Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 240: The surging green tide, One-eyed Yarui applies to fight!

Chapter 240: The surging green tide, One-eyed Yarui applies to fight!
Under the sunlight, the steel barriers of the Star Tower Airport reflected a cold metallic luster, and its outline gradually became clear.


The robotic arms slowly retracted, having just completed the final supply and inspection of the Dream.

The Dream broke free from the fixed anchor chain, started its engine, and the thruster at the tail spewed out fireworks, pushing it slowly out of the airport.

When it slid a distance, the Geller force field surrounding the ship lit up, and the space fluctuations in front distorted into a teleportation portal.

next moment.

The bow of the Dream touched the portal and instantly disappeared in the airspace.

Inside the ship, the savior's bedroom.

It was drizzling outside the glass dome of the bedroom, and the sound of raindrops hitting the green plants in the miniature garden was very pleasant.

"This simulated weather system is pretty good..."

Ron stood at the entrance to the miniature garden from the bedroom, looking at the rainy scene in the garden and nodded unconsciously.

That was the weather mimicry technology acquired from the Golden Age Farm, capable of simulating weather over a wide range of ranges.

It is mainly used in agriculture.

However, he would generally be allowed to experience new technologies in the territory in advance.

Therefore, the Agricultural Research Institute arranged for a technical priest to set up a set in the micro garden.

This way, even on the Dream, he can experience the weather and scenery of all four seasons.

After watching for a while, Ron closed the curtains and lay back on the soft bed.

"It's comfortable. The sound of rain is more soothing."

He gently covered himself with a soft velvet blanket and pulled on his eye mask, looking comfortable.

The voice sounded a bit gnashing of teeth.

He was just pretending to enjoy it, but in reality he was still squatting on the Blackstone Throne receiving psychic electric shocks.

Even the cow is in pain!

"Damn demons, just wait for your punishment!"

Ron complained and said that he would wait until he went to Kanda to deal with those greenskins and then train them up and put them into the Webway.

The nightmare of those demons has come true.

He looked up at the time and saw that it would take half a day for the Dream to reach Kanda!

Ron gritted his teeth, raised his hand and injected a large tube of sedative into his neck, enough to knock out a Space Marine.

Fall down and go to sleep.


Kanda Star.


The sun is strong.

Thick smoke rose up and the sound of metal colliding echoed.

All the huge trees around have been cut down and made into various simple huts.

Inside the shack, a green-skinned orc boy was sleeping soundly, drooling and snoring loudly.

It seemed to be dreaming about something, and it grabbed the fart sperm sleeping next to it and put it into its mouth and sucked it.

The fart spirit woke up in shock, cried and tried desperately to crawl out, but could not break free.


The shack was smashed down by something from outside.

The green-skinned boy was dragged out by a pair of big hands and beaten with a bang.


The green boy woke up dizzy, climbed up and roared, then was kicked over again.

The scar-faced boy, an orc veteran with spectacular scars on his body, said gruffly, "Get ready... for a fight!"

Hearing this, the green-skinned boy grabbed the stone axe in the shack and roared excitedly.


Soon, all the greenskins in the camp were roaring with excitement.

They can attack human cities!
In fact, the attack plan was set last night, but everyone overslept.

The plan had to be cancelled and moved to this afternoon.

Inside the king's tent.

A huge orc, more than three meters tall, was sitting on a throne made from an excavator.

It has bulging muscles all over its body, a densely packed teeth collar hanging around its neck, and its body is covered with the wreckage of various engineering machinery as armor.

The most eye-catching thing is the large yellow alloy pliers.

It was with this powerful equipment that he became the ruler of the Orc tribe and the Orc warrior - Urus Steeltongs!

Soon, a technical genius came in and started chattering.

Steel Tongs gave a cruel smile, stood up and walked out of the king's tent. Its new equipment arrived.

Outside the king's tent, several sturdy green-skinned orcs were struggling to pull a Sgro beast that was nearly six meters tall and more than ten meters long.

This Sgro beast was covered in thick engineering armor, and there was faint energy flowing through its circuits.

