Chapter 154 Happy Greenskin

The outer layer of the ferocious warship was covered with circles of iron sheets and spikes, as if it was hastily pieced together with scrap copper and iron.

Some parts of the hull were not even welded, but were simply wrapped with thick iron wire.

Under the turbulence of the subspace energy, the high-speed warship swayed up and down, left and right, front and back.

It seemed like it would fall apart in the next second.

Anyone would feel extremely terrified to sail in the warp on such a warship.

Because such behavior is equivalent to drifting madly in the face of death.

You may die without a burial place at any time.

The passengers in the ferocious warship did not show any fear, but instead roared with joy: "Waaagh!"

They are the most terrifying race in the galaxy - the Orks.

It was a warship full of orc legions.

They are an irresistible disaster for any human civilization!

The Orks are a warrior race created by the Old Ones and are often nicknamed Greenskins.

Orcs look like savage humanoid beasts, but they are actually giant psychic mushrooms.

They have a simple structure and strong adaptability and vitality.

Even injuries that are considered disabling or fatal to humans are often considered minor injuries to orcs.

Orcs are a special psychic race.

Every Ork is a natural psyker, and their psionic networks have nothing to do with the Warp.

It is an independent LAN, and different LANs can also merge with each other.

But most of the time, orcs use the psychic network unconsciously.

Only a very small number of orcs can actively use this very "Waaagh" psychic network.

When enough orcs believe in something.

The psychic resonance they generate can affect the real world in the form of a "Waaagh force field", turning imagination into reality.

In other words, that is the orcs' power of "I think".

For example, orcs generally believe that winning a battle makes them stronger, and the loser is like a pitiful fart.

Therefore, after winning the battle, the psychic energy fluctuations generated will be fed back into the physiology.

To increase their size or achieve some kind of evolution.

On the contrary, if the orcs keep losing battles or are unable to fight.

They will degenerate, become weaker and smaller.

"We were born to fight and win!"

This sentence is enough to summarize the racial characteristics of orcs.

In addition to their physiological structure, the orcs' reproduction method is also very unnatural.

Their reproduction is extremely simple and efficient.

When orcs reach adulthood, they begin to unconsciously spread large numbers of spores around them. They grow wherever they come into contact with soil, reproducing asexually.

Those spores will grow into large mushrooms, and the embryos of orcs are nurtured in the rhizome sacs hidden underground.

When the time is right, they will crawl out of the ground and join the fight.

This is even scarier than cockroaches.

And orcs continue to release reproductive spores throughout their lives, especially when injured or dying.

When an orc dies, more orcs often grow out of the ground.

This means that when fighting them, if you fail to use high-temperature weapons to clean up the spores in time, the more you kill, the more spores you will encounter.

What’s even more terrifying is that the orcs are violent and stupid.

But their ferocity is mixed with cunning, and they have mastered many advanced techniques.

When the Ancients created the orcs, they incorporated a large amount of technical knowledge and learning modules into the genes of their ancestors.

Allowing them to fight enemies of any technology at any time and in any place.

As they fight their enemies, they will continue to learn and unlock new technologies.

The orcs' technology is very metaphysical.

Relying on the knowledge remaining in their genes and a little bit of "thinking", these technical geniuses can use scraps to piece together any imaginable technological product.

Even though it's a little rough and may lose parts or explode, it works surprisingly well.

For example, you fight a horde of orcs wielding clubs.

Maybe during the battle, you suddenly find an orc taking out a musket that he had put together in some unknown way.

Gradually, they will use the scraps picked up on the battlefield to assemble combat armor, heavy tanks, and even large battleships.

The smartest technical masters can even build combat satellites!
It was a huge battle space station converted from an entire satellite, capable of accommodating the orcs' space portal and the entire orc army.

The gravitational tides caused by its own approach alone are enough to destroy everything on the surface of the planet.

Not to mention that they like to use vehicles to directly hit people.

There are few planets that can withstand the impact of combat satellites. For the orcs, life is to fight.

They don't think death is a bad thing. As long as they have a good fight before they die, their life will be worth it.

Their philosophy is:
More dead! More boys! More guys!

Fighting is the most fun, and dying is also fun!
We orcs only do three things in our lives: fight, win, and rob!

You are all shrimps, we are the strongest and the biggest!
We have to keep winning, defeat the shrimp, become big orcs, and fight big battles!
We are the most Waaagh orcs!
Therefore, the orcs are very happy in their lives. They are either fighting or on the way to fight.

But to other races, they are a green disaster.

Given the above racial characteristics, orcs are really terrifying.

When you see a green-skinned orc in the wild, there are often countless orcs nearby.

We can’t keep this land anymore, let’s run away!

Those orcs are basically not something that a single planet can contend with.

The best way is to mobilize the Empire to send a fleet to deal with it.

If even the Imperial Fleet can't handle it, then issue an extermination order, if it's still in time.



Inside the ten-kilometer-long orc battleship named "KuKu Gu Juji".

An orc over three meters tall and wearing super heavy exoskeleton armor was standing in front of the observation porthole.

It is the leader of the orcs, the orc boss "Big Steel Claw Ula".

It is the greenest, biggest, baddest, meanest orc in the tribe.

As for why it is called this name.

Just look at the blood-stained large yellow alloy pincers on its exoskeleton armor.

This giant pair of pliers is a powerful weapon that can cut through Terminator armor.

This iconic weapon was made by the Big Tech Master and several of his little Tech Master friends.

Big Steel Claw Ula destroyed the small agricultural planet where it was born, but it was still not satisfied with such a great beast life.

It wants a bigger fight!

So it led the orc army on board the "Cool Ancient Giant" built by the Great Tech Boss, preparing for an extremely Waaagh expedition!

Big Steel Tongs Ula narrowed his eyes.

There is no other reason, it's just that the wind in the subspace is a bit strong.

That’s right, this battleship is not sealed, and there is no alloy glass installed in front of the observation portholes.

Even with the isolation of the Geller force field and the protective shield, a lot of energy storms still penetrated in.


A few snot monsters were whimpering and trembling all over as they walked towards us against the wind.

These snot monsters were dragging a large map behind them.


A snot monster was blown away by the wind while screaming, and unfortunately fell into the power gear of the ship, and was instantly turned into meat paste.

Although the Snotls were scared, they continued to drag the map forward.

They were more afraid of the orc boss not far ahead.

Finally, the Snot Monsters dragged the big map to the big steel pliers.

The big steel pliers grabbed the map and kicked the cowardly snot monsters away.

It stared with its big eyes and looked at the map seriously.

It was a parchment galaxy map covered with doodles and densely marked with the locations of galaxies.


The big steel clamp roared.

So annoying, I can’t understand!

"Go fight a big battle here!"

It pointed randomly, poked a hole in the map, and then threw it to the tech-savvy boy who was in charge of navigation next to it.

The tech-savvy kid took a quick look, stuffed the map to Snotlout, and ran into the cab.

It probably didn't quite understand it.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as we have a specific target, my power of thinking can guide the warships to where they want to go.

If anyone could read the map, they would see that the place where the big steel pincers were poking was the Gori star region.

And it’s a bit close to the planet Ers.

This is undoubtedly a huge disaster for the planet Ers.

The ferocious "Kukugujuji" Orc warship suddenly turned around and rushed towards the target...

(End of this chapter)

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