Chapter 192 It’s my turn!


Indicator lights flashed inside the ship, and people moved around in the spacious corridors.

Tens of millions of soldiers from the Storm Army gathered and lined up on the deck, and commanders at all levels shouted and mobilized for war.

After the mobilization, the soldiers were either lined up or driving various weapons of war.

Enter the troop transport.

Once the fleet destroys Mattila's air defense array, they will be deployed to the surface for combat.

In another deck square.

Nearly nine hundred Void Angels and War Angels wiped and sorted their weapons in silence.

Under the command of Duke and Prue, they walked into the landing torpedo in the form of a small team.

These Space Marines will follow the Savior in the attack on the Royal Court.

Not far away were two thousand combat nuns wearing sophisticated power armor.

Most of them have silver hair and pretty faces.

But the occasional scars make them look a little cold.

The battle sisters held cross pendants engraved with the image of the Savior and prayed in low voices.

After years of religious rituals and combat training, their bodies and souls had already belonged to the Savior.

"For the Savior!"

After Sister Maya loudly took the oath, she led the combat nuns into the assault ship.

Their mission was to stop the enemy outside the royal court.


"It's finally my turn..."

Ron stood up from the sofa and stretched, his bones creaking.

After the liberation of Ers, he has not participated in the battle for more than ten years.

After all, this time we are facing the power from Khorne, and we have a feeling that even more powerful enemies will appear.

At such a crucial moment of the war, he had to go on the battlefield.

"Savior, you may put on your armor now."

The head maid Linda came over and gently helped him take off his gorgeous and complicated robe.

After Ron took off his robe, he revealed his lean, strong, and angular body.

Every muscle is like a carefully carved work of art, with smooth and powerful lines, demonstrating his extraordinary strength and agility.

With his upper body naked, he walked straight into a secret door leading to the bedroom and headed for the exclusive armor-changing room.

Ron walked up the aisle to the armor-giving platform and spread his arms.

The robot servants immediately took action and put on a black electronic muscle suit for him.

The automated machinery started to operate, and several golden power armor parts covered his body.

Soon, the armor closed and started moving.

This set of power armor was improved by Ron for the second time.

The improvement was mainly in the appearance, using the painting technology of mankind's golden period and inlaying more gems.

And many more mechanical devices that can emit gorgeous special effects.

For example, the illusory golden flame wings on the back of the armor and the golden flame laurel crown on the head.

At this moment, Ron's power armor's special effects are fully turned on.

His whole body was radiating golden light, just like a god descending from heaven.

Super gorgeous golden big guy!
When he arrives at the battlefield wearing this armor, he will definitely become the most handsome guy on the battlefield.

This is a very practical design.

As the savior and commander-in-chief of the legion, Ron has symbolic significance.

He must descend in the most magnificent way so that everyone can see him, in order to suppress the enemy's arrogance and boost our morale.

Likewise, Space Marine armor is engraved with sacred runes and has many decorative ornaments.

The Chapter will even select the most courageous and persevering Space Marine veterans to serve as standard-bearers to guard the sacred battle standard of the Chapter.

Because those are the guarantee of morale.

In short, Ron's role is equivalent to a moving sacred battle flag.

A bit dazzling..."

Ron narrowed his eyes and turned off the special effects created by the mechanical device.

In the passage, several robot servants walked up to him, looking at the golden power sword and the metal box with intricate patterns.

The servitor knelt down and presented the power sword and metal box.

Ron opened the metal box and on the soft silk cushion was a sacred urn bomb about half a meter long, silver-white with complex runes engraved on it, and a launcher.

In order to make this ash bomb, he almost lost his life.

It took many years of recuperation and a huge amount of faith power to recover.

This urn bomb took more than seven years to complete. The internal energy compression core compresses and stores a huge amount of energy from the little sun and golden sun.

He had visited the subspace where the energy compression core was connected.

The radius of the energy cluster gathered in that subspace is hundreds of meters.

Once the Holy Urn Bomb is fired, the energy compression core will connect to the subspace and release the massive amount of energy bound there.

The violent energy from the Golden Sun of the Divine Emperor is enough to burn all the enemies of Chaos to ashes.

Ron grabbed the sacred urn bullet, loaded it into the launcher, and placed it in the fixed storage at his lower back.

Now I feel relieved and safe.

With this powerful weapon, no one can stop us.

Unless the incarnations of the Four Chaos Gods descend.

If the Four Chaos Gods really had nothing to do and wanted to mess with him, then he could only ask for help from the Emperor of Gods.

If you can’t shake it, then GG.

Ron put his messy thoughts behind him, grabbed the big sword and walked out.

Afterwards, he came to the ship's transmission area, surrounded by Carter and nearly a hundred Thunder Guards.

For safety reasons, Ron and the Thunder Guards will reach the surface via teleportation.

They will wait here for the transfer time to come.


The ship vibrated slightly.

Ron could feel that the ship had stopped.

It seems that the Dream has led the fleet to the outer reaches of Matira's atmosphere.



The outer layer of a planet's atmosphere.

The huge fleet hovered above the main nest, casting a shadow that almost covered the upper nest.

The atmosphere of tension spread across the entire planet.

The bridge of the Dream. Keith looked down at the main nest below. The void shield array of the hive city had already lit up and was flickering.

