Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 258 Star Region Development Strategy

Chapter 258 Star Region Development Strategy

Is that... the Holy Sun?
Colin was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the great sun.

Under the illumination of the holy light, the endless enemies ahead dissipated, and the blood and darkness faded away.

A road full of golden light appeared.

"Emperor, you finally heard my prayers and gave me guidance!"

Colin's heart was filled with infinite admiration. He controlled the sacredness fearlessly and set out on that path clumsily and excitedly.

He reached the end of the road and faced the sun.

Afterwards, Colin saw many pictures, and everything was so beautiful.

It was a strange planet he had never seen before, without blood and darkness, so pure.

There were smiles on people's faces.

He also saw the great Emperor in the Holy Light.

He gave the scepter to a worshiped warrior in golden armor.

The final scene is about Colin himself.

He was in an academy, like an instructor, teaching the children.

Those illusory images were deeply engraved in Colin's consciousness.

"Is this... the guidance the Emperor has given me? This is the oracle from the Emperor..."

Colin watched all this in disbelief.

Over the past ten thousand years, he had seen many loyal warriors receive the Emperor's oracles.

According to Space Marine legend, only the most loyal and brave warriors can see these divine visions.

They called it the Emperor's Oracle.

And those warriors who receive the oracle will, under the witness of the priest, wear the "Armor of Faith" blessed by countless detailed prayers and become the Emperor's champions.

The Emperor's Champion repays this gift with a never-ending battle!
Colin was a little confused. The divine vision he saw this time seemed different from what other warriors had described.

The divine visions seen by the warriors were similar.

For example, a pale but shining warrior fighting against the enemy; countless enemies attacking the crumbling city walls like a tide; or the flag flying forever above the holy city.

Although Colin felt a little strange, he did not dare to question it.

"Once in doubt, you become foolish; twice in doubt, you become rebellious." He silently recited a sentence from the Book of Emperors' Maxims.

The great emperor does not tolerate any doubt, and one must have unwavering faith in order to receive the emperor's blessing.

Just questioning itself is a form of disobedience and the beginning of heresy.

Now that the Emperor has given guidance, just follow it.

Colin pondered silently. He had not yet understood the true meaning of these sacred visions.

"My goodness, the Divine Emperor's reputation is really effective!"

Ron looked at what was happening in Colin's conscious dream and felt quite emotional.

For ten thousand years, the belief in the Divine Emperor has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is almost unshakable.

This also gives him a lot of convenience and room for utilization.

"In that case, increase the intensity!"

Ron mobilized more of the little sun's energy, completely enveloping Colin's consciousness.

At this moment, Colin was bathed in the holy light, and the fatigue and pain accumulated in his soul over ten thousand years were swept away.

The severe pain that tormented me all the time also disappeared.

He felt liberated and free.

"Praise the Emperor!"

Colin was completely enraptured, praising the omniscient and omnipotent emperor.


Temporary treatment room.

The piston of the mechanical pump made a hissing sound.

Ron's consciousness exited the dream and he looked at Colin who was sleeping with his eyes closed in the iron coffin.

The veteran's face, which had been twisted and tense due to pain, has become relaxed, and a faint smile appears at the corner of his mouth.

"Soul health care is quite effective..."

Ron patted the iron coffin lightly and walked out of the temporary treatment room.

He had done everything he could, and would communicate again when Colin woke up.

after awhile.

Moss and the medical team came in again and continued the treatment.

Several mechanical tubes penetrated into the remaining body of Colin, thoroughly scanning and recording his physical data.

According to the instructions of the Savior.

They needed to separate Colin from this terrifying iron coffin that had accompanied him for countless years.

Then create a new mechanical body for him.

By then, Colin will usher in a new life.
nursing home.

The breeze blows the gauze curtains, and warm sunlight shines in.

"Emperor, what on earth is this place!"

The warm sunshine woke Colin up.

It was a touch he had never felt in ten thousand years, and it threw his thinking and perception into chaos.

The next second, he suddenly stood up and took a defensive stance.

But after Colin saw the scenery outside the gauze curtain, he was stunned.

In that garden, the grass was green, butterflies were flying among the flowers, and the chirping of birds could be heard faintly.

The sunlight mixed with divine light is shining on all of this.

Colin realized that he had lost a piece of memory.

He only vaguely remembered that after a great battle, he woke up in this strange place.

But he quickly came to the conclusion: "This is not Macragge..."

Never before had Macragge been a place so beautiful and sacred.

This is not Ultramar either, because many of the plants in front of him are things he has never seen before.

As a veteran soldier, Colin not only has combat skills, but also has unimaginable accumulation in the fields of geology, zoology and botany.

After all, those are important knowledge that allow soldiers to survive in extreme environments.

He was surprised to find that these plants did not exist in the Extreme Star Region or even in the entire empire. They were completely new species.

