Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 206: The Super Psychic Power from the God Emperor!

Chapter 206: The Super Psychic Power from the God Emperor! (Long Chapter)

Throne Square.

The drums beat so hard that the ground shook.

The bronze bull's iron hooves stomped the ground, leaving behind burning marks from the demonic flames.

It was a demon's warhorse, a cross between a dog, a rhino, and a bull, made of brass, iron, and burning blood.

The body is covered with thick blades and spikes.

Each of its breaths was accompanied by a thunderous sound, filling the air with burning smoke.

Dozens of Blood-Crushing Cavalry riding on bronze bulls, carrying more Demon Knights, launched a charge towards the position.

They exude a raw, overwhelming force, like an unstoppable torrent.

Following the cavalry were a large number of bloodletters.

They have red skin, possess enormous strength, and are famous throughout the galaxy for their savage, ferocious charges.

It is the source of terror on the battlefield and the messenger of death.

The vampire legion waved their hands and held sharp blood swords, charging behind the cavalry, with bloodthirsty gleams in their eyes, longing for the taste of blood.

Those roars merged into a terrifying wave of sound, shaking the hearts of every soldier on the battlefield.

And these are just the vanguard of the devil!
Boom boom boom——

The moment the demon army charged, artillery fire roared.

The heavy artillery fire from the artillery positions carried out a saturation attack.

The air was filled with smoke and the music of iron and fire echoed across the battlefield.

Blood and flames intertwined, and the bodies of many demons were torn apart and fell to the ground.

However, these attacks could not stop the demon army.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

They charged forward fanatically under the bombardment of artillery fire without any pause, driven by the desire to kill.

Tens of thousands of heavy tanks and sentry mechas, like steel fortresses, stood quietly on the front line.

They are solid bulwarks, the first line of defense against the demonic hordes.

However, in this steely silence, a violent force is approaching at an alarming speed.

The Blood Crusher Cavalry rode on bronze bulls and led the demon army to attack the front line.

"All attack!"

The commander issued an order, breaking the silence of the steel barrier.


The heavy tanks fired their heavy artillery, plowing a bloody path through the demon army.

The Sentinel Mech's machine gun fired countless cross-linked bullet chains crazily, sweeping the group of demons, and the dozens of meters long flames it sprayed out burned everything in front of it.

Faced with the violent resistance, the demon army's offensive suddenly came to a standstill.

But soon, the skull cannons behind the demon army launched a counterattack, and a large number of burning bone cannons fired over.

These bone cannons burning with demonic flames fell on the steel line, destroying a large number of heavy tanks and sentry mechas.

The bronze bull slammed over one heavy tank after another, rushed through the defense line with the demon army, and continued to attack the rear.

The first steel line of defense temporarily blocked most of the demons, but many demons still broke through the line of defense.

The second front.

Boom boom boom!
The ground shook violently.

Yarui stared at the attacking heretic demons with anger in his eyes.

"For the Savior!"

He drew out his power sword, lit up the force field, and led the heavily armored stormtroopers to fight against the demon army.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Blood Crusher Knights' crazy trampling caused heavy casualties among the heavily armored Storm Troopers.

Flesh hounds appeared in groups, besieging and biting the heavily armored stormtroopers, while bloodthirsties wielded blood swords, tearing apart any enemy that got close.

"Damn you devil!"

Yarui led the charge into the demon group, and after chopping down several bloodthirsty vampires in succession, he was besieged.

A dozen vampires surrounded him and slashed him with sharp blood swords, leaving him no possibility of escape.

Yarui had no fear at all because his help would be here soon!
The moment before he died.

The attacking Blood Crushing Knight couldn't control his momentum, and the horrific impact of the bronze bull directly knocked over and trampled to death half of the besieging bloodletting vampires.

Yari was able to escape.

But even bigger trouble was coming. The Blood Grinding Knight controlled his body, turned around and rode the bronze bull towards him.

However, he was not afraid at all, instead he charged towards the bronze bull.

Yarui dodged the collision at an extremely dangerous distance, clung to the bronze bull's armor plate, and tried to climb onto its back.

The Blood Crusher Knight was prepared for this and smashed his head with a sledgehammer.

Before the attack landed, the shell happened to hit the Blood Crusher Knight, knocking him to the ground.

Yarui took the opportunity to climb onto the back of the bronze bull, and controlled the violent bull to trample the confused Bloody Knight to death with one foot.

"Devil cubs, your Grandpa Yarui is here!"

He drove the violent bronze bull, charging and trampling the demons crazily, and even killed several blood-crushing knights.

For a moment, the demon group was in chaos.

But he alone cannot influence the war situation.

