Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 243: Webway Cleanup Plan

Chapter 243: Webway Cleanup Plan
Ron's consciousness followed the channel that had just been established between the greenskin psychic network and the little sun, and headed towards the interior of the little sun.

Then he dived into the depths of the little sun and came to the place where the power of faith was concentrated.

It was an imaginary square with statues formed by various emotions and beliefs.

Coming to the place of faith for the first time, Ron couldn't help but be a little surprised: "So I have so many images in the eyes of believers?"

There are too many statues of gods, large and small, dozens or even hundreds of them.

Above the square, there was a small golden sun hanging, emitting a faint light that illuminated this virtual space.

That is Ron's core image, and it is also the image he identifies with himself, which can be regarded as his ego.

Many believers who received the blessing saw the image of a little sun.

This force has an absolute advantage.

Ron's consciousness wandered around the square, observing the statues. There were several images among them that he was more familiar with.

The most eye-catching image is his nearly 100-meter-tall figure, wearing golden power armor, holding a big sword, and illuminated by the golden sun.

This is the most common statue of the savior in the territory, and it is also what the savior looks like in the minds of most people.

Not far from the Savior Statue is the Four-Armed Savior Statue worshipped by Ji Zei and the newly born Green-Skinned Luogo Statue.

In addition, there are many small statues of gods, which are images in the minds of a few believers.

For example, there is the statue of the kindly old Ron, the statue of the pointy-eared god of life, the statue of the muscular man, the statue of the gentle prince, the statue of the governor, the statue of the winged angel, the statue of the effeminate man, and so on.

Wait, a man-girl???
Ron's face darkened. Which group of believers came up with this? The atmosphere in the territory is not good.

We must go back and ask the Inquisition to investigate whether it is Slaanesh who has infiltrated and poisoned the young people of the territory!
Suddenly, Ron discovered that deep in the land of faith, there was a dark area that was not illuminated by the sun.

"Could it be that that is the dark side of my personality?"

He controlled his consciousness and entered the dark area.

In an instant, all the light around disappeared, and a dark and chaotic atmosphere came over.

Good guy.

Ron discovered that there were many statues of gods here, and their faces looked a bit like his own.

What he saw head on was a bust-chested statue with a leather cap on his head, a spiked leather jacket on his body, and a thorn whip in his hand.

This is very lustful...

It seems that this is the influence of Slaanesh's power.

After that, he saw the statue of the devil chicken, the statue of the rotten multi-headed, the statue of the blood axe devil, and so on.

"Where does this power of faith come from?"

Ron is a bit of an oddball, aside from the demon Baal and his demon minions.

He shouldn't have any other Chaos followers, right?
Just as he was wondering, he suddenly saw a demon head in the depths of the darkness, and a big foot stepping on the demon head.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

Ron looked up along the soles of his feet and found a ferocious giant.

The giant statue was shrouded in mist, overlooking the area. He had an extremely strong body and was wearing a hideous dark gold armor in a demonic style.

There is a faint sacred light emanating from his body.

He moved closer and finally got a clear look at the statue.

There were several corpses of bloodthirsty demons lying around the giant statue, and it was stepping on the heads of bloodthirsty demons with its fangs bared and black hair dancing wildly.

He was holding the arm of a bloodthirsty demon and gnawing on it, with blood splattering everywhere.

You can tell at first glance that this is a super tough guy who scares the devil!
"Is this me?" Ron was stunned.

He used his consciousness to investigate and found that the emotions and faith power condensed into the colossus were extremely complex and full of chaos.

I have no idea where exactly it came from.

Ron thought that this should be the influence of subspace energy and the source of the little sun's devouring characteristics.

He was a little worried whether these chaotic forces would affect his personality.

After all, the power of emotions and beliefs is both a panacea and a poison, and has a great impact on gods.

If the power of faith provided by believers is too great, it may even affect the personality of the gods.

Slowly shape it into what the believers want it to be.

What’s even more frightening is that under the influence of multiple beliefs, it can also lead to split personality.

If the split personality is too powerful, it will gradually erode the god's autonomous personality.

Ron couldn't help but gasp: "If I lose my autonomous personality, am I still myself?"

This is a difficult question to answer.

In fact, he had been worried about this problem from the beginning, so he had been suppressing his own divinity.

