Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 244 Is there a big move on Chaos’ side?

Chapter 244 Is there a big move on Chaos’ side?

In the narrow meteorite belt, small mining ships shuttled through it like bees, collecting minerals from the meteorites.

after awhile.

They received the order and quickly evacuated the area.


The space twisted instantly, crushing the nearby meteorites.

A huge monster about ten kilometers long suddenly appeared. It was the Dream that had just ended its subspace voyage.

The Dream slowly pushed aside the meteorite floating in front of it and headed towards the moon.

Inside the bridge.

Ron looked at the slightly reddish surface of the moon and frowned.

The situation of the greenskins is not very good.

According to the plan, the greenskins will be temporarily settled on the surface of the moon to carry out relevant recovery and training activities.

He looked through the documents that had just been sent to him to understand the progress of the relevant plans.

At present, the Great Sage Moss has organized personnel from the Biological Research Institute and related institutions to study plans to restore the vitality of the greenskins.

The Military Affairs Department is also urgently discussing relevant plans and needs to provide the greenskins with a suitable mothership.

Representatives of naval fleet officers cried at a meeting organized by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The fleet had just had a cruiser stolen by the Sons of Man Chapter, and now it has to provide ships for the damn green-skinned aliens.

It's really unbearable.

But that was an order given by the Savior, and they had to carry it out.

However, the navy fleet's cries were effective, and they received more resource compensation.

"I hope they can come up with a suitable plan as soon as possible..." Ron sighed.

He vaguely felt that there were changes in the subspace, which was a bad sign.

Time waits for no one.


The Dream landed on the lunar surface.

Several hatches were opened, and the crew members drove the engineering ships out to work one after another.

They needed to unload the transport cabin loaded with greenskins and related collectibles as soon as possible.

Then carry out comprehensive high-temperature disinfection of the relevant areas.

At the same time, several large transport ships set out from the airport and headed towards the moon.

These ships carried personnel from several engineering groups and a large amount of supplies, preparing to establish an experimental base here.

Ron came to the troop transport bay.

He tried several methods to activate the greenskins' fighting spirit, but to no avail.

Even when those greenskins were faced with fatal dangers, they did not show much resistance and would just hide at most.

After trying a few times, he gave up.

Let's leave these things to professionals like Moss.

It will take some time to establish the experimental base, and the specific greenskin recovery plan is also under study.

He can just take some time off to focus on other matters.

Ron returned to the Holy Land of Ers on the assault ship.

Then he went straight to Kaul's mechanical workshop to inspect the progress of various research projects.

Currently, Cawl is in charge of several large-scale research projects, among which Ron is most concerned about the improvement plan of the Blackstone Throne.

That's about whether he can break free from the constraints of the throne.

After all, his body can't just sit there all the time. It would waste time and its efficiency is not high enough.

According to the plan given by Kaul.

In the future, the subspace energy extraction device will be used to directly extract the psychic energy of the little sun as the energy source of the Blackstone Throne.

Xiao Ling is responsible for the control of the Blackstone Throne.

Introducing the Blackstone Throne into the spiritual network will enable better planning of the route of the webway, and the opening and closing of related teleportation portals will also be faster and more convenient.

Of course, this is just a beautiful idea.

In the laboratory.

Kohl's dozen or so robotic arms were operating non-stop, and its electronic eyes were simultaneously staring at dozens of mechanical screens with a large number of characters flowing on them.


Ron walked in and was pleased to see Call working hard.

However, he soon discovered that the oil guy was just surfing the mechanical forum intensively.

His face suddenly darkened: "Damn oil man!"

Cole was busy replying to the message without even turning his head, but the electronic voice was unusually enthusiastic: "Savior, welcome to my genius laboratory~"

"How far has the Blackstone Throne Improvement Plan progressed?"

"The plan is going smoothly. Now I'm in the stage of finding inspiration. It will be done soon. 10101011101010..."

As Kaur spoke, he spoke a lot of binary language.

Hearing this, Ron was silent.

What does it mean to be in the inspiration stage?

Although he didn't understand the binary language behind it, he could vaguely feel that the oil man was arguing with someone...

Ron was too lazy to continue communicating with the oil guy, so he directly asked Xiao Ling to check the progress of the experiment and report the relevant situation.

The psionic energy could mobilize all the data within the territory, and it quickly found the experimental log of the Black Throne Improvement Plan.

Reported the specific progress to him.

According to the experimental log, Caul's research hit a bottleneck and he could not find a suitable medium to guide the psychic power of the little sun.

The most suitable thing now is the body of the savior.

