Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 155: The Greenskin Expedition

Chapter 155: The Greenskin Expedition

Inside the Orc warship.

"Slow, too slow...

The battleship needs more speed!"

On the throne of the bridge, the orc leader, Great Tongs, roared in dissatisfaction.

It couldn't wait to reach its destination, the Gori star region where the star Ers was located.

As the big steel claws roared in anger, the Squig under its feet also started barking.

Squig is red and hairless, similar to a dog.

When it roars, its large, fang-filled mouth spurts out corrosive saliva.

The saliva fell to the ground and emitted white smoke.

The orcs didn't care about this at all.

Under the throne, the great master nodded:

"Boss, I will make the battleship faster!"

This battleship is the masterpiece of the great master.

No matter what idea the orc boss comes up with, it can make it happen.

After receiving the boss's order, Da Jiba returned to the ship's mechanical research laboratory.

The mechanical research laboratory covers a large area.

If described from a human perspective, it is a scrap yard with mountains of scrap metal parts and garbage piled up one after another.

But for Dajiba, this is a paradise of inspiration.

Those wonderful scrap metals are enough for it to research anything, and the orc boy's weapons are produced from here.

Of course, it costs money for orcs to obtain and modify weapons.

If you want money, it's easy, just go fight.

Hammer down the other orcs and steal their teeth.

Orc teeth are currency.

Next to the garbage pile in the Mechanical Laboratory.

Two skilled guys were fighting fiercely, while other orcs were surrounding them and cheering them on.

"Fuck it!"

"Cut it quickly and extract the tooth!"

From time to time, cunning orcs would secretly join the battle and unexpectedly strike down both sides.

Then he retreated back to the cheering team, looked at the sky as if nothing had happened, and pretended that he had done nothing.

"It's the cunning boy!"

"Call it!"

Soon, the cunning orcs were discovered by both sides of the fight.

It was pinned to the ground and hammered by both sides of the fight, its teeth fell out and it howled in pain.

When the orcs saw the tooth fall to the ground, they rushed over to grab it.

Suddenly the scene became chaotic, and the duel turned into a big brawl.

But it’s not a big problem, it’s just the daily life of orcs.

The scene of the big fight was extremely chaotic.

Waste parts, hammers, sticks, and iron sheets were flying everywhere.

Anything can be used as a weapon by them.

The orcs had no goal at all, they just hammered any living thing around them.

Even Squig, who was sleeping under the scrap heap, was dragged out.


Squig was dazed and before he could react, he was hit by several hammers.

It howled miserably and ran away with its tail between its legs.


The huge Dajiba roared when he saw this scene.

It squeezed into the center and knocked out the most aggressive and skilled guy on the field with a sudden wrench.

It roared:

"Boys, get to work!"

Soon, the fight was stopped.

The orcs lost interest and dispersed, returning to their respective jobs.

There was no life on their faces and they looked depressed, as if they had been working 996 hours a day for a month.

The big tyrant sat down, raised his hand to scratch his little head, and began to think.

How to continue to speed up the warship when the engine power has been used to its limit?
This is not an easy thing to do.

What's more, what it wants to speed up are the warships traveling in the subspace.

But no technical difficulty can defeat the great master of technology.

It quickly came up with a solution.


The Big Jiba roared and called for the Jiba Boy.

Let them find various parts from the waste garbage mountain and try to assemble them.

Those parts eventually formed a mechanical cauldron.

The Great Technician looked at the mechanical cauldron, knocked on it a few times, and nodded with satisfaction:
“This… works!”

According to the Greenskin Law, anything that the Tech Boss says works well must work well.

As soon as he finished speaking, a puff of black smoke came out of the mechanical cauldron, and it began to run hummingly, very smoothly. After the mechanical cauldron was running smoothly, the big mechanic directed the mechanic boys to bring several kinds of materials and throw them into the cauldron, heating it up to produce a chemical reaction.


The liquid in the mechanical cauldron began to boil.

The Great Technician walked up to the large mechanical cauldron and used a long wrench to stir the liquid inside.

It chanted:

"Red, more red, preferably redder than blood!"

As it was stirred, the liquid in the kettle turned bright red due to the chemical reaction.

It can even be said that it is the reddest pigment.

Da Jiba looked at the red paint in the cauldron with great pride.

It has achieved another technological breakthrough. No technology can stump it!

This red thing is the speed-up technology solution developed by the master technologist.

According to estimates, this Waaagh! red paint can increase the speed of the warship by 30 percent.

Da Jiba poured the red paint into the paint bucket.

It ordered the Tech Guy to carry the paint to the engine room and paint the engine red.

Then the battleship can speed up.

Painting the engine red will speed it up, and the redder the better.

This is extremely absurd in the eyes of humans.

But to the orcs, that is the unshakable law of physics:
What, humans don’t think that being painted red will make them run faster?
A bunch of rogues, they know nothing!

Painting everything red makes everything look better and faster. The redder the faster!
Orcs have a strict set of color physics laws:

Red runs fast; purple can be invisible; yellow is the craziest; blue is the luckiest...


Green is the most orcish!

When all orcs believe this theory, the Waaagh force field will turn this imaginary theory into reality.

Thus affecting the real world.

This is an unconscious use of psychic energy.

This spiritual energy bonus of the power of thought can be regarded as a special kind of enchantment.

Of course, these psychic effects of the power of thought can only be used within the coverage area of ​​the orcs' force field.

Once it leaves the force field, it becomes ineffective.

This is also why humans are almost unable to use the machines made by orcs after seizing them.

It's like a pile of junk.

Back to the issue of color, when you see a big orc painted all yellow on the battlefield.

Better be careful then.

It is most likely the most ferocious and craziest orc.


The two skilled guys carried the paint bucket to the engine room, and then they began to paint the engine red.

After working for a long time, they finally painted the entire engine bright red.

After the painting was completed, the ship's engine exceeded its power limit and its operating efficiency was greatly improved.

This caused the speed of the Orc warships to increase again.

The "Cool Ancient Giant" was speeding through the subspace at an even faster speed.

This Ork warship will reach the Gori sector in a shorter time.

This orc army came from a low-level small agricultural world, and its technology was not very advanced.

But when they encounter enemies with more advanced technology, their technical strength will grow rapidly by the day and become even more terrifying!
Some powerful Ork warlords are even able to fight against the Tyranids and Chaos Daemons, and quickly absorb their technology.

When this orc army arrives in the Gori star zone, they will be exposed to more advanced technology and have incredible reproductive capabilities.

It is not impossible that the entire star region will be destroyed in the end.


On the throne, Big Steel Tongs roared with excitement as he felt the battleship's speed increase.

It can go to battle faster!
The ferocious and cunning big steel pincers will smash everything at its destination and pierce the bodies of those human shrimps with their heads!

After the orc leader roared, all the orcs in the battleship roared excitedly:

Waaagh, Waaagh!

Inside the engine room.

After the two skilled boys were excited, they suddenly saw that there was still half a bucket of red paint left in the paint bucket.

They scratched their heads and chattered away.

It seems that the big boss ordered them to use up all the paint?

But the engine was already painted.

One of the technical guys saw a protective force field engine that looked very similar to a power engine not far away, and immediately had an idea.

"That... paint it red!"

It pointed at the protective force field engine and spoke to its companions in a babble.

Then the two technical geeks carried the paint buckets over with satisfaction and worked hard to paint the blue-painted protective force field engine red.

But they didn't find it.

During the painting process, the protective force field engine flashed purple sparks slightly.

That's very similar to the energy of the Warp...

(End of this chapter)

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