Separate the original consciousness from the little sun.

It is equivalent to treating the little sun as a controllable subspace clone and not contacting it unless necessary.

Therefore, the little sun does not have much influence on him.

He is not quite sure what the future will be like.

Fortunately, the power of those beliefs is not that great, and his autonomous personality still maintains absolute control.

Although this dark area was slightly out of control, no problems arose.

The ferocious giant before him seemed to be suppressing the chaotic forces.

To some extent, it's a good thing.

Anyway, things have come to this point, there is no point in worrying, just be more careful next time.

Ron's current condition is perfect in this world.

After all, in this purgatory world, there is no one who is not crazy. Even the peerless macho God Emperor is on the verge of going crazy.

If one day he goes completely crazy and moves his butt, human beings will either ascend to heaven collectively or perish collectively.

It can be said that Ron is in great risk at all times.

Humans have a lifespan, and even if technology is used to extend lifespan, it will only be a few hundred or a thousand years or longer at most.

There will always be a day when you die.

In this situation, human managers or rulers have room to mess up. They just need to stabilize the current situation and live their lives in peace.

They don't want to care about the future, nor do they have the ability to care.

But as the only second god of mankind, Ron has a nearly infinite lifespan.

His fate is closely linked to that of mankind, and he is destined to encounter fatal crises in the future that could wipe out humanity.

For example, the God-Emperor went mad, the Four Chaos Gods launched a massive attack, the Tyranids invaded the galaxy, and so on.

So, Ron must consider the future fate of mankind.

Fortunately, there is still time.

Ron looked around, suppressed his worries, and decided to get down to business first.

Being able to use the Webway is the key to the future prosperity of the realm and humanity.

The most important thing at the moment is to wipe out all the demons in the webway.

Of course, the threats in the Webway are not just the demons that sneak in, there are also Necrons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Chaos Cults and so on.

There are too many strange things hiding in there, and who knows if they will flow into the webway he controls.

In order to defend against these possible enemies, there must be a strong army stationed on the Webway.

The green-skinned orcs are the best choice. Not only can they adapt to the environment of the Webway, but they can also grow in battle without having to worry about losses.

Simply perfect.

All he had to do was throw the greenskins into the Webway and allow them to multiply and grow.

Once they spread throughout the entire web, there will be no need to worry about the security of the web.

Ron's consciousness returned to the temporary command hall, and he looked at the greenskin leader again.

From the look in the other's eyes, he could be sure that he had completely taken control of the greenskin psychic network.

Become the ruler of this greenskin tribe.

At this time, the greenskin leader bowed his head and saluted, showing a gesture of submission, with a hint of fear and reverence in his expression.

Because it is facing the ruler of the greenskins - Rogo!
Ron was quite satisfied with this and felt very lucky.

The probability of encountering new green-skinned kids is too low. If he had come a month or two later, they would have grown further.

It becomes very difficult to control them, and it is not certain whether we can defeat them.

Because his support came quickly and he had a legendary ace like Yarui, he was able to successfully defeat this greenskin tribe.

This wave, just thinking about it makes Ron excited, the harvest is so rich.

He obtained a war legion that could grow infinitely!
Let me put it this way, those powerful greenskin warlords were able to fight against the Primarch, and there was even an greenskin who almost defeated the Emperor.

Not only are they individually powerful, but their numbers are also formidable, and they can directly engage in a bloody battle with the endless swarms of Tyranids.

Plus, there’s ancient technology hidden in their genes.

It's terrifying!
Of course, those are just the upper limits.

As for how far this greenskin tribe can grow, it depends on how they are trained.

The initial goal is to train them to a level that can fight against Webway Demons.

After all, Ron only had two and a half years.

If he didn't deal with those damn Webway demons within two and a half years, he would be locked away in the Blackstone Throne.

Then I happily received the luxurious Black Stone toilet package and sat side by side with the Divine Emperor.

Ron had just witnessed the fighting power of this greenskin tribe, so he was not too worried about whether they could fight the demons.

I'll go back and get the greenskins more weapons and equipment, that's for sure.

This is sure!

Ron looked at the greenskin leader: "By the way, who is that...what's your name?"

The greenskin leader pointed to the large yellow alloy pliers in his hand.

