Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 241 The old one-eyed man glared at the greenskin to death?

Chapter 241 The old one-eyed man glared at the greenskin to death?
"This is troublesome..."

On the reconnaissance tower, Ron saw a large number of green-skinned orcs surrounding Yarui, and he couldn't help but worry.

Even the Space Marines would find it difficult to resist such an intensive attack.

However, he soon felt relieved.

Within sight.

Yarui didn't hesitate at all, nor did he take any defensive stance. He just swung the power sword wildly.

He kept killing the greenskins that pounced on him, cut off their heads and hung them on the hooks of his exoskeleton armor.

But as the number of greenskins increased, Yarui had no room to move.

Even a simple dodge is impossible.

In this case, it is bound to be attacked.

No matter how strong the body is, it cannot withstand so much damage.

To Ron's surprise, most of the stone axes that were aimed at Ari missed.

Either the strikes missed or hit other orcs at weird angles.

After several rounds of attacks, only minor wounds were left on his body.

"Big explosion... everyone is killed!"

Several green guys ignited explosives and launched a suicide attack on Yarui.

Seeing this, Ron's heart tightened.

The greenskins' explosives can destroy fighter planes. Anyone who is hit by them will suffer serious injuries.

Yarui doesn't have full armor and it's difficult for him to dodge, so he might be in fatal danger!


The bombs on those green-skinned guys seemed to have malfunctioned and exploded prematurely for unknown reasons.

The thick smoke cleared and a large hole appeared on the ground.

Many greenskins were killed on the spot and their bodies were piled on the ground.

Before Ron had time to worry, he saw Yarui crawling out from the pile of greenskin corpses as if nothing had happened.

The green-skinned orcs surrounding him were like thick meat pads, helping him block the impact of the explosion.

Even more fortunately, the bombs that exploded prematurely blew a big hole in the encirclement.

Yarui took advantage of this gap and easily broke through the opening, continuing to charge forward.

Ron gasped: "Fuck, this is even possible?"

He felt that he had underestimated the Immortal Yarui.

In the past, he just thought that this guy was good at hiding and had maxed out his dodge points.

Looking back now, it didn’t seem like a dodging skill, but more like a blessing from the god of luck.

Some kind of special psychic field.

The luck aura is maxed out, it's even more awesome than the green orcs' blue luck!
Ron began to understand why Yarui dared to charge so fiercely in every battle.

If he also had this kind of lucky ability, wouldn't he have to jump back and forth, in and out seven times?

It can even be said that Yarui's lucky aura is more awesome than those immortality or resurrection abilities.

Even if one has immortality or the ability to resurrect, one still has to endure damage or temporarily die.

And Yarui's lucky aura can make him almost harmless!
That would be just indiscriminate killing.

I just don’t know what the limit of this lucky ability is, being in a confined space and undergoing high-intensity bombing.

There should be no way to dodge it, right?

Or maybe this is not a talent at all, but just good luck?

I don't understand.

There are too many things in this world that cannot be explained by science, and there are even more outrageous prophecies or concepts of destiny.

After thinking about it, Ron decided not to dwell on this issue anymore and turned his attention back to the battlefield on the ground.

At this moment, Yarui's mechanical giant pincers pressed an armored green-skinned boss to the ground and sprayed flames at him.

The green-skinned boss struggled in pain and died wailing.

Then he took off the green-skinned boss's head and hung it on the exoskeleton armor.

Now, his exoskeleton armor is hung with the heads of a greenskin boss, several scarred greenskin veterans, and more greenskin orcs.

It looks a little scary.

For the green-skinned orcs, this is an indescribable horror and shock.

When Yarui stood up and faced another greenskin boss, he could see the fear in the other's face.

It no longer has the courage to fight.

The greenskin boss, who had lost his courage, became much weaker, and soon Ari hung his head on the exoskeleton armor.

This was the second greenskin boss he killed.

