Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 178 Mission Ship's Mission

Chapter 178 Mission Ship's Mission
The bloodthirsty warriors are a biological genetic modification technology that is stronger than the royal guards.

Due to the use of the power of forbidden blood sacrifice, the cost of life for the transformation is astonishingly high and is highly uncontrollable.

This made Harris very unhappy. He hated things that were out of control, just like his current emotions.

The risk of transformation is also very high. Once the empire knows about it, it will be a severe blow.

So several years ago, he sealed up that transformation technology.

But now, facing the threat from the enemy, he can no longer care about so much.

Besides, the empire could no longer influence Mattila.

He could conduct any human experiment and use any forbidden techniques without any scruples.

Harris stared at the black-robed mechanic with cold eyes:

"Go ahead, use your abilities to the fullest and hope everything goes as you promised, otherwise you know the consequences!"

The black-robed mechanic smiled morbidly, his scarlet eyes filled with irrepressible excitement.

He has been preparing for this for many years, and now the great creation is finally about to appear before the world!

"Everything will be as you wish, my Lord..."

He bowed gracefully and withdrew.

Harris was the only one left in the dark royal hall, and he was silent.

He likes this kind of darkness.

For him, who has electronic purposes, there is no difference between night and day.

Harris's heavy breathing echoed in the hall, and the air pump of the mechanical lung sped up.

He suddenly thought of what happened in the previous court meeting, and a trace of doubt arose in his mind.

That flatterer, that fool from the Avila family, actually suggested that he send out the entire battleship fleet.

What a sinister intention this is.

Could it be that he is in collusion with those traitors?

"Damn fat man!"

Thinking of this, Harris' chest was filled with anger.

He pressed a button, and the royal guards came out from the secret compartment and knelt on the ground.

"His Majesty"

"Go, execute that stupid fat man from the Avila family!"

The royal guard nodded and returned to the secret compartment.

The hidden blade soldiers arranged by the royal guards were spread all over the hive city, and almost all the noble mansions had surveillance personnel stationed.

When the nobles commit acts of rebellion or when your majesty issues an order, their heads can be quickly taken off.

If anyone else dares to stop them, the entire family will be surrounded and attacked by the royal guards.

This is also the basis for Harris's reign of terror to be maintained. No one is not afraid of death.

Those who are not afraid of death have almost all died.

Of course, this way of ruling has fatal flaws.

Once he loses his deterrent power, the power built on it will fall apart.

The ensuing backlash and the suppressed anger would tear him to pieces.

Harris knew this, of course, but he could no longer turn back.

Only by constant pressure and the use of more killing and fear can his rule continue.


The Avila family residence.

The fat nobleman was fidgeting in the meditation room, his whole body trembling and his face full of fear.

Whenever he thought of His Majesty's venomous eyes during the day, his heart was broken.

The look in the eyes of the Emperor, his former childhood friend, was like the hand of a devil, tightly gripping his heart.

Suddenly, the fat nobleman saw something and closed his eyes as if he had made up his mind.

after awhile.

The noble lady who entered the meditation room with great worry let out a shrill scream.

At the same time, in the royal hall.

Blood was flowing and several lifeless bodies were lying on the ground.

Those were the servants who came to clean His Majesty's body and change his clothes at night.

Harris's breathing became heavier, and the desire to kill filled his mind.

He wanted to kill, endless killing.

But he must never completely succumb to forbidden desires!
Harris used his remaining sanity and pressed the button.


The mechanical pump inside the throne started, and a large amount of special sedative was injected into his body through the tubes.

Call ~
As the sedative took effect, Harris regained his consciousness.

Ever since that prayer, the desire to kill has been with me.

But he is the king and must not become a beast!
In order to suppress this impulse, he would inject large amounts of special sedatives every once in a while.

Those damn potions caused great harm to his body, but he had to use them.

After calming down, Harris suddenly felt a little regretful. He shouldn't have ordered the killing of the fat man.

After all, he is one of the few who is willing to serve his family wholeheartedly.

Moreover, the Avila family has been under surveillance, so there is no possibility of betrayal.

That damn desire to kill always inadvertently affects his judgment and even erodes part of his memory.