It pursed its lips and spoke in a muffled voice, with some air leaking out: "U...Urus Steel Claw..."

"This name isn't domineering enough."

Ron frowned and thought, at least he should give it a name like Bone Crusher.

A more domineering name may enhance your fighting power.

Suddenly, an inspiration struck him, and he thought of a new name: "Bone Eater Steel Fang!"

He turned his gaze to the pliers and asked:
"what do you think?"

Steel Pliers pursed its toothless mouth, its heart almost broken, it felt that Luo Ge was targeting it.

But it didn't have the courage to refuse, and said sullenly: "Okay..."

At this point, Ron also noticed that the teeth on the pliers were gone.

The corner of his eye twitched, he coughed dryly, raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder: "Since you have no objection, I will call you Bone Eater Steel Fang from now on!"

Well, even though he has no teeth, it's not a big deal to call him that. He immediately took out his communicator and contacted the technical priest on the Dream.

Let them design the most ferocious and powerful mechanical teeth for the greenskin leader Steel Teeth as soon as possible!
Afterwards, Ron looked at the sky outside and it was already late at night.

He asked Yarui and other warriors who participated in the battle to go back and rest and receive treatment from the pharmacist.

As for Gangya, we called the pharmacist and the local veterinarian to take him down for examination and treatment of his wounds.

It was seriously injured.

There is no time to take over the greenskin tribe tonight. Ron plans to have a good sleep and take over them tomorrow.


early morning.

A ray of sunlight shines through the window into the bedroom.

Ron woke up in a daze. He stretched, opened the window, and took a deep breath.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The high-purity chemical fog made him feel choked and uncomfortable.

"I almost forgot that this is a pure mining planet. If I had known, I would have returned to the Dream to rest..."

Ron felt a little regretful.

Since Kanda is rich in minerals, the Ministry of the Interior completely regards this planet as a super mining area.

It is mined almost at any cost with the aim of hollowing it out completely.

To meet the territory's current high demand for minerals.

Fortunately, with the greenskin tribe, he could quickly deal with the demons and make use of the webway.

At that time, you can go mining wherever you want without having to worry about mineral shortages.

Ron ate a simple meal, put on the green-skin version of the power armor, and hurried to find Steelfang.

He needed Steelfang to gather the greenskin horde quickly.

Gangya was placed in a temporary tent outside the city, which was safer.

The greenskins will continue to spread spores around, and if they stay in the city for too long, the subsequent cleaning will be more troublesome.

When Ron walked into the tent and saw Steel Teeth again, he was a little dazed.

He turned around and asked Yarui next to him: "Take a look, is Gangya much thinner than yesterday?"

Yarui looked at Gangya and nodded:
"You read that right. This guy is thinner and shorter than yesterday."

Hearing this, Ron was sure that he was not mistaken, and he was dumbfounded.

He knew that after the greenskins were defeated or lost confidence, their combat effectiveness would continue to decline.

But isn’t the speed of decline too fast?
In just one night, my body shrunk a lot!

Gangya pouted and stood there dejectedly, not looking like a greenskin leader at all.

Ron reached out and shook its shoulders, feeling very sad: "Cheer up, Steel Teeth, I'm still waiting for you to defeat the demon!"

Hearing the word "steel teeth", Steel Teeth seemed even more depressed.

Even if Ron ordered it in the name of Luo Ge, it was useless. It would obey the orders, but it just couldn't muster the energy.

To put it simply, it means lying down and letting things go badly.

My goodness, did Gangya become autistic because of that guy Yarui?
Seeing this, he had no choice but to let Yarui go back first and try to avoid the greenskins so as not to irritate them again.

"Savior, the alloy steel creation you asked us to design and manufacture is ready."

Two technical priests walked in and reported.

They customized a set of alloy steel teeth suitable for the green skin overnight.

"Hurry up, hurry up, put it on!" Ron realized that the lack of teeth was also one of the reasons why Steel Teeth was in such a state of decline.

I have to install it quickly, otherwise it will become more depressed.

Ron looked at Steel Teeth's decadent appearance and had a bad feeling in his heart. Could the greenskin tribe also become such a horrible appearance?

That's the end of it!
Fortunately, after being equipped with those fierce and shiny big steel teeth, Gangya became more energetic.