Fortunately, he had thought of an alternative.

A psychic clone of the Savior was cloned that could withstand high-intensity psychic shocks.

However, there are still some technical difficulties that need to be solved.

Afterwards, Ron visited several research institutes to inspect the research progress of the Eldar's automated psychic energy production equipment.

In fact, he didn't need to inspect the site in person, he could just let Xiao Ling collect the information.

But sometimes, you still have to go out and take a walk.

Let those researchers know that the Savior is paying close attention to their research and give them encouragement.

After several days of inspection, Ron had a general grasp of the research progress of automated psychic energy production technology.

They have overcome several difficulties and are making encouraging progress.

If nothing unexpected happens, we will be able to put it into field production testing in the next few years.

After inspecting the research institute, Ron went to Zhongsi College.

He is still very concerned about education.

Those talented students of Zhongsi Academy are related to the future prosperity and development of the territory.

Zhongsi College, Auditorium.

There is a statue of the Savior in the auditorium, solemn and dignified.

Tens of thousands of students sat upright, with anticipation and excitement in their hearts and tears in their eyes.

They are the outstanding students in each academy, and that is why they have the opportunity to see the great savior with their own eyes.

The teachers sitting in the front row were also very excited, with their backs straight.

After all, only the best teachers can enter this auditorium to meet the great savior.

This will be an unparalleled honor in their teaching career!

Under the arrangement of the college, Ron gave a speech in the auditorium, and some top teachers and students presented honorary badges.

This badge is just a bonus, what's more important is that they have obtained a precious blessing spot.

This place is enough to make them and their families excited to the point of being unable to control themselves.

That means they have entered the advanced sequence of the territory.

According to tradition, if a noble family is blessed, they must go to the church to pray to the Savior for at least one month.

Then invite all relatives and friends to hold a banquet to celebrate this unparalleled glory.

Ordinary families will also have corresponding celebration ceremonies.

Ron knew nothing about it.

After all, the territory is already a behemoth with more than a dozen planets and hundreds of billions of people.

It's hard for him to focus on this level.

On the ceremonial stage.

Voladi walked slowly onto the stage. He was 21 years old and tall.

As the top cadet in the Naval Academy, he will receive the badge of honor from the Savior.

At this moment, Voladi was very excited, his body was shaking and his calves were weak, but he still tried his best to control his body.

Maintain basic etiquette.

At such an honorable moment, we must not make a fool of ourselves!
Meeting the Savior has always been Voladi's wish, and also the wish of his mother Alila.

For many years, the mother has been telling Wodila about the glorious story of how the Savior sent angels to save her and praised her.

But my mother has always had one regret, which is that she has not been able to meet the Savior in person and thank him for his gift in person.

Now, Voladi finally has this opportunity.

He was going to express his gratitude to the Savior for his gift in the name of his mother Alila.

In this way, mother will definitely be very happy, right?
With great excitement, Voladi stood on the podium with other students.

He was waiting for that moment to come.

Finally, the savior came to him. He was so kind and merciful!

Voladi was dazed as he watched the Savior pin the badge on his chest. Soon he came to his senses and mustered up the courage to speak.

In his nervousness, his voice was stammering: "Save...Savior, I..."

"Study hard." Ron gave his routine encouragement, it was just the same few words over and over again.

He was a little surprised. Why was this child so nervous?

Too bad, this kid is from the Naval Academy.

If he had graduated earlier, he would probably be the commander of a large warship now.

Alas, this unlucky child.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and patted Voladi on the shoulder, giving him an encouraging look.

Afterwards, Ron took the time to continue awarding honor badges to other students.

Voladi stood there blankly, regretting that he had missed the opportunity and was unable to talk to the savior.

I was also excited about the encouragement from my savior.

Soon, Voladi perked up.

It doesn’t matter, as long as he makes greater contributions in the future, he will have the opportunity to bring his mother to meet the Savior!

Looking at the students who were about to graduate, Ron felt a little emotional. The last time he came here was probably fifteen years ago.

The first batch of children have gradually grown up and become successful people.

According to my age, I am actually 50 years old.

"Before I knew it, I'm already an old man." Ron showed a self-deprecating smile on his fair and well-defined face.

In fact, he looked younger than the anxiously growing cadets.

His life was so long.

The future will witness the growth and passing of generations of people in the territory.

"Uncle Ron!"

Milia's clear and energetic voice rang out, and she stood with her brother Shahim.

A look of pride.

Ron couldn't help but smile as he looked at the pair of descendants of the Govendi family, and he carefully pinned the badges of honor on them.