Isn't this the territory of the empire?

Colin's breathing deepened slightly due to the tension.

Pure air enters your lungs.

"Fresh air, without the thick, disgusting stench of decay. Has the Dreadnought mecha technology been updated?"

He felt an indescribable relief.

It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in ten thousand years.

Suddenly, Colin became even more shocked.

Holy and fearless?
His consciousness instantly issued an order and he raised his hand.

However, it was not a huge steel hand, but a mechanical hand covered with simulated skin.

You can even get a sense of touch through simulated skin!
"I have my body back?"

This surprising discovery made Colin a little dazed, and he couldn't even believe it.

Could it be that his soul has returned to the throne and received the emperor's protection?
Colin would rather believe that he was dead and his soul went to heaven on the throne than to believe that he would be treated so well.

He staggered out.

Given his strong learning ability, Colin took just a few steps and completely mastered this mechanical body.

This mechanical body was so compatible with his consciousness that it felt like a real body, and there was no discomfort at all.

All the pain and suffering I once had is gone.

He walked barefoot on the grass, feeling the fragrance of the flowers and the breeze on his face.

At this moment, he was a little bit dizzy: "Praise the Emperor..."

This must be the throne paradise!

"Hey~brother!" A voice suddenly appeared.

Colin turned his head and saw an old soldier sitting in a wheelchair with a thick steel plate tied to his leg.

He came over in a mechanical wheelchair.

The old soldier raised his hand and touched Colin's prosthetic limb, and said with emotion: "What a good thing! It must have cost a lot of credit points and earned a lot of military merit, right?"

"Where is this place?" Colin was stunned for a moment and asked.

The old soldier was visibly stunned, then gave his answer: "The Holy Land Sanatorium, built by order of the Lord Savior, is a place for combat heroes to recuperate."

He showed a hint of pride and some regret: “Originally I didn’t want to come, but they said I was too old.

You have to retire and enjoy your old age or use your remaining energy to do something else..."

The old soldier patted the data-slate on his lap.

Above are densely packed job options, which are positions provided by the Department of Military Affairs for injured retired veterans.

“I’m reluctant to retire, and I have to earn some credit points for my grandchildren, but there are so many places, I’m overwhelmed.

Actually, I have already chosen this place to go..."

The old soldier tapped the data pad a few times, picked it up and showed it to Colin. On the screen was a blue planet called Krummi.

“I’m going to be an instructor here and teach the kids from the local academy some fighting skills.

If I can teach a student who can enter the Holy Land Academy of Loyalty, or even become a Space Marine, my life will be worth it!"

Colin remained silent. The old soldier's words made him realize that this was not the empire.

However, what was puzzling was that he could keenly sense that there was a familiar aura permeating here - that was the sacred aura from the Emperor that could only be felt in the Holy Terra Palace!

He turned his head and looked around, his sight passing through the sanatorium and looking at a giant mechanical tower that soared into the sky.

The rich sacred atmosphere came from there.

Colin could even see the holy light emanating from there. He asked again:

"What's that?"

The old soldier looked at Colin with some pity. It seemed that the young man had injured his head.

But he still patiently explained: "That is a sacred tower, which has been under construction for many years and was only recently completed.

I heard from the mechanic in the team that it was some kind of planetary defense weapon, but I don’t know the details…”

"Brother, can you let me see the data pad?"

Just when Colin wanted to borrow the data tablet to learn more information, a rather surprising voice sounded.

"God Emperor, you finally woke up... Please wait, I will go and inform the Savior!"

The medical sister was very happy to see Colin wake up.

She immediately used the communicator to contact the Spire Mansion, then came over and pulled Colin back inside.

Carefully check his physical recovery.

Soon, Ron rushed over from the Spire Mansion.

When he met Colin again, the other party had learned enough information.

Of course, those are information that can be known by the other party.

On the lawn of the sanatorium.

Ron looked at Colin: "Do you have any questions?"

He had told the amnesiac veteran what had happened, both true and false.

Of course, he was not told about the heavy-armored chicken thief and the greenskin who dragged him back and beat him up again.

He just told Colin that the warriors of the territory found him on a battlefield and brought him back to life.

Colin shook his head, then looked at Ron: "What do you need me to do for you?"

The young ruler must have something to ask for if he spent so much energy saving himself.

He was fully aware of his current situation and knew that he had fallen into the hands of the ruler before him.

And this place is far away from the empire.

With his current abilities, there is no way for him to escape.

Perhaps there is some trap left inside this mechanical body.

Hearing this, Ron shook his head: "It's not what I need you to do, but what do you want to do?"

Although he gave the veteran hints, it was not mind control and he couldn't force him to do something.

As a god and a charlatan, Ron prefers to fool people rather than force them to do things.

