and can get free delicious food.

They just need to express their gratitude and blessings to the great and benevolent Governor Ron Grant with full enthusiasm.

The statues of the governor erected in each region were worshipped by the people.

There were crowds of people coming to admire the Governor's majestic figure.

Just looking at the statue of the Governor, they couldn't help but shed tears.

This great and benevolent governor, the savior appointed by the God-Emperor, not only saved everyone's lives, but also freed people from hunger.

He illuminates the way forward for the planet Ers!

Everyone who comes to pay homage to the statue of the Governor places their hands on their hearts and devoutly utters words of praise in their hearts.

Legend has it that the more devout a person is in praising, the easier it is for him to receive blessings.

As the population of the territory increased, Ron's influence on reality became greater.

Now the Little Sun's territory can cover most areas of the main nest and three sub-nests.

And he can also exert more divine authority.

After absorbing faith, these governor statues will give back a little bit of strength, making people feel happy.

This will further deepen people's admiration for him.

Royal Court, Sacred Square.

Countless colorful flags are flying and a grand ceremony is taking place.

People from all walks of life were invited to participate in the celebration of the return of the planet Ers.

On the balcony of the Spire Mansion.

Ron looked down at the scene below and felt relieved:

"I really like this kind of scene, it's harmonious and festive!"

This world is too depressing.

If we don't organize more positive activities to help people release stress, psychological problems can easily arise.

What's even more terrifying is that those with twisted minds are often easily attracted to terrifying existences and become believers of chaos.

In this way, corruption will gradually breed.

People had just experienced a long period of suffering and urgently needed such a national celebration to ease their tense emotions.

This can reduce the occurrence of corruption to a great extent.

Soon, the time set for the celebration arrived.

Ron came to the mechanical platform wearing golden armor. The machine started up and projected a holographic projection of himself that was nearly 100 meters high.

At the same time, mechanical screens installed in various areas lit up, broadcasting the scene in real time.

Ron looked at the people in the audience and began his speech:

"People of the planet Ers, I am your Governor Ron Grant!"

As soon as he finished speaking, people burst into thunderous cheers.

"Long live the Governor!"

"For the Governor!"

Ron smiled as he stood there quietly, accepting the admiration and worship of nearly 100,000 people.
This is a rare opportunity to absorb the power of hope.

This time, the entire territory could contribute at least one million points of hope to him. After waiting for a while, he raised his hand and the crowd instantly quieted down.

Ron continued his speech:

“We have experienced extreme suffering over the years, and countless lives have been lost.

But we didn’t give up, we fought back!

In this difficult war to retake Ers, too many brave warriors lost their lives..."

He pointed to the memorial stone in front of the statue of the Divine Emperor, which was inscribed with the names of the fallen soldiers.

When people heard this, they could not help but mourn in silence.

"Let us always remember these fallen soldiers, whose dedication and courage made this victory possible.

They are the heroes of Ers!"

Ron pointed to the square formation below the stage:
"And they are heroes too..."

The camera turned to the square array.

The phalanx was led by Yari and Carter, followed by a group of warriors.

These are soldiers who have shown bravery in battle and have been awarded medals.

Most of them were injured, some were missing limbs, and they wore medals of honor.

"All the warriors who participated in the battle are heroes of our planet Ers!"

As Ron finished speaking, people cheered for the warriors and looked at them with admiration.

Facing people's gazes, the soldiers in the formation couldn't help but straighten their chests.

Yarui wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes:

"Damn it! Why is the Governor suddenly praising us?"

"This is a live broadcast, don't talk nonsense..."

Keith warned quietly, but his eyes were also wet.

Behind them, many soldiers shed tears.

The Governor has given them so much care.

These people were originally just a group of Downnesider refugees who were ignored by everyone and were struggling on the brink of starvation.

After joining the defense forces, not only did they solve the problem of food and clothing, but the lives of their families were also greatly improved.

Not long ago, the Governor sent officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs to visit the families and praise their contributions to the planet Ers.

This deeply moved the soldiers and their families.

Many of the soldiers' descendants passed the assessment and entered the Zhongsi Academy.

And now, the Governor has given them the supreme honor in front of billions of people on the planet Ers.

What a gift this is!
Carter and others, on the other hand, had resolute expressions on their faces.

For them, fighting for the Governor and even dying in battle is their due mission!
After praising the warriors' achievements, Ron turned his attention back to the crowd.

He praised people's contributions and talked about some future plans and policies that would benefit the people.

As his speech came to an end, Ron smiled at the camera:

“Now, the suffering is over…

Today, we gather here to celebrate the return of the planet Ers. This is a celebration for each of us.

And you will also usher in a better life.

May our star Ers shine forever!"

When his speech ended, the sacred square had turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Not only the Sacred Square, but billions of people across the entire planet Ers were smiling sincerely.

Because they see hope for the future!

The people of Ers are caught up in the vision of a better life.

Unfortunately, they don’t know.

In the distant star region capital of Mattila, the warships heading to various planets to collect tithes have set sail...

(End of this chapter)

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