He patted Shahim on the shoulder:

"That's right. When you graduate in a few days, you can officially become a Rogue Trader."

The twin brother and sister are now twenty-one years old.

After Ron rescued them, he sent them to Zhongsi College.

They studied and trained here for 16 years.

It's time to go out and try your luck.

However, it is not easy for Shahim and his companions to inherit the family legacy and become true Imperial Blood Merchants.

In addition to the necessary ships, they also need to go through a series of complex certification procedures of the Empire.

Only then can one obtain the great power granted by the God-Emperor and move freely within the empire.

That meant that Ron had to take the Shahim siblings to Holy Terra.

That's a more difficult question.

Because Ers is on the dark side of the empire, without a high-speed passage, they will never be able to reach Holy Terra, the heart of the empire.

Alas, Ron sighed slightly in his heart.

The problem comes back to the Internet. If we don’t make use of the Internet, many things cannot be promoted.

Time was passing by little by little, and he was quite anxious.

After awarding the honorary badges, Ron declined the request from the administrators of Zhongsi College to invite him to the dinner.

He hurriedly left the academy and returned to the moon.

Because he received the green-skinned alien recovery plan sent by Moss.

The relevant experiments have officially begun!


A month later.


The oval-shaped experimental base has been built, and is home to tens of thousands of researchers, including the great sage Moss.

And more engineering support staff.

On the terrace of the experimental base, Ron watched a huge cruiser approaching the experimental base.

It was a battleship nearly eight kilometers long.

The Ministry of Military Affairs spent a huge amount of money and approved a cruiser to be used as a green-skinned mother ship, but this ship was destined to go on a one-way trip.

The interior of the green mothership was almost emptied, leaving only the core power and force field equipment.

A simple space renovation was also done.

The internal areas are roughly divided into greenskin breeding farms, rest areas, equipment manufacturing areas, etc.

Of course, these are just preliminary divisions, and how they will be used in the future depends mainly on the wishes of the greenskins.

Soon, the engineers transferred nearly one million greenskins, a large number of fart monsters, squigs, etc. to the greenskin mothership.

The researchers then selected a group of them as experimental subjects to study ways to restore their combat effectiveness.

Green mothership.

Ron rode in a hovercraft and inspected the greenskins' rest area.

Those greenskins were still half-dead, with almost no energy, and relied entirely on the fart spirits for feeding.

In order to maintain their physical fitness, the logistics department provides veterinarians with feeds that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. The fart spirits run around in the rest area, grunting and feeding the greenskins.

They looked around from time to time and secretly took a bite of the food in their hands. They were so happy.

This should be the happiest day for the fart spirits.

After the greenskins became decadent, no greenskins would bully them every day, or eat them for breakfast, and they could even eat them secretly to fill their stomachs.

"What a fat and chubby life they are..." Ron sighed as he looked at those little idiots.

Thanks to these farts, otherwise he would have to dispatch more workers to feed the greenskins, which would consume a lot of manpower.

About twenty minutes passed.

The hovercraft carried Ron into a forest, where the air was fresh and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

This forest occupies about one-tenth of the mothership's area and is a small artificial forest created using environmental mimicry technology.

It simulates the forest environment where the greenskin tribe lives.

Even the soil was dug back from Kanda Star, it is authentic.

Agricultural experts want to provide the best possible environment for the green-skinned fungal community.

Let them grow quickly.

There is no other way. If the current batch of greenskins is useless, this is the remedial solution.

Inside the forest, several agricultural experts are carefully applying fertilizers and injecting nutrients into the land.

Not far away, the fart spirits whose jobs were taken away were jumping up and down in anxiety, but they did not dare to make any aggressive moves.

Because these humans are Luo Ge's people.

Ron looked at the large green mushrooms that had been replanted in large patches and felt quite satisfied.

These are the vital forces of the future!

According to agricultural experts, this batch of green-skinned embryos will be born one after another in two years.

The number is about 300,000.

Ron didn't say much about the result. It was a little late, but at least there was a bottom line.


one year later.

Research base.

Inside a sealed glass room, the experimenter was operating a robotic arm to inject medicine into a green-skinned orc.

It was a potion that could make the greenskins extremely excited and irritable.

Outside the glass house, Ron and Moss were watching nervously. This was already the fifth experiment.

Several previous intervention experiments have all failed.

The purpose of this experiment is to use special drug injections to allow the greenskins to win a evenly matched bloody battle in extreme excitement.

This is to restore confidence.


The medicine is very effective.

The decadent greenskin soon became excited and irritable, pounding the ground.