Only when the other party truly wants to do something for you can you exert more influence on him or her.

"What if I want to go back to Macragge?"

Colin stared into the young ruler's eyes, as if trying to see something.

Ron frowned, hesitated, and finally nodded in agreement:
"No problem, I can take you back, but you need to be in hibernation the whole time."

This answer seemed to surprise Colin.

After a moment of silence, he seemed to have made a decision: "I want to stay."

Colin has discovered that this is the planet that appeared in the divine vision, and it has a close relationship with the Emperor. He wants to know what guidance the Emperor gave him.

Ron smiled and said, "That's fine, anyway, you are free, you can do whatever you want.

Even if you retire now and stay here to enjoy your old age..."

The guy in front of me looks like a middle-aged man, but he is actually a ten thousand year old antique.

"Freedom, retirement?"

These words were unfamiliar to Colin.

After all, for Space Marines, apart from fighting, they train and follow the scriptures throughout their lives.

There is no such thing as freedom.

As for retirement, perhaps only dying in battle can be considered retirement.

Of course, even if one dies in battle, one's soul may be fished out by the Emperor and become a Bound Legion to continue fighting for the Empire.


"That's right. You have fought for the empire for ten thousand years. Your sacred mission can end here. You should enjoy the retirement life you deserve."

"I don't need to fight anymore?"

After hearing the young ruler's words, Colin fell into a long silence. He felt confused and at a loss.

It seemed like there was nothing else in his life except fighting.

Seeing Colin in confusion, Ron finally reached the bottom of the Yan State map: "Perhaps, you can step into another battlefield, come with me."


Ron took Colin on a hovercraft and toured the holy land's famous attractions, including the Statue of the Emperor of God and the Holy Cathedral.

After letting the other party feel the peace and beauty of the territory.

The hovercraft then headed all the way to Zhongsi College.

Ron was right. The territory now did not lack a powerful warrior, but it needed an experienced instructor.

Experienced veterans can train more powerful warriors.

On the hovercraft.

Colin looked at Zhongsi College in the distance, and a familiar feeling came over him.

That’s where the oracle comes in.

Zhongsi College.

The academy feels honored by the arrival of the Savior.

Bayev's son Baruch has been officially promoted to dean. He leads the teachers to warmly welcome the arrival of the savior.

After the introduction, Baruch enthusiastically took Colin's hand and was reluctant to let go for a long time.

Such experienced top talents cannot be snatched away by the Ministry of Military Affairs or other institutions.

Zhongsi Academy must keep him!

Baruch made emergency arrangements.

He took the Savior and Colin to visit the college and showed them the college's educational construction and teaching achievements.

Then he went to the Gene Warrior Academy to meet everyone and introduced the situation of the academy.

Today, the teaching conditions of the Gene Warrior Academy have been further improved, in addition to various rare resources.

A city-sized simulated environment training ground was also established.

Available for actual combat.

Moreover, the admission requirements of the academy have become more stringent, and the current 300,000 students are selected from the entire star region.

These talented warriors will be trained from an early age and receive the best resources and the most rigorous training.

Only the top 5% have the chance to become new Space Marines, and those who are eliminated will become elite stormtroopers.

Colin listened to Baruch's explanation and looked at the Void Angels and Thunder Guards who were serving as instructors. He was extremely shocked and surprised.

He could feel that those warriors wearing dark gold armor were not as experienced as himself.

But his physical strength and actual ability are much higher than mine.

That's the Imperial Guard!

There are unknown Space Marines and warriors equivalent to the Emperor's Guards here?
Ron saw Colin's shock and confusion.

He patted the other person's shoulder and said: "Although this is not the empire, it is also a place blessed by the emperor. You should be able to feel the sacred breath of the emperor.

Here is... the new hope for mankind!"

"A new hope for humanity?"

Looking at those children, Colin seemed to understand the true meaning of the divine vision granted by the Emperor.

Perhaps, this is my true destination as guided by the Emperor?
Colin watched the training in progress and couldn't help but point out some areas that could be optimized.

And personally demonstrated shooting.

Although Colin's mechanical body is much weaker than before, his rich experience over countless years still allows him to perfectly control the grenade launcher.

It was a quick, accurate and ruthless design demonstration.

Faced with the praise from Baruch and others and the eager eyes of the children, Colin could not resist and agreed to the request to work here.

There was laughter at the scene and both the guests and hosts were having a great time.

Ron immediately made the decision to appoint Colin as the chief instructor of the Genetic Warrior Academy.

Not only that, the existing Space Marines in the territory must also return to Zhongsi Academy for retraining between missions.

At the same time, more than ten assistants were arranged for Colin.

The veteran has seen countless battles.

He has extensive experience fighting enemies of various races and is familiar with their weaknesses.

They also know how to achieve better results in various cruel and extreme battlefields.