At least he was willing to come out of the tent and move around.

Ron and Steel Fang boarded the assault ship and flew deep into the forest, accompanied by hundreds of large transport planes.

They will go to the Greenskin Horde.

Inside the cabin.

Ron looked down at the plain, where was yesterday's battlefield and thousands of large construction machines were digging the earth.

Gather the soil stained with green flesh and blood.

Under normal circumstances, these soils contaminated with green skin and flesh need to be burned at high temperatures.

Completely kill the flesh, blood and spores.

Otherwise, many large green mushrooms will soon grow on these lands.

When the time comes, a large number of green skins will emerge from under the mushrooms like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

An endless stream.

Of course, high-temperature cleaning is the Imperial way.

For Ron, who controlled the greenskin psychic network, the soil was stained with the greenskins' flesh and spores.

It is an extremely precious culture medium.

Can't waste it.

The Military Affairs Department has organized a collection team that will conduct a comprehensive search and collect any greenskin orc remnants within their range of activity.

Includes body tissue as well as fungal communities that can grow green mushrooms.

They will collect the residues and put them into containers for later use.



Greenskin camp.

Ron and Steelfang walked off the assault ship.

The camp was relatively quiet, with only some fart spirits busying around providing food for the greenskins.

He walked around the camp, feeling worried.

This bunch of greenskins are in a mess.

They lay motionless in the shack, and only when the fart spirits handed food to them would they grab it and stuff it into their mouths.

Chewing listlessly.

Some greenskins were even unwilling to stretch out their hands, waiting for the fart spirits to grab the food and stuff it into their mouths.

Under normal circumstances, when it is time for a greenskin to eat, he will eat anything he wants and will be lucky if he doesn't swallow all the food whole.

It won't look like this now.

It’s useless, all useless!

Ron felt a little numb, as if he saw a powerful greenskin army moving away from him.

He comforted himself in his heart:

"It's okay. As long as you can eat, you can be saved!"

Ron ordered Steel Teeth: "It's time for you to show your skills. Wake them up!"


When Steel Fang received the order, it thought for a while and then let out a fierce roar.

Fortunately, the leader's orders did have some effect.

After hearing the roar, the greenskins slowly got up.

The fart spirits screamed and spread their leader's orders to the surrounding camps.

After a while, the greenskins gradually gathered together, and most of them had no weapons.


Forget it, as long as you can obey orders.

Now, Ron had no other requirements for these guys, and he would slowly transform them later.

See if there is any salvation.

If that doesn't work, we'll have to see if there's enough time to train a new batch.

Soon, large transport planes packed up and took away these greenskins and some fart spirits and other creatures in the camp.

Sent to the troop transport bay of the Dream.

There are about one million greenskins.

At the same time, the collected residues, soil, fungal communities, mushrooms, etc. were also packaged and sent on board.

The conditions on Kanda are not very good, so Ron plans to transport these greenskins back first.

outside the atmosphere.

The fully loaded Dream started up slowly and entered the subspace voyage.


Ers Galaxy, Moon.
Holy Land of Ers.

Mechanical City, Biological Research Institute conference room.

The layout of the conference room appears solemn and formal, with a large oval table covered with a red patterned cloth.

There are reliefs of the Savior engraved on the interior walls, and on the wall behind the main seat is the emblem of the Mechanicus made up of gears.

Participants came in one after another and took their seats.

Among them are several sages in the field of biological research, sages in the field of chaotic biology research, and experts in the field of psychology.

As well as senior teachers and instructors of Zhongsi College.

The great sage of biology, Moss, hurried to the main seat and sat down, placing the thermos cup on the table.

He is chairing today's meeting.

After everyone arrived, Moss picked up the thermos and took a sip of the fuel drink. The electronic voice was a little cold:

"You should have received the message from the Savior. The timing is so precise and precious.

I will just say a few words..."

Ron was the one who started this meeting culture.

But compared with the complicated research meeting process within the Empire and the Mechanicus, it is already very streamlined.

After all, before, they would often burn incense and perform a complicated prayer ceremony before the meeting.

Above Moss's seat, there was a banner hanging high up: Green-skinned Alien Recovery Research Seminar...

(End of this chapter)

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