If Ron were here, he would definitely scream out in surprise. This is the "Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex" he has always been thinking about!
I can only say that Greenskin Technology is really awesome.

bang bang—

The Sgro beast struggled and spewed out flames, burning the unfortunate greenskin next to it into a fireman, who ran around screaming.

It quickly broke free from its restraints and rushed over here.

Steel Tongs snorted coldly, stepped forward quickly, and faced the huge Sgro beast alone.

Its large pincers grasped the reins and pulled, yanking the Sgromon over and then stamping its head on the ground.

Roar! ! !
Steel Claw roared angrily at Sgromon, saliva flying, and the unparalleled momentum immediately frightened it.

I dare not move anymore.

Seeing this, the greenskins around cheered.

The Steel Claw conquered the armored beast in front of it. It turned over and rode on it, raised its large claws and roared:

"War! War! War!"

At this moment, all the green-skinned orcs in the forest roared, and their roars resounded through the sky.


This is a call to war.

Steel Tongs pulled the reins, and the armored war beast carried it past the king's tent and ran out of the forest.

The greenskins grabbed their weapons and followed their leader out of the forest.

In an instant, the entire forest shook, and the greenskins rushed out like a green tide!

The war has begun!



The Savior's bedroom.

beep beep-

A sharp alarm sounded.

Ron suddenly woke up. This was a signal of war. Have they arrived at Kanda?
He pressed a button beside the bed.


The head maid Linda immediately led several maids in and changed the electronic corset for him while reporting the current situation to him.

According to reports, the Dream has reached the outer reaches of Kandal's atmosphere.

At this moment, the Mineral City on Kanda Star is being attacked by a large number of green-skinned orcs, and the situation is not very good.

It is estimated that the number of orcs attacking this time is close to one million!

Hearing this, Ron frowned.

Nearly one million green-skinned orcs are not easy to deal with, and those greenskins have strong recovery ability and combat effectiveness.

Even if he is naked, he can kill an ordinary armored soldier with a big stick.

Linda continued, "Don't worry, Commander Yarui has already led the soldiers to land and fight."

Ron nodded and said nothing more.

All command of this war was given to Yarui.

During the war, he would not issue any orders so as not to affect the performance of the "powerful warrior" and "tough version of Yarick".

His main task is to stay in the rear and then look for opportunities to invade and control the green orcs' psychic network.

Soon, Ron went to the armor-bearing room and put on the power armor.

This time the power armor is still just a showpiece, with emergency special modifications.

To put it simply, it is the greenskin style.

The power armor had built-in height enhancement features, and after putting it on, his height was nearly four meters.

Tall, mighty, and ferocious.

And there is also a special exterior.

For example, the super brightened scarlet one-eye that can blind the opponent's eyes, and a super large pliers more than two meters long installed on the left hand.

More spikes and tooth ornaments were added to the outer layer of the armor.

The paintwork is mainly green, mixed with red and yellow.

It is a typical green skin color combination.

According to the color matching theory of green-skinned orcs, red runs faster, purple can be invisible, yellow is the craziest, and blue is the luckiest.

As soon as they saw the paint on the armor, they knew this was a fast and crazy guy.

There is no way, the greenskins just believe this, and under the power of their "I think", these things really work.

Paint the chariot red and it will run fast!
Ron's purpose in getting this armor is to attack people's hearts.

After all, the greenskins are an idealistic, growth-oriented psychic race.

He suspected that old Cannon Eye Yarick defeated the greenskins by taking advantage of the greenskins' idealistic characteristics.

When the stories of Old Paoye spread among the greenskins, they were afraid of him and thought he was really strong.

Being in the greenskins' psychic field, he became stronger under the blessing of the greenskins' faith. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how Yarrick, with his unmodified mortal body, could defeat the powerful greenskin orc warlord that even the Space Marines might not be able to defeat.

From the actual effect point of view, the equipment that Ron got might really work wonders at the critical moment.

Ron came out in his power armor.

In a fully armored state, he looked like an extremely ferocious green-skinned warrior nearly four meters in size.

The green version of the Savior.

Ron quickly went to the dock area and boarded the landing ship heading to the surface.