The warriors on the second line showed signs of retreating under the brutal attack of the demon army.

"For the heavenly world!"

"For the Golden Sun and the Savior!"

Duke and Prue led the Void Angels and War Angels to join the battlefield to help the Storm Army resist the demons.

Boltguns spewed flames, chainswords roared, and power spears pierced one bloodletter after another.

From time to time, fierce flashes of spiritual energy appeared, attacking the demon group.

At the same time, nearly two thousand combat sisters also joined the battle.

They gathered in groups, wearing sophisticated power armor, wielding force field weapons to reap the lives of demons.

The sky was filled with the roars of vengeful beasts.

They are red all over and have bat wings. They swoop down from time to time, grab Storm Troopers, fly to high altitude and throw them down.

But soon, the revenge beasts were intercepted by fighter planes.

Lightning assault fighters poured large quantities of large-caliber bullets on them, and the two sides fought in the air.

The Thunder heavy bomber has a more important mission.

Under the cover of assault fighters, they avoided the bone cannons and launched a bombardment on the artillery positions of the demon army.

Destroyed many Skull Cannons.

A safe area on the second front.

Ron carefully observed the battlefield under the protection of nearly a hundred Thunder Guards.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something. A big barrel was chasing a flesh hound and gnawing on it?

This is just a small episode.

As time went on, he became more and more anxious.

Roan was waiting for the arrival of Khorne so that he could rush into the battlefield as soon as possible and launch the ultimate attack on him.

However, he didn't see the other person for a long time.

Now the first and second lines of defense are almost unable to hold. If Khorne doesn't show up again, I'm afraid the demon army will break through the defense lines.

Once the defense line is breached and the front is stretched, it will be difficult for him to get close to the Great Daemon of Khorne.

Just as Ron was worried, changes occurred on the battlefield.

Boom boom boom!
Heavy footsteps were heard and hot flames rose.

Eight bloodthirsty demons nearly ten meters tall, with ferocious horns and devil wings stepped out of the gate.

They were dressed in ancient war armor, holding ferocious axes, and looked very imposing.

The Bloodthirster is a being that can slaughter Space Marines!
Ron could feel that each of these bloodthirsty demons was much stronger than the previous demon Harris.

The bloodthirsty demons flapped their wings and flew up, slamming hard into the steel barrier of the first line of defense.

They let out shocking roars under the impact of artillery fire, and the sound waves alone were enough to make the soldiers in the war weapons bleed from their mouths and ears.

The bloodthirsty demons swung their giant axes fiercely, and each blow was enough to smash a heavy tank and even destroy the sentinel mecha with ease.

The steel barrier was soon shattered by their attacks.

The Void Angels and War Angels tried to stop them, but were swept away by the axes.

Not long into the battle, more than a dozen Space Marines died.

Only Duke and Prue can barely resist, but they are also in extreme danger and may die at any time.

"Damn it, why hasn't he appeared yet!"

Ron became increasingly nervous. With the appearance of eight bloodthirsty demons, the front line was on the verge of collapse.

His chances of winning have become much lower.

Suddenly, Ron sensed something and looked up at the subspace portal.

"he came!"


The demon's hooves burning with devilish flames stepped into the ground, and a violent figure more than ten meters tall appeared on the battlefield.

The moment that figure descended, it seemed as if the whole world was shrouded in blood.

The earth was surrounded by a suffocating atmosphere.

The devil's whispers, like a curse from the abyss, silently penetrate into the depths of everyone's soul.

Even the bravest warriors find it difficult to remain calm in the face of this invisible terror.

The nerves of the storm troopers who were closest to them were instantly invaded by the violent aura, their eyeballs were bleeding and emitting a crazy light.

The stormtroopers began to twist their bodies violently, as if they were fighting an invisible presence.

But soon, they went completely crazy, screaming and attacking everything around them.

This is the terrible Great Daemon of Khorne.

The Imperial Inquisition would even directly execute residents who had witnessed the incident to prevent their mental states from changing in the future.

When the terrifying and violent figure fully appeared.

His name, along with a violent aura, appears in people's minds:

The supreme bloodthirsty demon under the Blood God's throne - Kabanha!

Boom boom boom!
The moment Kabanha appears.

A large amount of artillery fire poured into the area where he was, and almost the entire area was blown down.

When the smoke cleared, he walked out. The artillery fire could not cause any damage to the iron demon body.

Kabanha let out a long roar toward the sky, and the sound waves dispersed the blood clouds in the sky.

He looked down at the battlefield with a cruel and violent sneer.

It’s finally here, the beautiful material world, the killing expedition is about to begin, and the faith of the great Blood God will be thoroughly spread!

