Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 211 Ron: Oh no, I’m being targeted by a troublemaker!

Chapter 211 Ron: Oh no, I’m being targeted by a troublemaker!


Tzeentch's consciousness spread at an extremely fast speed.

He wanted to follow the remaining causal line and find the relatives of the cursed one.

Among those causal lines, a considerable number are connected to the material world.

Follow the trail to find the end of that part of the causal line, and you can lock down the specific location of the cursed person's followers.

Tzeentch was looking forward to it.

After all, He couldn't wait to weave a chaotic and tragic fate for the little guy named Savior.


Throne Square.

Ron was resting on the wreckage of a heavy tank, holding his big sword.

Phew, I feel a little weak.

There was no way. He had just defeated Harris and then the demon. The continuous high-intensity combat consumed too much of his physical strength.

He couldn't remember how many demons he had killed.

That is, he chopped from one end of the Throne Square to the other, back and forth for quite a few times.

Mowing the lawn is fun, but it consumes a lot of physical energy.

Now, the battle to encircle and suppress the demons is over.

Although a small number of demons escaped from the battlefield, it was not a big problem.

We can just let the Inquisition organization hunt them down later.

The logistics department of the Military Affairs Department is taking inventory of the battlefield and they will collect some recyclable resources.

The wounded soldiers have been gathered in a safe area.

Medical sisters were moving among them. These graduates of the Order of Doctors were gently providing healing services to the warriors.

At the same time, cleaning teams numbering tens of thousands are entering the venue.

Their special job is to deal with the aftermath of pollution incidents, including high-temperature floor cleaning and dust removal.
They are basically muscular men wearing tight orange protective suits, gas masks, and cleaning team badges on their chests.

The approximate pattern is:
A pair of crossed cleaning gloves holds the contaminated skull.

At this moment, the head of the cleaning team is giving a speech:

"What's our slogan?"

The tough guys held their heads high and said, "Clean up the pollution, leaving no trace!"

The person in charge nodded:


Soon, these tough guys dispersed and began their work, gradually cleaning up the battlefield.

The cleaning team's equipment has undergone several rounds of upgrades and is equipped with more large-scale cleaning equipment.

To cope with diverse pollution environments.

Cleaners drove several types of mechanical cleaning vehicles blessed by the church, and cleaned the Throne Square under red and blue warning lights and melodious hymns.

Some of them are responsible for high-temperature incineration, while others are responsible for spraying mild disinfectants with slight restorative effects on soldiers and combat equipment.

Others are packing and collecting pollutants, or performing prayer and salvation ceremonies.

Focus on one major.

Eliminate the impact of those pollutants on the environment as much as possible.


The flames rise.

The light from the fire shone on Datong's focused face.

His eyes were determined, his pink apron was tied around his waist, and his movements were smooth and powerful.

Every stir-fry reveals his love for cooking and his pursuit of perfection.

Da Tong skillfully uses an iron pan to stir-fry, constantly adding various medicines and seasonings.

In the iron pan, the ingredients flip and jump, quickly changing color under the high temperature and emitting an enticing aroma.

This was his moment of glory.

He used up all his life's skills to prepare a unique delicacy for the savior!

“It tastes good…”

Ron couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This cooking skill is really beyond reproach.

It was he who taught Datong the Chinese cooking method.

Of course, it is limited to frying a Kalkan egg or something like that. One egg can make a big pot of frying.

From then on, it all depended on Datong's free play, and he was better than his master.

Suddenly, Ron seemed to see something and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, the cleaning team is almost here."

"Oh, Ma...right away!"

He is secretly doing something for his own benefit, which will affect the work of the cleaning team.

Not so good.

The savior's urging made Datong a little nervous.

He twisted the valve sharply, and flames shot up several meters high, and then he increased the speed of frying.

Soon, he turned off the fire and put the food into an iron container.

The big barrel carefully brought the food to Ron:

"My Lord Savior, please taste my dish 'Stir-fried Bloodhound Whip and Copper Bull Tendon'"

"Not bad, very delicious!" Ron tasted it and couldn't help but praise it.

I don’t know if it’s because of the ingredients, but the dishes cooked in the big barrel taste better than those made by the chef of the Spire Mansion.