As the monarch of mankind, Harris was unwilling to become a puppet of Chaos at all costs, and he believed that he could control his desires.

In his heart, this was just the use of forbidden power, not obedience.

When Harris called the royal guards again and wanted to withdraw the execution order, it was too late.

"Your Majesty, the man is already dead."

The Royal Guard added:
"The execution order was not carried out. The target committed suicide by taking poison. He left behind a letter of repentance..."

"I see"

Harris grabbed the letter delivered by the floating disk and waved his hand to let the royal guards leave.

His face was gloomy.

In a trance, Harris recalled his childhood when he and Fatty went to an agricultural planet accompanied by their elders.

They chased each other in the wheat fields and watched piranhas in the river.

That was the first time the two saw the world outside the hive.

The fire started.

Harris did not read the confession letter and burned it directly.

Forget it.

It didn't matter, he was dead.
Ers Star, Spire Mansion.

Ron had lunch with the Shahim siblings in the restaurant.

Today's main dish is steak grilled by Sgromon.

The two eight year olds enjoyed their meal very much.

Only at Uncle Ron's could they eat such good food.

It was a new species discovered by the colony ship on the planet Kanda, a large, fire-breathing beast.

After discovering that it was edible, the colonial team sent a small transport ship to bring it back.

After research, the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Research Institute named it Sgro Beast and claimed that it has high breeding and utilization value.

Ron even went to take a look.

The thing was about 11 meters long and nearly six meters high, like a fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But it's really delicious.

It tastes like steak, tender and delicious.

After domestication, they will be raised on a large scale in the future to provide meat for soldiers and citizens.

I just don't know if it can be genetically or mechanically modified to be used as a biological weapon.

For example, the "Tyrannosaurus Rider" is quite powerful when you think about it.

After lunch, Ron had the Shahim siblings sent back to Zhongsi Academy.

He lay in a chair to digest his food and browse the data pad at the same time.

According to the trial court documents, Deville was already undergoing bio-genetic engineering surgery.

After he returned from the bottom nest, he immediately applied for a transformation operation on himself.

And what he applied for was the transformation into a Thunder Warrior, which has a very high mortality rate.

That technology is costly, and only a blessed body can withstand and resist the flaws.

Even so, the Thunder Warrior transformation surgery still has a mortality rate of nearly 30%.

This is also the reason why the Thunder Warriors failed to expand rapidly.

Originally, not many people were able to receive the blessing.

Moreover, those who receive the blessing are important talents of the planet Ers.

Every death of one of them would make him feel sad for a long time.

Ron wanted to reject Deville's application, but the other party insisted, so he finally agreed.

I hope this loyal subordinate can survive the transformation surgery.

In the future, the Inquisition will be divided into the Demonic Inquisition, the Heretic Inquisition, the Alien Inquisition, etc.

Many members will also undergo corresponding biological genetic modification surgery to cope with more challenges.

After reading the documents from the Inquisition, Ron began to worry about the missionary ship again.

Due to the failure of the subspace channel, the missionary ship could only fly to Mattila at sub-light speed.

It's been almost three years now, they should be getting there soon, right?
The fanatics on the missionary ship have an important mission.

In addition to spreading their faith, they also need to infiltrate the hives and unite the resistance forces of all classes in Mattila.
And investigate the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, and the layout of the defense array.

When the day of attack comes, they will launch an attack on the enemy's defense array.

At the same time, the psychic navigation beacon was lit up, guiding the Dream to conduct subspace navigation and quickly arrive at Mattila.

That's right, the ships of humanity's golden age were built to last, able to navigate the turbulent conditions of the warp.

But you need a navigation beacon, otherwise it's easy to get lost.

Now the Dream can only jump within the galaxy through the subspace.

I want to go to the Holy Face of the Empire, when the torches are out and there is no webway.

Unless Ron sends a ship to sail for hundreds or thousands of years to deliver the navigation beacon to the Holy Land of the Empire.

Suddenly, Ron sensed the information sent back by the fanatics through the honeycomb network.

The missionary ship arrived in the airspace near the sector capital of Mattila!

(End of this chapter)

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