Hundreds and thousands of planetary defense artillery in the air defense array also adjusted their muzzles and aimed at the fleet above.

It seems that the enemy is prepared to fight to the death.


The Dream, which was at the front of the fleet, came under fire.

The first to launch the attack was the planet's low-Earth defense orbital array.

The dense artillery fire hit the Dream's void shield, causing sparks to burst out.

But Case didn't care much.

Without the protection of the naval fleet, these orbital platforms can only defend against small raiding fleets.

Not enough to be afraid of.

"Everyone concentrate their fire to destroy the orbital defense array!"

The fleet concentrated its firepower and launched a fierce attack.

All kinds of artillery fire rained down on the orbital defense platform, destroying it with just one salvo.

The orbital defense platform disintegrated and turned into a huge fireball that smashed into the upper nest on the ground, but was broken up by the artillery fire of the anti-aircraft array midway.

The debris fell sporadically on the void shield, creating ripples.

After destroying the orbital defense platform, Keyes ordered the fleet to approach the main nest.

Next comes the real war.

Normally, invading a well-armed hive requires a protracted war.

The attacker has to find a way to deploy ground combatants.

Advance little by little to destroy the defense array.

But Ron has the Dream and a huge fleet, and can use a powerful and powerful attack.

Soon, the fleet hovered at a safe distance.

boom! ! !
The plasma warhead fired from the Dream Nova's main gun hit the main nest's void shield, causing a fierce burst of flames.

It covers almost one-fifth of the area of ​​the Void Shield.

This was the signal to attack, and the fleet immediately launched an attack with artillery fire.

The main nest's void shield shook violently, but still held up.

After several rounds of exploratory bombardment, the fleet stopped the attack.

Seeing this, Case sighed.

The void shield of this main nest is very strong and has a massive energy supply from the planet. Even if the fleet runs out of ammunition and energy, it is difficult to break through.

It seems that the loss is still unavoidable.

He gave the order:
"Enter the atmosphere to fight and destroy the main nest void shield energy node!"

Whoosh whoosh!
There are nearly 20,000 Lightning assault fighters and Thunder heavy bombers that are several dozen meters long and are specially used for combat within the atmosphere.

Take off from the helipads of the Dream and seventeen main battleships.

Those fighter planes entered the atmosphere and swarmed towards the main nest like a swarm of bees.

Soon, the main nest's air defense array launched a counterattack.

A large amount of anti-aircraft artillery fire roared, and fighter planes were constantly shot down.

But more fighter planes flew over the void shield, entered the sky above the main nest, and bombed various air defense positions and important targets.

The main target of the fighter group was the air defense positions in the Wangting area.

For a moment, the sky above the main nest was filled with the roar of fighter planes and anti-aircraft guns, and the artillery fire almost covered the sky.

At the same time, the ground was filled with the sound of artillery fire.

"For the Savior!"

Saint Fran and rebel leader Brown led an armed force and launched an attack on an anti-aircraft position.

The same is true for other areas.

The rebels in the hive roared, attacked various anti-aircraft positions, and assisted the fighter planes in combat.

After they break into the air defense positions, they will use marking bombs to mark important air defense facilities so that fighter planes can carry out precision bombing.

With the cooperation between the two, more and more air defense positions were destroyed.

Shahim received the battle report and looked at Keith excitedly:

"The air defense positions in the Wangting area have been destroyed. We can deploy ground troops now!"

Keith nodded and gave the order:

"Drop landing torpedoes immediately!"

The launcher at the bottom of the Dream was activated.

Hundreds of landing torpedoes carrying Void Angels, War Angels, and Battle Sisters were dropped.

Those landing torpedoes ignited flames due to the friction of the atmosphere and fell towards the royal court area.

When the landing torpedo compartment approached the ground, the thrusters at the bottom suddenly spurted out flames to slow down the falling speed.

A landing torpedo smashed into the Royal Court Square.

The hatch was kicked open, and Duke led a team of Void Angels to rush out immediately, clearing out the surrounding royal guards.

Boom boom boom boom!
More and more landing torpedoes fell, and the Void Angels and War Angels came out and launched an attack on the enemy.

There were also landing torpedoes falling further away.

Those are the Sisters of Battle.

Duke led the team to clear out the royal court guards.

He asked the team to remain alert, and he took out a teleportation beacon from his waist, inserted it into the ground and activated it.

The blue light flashes.

After a while, the space around the transfer beacon distorted and the void portal opened.

A golden figure appeared.

Ron led twenty Thunder Guards out of the gate.

Behind him, the teleportation continued, and more and more Thunder Guards arrived on the ground through the teleportation.

Ron looked up at the sky.

The shadow of a huge fleet of warships covered this place, and troop transports could be vaguely seen landing.

Those transports are capable of transporting large numbers of Stormtroopers to the ground.

In the air, countless fighter planes roared and shuttled back and forth, and anti-aircraft artillery spit out a series of tongues of fire, spraying into the sky.

Turn the fighter plane into a fireball.

All around him were the roar of war and the sounds of fighting, and faintly the sound of hymns could be heard.

This is war.


A violent roar was heard, bringing Ron back to his senses.

He looked towards the King's Palace, where a large number of Khorne warriors in blood-red armor poured out and attacked...

(End of this chapter)

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