Looking at the crazy and mad human with green heads hanging all over his body, the green orcs finally began to be afraid.

That was not the fear impression left in their genes, but the terror they actually felt.

"Old One-Eye...behead him..."

The green-skinned guys in front of Yarui retreated, not daring to pounce on him like before.

"The psychological warfare tactics really work!"

Ron was quite surprised by this result.

That was his advice to Yarui, to make use of the visual impact as much as possible and give the greenskins a strong shock.

Ron entered into psychic vision, carefully observing the greenskin psychic field surrounding the battlefield.

He discovered that the greenskin's psychic field had changed.

In the greenskin network deep in the force field, the illusory figure of Yarui appeared faintly, especially the scarlet single eye.

This proves that Ari's terrifying image has penetrated into the hearts of the green-skinned orcs.

This horrific image will gradually spread to all greenskins, giving them more fear.

Soon, this change was reflected in reality.

With the blessing of the power of "Anxunsi", Yarui, with green heads hanging all over his body, fought more and more fiercely, he was simply a greenskin killer!
This is equivalent to enchantment, which is similar to the concept of blessing, but it is only effective in the greenskin's psychic field.

Under the leadership of Ari, the Space Marines advanced rapidly, killed their way to the center of the Greenskin line, and gradually advanced to the rear.

Finally, they saw a huge figure behind their greenskin line.

"We found the greenskin leader..."

Ron followed the direction where Yarui and others were charging, and also saw the green-skinned leader riding on the Sgro beast.

He was a little excited: "Fuck, a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex? I have to get that thing!"

Ari and his men's target is the greenskin leader.

The greenskins will grow with the war, and if the war continues, it will turn into a stalemate.

That would be troublesome.

Nowadays, on the battlefield, many greenskins who have killed people are growing in size.

If this trend is not curbed in time.

Even if we can wipe them out in the end, the casualties would be unbearable.

Therefore, the best way is to defeat the greenskin leader as soon as possible and completely undermine the morale of the greenskins.

In this way, he could take advantage of the opportunity, invade the greenskins' psychic network, and take control of the greenskin orc tribe.

Come end this war!
Through the observation goggles, Ron stared at the greenskin leader.

It sat on its mount, silently watching the advancing torrent of steel.

Suddenly, the greenskin leader smiled.

Ron was sure he wasn't mistaken, it was a sly smile.

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although the greenskins have low intelligence, as war machines they are highly sensitive to the war situation.

One could even say it's cunning.

It can be seen from the two gods they believe in that Goge is fierce and cunning, while Maoge is cunning and fierce.

Those high-level greenskins are synonymous with cunning and ferociousness.

In the field of vision, the greenskin leader said something incoherently, and soon changes occurred on the battlefield.

A large number of green-skinned guys started charging with bombs to stop Yarui and others.

It pulled the reins and led the core troops to turn around and retreat.

Seeing this, more greenskins hurriedly hit him a few more times, then retreated screaming following their leader.

Now on the battlefield, only about one-third of the greenskins are left fighting desperately, and the rest are carrying the wreckage on the ground and evacuating quickly.

On the battlefield and in the Mineral City, faint cheers could be heard as people cheered for repelling the aliens.

Those terrible aliens brought them too much pressure.

But Ron frowned and said, "He ran away just like that. How cunning!"

He was not happy at all about the greenskins' retreat, but instead fell into deep worry.

This is the worst possible outcome.

This proves that the greenskin leader has a full understanding of the war situation.

The greenskins retreated back into the depths of the forest, and the next battle would become more difficult.

They use dense giant trees and complex caves of various sizes underground as cover.

It will be difficult to launch an effective attack against them.

What's more troublesome is that the greenskins obtained more resources and weapons through this war.

Once they have digested the loot and completed the upgrade of their equipment, they will come out next time.

It will become more terrifying!
Yarui obviously discovered this as well.

He commanded the Storm Army to launch a full-scale pursuit, and fighter planes bombarded their evacuation points one after another.