There is an urgent need to vent the suppressed violent desire in the body.

bang bang bang --

A large iron cage slowly descended from above the sealed glass room, and the chaos monster imprisoned inside rammed the cage frantically.

Very ferocious.

This is the opponent that the experimenters carefully selected for the greenskin based on various data.

The combat effectiveness of both sides is similar.

That means they have to fight desperately to kill each other in order to survive.

"Huh~ I hope this guy can survive..."

Ron took a deep breath and pressed the red button on his hand.

The mechanical lock of the iron cage opened instantly, and the chaos monster rushed out and pounced on the greenskin.

Roar! ! !
The greenskins and the chaos monsters collided with each other and a crazy fight broke out, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere!
As they fought and collided, the sealed glass house began to shake violently.

Ron held his breath and watched the battle in silence.

This is the last plan. If this experiment fails, they will have no backup plan.

It takes a lot of time to find new solutions.

However, there is less than a year and a half left!
Fortunately, their expectations were not disappointed.

In the sealed glass room, the greenskin used up his last bit of strength to tear off the head of the chaos monster.

The greenskin's body was covered with wounds and it was dying, but it still stood up tremblingly and roared with all its might.


Outside the glass house, everyone cheered.

Ron even felt that this green-skinned orc was becoming stronger and stronger, and it had regained the blessing of the green-skinned spiritual power field.

This means that the experiment was successful.

They found a way to restore the greenskins' fighting power!

With the success of the experiment, the entire experimental base immediately mobilized all its productivity and produced a large amount of stimulant drugs.

They were going to rejuvenate all the greenskins at once.


Green mothership, rest area.

Almost all the greenskins gathered here.

The fart spirits took out a large amount of stimulant drugs from the big iron box and injected them into the greenskins happily.

No matter what position they are in, they just stab the greenskin and then replace it with the next one.

The overall injection speed is extremely fast.

When the fart spirits injected the last batch of greenskins, the previous greenskins had become manic and started to attack and smash things around.

Even fight with the greenskins around.

The fart spirits heard the roars and screamed in fear, and they gave a few more random injections.

He dropped the needle and ran away.

According to Luo Ge's order, they will retreat collectively to the safe cabin.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The fart spirits quickly ran into their respective safety cabins and quickly closed the doors.

A group of unlucky fart spirits ran a little slower. They were locked outside the door and pounded on it angrily, chirping and cursing.

Soon, chaos spread around them, and the fart spirits trapped outside the door screamed and fled in all directions.

But there are still some unlucky fart monsters that are caught by the grumpy greenskins and turned into desserts.

However, this is just the beginning.

Outside the green mothership.

A frigate slowly approached and established a mechanical transport channel with the mother ship. The roar could be faintly heard from the frigate's cabin.

Those were a group of chaos monsters captured and cultivated by the Biological Research Institute from the Bottom Nest Chaos Biological Protection Area.

There are about hundreds of thousands of them.

They will become opponents of the greenskins.


The mechanical transport channel opened, and a large number of chaotic creatures roared and poured into the green-skinned mothership.

Soon, noisy sounds of fighting and roaring were heard.

The brutal fight has begun, between the greenskins and the chaos monsters, only one side can survive!

In the bridge.

Ron didn't watch the surveillance video, but waited patiently for the results.

"Do you think the greenskins can succeed?"

He asked Moss again, clearly nervous.

After all, the victory or defeat of this battle determines whether he can have a powerful greenskin army.

Moss's attitude is very firm:

"Savior, we will win in the end..."

Suddenly, a roar was heard.

Ron looked at the surveillance camera.

The greenskin leader Steelfang was grabbing the head of a giant chaos monster and roaring fiercely.

Then, the rest of the greenskins began to roar.

For a moment, the deafening roar spread to the entire green mothership and spread to the sky.

That was a roar of victory.

The fearless greenskin army is back!
Ron was very excited and immediately arranged for people to collect the relevant data.

According to statistics, the casualties of the greenskins in this battle were not very serious, and about 800,000 greenskins survived.

The strength has recovered to about 80% of its previous level.

But this is not enough, what he needs is a more powerful greenskin army!
Fortunately, the follow-up training plan has already been arranged.

A group of instructors from the Zhongsi Academy entered the mothership and trained space marine recruits according to the standards.

The greenskin warriors received rigorous military training.

Thunder Guards and Void Angels also sent warriors in to conduct combat training with greenskin leaders such as Steelfang.

The Adeptus Mechanicus sent technical priests to provide technical guidance.

