Chapter 191 Wow, a fleet?


Plasma bombs destroyed a cruiser with damaged shields.

It frightened the warships in the fleet.

Inside the bridge.

The admiral remained silent. The power of the enemy ship was beyond his expectations.

He had rehearsed several tactics in his mind.

But there was still no possibility of defeating the enemy ships.

And there is not even the possibility of escape.

In order to destroy the enemy ships as quickly as possible, the fleet came too close.

The Nova main gun can fire at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers or even longer.

Without the ability to make a warp jump, they would have no way of escaping in time.

Just when the admiral was feeling desperate.

The enemy ship suddenly sent a message.

The content required nearly twenty main warships, including battleships, to act according to the instructions.

Otherwise they will suffer a devastating blow!
And the message came with a condition, which allayed his worries.

That is, as long as he cooperates, his personal safety can be guaranteed.

The message was sent privately, directly to his private channel.

No one on this ship knows what the content is except him.

The admiral believed that the commanders of other capital warships had also received this message.

He glanced at the royal guards who were supervising the battle not far behind the bridge.

Eyes twinkling.


Inside the bridge of the Dream.

"Do you think they will agree to this?"

Shahim looked at Keith, obviously nervous.

Keith smiled slightly:
"They will.

The previous deterrent attacks had already frightened the commanders.

If they have normal IQ, they will know that we are telling the truth.

Based on the intelligence collected over the years.

Those guys are almost all traitors from the original Gori Sector Navy Fleet.

They have no firm beliefs, and will not risk their lives for a tyrant.

It's just that the supervision team is keeping an eye on them.

If they rebel or surrender, they will be killed by the royal guards supervising the battle.

Therefore, just ensure their personal safety and give them a glimmer of hope.

Those commanders knew this was their only chance to survive.

They are willing to do anything to survive..."

Shahim responded:
“So, we don’t just ask those commanders to surrender.

Otherwise, they will fight us to the death under the threat of the supervision team.

Instead, we let them deliberately reveal flaws in the process of commanding the warships, so that our soldiers can successfully board the ships and completely control those warships..."

"That's right!"

Keith glanced at Shahim:

"Let the War Angels prepare to board the ship.

Just now, those commanders agreed to our conditions..."

Case turned and walked to the observation window, frowning.

Obviously he was not as confident as before.

Fighters change rapidly.

As the commander of the Dream, the Savior gave him full command authority.

Let him play freely and don't interfere in any decision-making.

This is an unparalleled trust and a heavy responsibility.

He needs to be responsible for all of this.

Case thought about it carefully.

It would be difficult for the Dream alone to destroy so many warships in a short period of time.

That would also be a huge waste and would seriously weaken the power of the sector.

This is not a good thing for the savior who wants to save the star zone.

So he wanted to keep as many warships as possible.

Moreover, the main nest of Mattila has been armed for thousands of years, and its void shields and air defense arrays are extremely powerful.

The Dream is difficult to break into in a short period of time.

More warships are needed to assist the attack and speed up the process of breaking through it.

So as not to delay the flight.

To achieve his goal, Case needs to take more risks.

If the plan goes wrong and the battleship commanders fail to cooperate as agreed, there is a high possibility that the war angels will be sacrificed.

That would be a major loss.

But he trusted his own judgment.

Soon, Keyes saw through the observation porthole that the enemy fleet adjusted its formation according to previous instructions.

Exposing the main battleships on the side of the formation.

No more hesitation.

He immediately ordered:
"Fire boarding torpedoes!"


Dozens of boarding torpedoes were launched along predetermined trajectories, heading straight for the enemy's main battleships.

Instead of using teleportation to carry out boarding operations, Keyes used boarding torpedoes specifically designed for boarding tactics.

Compared to sending navigation beacons and then transmitting them team by team, boarding torpedoes can deliver War Angels to enemy ships faster.

The speed of boarding torpedoes is enough to pass directly through void shields.

But it is easy to be intercepted and destroyed.

There was nothing that could be done about it. In addition to the supervision team, the enemy's main battleship was also equipped with a self-destruct device.

If we don't land and control the battleship as soon as possible, once Tyrant Harris reacts, he will probably blow it up directly.

Keith nervously observed the battlefield ahead.

Those boarding torpedoes carried nearly two hundred war angels.

As long as they can successfully pass through the enemy's firepower line, it means victory in this operation.

He prayed silently.

Suddenly, Keyes showed a hint of joy on his face. The commanders really adjusted their firepower defense line, except that two boarding torpedoes were accidentally destroyed by stray bullets.

The remaining torpedoes all passed through the fire defense line and headed straight for the bridge of the enemy's main battleship.

