Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 212 Ron: So miserable, so miserable

Chapter 212 Ron: Hiss~ Miserable, too miserable...

Endless void.

The space seemed to be breathing, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting.

Accompanied by waves of invisible fluctuations, distorted and piercing screams were heard continuously.

Ron's consciousness returned to the little sun. He did not feel any discomfort about it. Instead, he felt very close to it.

As the little sun's power grew, he became more and more adapted to the environment of the subspace.

In a sense, this place is like his home, and he feels very safe here.

The blazing light illuminated the surrounding space, dispersing the energy filled with pure malice.

Ron looked up at the void not far away. The golden sun was like a bright star, emitting pure and strong sacred light.


The little sun was shocked.

It was an instinctive reaction when feeling threatened. Tzeentch's gaze was getting closer and closer to his body in the material world!
The Golden Sun noticed something was wrong and immediately sent a psychic message to inquire.

The general meaning is: What's going on, little guy?
Seeing this, Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

He also has a backer, a super big and thick leg in the Purgatory Galaxy.

Ron sent a psychic message, telling the God-Emperor of his troubles.

At the same time, pray for His protection.

The general meaning is: Oh my god, Jianqi, that troublemaker, is trying to kill me, big guy, help me!
There is no way. He is in the developmental stage now and can hardly cope with the influence of Tzeentch himself.

Of course, this is only temporary.

When Ron has more powerful strength in the future and develops the territory, he will be able to resist the invasion of the evil god.

He can even jump back and forth in the material world, and even evil gods cannot do anything to him.

After all, it is difficult for the Chaos God to come to the material world in person, and most of the time he uses the power of his own faith to corrupt the material world.

Then send out your servants or believers to attack.

As long as Ron is determined and has enough warriors, he dares to shit on the evil god's head.

Anyway, we will kill as many people as the evil god sends.

What can they do to themselves?

As for the subspace, there is no need to be afraid as it is covered by the golden sun of the God-Emperor.

If they could defeat the God-Emperor, they would have done it long ago.

After the God Emperor received Ron's psychic message, the golden sun shook slightly and agreed to his request.

He will take action.

Ron vaguely sensed that the Emperor of God was a little excited. What was going on?

Anyway, no matter what, with the blessing of the Emperor of God, this wave should be stable.

However, Ron still controlled the little sun to move closer to the golden sun.

Stay safe, safety comes first.

Then, Ron gave the Emperor a few more ideas for his reference.

Of course, how to do it specifically depends on the Divine Emperor.

Compared to the God-Emperor who had lived for tens of thousands of years and experienced countless struggles, he was still very immature.

It is like the rising sun or the small flower bud of the Milky Way.

After all, this is a confrontation between the big guys in the galaxy. He offered some ideas just to feel a sense of participation.



Somewhere empty.

Tzeentch's consciousness incarnation appeared, and the huge, changing figure almost filled the space here.

He was slightly shocked, revealing a hint of regret.

Because the causal line related to that dependent and leading to the material world is broken here.

Jianqi was a little confused, as if someone knew about his coming in advance and took the initiative to erase these traces.

There were still some nasty traces of energy left on it.

It's a bit like the energy of the cursed one, but not really, and it's milder than that one.

From this point of view, it should be the power of that follower.

Tzeentch even found a concept in those residual energies that was the same as his own - hope.


He became more interested in the relative called the Savior.

Since it is impossible to find that relative in the material world, let’s look for his past.

He has enough patience to search slowly.

Among the four Chaos Gods, Tzeentch's search ability is the most powerful, and almost nothing can escape his eyes.

As long as living things have existed, they will inevitably leave traces in the subspace.

As long as He finds the Savior's past, He can calculate where the other party came from and where he is now.

Tzeentch changed direction and continued searching along another causal line.

However, this time, the situation was even more bizarre.

That causal line simply disappeared, not because it was artificially erased, but because it had never existed. It was as if the savior suddenly appeared, and the past suddenly disappeared at some stage.

What exactly is going on!

Tzeentch's curiosity has reached its limit.

His followers are often corrupted by their curiosity and fall into tragic conspiracies.

But He Himself has an even stronger curiosity.

It is not usually revealed because He knows too much.

Almost all the knowledge in the universe is stored in the library at the center of the Crystal Maze.

Tzeentch uses the library containing infinite knowledge to attract those who thirst for knowledge and corrupt them into his believers.

But the sad thing is that the knowledge He gives is often tainted with personal opinions.

This is a serious fraud.

After receiving knowledge, many believers were led into the ditch.

For Tzeentch, who possesses infinite knowledge, there is not much in the universe worth exploring.

Now, a new puzzle emerges.

He desperately wanted to know the answer, even at the cost of everything!
Above the void, the ball of colorful matter changed rapidly.

Tzeentch used almost all of his energy to search and calculate in order to find the answer.

However, as the calculation progressed, the temperature of the colorful substance almost rose and it was on the verge of disintegration.

Simply put, the CPU is burned out.

Finally, Tzeentch got a vague answer that the savior might come from an unknown place.

There is a high possibility that there is a higher dimensional space there.

He even vaguely felt that his own destiny was being manipulated by some extremely terrifying existence!

Jianqi didn't dare to continue thinking in this direction.

The ball of colorful matter spread out in the void like a salted fish.

He was afraid of the final answer, which would make him lose the meaning of existence.

As the master of destiny, He sees everything, and all things flicker and disappear on His chessboard.

However, his fate is controlled by higher-dimensional beings.

How ridiculous that is.

In this way, wouldn't He really become a jumping clown?

This is something that is absolutely impossible. He, the Lord of Destiny, cannot be manipulated by anyone!

Tzeentch cut off that thought, but his curiosity still existed and became even stronger.

No matter what, He wanted to find the savior and learn about that unknown land from him!

After a while or more, Tzeentch found the traces left by the Savior in the Warp.

It is certain that his projection is located within the subspace.

found it!
Soon, Tzeentch locked onto the location of the savior's projection.

"The answer, we will soon get that wonderful answer..."

He couldn't wait to capture the Savior and torture him severely to get the answer he wanted!

Suddenly, a bad premonition flashed through Tzeentch's mind.

But tortured by curiosity, He didn't want to wait even a moment.

Answers, He needs answers!
The ball of colorful matter followed the trail and started to rush forward.

In an instant, He crossed countless spaces and distances and pounced towards the Savior's location.

The moment of arrival——

Tzeentch saw... the light.

That incomparably pure and fierce sacred light!
Tzeentch's soul consciousness was shaken violently, and his emotions fluctuated strongly.

The general idea is: Oh shit!


Violent flames splashed up.

"Hiss~ That's miserable, so miserable..."

At this moment, Ron's little sun was hiding behind the golden sun and couldn't help but be amazed.

They originally wanted to ambush Tzeentch.

When he finds this place, the Emperor of God will give him an authentic super big pussy from afar.

Even if Tzeentch was hit and ran away in time, he could still cause considerable damage to Him.

However, what was unexpected was that Jianqi was so brave and rushed so fiercely.

As palpitations came over him, in Ron's vision, a colorful phantom crashed into the golden sun.

Bursting out brilliant flames.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The incarnation of Tzeentch's consciousness let out a terrible wail, and the space almost shook...

(End of this chapter)

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