Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 205 The demon army is coming!

Chapter 205 The demon army is coming!

As the war horn sounded, Kabanha summoned his demon army.

Those demon warriors were dressed in armor forged from brass and blood iron, engraved with ancient runes symbolizing chaos and flashing an ominous red light.

Their eyes were full of fanaticism and violence.

The demon warriors are eager for a fight.

They are eager to destroy everything in the name of the Blood God, under the leadership of the supreme bloodthirsty demon Kabanha!
Inside the Brass Fortress.

The demons looked at all this in surprise.

There was a hint of disdain in Angras's eyes.

That guy was just summoned to vent his anger in the mortal world.

He didn't believe that the other party could spread so much bloodshed for the great Blood God. He was afraid that the guy would be exiled soon and then return in disgrace.

On the brass throne, the huge blood shadow remained calm.

He didn't care about it at all.



Shangchao temporary command office.

Ron frowned, looking worried.

He received news from Deville that their blocking operation had failed.

The Great Daemon of Khorne is about to attack this world!

It is a being that is capable of fighting against the Primarch and has a huge army of demons at its command.

It is one of the more terrifying forces in the galaxy.

With the exception of some important areas of the Empire, no other world can be guaranteed to survive their attack.

Often, a single attack by a Khorne Daemon is enough to destroy the civilized world in a region, and even spread the war to several star regions.

Even if they could hold out until the Space Marines arrived, the area would have become a living hell.

Besides, the Gori Sector is located on the dark side of the Empire and is isolated and helpless.

What's even more tragic is that Ron is unable to evacuate.

Because this place is too close to the planet Ers.

Once Khorne gains a foothold here, the Gori Sector will not be able to escape its clutches.

Ron took the sacred ashes bullet off his back and loaded it into the launcher.

Now, he can only rely on this special weapon that contains a large amount of the emperor's golden sun energy.

In fact, he didn't have much confidence in the power of this sacred urn bomb.

If it fails to expel the demon, then there will be trouble.

So, while Ron was preparing for war, he also prepared an evacuation plan.

If the expulsion fails, he will be completely unable to stop the demon army.

The fleet will help evacuate as many people as possible, and then implement an extermination order on the planet.

The planet Ers may also have to evacuate the Gori star region and preserve the fire as much as possible.

Wait until the situation reaches that point.

Perhaps only Dante, the current leader of the Blood Angels and regent of the dark side of the empire, can stop all this.

Even if it can be prevented, it will probably be many years later.

During this time, Khorne will wreak havoc in several sectors.

Many worlds will wail under the iron hoof of Khorne, and countless humans will die in blood and slaughter...

Ron suppressed his worries, stood up and walked out.

When he walked out of the temporary command office, he saw the blood-red beam of light in the sky.

The blood-red beam of light is located in the gap between the subspace and the material world, and will serve as a punctuation mark to guide the arrival of the demon army.

At this moment, the blood-red light column exuded a violent aura, which made people feel fear in their hearts.

According to reports, people who were close to the light column even developed varying degrees of anxiety.


Bayev came over, looking worried.

Ron looked at him and sighed: "How is it, have the people evacuated?"

"The last batch of people are being evacuated, it will take some time"

Bayev continued, "The Military Affairs Department has already deployed the front, and the assault ship is ready as per your request, and can set off at any time."

"Then let's go..."

Surrounded by the Thunder Guards, Ron boarded the assault ship and flew towards the area of ​​​​the light column.

At this moment, the impossible-to-ignore column of light and the oppressive atmosphere it exuded caused the entire planet to fall into panic.

But people still have a glimmer of hope, because they have a savior. The area where the light column is located, the throne square.

This is a huge square that can accommodate nearly 10 million people, surrounded by several towering communities.

The First, Second and Third Storm Armies have assembled and built several lines around them, deploying a large number of artillery, sentry mechas and heavy tanks.

Dozens of heavy combined brigades, medium combined brigades, special operations brigades, etc. have been cross-organized into formations.

More than one million people, along with their weapons of war, were lined up in the square.

In the front row are heavy tanks and sentry mechas, followed by heavy armored infantry carrying high-temperature jets.

Next come the lightly armored stormtroopers, who will fire from behind the trenches they have built.

These combined brigades are responsible for guarding the front line, and they will directly bear the impact of the demon army.

Following these combined arms brigades are several artillery brigades.

They will select suitable buildings or platforms around them to build artillery positions.

Void Angels, War Angels, and War Sisters will also fight along with the Storm Legion.

Their main task is to eliminate some high-threat targets.

These people are already Ron's most elite troops.

Even if they were all arranged in the throne square, it still seemed a bit empty.

As for ordinary soldiers or rebel fighters, they don't need to participate in the battle.

They simply cannot withstand such a high-intensity battle and will only be giving killing energy to the demons in vain.

At the same time, nearly 20,000 fighter jets have returned to the fleet to replenish ammunition and are ready to take off at any time.

They are responsible for blocking the demon's air force and carrying out bombing on the ground.

As for the fleet, they all descended into the atmosphere.

The hive's void shield has been lowered.

If the situation gets bad, they will ignore casualties and directly start the glass-burning mode, covering the entire area with artillery fire!

Whether it will be successful or not, the effect is unknown.

As long as those high-level demons and the Great Daemons of Khorne survive.

With the killing energy provided by the massive massacre, they will soon be able to summon more demon armies.

Ron looked out the window of the assault ship at the army forming a battle line below, and felt worried.

It’s still caused by insufficient troops and firepower.

If he had a million Space Marines, wearing Terminator armor, and a legion of Titan Knights.

With high-end combat power, a large number of Stormtroopers have a Melta in their hands.

What's the devil to be afraid of?

Come as many as you want.

Just as Ron was worried, the blood-red light column suddenly changed.

In an instant, a hot atmosphere enveloped the entire planet.

Countless people's hearts beat faster and they became panicked, and almost all the babies began to cry loudly.

Their parents were unable to coax them and could only helplessly hold them tightly in their arms.

"Savior, please forgive our sins. Your loyal believers need your salvation..."

Those believers of the Savior even knelt on the ground, clutching the cross statue tightly, and bowed their heads to pray for the Savior to save them.

On the throne square.

The clouds in the sky turned a strange dark red.

In the area of ​​the light column, the air became scorching and rising steam could be seen faintly.

Commander of the Storm Army, Yarui, was standing right in front of the team, his two-and-a-half-meter-tall figure particularly conspicuous.

He was wearing a commander's coat, smoking a cigar, and sweat was steaming from his body.

As a commander, he prefers to be on the battlefield in person and doesn't like wearing those boring armors.

As for the army, each army group and combined brigade has a specific commander, and under him there is an adjutant who is specifically responsible for command.

Most of the time, Yarui is just a symbol of the army.

"Damn demon, I'm going to beat him up real hard later!"

His electronic eye was scarlet, and he pinched the cigar with his large mechanical pincers and took a big sip, then threw it on the ground and stomped it out.

Yarui stared at the area ahead. The atmosphere became more and more depressing. The soldiers around him even felt a little bit of difficulty breathing.

When the depressing atmosphere reaches its limit, the space becomes distorted.

With a bang, a subspace portal appeared and quickly expanded, becoming extremely large.


Ancient horns sounded, accompanied by dense drum beats, and the devil's roar resounded through the sky.

The demon army...is here!
(End of this chapter)

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