"It's done!"

Shahim also saw this scene and couldn't help but clench his fists.


Battleship, inside the bridge.

The admiral waited anxiously.

He has adjusted his ship's firepower deployment according to the instructions of the enemy ship commander.

However, after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Was that a scam?

The Admiral was filled with fear and anxiety.

If he missed this opportunity, according to the current situation, he might be buried with this damn warship!

That was something he absolutely did not want to happen.

Fortunately, there is good news.

The operator yelled:
"Oh no! The enemy torpedo has crossed the enemy's firepower line and is heading towards the bridge!"


The admiral was overjoyed, and frantically suppressed the corners of his mouth that were raised, looking anxious.

He pushed the operator away: "Let me see!"

But he just watched without taking any action.

Try to delay as much as possible.

The adjutant next to him urged anxiously: "Hurry up and order the artillery to adjust the fire to intercept!"

What a blind thing!

I was saving your life, but you repaid my kindness with evil.

The admiral suppressed his anger. He tried to stop his adjutant by sending a look:
"Continue to maintain the original artillery defense line. That may be a trick of the enemy. We cannot act rashly..."

"Are your eyes uncomfortable?

We really can't hesitate any longer, if we don't intercept the bridge we will be attacked."

The adjutant looked loyal and concerned about the commander. He yelled at the crew member in charge of controlling the firepower:

"Intercept them quickly, I'll take responsibility for anything that happens!"

"You you you you!"

The Admiral pointed at his adjutant, his brother-in-law, and nearly exploded with rage.

At this time, the royal guards who were in charge of supervising the battle discovered something unusual.

The team of royal guards drew their chainswords and walked towards this side coldly.

Seeing this, the Admiral despaired:
"I shouldn't have put that idiot in the fleet, now I'm done for!"

When the royal guards were halfway there, the bridge began to vibrate slightly.

The melta warhead ejected by the boarding torpedo hit the bridge hull, melting a large hole.

boom! ! !
The several-meter-high boarding torpedoes rushed directly into the bridge.

The friction between metals made a harsh noise and sparks flew.

The torpedo hatch popped open, and a team of ten war angels in red power armor stepped out.

The savior is here!

The admiral was ecstatic, but continued his performance without showing it.

He pointed at the team of war angels and roared:
"Quick, kill them!"

The captain of the royal guard gave the admiral a deep look, then turned around and led the soldiers to charge towards the war angel.

Wait until the enemy is defeated!

The war angels wielded chain swords and fought with the royal guards, blood splattering everywhere.

The Royal Court Guards are low-level biologically genetically engineered warriors.

They are no match for the Space Marines at all.

They were soon killed by the war angels.

The leading war angel walked towards the command platform.

The admiral hurried over to meet him:

"Hurry, hurry, the self-destruct device will be activated at any time. You have a way to disarm it, right?"

The message had assured them that they could disable the self-destruct mechanism.

This is also an important reason why he was able to cooperate with the instructions.

As the admiral finished speaking, the self-destruct device was activated.

It seems that Tyrant Harris has received the news of the fleet's failure and is determined to destroy those nearly twenty main battleships.

This is the inevitable choice, otherwise those warships will become the enemy's strength.

The war angel ignored the admiral.

He quickly walked to the command desk, took out a skull-shaped cracking device, and connected it to the battleship's system.

Ers already has rich experience in how to crack these self-destruct devices.

Soon, the self-destruct device was cracked.

The data clone of the machine soul Xiaoling also completely controlled the system of this battleship.

This boarding operation was relatively successful.

Except for two cruisers that exploded because there were no soldiers on board to disable the self-destruct devices, the rest of the main battleships were under control.

In the bedroom.


Ron pulled out his datapad and checked his email.

That was the battle report sent by Keyes.

Excluding the complicated data and combat process, the general content is as follows:

The commanders of the seventeen main battleships have all submitted to the Savior and are now reorganizing the fleet.

In three hours, we will attack Mattila!
"Good job, we got a fleet!"

Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still surprised by the unexpected results.

He had not originally had much hope of recapture of the warships.

After all, those warships are suicide ships.

If you are not careful, they will all explode. If they can be dispersed or completely wiped out, it will be an incredible result.

I didn’t expect that Keith actually took down the entire fleet!
Ron was very excited.

This means that he controls the strongest space force in the star region, and no one can resist him anymore.

If other planets in the star zone dare to cause trouble, they will be burned to death.

Soon, the fleet gathered in formation and followed behind the Dream, rushing towards the star sector capital of Mattila in a mighty force!

 I almost forgot (3[▓▓]
  Thanks to book friend Mos_Chen for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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