The Military Affairs Department also shipped batches of equipment, including:
Super heavy poison blade tanks, sentinel mechas, self-propelled heavy artillery and other heavy vehicles and artillery.

As well as the Space Marines' power armor, bolter, link sword, laser rifle, flamethrower and other individual equipment.

They even acquired several frigates, atmospheric fighters, assault ships and other vessels.

Let the green-skinned technical masters take it apart for fun.

At the same time, the Logistics Department will supply a steady supply of weapons manufacturing equipment and mineral resources, allowing the green-skinned technicians to manufacture weapons to their heart's content.

In short, the principle is to rapidly improve the individual and technological strength of the greenskins as soon as possible.

In just half a year, the strength of the Greenskin Legion increased rapidly.

Individuals became stronger, possessed greater military qualities, and their weapons became mechanized.

The greenskin tech masters can even create greenskin versions of power armor and several small warships.

Moreover, their technology is constantly being updated, and the weapons they develop astound the technical priests.

It can't be compared, it can't be compared at all!
If time permits, Ron would like to let them get started directly on combat satellites.

Of course, the territory does not have such technology, but it provides the green-skinned technical masters with basic technical ideas and sufficient raw materials.

Maybe it will work?

In terms of high-end combat power.

When wearing greenskin version of power armor, the combat effectiveness of greenskin chieftains is basically on par with that of void angels.

After being blessed twice, the Bone Eater Steelfang has the ability to grow by slightly devouring flesh and blood, and his combat power is even more amazing.

Today, Steel Fang is more than four meters tall and wears a huge red and yellow power armor.

Inlaid with the latest developed multifunctional super alloy large steel teeth.

Very powerful and terrifying.

In terms of strength, he is on par with Chapter Captains like Duke.

The strength of Steel Fang also drives the further growth of Greenskin.

Seeing the greenskin army thriving, Ron's heart was filled with excitement. This was a sure thing.

It’s more than enough to take down the webpath!

Now, in the absence of war, the strength of the Greenskin Legion has almost reached its limit.

But Ron wasn't satisfied yet.

There is more than half a year left. Without the help of a large-scale war, how can we continue to improve the strength of the greenskins?

Soon, Ron had an idea.

That is to learn from Big Brother Khorne, set up a battle standings, and let the greenskins duel among themselves.

He used the power of the little sun to implant something similar to the skull ranking list into the greenskin psychic network.

The more duels the greenskins win and the more enemy teeth they collect, the higher their status and reverence they will gain.

Encourage them to fight at all times.

Greenskins who dare not duel will be despised by all their kind!

With the help of the engineering team, a huge dueling arena was built in the central area of ​​the greenskin mothership.

The greenskins were very excited about this, and they kept rushing into the duel day and night, whether they had something to do or not.

The other greenskins watching the battle were equally happy.

Soon, dueling became one of the most important matters within the greenskin tribe.

After eating every day, I fight and earn battle points!

Although these duels caused a lot of casualties, the greenskins also gained further growth.

And it is continuous.

Looking at the prosperous and growing greenskin army, Duke and others felt extremely shocked and fearful.

Yarui sighed even more.

If we had encountered this greenskin army before, it would have been an unimaginable terrible and bloody battle.

According to estimates, they would have to deploy at least fifteen army groups and all the battle groups.

Only then will we have a chance to destroy it.

Fortunately, this greenskin army was trained by them themselves and is a friendly army.

Ron watched the greenskin army grow gradually, silently waiting for the day to attack the Webway.

Three months to go...

When the energy extraction of the Blackstone Throne reaches its limit, the Greenskin Legion will be able to enter the Webway.

An attack on the demons has begun!


late at night.

Dream, bedroom.

Ron, who was about to fall asleep, received a message from the Warp, which was sent by Baal in the realm of Khorne.

The message says that Khorne's demon army is preparing for battle!
That wasn't just some Khorne Daemon preparing for war, but a full-scale war mobilization.

At the same time, several more messages came.

Those were the demon thieves he had planted in other chaotic realms. They sent messages similar to Baal's.

Ron stood up suddenly, frowning: "Are the four evil gods of chaos preparing for war?"

According to the information, it's probably not just one area, other chaotic areas are also experiencing unrest.

There is a big move on the Chaos side!
The Warp is, in many ways, a reflection of reality.

It's like a dark, deep pond.

Dramatic changes in the real universe, outbursts or outbursts of emotions or beliefs, will create ripples on the surface of the pond.

Now, the subspace has begun to become restless, which must mean that something big is about to happen in the real universe!
(End of this chapter)

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