But the effect was minimal due to the suicide attacks of the greenskins who were guarding the rear.

Before long, the greenskins retreated deep into the forest. With hundreds of meters of tall trees blocking their way, even the bombing had little effect. The shrapnel damage caused by the bombing would at most cause the greenskins to lose some limbs, and they would be alive and kicking once they woke up.

During the pursuit.

The Storm Army tried to burn the forest, but the trees were too large and the special wood type was not easy to burn.

Even if the chemical fuels were exhausted, it would be difficult to burn down the giant forest that occupies almost one-third of the planet.

Soon, the large force was blocked by the forest, and it was difficult to maintain its formation. It would be dangerous to go deeper.

Upon seeing this, Yarui ordered the Storm Army to withdraw, leaving the fighter jets to continue tracking, harassing and bombing.

After another half a day, the fighter jets ran out of fuel and ammunition and returned to the Dream one after another.


Mining town.


Temporary command hall.

Ron sat in a chair, reading the follow-up reports of the war.

Now the green-skinned orcs have entered the depths of the forest, their whereabouts are hard to track, and even more difficult to launch an effective attack against them.

The latest news is that Ari is sending out reconnaissance teams to look for the trace of the greenskin leader.

It seems that they want to carry out a decapitation operation deep behind enemy lines.

That's the only way.

And it has to be quick, the greenskins are getting stronger all the time.

The troublesome part of this matter lies in how to find the specific location of the greenskin leader.

What's even more difficult is how to kill it among the greenskins.


Taco, an official from the Military Affairs Department, rushed in: "Lord Yari has found the trail of the alien leader, and he has led his team out of the city!"

According to the report, after Ari found the trace of the greenskin leader, he immediately led all the Space Marines to the target location.

He prepared to attack the greenskin tribe at night.

"Can a team of 400 warriors deal with the greenskins?" Ron was a little doubtful.

Even after the war, the number of greenskins in the greenskin lair is estimated to be no less than one million.

If these 400 men cannot achieve quick results and are surrounded by the greenskins, they probably won't be able to escape.

That would be much more exciting than the previous raid on the thief's lair.

"If the previous psychological warfare tactics worked, it's not impossible..."

He chose to trust the lucky tough guys under his command.

Just as Ron was thinking about it, he saw Datong running in with a big iron box in his arms.

He was very surprised:
"Why are you still here?"

Didn’t Yarui lead the team to attack the greenskins at night? As one of the main fighting forces, it’s impossible for Da Tong not to go, right?

Datong scratched his head:

"My power armor was blown to pieces by those damn aliens. I didn't have time to repair it, and I didn't have a replacement.

So that guy Yarui wouldn’t let me go…”

Ron understood this.

After all, Datong's power armor is a special version, and he can't wear anything else.

"Why don't you take a good rest and come to my place?"

“I came here specially to cook for you”

Datong dropped the big iron box to the ground with a clang and frowned: "Don't you want to taste what a green-skinned alien tastes like?"

"Isn't this not good?"

Ron was somewhat resistant mentally, but his body nodded honestly towards the barrel.

I'm a little hungry.

Anyway, Datong is the top chef in the territory, and all the food he prepares is delicious.

What's more, since I've eaten even the devil, what's wrong with eating the greenskin?
Of course, these are just psychological comfort.

He could keenly sense that these changes were slight effects brought about by the devouring properties contained in the little sun.

Ron was not too resistant. It was within the controllable range. If he really wanted to control it, he could suppress it.

In this world, it's normal to have some quirks.

Except for those crazy people who are stuck in chaos.

Even the Blood Angels, the loyal warriors of the God-Emperor and descendants of the holy Sanguinius, retain some little quirks.

For example, bloodthirstiness.

Each of them looks not much different from a vampire.

Some Blood Angels chapters even suck human blood directly and use living people as blood bags.

Even so, he is still regarded as a loyal and great warrior of the empire.