Of course, the first thing he had to do was to destroy this humble planet and even the entire galaxy.

Then, the skeletons of tens of billions of humans were collected to build an unprecedented Jingguan.

Kabanha believed that those damned Blood Angels would never sit idly by.

When they come, he will be able to kill more happily.

A shameful apology!
Kabanha swung its huge blood whip that was hundreds of meters long.

It was a weapon made of brass, skulls, blood, and countless murderous grudges, and every swing carried the power of destruction.

The blood whip slashed through the air, making a chilling whistling sound, like the scythe of the god of death, sweeping away dozens of annoying fighter planes. The fighter planes exploded in the air, flames and thick smoke covered the sky, and debris fell like raindrops.

Make the battlefield more chaotic and dangerous.

Then, Kabanha swung his huge and ferocious battle axe fiercely, and a terrifying blood mist was wrapped around the axe blade.

The battle axe slammed the ground with tremendous force, and a large crack several meters wide quickly spread across the battlefield.

From the crack, surging magma gushed out.

The scorching magma was like hellfire, ruthlessly devouring more heavy tanks and sentry mechas.

Heavy tanks and sentry mechas became brittle under the impact of the magma, and their steel shells began to melt under the high temperature, turning into a pile of useless scrap metal.

The iron line of defense seemed so powerless in the face of unparalleled strength.

The supreme bloodthirsty demon Kabanha had just appeared and caused huge casualties.

He broke through the defense line directly!

At this moment, Ron, under the protection of the Thunder Guards, was attacking Cabanha.

He saw the doomsday-like scene ahead. The terrifying fighting power made his body tremble, and a word suddenly appeared in his mind:


Ron took a deep breath and held the transmitter tightly.

That supreme bloodthirsty devil has the ability to sweep across the planet and kill everyone in a very short time!
If the Holy Urn Bomb can't stop him, Mattila is doomed!
What is more troublesome right now is how to get to Kabanha and attack him.

He has always been behind the demon army.

With eight bloodthirsty demons blocking his way, he might not be able to reach the other side.

If the shooting is carried out at a long distance, there is a high possibility that Kabanha will dodge or block it.

In order not to alarm this supreme bloodthirsty devil, Ron did not even order the fleet to launch an attack.

After all, ordinary artillery fire cannot be fatal, and the Dream's plasma cannon requires a certain amount of time to charge.

If the attack fails to kill the enemy in one blow, Kabanha will flee from the area or fly high into the sky to attack the fleet.

It will be even more difficult to attack him.

Ron's only way to win was to find an opportunity to rush in front of him and hit him in the face.

There was no way. He had just grown up when he encountered the terrifying Khorne Daemon with a name and surname in the Purgatory Galaxy.

This is far beyond the scope.

Ron advanced quietly under the cover of the Thunder Guards.

Kabanha in the distance temporarily stopped attacking as he no longer had much desire to attack.

These enemies are too weak and will only waste his strength. It is not worth his effort at all.

Kabanha turned around and sat back on the huge brass chariot that had already appeared.

Eight bloodthirsty demons also returned and surrounded him.

They have broken through the defense line, and the humble humans on this planet can no longer withstand the attack of the demon army.

Seeing this scene, Ron felt a little numb.

Damn, Kabanha is behind us, how can I rush forward?

He was afraid that as soon as he showed his strength, the eight bloodthirsty demons would come and beat him up.

By then, his two fists will be no match for four hands, and he will be pinned to the ground and rubbed.

Just when Ron was having a headache.

On the brass chariot, Kabanha sensed something and sniffed, smelling a familiar scent.

His eyes suddenly turned violent, his fangs bared: "That's... the smell of a Blood Angel!"

Although the smell was faint, he still recognized it.

Kabanha's feeling was not wrong. There were indeed faint Blood Angel genes in the bodies of the war angels.

This aroused his interest.

Kabanha turned his gaze towards the war angels on the battlefield.

Although those warriors were not true Blood Angels, they could barely be considered descendants of Sanguinius.

It would be nice to slaughter them with my own hands.

Kabanha stood up from the brass chariot, flapped his wings, and flew towards the war angel with the strongest smell.

On the battlefield.

Pru is leading the war angels to resist the demon army.

Suddenly, the shaking voice of Da Tong was heard: “Boss, that big guy is flying towards us!
"Where is the Lord Savior? Didn't he say that he would be the one to deal with this big guy?"

Before Prue could react.


Kabanha fell in front of him, and the unparalleled momentum spread out, shocking everyone almost instantly.

"Spread out!"

Prue acted decisively and ordered the war angels to dodge, but he was still a step too late.

Several war angels were hacked to death by the ferocious giant axe.

