Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 177 Revelation from the Blood God

Chapter 177 Revelation from the Blood God
Is that huge dark red figure sitting high on the throne the emperor?

None of this matters anymore.

No matter who He is, the confused and helpless Harris just wants an answer.

He wanted to know how to proceed so as to get rid of all this.

The great being said nothing, but Harris got the answer he wanted.

Every question he had was answered by Him.

The answer is so simple.

“How should I deal with those unruly people who don’t understand the overall situation?”


“How should I deal with those who disobey me?”


“How do you deal with those difficult problems?”


"Kill, kill, kill!"

After some prayer, all the problems were solved perfectly.

Harris followed the guidance of the Great Being and greatly expanded the secret intelligence department and suppression forces.

Use iron-blooded means to suppress the rebellious people.

Anyone who dared to protest, even with just one word, would be caught and taken to the execution platform if discovered.

Beheaded in public.

He encouraged the public to report disloyal people to each other, and those who knew about the incident but did not report it would be considered equally guilty.

Those rebels who dared to riot were subjected to a bloody massacre.

There was a lot of people coming and going at once.

People began to get scared and no longer dared to protest.

Only hard work.

Because slackness and strikes are also a form of disloyalty to the empire.

The suppression forces would periodically select a group of lazy people and take them, along with their families, to the execution platform for execution.

This works very well.

Anti-tax riots in various places were suppressed and related production activities continued.

The famine situation was also alleviated due to the decrease in population and the increase in corpse starch.

With this move, Harris paid the taxes required by the empire in a timely manner.

He was even commended by relevant imperial agencies because the implementation of the tithe tax was good and the quality exceeded expectations.

Harris discovered that solving problems was so easy and governance was so simple. It turned out that everything could be so easy.

No noble dared to openly oppose him anymore.

Because those opponents were executed by the royal guards who were secretly created by him.

Almost all problems can be solved by killing.

Of course, the way people looked at him changed.

They suppressed their hatred and anger, and only showed deep fear.

Harris didn't care about this. This was the price he had to pay.

Without any constraints, the star zone has regained its momentum of development.

Famine was contained and the alien invasion was repelled.

People will just be a little more miserable and tired, but they won't starve to death on the streets.

The price is just the death of some people.

However, this is only temporary.

The suppressed anger finally backfired on Harris.

The nobles joined forces with the rebels and secretly launched several assassination attempts on him.

Poisoning, shooting, explosions, everything was used.

During one of his inspections, several people attacked him with high-strength bombs.

He dodged all of these.

But the traitors finally succeeded.

Because the assassin was one of Harris' most trusted people.

his wife.

She didn't know when she was turned against.

In the bedroom, his wife stabbed him with a poisoned knife.

Harris, who was sleeping soundly, woke up in severe pain.

He looked at his beloved wife and saw only hatred, madness and fear on her face.

Harris couldn't understand:

The wife roared and stabbed him again and again:
"Kill you tyrant!"

At this moment, she just wanted to kill this demon.


In a rage, Harris strangled his wife to death.

He couldn't understand why the person he loved would betray him.

In a trance, Harris remembered one thing. He seemed to have killed many of his wife's relatives.

As for the reason, I can’t remember it anymore.

He forgot so many things.

None of this mattered because she was already dead. Harris struggled to get up and call for help, but she was unable to move, and even because of the wound in her throat, she didn't even have the ability to call for help.

The bedrooms were sealed at night, with royal guards at the door.

The alarm has been cut off.

This means that he will not get any help.

Harris was waiting for death in extreme fear and pain.

He felt wronged and unwilling.

Why don’t people understand my own difficulties?

"Don't these damned people know how difficult it is to understand the star region?

Shouldn't those nobles who are corrupt and unambitious be killed?
Without collecting taxes or conscription, are we going to allow aliens to trample on the land of the star zone?
If it weren't for me, the great Marius IX, many more people would have died on this planet!"

Harris is not an incompetent person. He has consulted the records of the destruction of many planets.

He knew that if no changes were made, the Gori Sector would sooner or later become like other planets in the Empire.

Under the dual pressure of taxation and enemy invasion, it was on the verge of destruction.

At that time, no one will be spared.

"The Goli Sector needs its monarch, I must not die!"

That was Harris' only belief.

He dragged his broken body in agony for a long, long time.

It was not until noon the next day that the royal guards discovered it, realizing that something was wrong.

Harris was rushed to treatment and eventually survived thanks to his strong will to survive.

However, severe trauma and poison erosion have completely destroyed his circulatory system.

He could only rely on mechanical life support devices to survive, and at the same time became extremely afraid of the arrival of death.

From then on, Harris sat on the mechanical throne and never stepped out of it again.

He was covered in fat, and his human form was almost unrecognizable. He could only collapse deeply into the mechanical throne.

The five-meter-high throne was equipped with the most advanced life-support devices, as well as sophisticated defense arrays and weapons. No one could assassinate him anymore.

But this is not enough, he must create more powerful warriors.

Only more killing and fear can ensure one's own safety.

Hundreds of millions of people were taken away in the name of tithes and then died in secret human experiments.

Although the success rate was terribly low, Harris still created more royal court guards.

He planned a more extensive purge.

Although the Empire does not interfere with the Governor's ruling behavior in principle, Harris's abnormal behavior was reported secretly and attracted the attention of the Inquisition.

The judge has arrived.

When the Inquisition's spacecraft arrived over Mattila, Harris, who was executing a traitor, became a little nervous.

But for some reason, the Inquisition's spaceship changed direction and flew away as soon as it came to a complete stop.

If we could find the flight records of that spaceship, we would know that the Inquisitor had diverted to the planet Ers.

And died there.

The cause of death was the warp storm created when the Great Rift was formed.

The arrival of the Great Rift has resulted in the isolation of shipping routes.

This terrified Harris, as it meant that the sector would no longer receive support from the Empire.

The Goli Sector will face the terrible chaos and aliens alone.

Under the influence of chaos energy, more cult activities and rebellions appeared in Mattila.

Harris suddenly realized that the terrible prophecy was coming true!

In order to survive, he must keep power firmly in his hands.

In the name of the star district governor, Harris organized and invited officials from various imperial agencies on the planet to discuss how to deal with this disaster from the warp.

During the dinner after the meeting, a brutal massacre began and the white carpet was soaked with blood.

From then on, Harris held the supreme power and fleet of the star zone.

The opposition was also thoroughly purged.

The Goli Sector will continue to survive and develop in his hands, and no one will be able to hinder his rule.

Until now, a threat to his rule has emerged - Ron Grant, the governor of the planet Ers.

"That damn second-generation rich kid!"

In the empty royal court, Harris, who was trapped in the mechanical throne, roared.

It was a weird electronic sound.

He had an image of Ron Grant in his mind.

At that time, the other party followed the old governor of Ers Star to Mattila to attend the banquet. He was a lustful, frivolous person who was not capable of any important task.

How could he develop such terrifying power in just a dozen years?

Besides, hasn’t the planet Ers already declined?
In order to share the tax burden of Mattila while keeping the total tax amount in the star zone unchanged, he secretly transferred more taxes to the planet Ers.

Harris couldn't understand the changes on the planet Ers, but there was no doubt that war was about to come!

He must gain greater power to deal with the growing rebellions and the impending war.

"His Majesty……"

The black-robed mechanic walked into the royal court and saluted under the throne.

His tone was full of excitement:

“Are you finally ready to launch that program?

I swear to the Blood God that you will get the most perfect bloodthirsty warrior!"

(End of this chapter)

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