Of course, Ron would never harm any human or sub-human race. At most, he would just take a brief taste of the alien and heretic.

The Savior and heretics and aliens are mortal enemies. He eats the flesh of heretics alive and drinks their blood thirstily.

Isn’t this behavior the most loyal of all for human beings?
Since those damn heretic aliens dare to devour human flesh and blood, then he dares to eat them back!
What's more, he is from Guangdong...

By then, we will develop a food production line using aliens and heretics as materials, and see who is more afraid of whom!

Well, this is a good idea. I’ll make a note of it and try it out when I have the chance.


Ron turned around and ordered, "Cook it a little better and add more seasoning."


Datong nodded in agreement, and he lowered his head to take out the processed green-skinned meat from the large iron box.

Then he lit the fire and started roasting happily.

Ron propped his chin up and watched the barbecue chef busying himself in the big barrel, and he became worried about Aary and the others.

Did they find the greenskin lair?



Greenskin base camp.


The roar of the explosion was loud and flames shot into the sky.

The entire greenskin camp has fallen into panic, and the Space Marines are slaughtering the panicked greenskins.

The cries of fart spirits were everywhere.

"The old one-eyed man who likes to chop off our heads is coming to kill us!"

A green-skinned boy was trembling all over, holding a stone axe. He looked at everything in front of him with fear.

Now, all the greenskins in the camp have learned the legend of the terrible old one-eye and are afraid of him.

In a way, Ron's plan was very successful.

When the greenskins retreated back to their lair to rest.

Those greenskins who witnessed Ari's horrific deeds told of this horrific phenomenon.

By nightfall, the terrifying legend of old One-Eye had inevitably spread throughout the camp.

Legend has it that the old one-eyed man with blood-red eyes is extremely scary. The greenskins can never kill him no matter what they do, and he likes to cut off the greenskins' heads and hang them on his body.

Many green-skinned bosses’ heads have been chopped off!
This scared the green-skinned guys. Even the scar-faced guy and the green-skinned boss were a little afraid.

Panic inevitably spread in the camp, and even the greenskin leader Steel Tongs was caught off guard.

At the same time, he was deeply afraid of the one-eyed old man.

However, late at night, the greenskins were still in fear.

The old one-eyed man suddenly descended from the sky and killed many greenskins with his warriors.

For a time, the camp was in chaos and the greenskins were unable to organize a team to resist.

At this moment, Yarui was blessed by the power of the greenskin "Anxunsi" and became even more powerful.

The single scarlet eye is shining.

He battled the greenskin leader, Steel Jaw, in a brutal and brutal fight, punch after punch.

"Damn human, die!"

The steel pliers swung its alloy pincers with such ferocity that it was hard to believe until now.

With such a small number of people, humans dared to actively attack their own tribe's camp.

But it also admitted that the old one-eyed man was indeed as powerful as the legend said.

The battle between the two sides destroyed almost all the equipment around, and even the towering trees were broken by the violent impact.

Yarui seized the opportunity, pressed the steel clamp to the ground, and hammered wildly.

Steel Claw wailed with a hint of fear in its eyes. Blood was flowing on its face and its teeth were almost broken.

Many of the green-skinned orcs around were frightened and dared not move forward.

Finally, a scarred green-skinned veteran mustered up the courage to rush forward, raised a sledgehammer and smashed it on the back of Yarui's unprotected head.

If this attack hits, it will cause huge damage.

However, Yarui turned around and glared at him.

The scarlet single eye and the angry face stained with greenskin blood look so terrifying to the greenskins.

The scarred green man who wanted to launch a sneak attack showed unspeakable fear on his face, rolled his eyes, and fell backwards into unconsciousness.

"Dead, Scarface was glared to death!"

The greenskins became even more frightened, and the fear spread further. They dropped their weapons and fled.

At the same time, a new legend was born. The old one-eyed man could kill the greenskins with just one glare!
(End of this chapter)

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