The moment the landing ship entered the atmosphere, he heard the roar of artillery fire.

The war on Kanda has begun!
A few hours ago, an army of greenskin orcs attacked Mineral City and almost destroyed the defenses of the city walls.

Fortunately, the army led by Yarui arrived in time and provided support to the Mineral City.

Millions of Stormtroopers and nearly a million orcs fought on the plains.

Ron arrived at the Mineral City. He climbed up the city wall hundreds of meters high and used the mechanical eyepiece of the reconnaissance tower to observe the war.

Boom! ! !
The battlefield at this moment has turned into a hell woven of steel and fire, with roars and gunfire interweaving into the music of death.

The green tide is visible to the naked eye.

Those green-skinned orcs were so terrifying that they were not afraid of death and charged forward despite the guns and cannons.

Even if bullets penetrate the chest and the limbs are broken, it cannot stop their attack.

Some scarred guys had half of their heads missing, but they were still alive and kicking and continued to charge forward.


A group of greenskins serving as pioneers carried low-quality explosive packs and launched a suicide attack on heavy tanks.

It can be seen that they really enjoy this task, each one runs faster than the other and each one is happier than the other.

For the green-skinned orcs, being able to fight is the happiest thing in the world.

Bang bang bang bang!

The green guy was driving a heavy truck that was assembled together, emitting black smoke and looked like it would fall apart at any moment.

Rampage on the battlefield.

Crush any creature that stands in the way of the chariot, regardless of friend or foe.

The greenskin boss, wearing the remains of his armor, roared and rushed into the front line, slashing and killing indiscriminately.

Behind the front line.

Large, colorful catapults, assembled from huge trees and engineering machinery parts, are constantly throwing huge stones at the city walls.

Even with the obstruction of anti-aircraft guns and force field shields, some boulders were lucky enough to pass through the force field shields and hit the city wall.

The attack of the huge rocks caused the city walls to shake violently, and cracks appeared in some places.

"Isn't this too outrageous?"

Ron couldn't help but marvel. Even though he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

The technology of these greenskins is amazing.

How can we not defend against the catapults that hit the fully armed high-tech city walls?
What if the greenskins develop a batch of heavy cannons, wouldn’t they be able to directly collapse the city walls?
Whoosh whoosh—

The Dream sent nearly a thousand Lightning assault fighters and Thunder heavy bombers to bomb the rear lines of the green-skinned orcs.

Many giant catapults were destroyed.

However, the greenskins' anti-aircraft positions quickly counterattacked, throwing huge rocks into the sky and destroying several fighter planes.

At the same time, they sent out air forces to fight the fighter planes.

Those green-skinned orcs rode on the armored Kalomon that looked like pterosaurs and launched an air battle against the fighter planes!
Ron looked at this scene, somewhat puzzled.

Those flying cavalrymen are only seven or eight meters in size. How can they fight against sixty-meter-long atmospheric fighter planes?

"I'm sorry!"

The next moment, he cursed out loud.

Because he watched helplessly as the greenskin flying cavalry threw explosive spears and blew up a Thunder heavy fighter.

Wow, such a short time.

The green-skinned orcs have created an explosive weapon whose attack effect is no less powerful than Gorrik's melta spear and plasma spear?
On the reconnaissance tower, Ron was looking at those green-skinned orcs and felt numb.

I was not only shocked by the bravery of the greenskins, but also by the speed at which their equipment was upgraded.

too fast!
He frowned and couldn't help but worry.

According to intelligence, the green-skinned orcs were initially equipped with big sticks.

After plundering the mine, they used the engineering machinery to produce a certain amount of mechanical equipment in just a few days.

If it had been a few months later, even heavy power armor might have been developed.

At times, the equipment equipped by the Greenskin Legion may be better than that of the Empire.

When they were firing well, the guns and barrels kept firing and never jammed or overheated.

There is no way around it. The greenskins’ technological knowledge is directly stored in their genes and will be automatically unlocked once the conditions are met.

There is no need to study from scratch, and it is extremely inclusive.