Cabanha looked down at Prue. The height difference between them was almost four times.

He asked with interest:

"Can you call the Blood Angels, and that old fellow Dante?"

Prugan was being stared at by such terrifying eyes, and his whole body was trembling. He felt that he might die in the next second.

Just when he was about to gather his spiritual energy and fight to the death.

The savior's order arrives: delay for a few seconds, then escape if possible!

Prue followed the order and looked at Cabanha:

"Yes, but it will probably take some time... No, it will take more time. After all, this matter is rather troublesome. The trouble lies in..."

"you are lying!"

Kabanha interrupted Prue coldly, just as he was about to swing his axe to kill the little bug who dared to deceive him.

He suddenly realized something and looked behind Prue.

A figure wearing golden armor appeared in sight.

Ron was using his psychic powers to conceal his aura and was trying to move forward silently when he suddenly felt himself being watched.

That's Cabanha.

I was discovered!

Seeing this, Ron stopped hiding.

He removed his disguise, took out his transmitter and walked towards Kabanha, then said in an extremely sarcastic tone:

"Kabanha, you are a cowardly waste who dares not fight. Do you dare to take my shot?"

Ron was originally just talking nonsense, trying to anger Cabanha and reduce his combat effectiveness as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, this directly hit the other party's heart.

Kabanha laughed angrily:
"With just the little gadget in your hand, you dare to challenge me?"

Ron gradually approached and stood directly in front of Kabanha, aiming the launcher: "Stop talking nonsense, I just want to ask if you dare, one-on-one!"

"Go to hell!"

Kabanha did not answer, but suddenly launched an attack. He raised his giant axe high, wanting to kill the little bug directly.

Challenge yourself, is this little bug worthy enough?
But Ron also had the idea of ​​a surprise attack, so he launched the attack even faster.

His combat boots popped out of the fixing device and nailed it firmly to the ground, and he pulled the trigger of the launcher hard.

In an instant, golden light burst out.

A huge amount of hybrid golden solar energy emerged, forming a huge ball of light at the muzzle of the launcher.

Almost instantly, the demon souls within a kilometer were severely burned, and those that were close were even turned into ashes.

Ron was also bearing the impact of the huge energy.

As the power of the golden sun gathered, he had a familiar feeling.

Isn't this the feeling of a powerful psychic emperor, and a super powerful psychic emperor at that!

This is sure!

At this moment, Kabanha was stunned. He felt stinging all over at the close distance and had burn marks on his body.

An incomparable fear welled up in him.

Damn it, how could He be here?

That is the power that comes from **, the Triple Cursed One, He Who Must Not Be Named!
The fear of the Emperor is deeply engraved in the souls of demons.

Even the Chaos Gods are reluctant to mention His name, let alone the great demons.

The reason why the demons dare to charge fearlessly and are not afraid of casualties is because they cannot die at all.

In most cases, even if they suffer serious damage, the worst that can happen is that they are banished back into the warp.

Those great demons are even immortal.

However, He Who Must Not Be Named could easily kill them.

The endless pain they were in dissipated in their souls, leaving no trace of their existence.

This made the demons tremble with fear.

However, Kabanha was almost scared to death when facing the power of the Emperor.

Such a shock is equivalent to the two parties agreeing to fight unarmed, but when they get there they find that the other side has an entire army.

There's no way to fight this, it'll be annoying no matter who tries.

At this moment, Kabanha had only one thought in his mind.

That is: "Escape!"

Kabanha didn't even bother with his whip or battle axe, he turned around and fled madly towards the warp portal.

His breath had been locked by that terrifying force.

The only way to survive is to escape from here!

"Blood God, that is the cursed one!"

"The devil is coming!"

"Get out of my way! You're blocking me!"

Further away, the eight bloodthirsty demons and the demons that had entered through the portal had already swarmed into the portal and fled.

The Habanka was moving at an extremely high speed, and the strong wind it created overturned everything in its escape path.

Just as he approached the portal.

"Attack, Super Psychic Big Bi Kabuto!"

Ron held the launcher tightly and ejected the sacred ashes.

The half-meter-long ash bomb emitted a light nearly one kilometer in size and flew straight towards Kabanha at an extremely fast speed.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
The unfortunate demon army in the attack path was instantly evaporated under the burning of the light, their souls dissipated and disappeared completely, losing any basis of their existence.

"Damn you cursed devil!"

Hurry up, hurry up, you must escape from this terrible place!

Kabanha rushed into the subspace portal at the fastest speed in his life.

next moment.

The sacred urn bullet followed and flew in, hitting him in the back.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the demons, an even more sacred and fierce light appeared...

Praise the sun!

(End of this chapter)

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