The ingredients are carefully processed and quickly stir-fried to retain the freshness and chewy texture of the meat and give it a unique flavor.

“As long as you think it tastes good!”

Datong was so excited to receive the praise from the savior that he had no place to put his hands.

Ron was eating devil food to replenish his energy.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling of palpitations came over me, and the delicious food in my mouth became tasteless.

Damn it, are you going to let me live?
He could feel that a terrifying existence was staring at him.

"What a familiar smell..."

Ron swallowed the food hard and let out a breath to calm his emotions.

An idea suddenly occurred to him and he thought of a possibility, which immediately made his scalp tingle.

That is the breath of Tzeentch!
A decade or so ago, he had caught a glimpse of Tzeentch's vision from an infinite distance in Yusef's laboratory.

Although he was not frightened at the time, he remembered the breath deeply.

As for why he was able to discover Tzeentch's spying so quickly.

Because the concept represented by his little sun is very powerful, almost as powerful as the God-Emperor and the Four Gods of Chaos.

It's just in the developmental stage now.

What’s even more terrifying is that the one targeting him this time is not an illusory clone, but the real Tzeentch, the Lord of Change!
In the Purgatory Galaxy, almost all lives targeted by Tzeentch have a bad ending.

Their fate was manipulated, their hopes were extinguished, and they self-destructed in despair and chaos.

He treats even his most loyal servants in this way.

He may give his servant unlimited knowledge and hope just now, and then in the next second he may suddenly have an idea and deprive him of his hope.

Causing them to lose everything in the most tragic fate.

Because in His eyes, all lives are chess pieces that can be discarded at any time.

No credibility at all.

It can be said that Tzeentch is the ultimate god of mischief and the top god of fun.

He does things without any purpose.

As for the other evil gods, no matter how evil their actions are, at most they can be said to be using any means necessary to achieve their goals.

Jianqi only cared about the means and not the purpose.

For the sake of show effect, he can do anything, including betraying allies, believers, and even himself.

Even if it is a plan that you have carefully designed for many years, it can be thrown away just like that.

He does not care whether the plan succeeds or not, but He enjoys the show effect produced during the planning process and the chaos created in it.

After all, destroying one's own plans is part of the chaos.

Ron would rather fight other evil gods than have anything to do with this troublemaker.

Even if you surrender to the Chaos God, surrendering to Jianqi is the least cost-effective.

To Khorne:

I admire you, so I'll give you a full health resurrection and a full set of luxurious brass equipment.

The mutation gives him devil horns, fangs, blood wings, a sturdy steel body and coquettish calf hooves, which are both handsome and cool.

As long as you dare to fight and work hard, the boss will basically give you whatever you want. The career advancement path is clear, so just do it.

To Slaanesh:

Hello handsome boy, I'll give you two cocks and more cocks, and an immortal body.

The mutation gives you tentacles, multiple organs, snake tails, etc. Although the combat effectiveness is not very good, it can make you feel the thrill between pleasure and pain.

Most of the believers are handsome men and beautiful women. The mutation has little effect on their appearance and may even have special bonuses.

It would be great if we could all party together and have fun.

If you have enough ability, even Slaanesh will come down to have fun with you.

To Nurgle:

Come quickly and drink the super plague chicken soup!

After the mutation, the appearance became a little uglier, with rotten intestines, rotten brain, ulcers, pus and so on.

But you have the love of Nurgle, the father who welcomes all believers, old or ugly, good or evil.

He is tolerant and accepting of believers, just like a kind father guiding his beloved son.

The believers are a happy family, full of joy and laughter, singing and dancing all day long.

Joining Tzeentch:


Ron frowned, feeling anxious.

This time, he was really targeted by Tzeentch, the troublemaker.

If he is found by Tzeentch, he will never have peace.

You have no idea what you are doing now, whether what you are doing is right or wrong, whether it is a trap, or whether you are being manipulated.

Thus embarking on the path of tragic destiny.

Moreover, the development of the territory will become a luxury.

The chaos created by Tzeentch himself is enough to destroy any order.

Ron sensed that the aura from the Chaos Evil God was getting closer.

He made a prompt decision and entered the subspace with his consciousness:
"Master, help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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