In fact, it is technological knowledge more advanced than that of the Empire, stored in the genes of the green-skinned orcs by the ancient supreme beings, the Old Saints.

The former green-skinned orc warlord Bonecrusher easily created many large Titan-class war vehicles.

In the Third Armageddon War caused by it, even with the presence of the Space Marines, the Empire still lost the lives of billions of soldiers.

Fortunately, Ron's support arrived quickly. The technology of these green-skinned orcs on Kanda was still at a relatively primitive level.

He also specially arranged a batch of weapons to restrain the green-skinned orcs.

On the battlefield.

The second front.

Several heavy combined forces brigades have been assembled, and almost all members of the combined forces brigades are equipped with large armored vehicles and super-heavy vehicles.

For example, heavy skeleton armor, sentry mecha, super heavy tank, self-propelled heavy artillery, etc.

As the formation assembled, a torrent of cold steel pushed toward the green tide.

What’s even more terrifying is that most of these combined forces brigades are equipped with chemical incendiary weapons.

Simply put, it's a flamethrower.

For the greenskins, who are carbon-based creatures, these are powerful weapons.

The super-heavy tanks advanced slowly, firing heavy artillery fire.

The large deflagration jet on the vehicle body sprayed out flames nearly a kilometer long, sweeping away all the green-skinned orcs in front.

Including heavy flamethrowers, sentry mechas and other arms.

It also spewed out flames of varying sizes, mercilessly burning everything around it.

Large-scale green skin roasting event!
The greenskins were covered in unquenchable flames, howling in pain and turning into firemen running around on the battlefield.

For a moment, the green-skinned orcs' offensive slowed down and their front line kept retreating.


Ron was quite surprised. To deal with these green skins that came out of the big mushrooms, he still had to use fire attacks.

However, these are just the beginning.

If I’m not mistaken, his ace fighter will be dispatched next!

Ground battlefield.

Commander-in-chief of the Storm Army, One-Eyed Ari, led hundreds of Space Marines into battle and attacked the core position of the green-skinned orcs.

The Space Marines fought in small groups, advancing step by step.

Those Space Marines are far more powerful than the Greenskins.

Gunshots roared.

Fragmentation bombs rained down on the greenskins.

Often, one bullet can accurately beat those unarmored green-skinned guys into pieces.

When the greenskins approached, they drew out their power swords and power spears and killed them with precision.

However, those armored orc bosses still caused them a lot of trouble.

Without the support of a large legion, even a warband could easily be drowned in the endless tide of orcs.

A conspicuous figure rushed out from the Space Marine team.

That is One-Eyed Yari.

At this moment, he was shirtless, with bulging muscles, and his body was covered with thick, red and yellow exoskeleton armor.

It was modified using power armor technology, except that it did not have the outer layer of ceramsite armor and the neural connection system.

The performance is almost the same as that of power armor.

This exoskeleton armor seems to have been specially modified and is equipped with many hooks.


Yari roared and began to rush into the greenskin line, swinging his power sword to kill.

He was alone, ignoring any encirclement and attack, and attacked desperately.

Charge towards the greenskins' core position.

He is simply rolling around in a pile of greenskins, even more brutal than the greenskins!
The green-skinned orcs looked at this crazy guy with a single scarlet eye and huge mechanical claws, and felt inexplicably afraid.

It's like the fear is carried in our genes.

The fear was real. The legendary figure of the Empire, Yarick, became famous among the green-skinned orcs and was the top human leader in the hearts of the greenskins.

How scary it is that the old cannon eye can kill the green-skinned guy with just one glare!
This fear is engraved in the genes of the green-skinned orcs.

Even though these new greenskins didn't know who Yarick was, his image was already deeply ingrained in them.

Just seeing it evokes a slight feeling of fear.

Now, this group of newly born green-skinned orcs saw Yarui, who looked similar to the old Paoyan, but even crazier.

Of course there is some fear.

However, this fear was not enough to affect the greenskins' fighting power, but instead aroused their ferocity.

Because this human being is a powerful opponent!


The densely packed green-skinned orcs, enough to completely overwhelm any warrior, rushed towards Yarui...

(End of this chapter)

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