The value of the veterans who have lived from ten thousand years ago to the present can be imagined.

It would be a shame if these experiences are not shared.

Therefore, the main task of those assistants is to organize and record Colin's rich combat skills and knowledge and experience.

In the future, it will be edited into corresponding books and courses as teaching materials.

Ron was quite excited.

Colin's arrival not only brings the Dreadnought Mecha for research, but also makes up for the shortcomings of the territory's combat experience and skills.

Comprehensively improve the combat effectiveness of the territory.

Blood earned!
Long live the thief!

At this moment, Colin suddenly realized something. It seemed like he had fallen into some kind of trap?
But before he could think about it, Baruch kindly took him to go through the employment procedures.

At the same time, we will introduce the benefits arranged for them, such as accommodation, salary, holidays, team building, etc.

Colin listened in a daze, trying to adapt to his new identity. It seemed that this was not bad?

Looking at Colin's back, Ron smiled, nodded, and turned away.

He believed that the veteran would like this new life.

After Colin integrates and adapts to this place.

With his abilities, he would naturally be promoted to a high-level citizen through the citizen grade system and receive corresponding blessings.
Spire Mansion.

Savior's Office.

Ron had his feet on the desk, he was in a very good mood, drinking a glass of iced cola.

The situation in the territory has been very good recently.

It can be said that all things are competing to flourish and are full of vitality.


There was a knock on the door, and it was the voice of the old butler Bayev.

Ron quickly put his feet down and straightened his posture: "Old Ba, come in"

He looked at Bayev who was walking in steadily.

After receiving the second blessing, the loyal old steward with white hair no longer had a bent back and no longer had difficulty breathing.

It seems that I am getting younger and younger as I grow older.

Bayev has indeed been doing well recently.

Since the territory has expanded, although there are more government affairs to deal with, he feels as happy as if he has eaten honey.

I have endless energy and I wish I could handle affairs day and night.

Over the years, Bayev's life goal has changed from preserving the Grant family bloodline to making the Grant family territory prosperous.

Now, his goal has changed again, which is to let the Grant family's flag and rule spread throughout the entire galaxy!

"Savior, there are some matters that require your decision..."

Bayev showed a gentle and kind smile.

Who would have thought that decades ago, this was an iron-blooded chief who loved to carry out purges?
Now, he prefers to study policies that benefit the people.

Before Ron listened to the report, he first showed concern for the other person's health.

After all, this old butler is his "little Makado" and the key to his ability to be a hands-off boss.

Nothing can happen.

After listening to the report, Ron sent Bayev out.

The old butler came here mainly to report on matters related to star zone planning.

This century-long strategic plan, which was reviewed and approved by the Ministry of the Interior, requires Ron to make the final decision.

Ron's decision will affect the fate of more than 40 civilized worlds, more than 300 planets, and hundreds of billions of people in the Gori star zone.

Ron returned to his seat and looked at the mechanical screen, on which there was a document titled "Star Zone Development Plan".

The goal of the plan is to strive to achieve rapid and sound development in the Goli Star Region, a sustained and stable improvement in living standards, and a new level of development in key areas and key industries.

This has brought new breakthroughs in the star zone's economy and armed construction.

To put it simply, this plan is to unify the star regions through the Internet, integrate resources, and firmly control all areas.

Then develop each region in a targeted manner.

Let the entire star region be illuminated by the glory of the savior.

Now there are no planetary governors in the Gori Sector. There is only one, the only savior - Ron.

In this way, the planets don't have to fight each other.

Instead, they all obey the instructions of the Ministry of the Interior, develop according to the plan, and share resources.

The Ministry of the Interior can also transfer resources between planets to accelerate the development of backward civilized worlds.

Of course, this plan not only involves planning and development within the star region, but also related trade plans.

Psychic automated production technology is about to be implemented, and the productivity of the territory will have an astonishing leap.

While the Empire was still using hungry workers and sluggish robot servants to carry out manual or semi-automated production.

The Gori Sector has begun to implement a fully automated, standard production line driven by psychic energy.

In the future, the Goli Star Sector will become the largest and most efficient production base in the galaxy.

By then, we may encounter the problem of overcapacity.

Therefore, trade activities have to be put on the agenda, and in the future, low-priced products and weapons will need to be dumped into the galaxy to reduce production capacity.

Shahim has already set out with the fleet.

He will follow the map left by his family and go beyond the borders of the empire to look for the former territory of the Govendi family and the remaining relics of the family.

According to the map records.

It was a galaxy with a dozen planets and rich in minerals.

Unfortunately, that system was attacked by the Tyranids. Hopefully, there is something left.

When Shahim returns, Ron can go to Holy Terra with him.

Shasim will undergo a complex certification process in Holy Terra and inherit the identity of the Imperial Blood Merchant.

Of course, Ron will control the clone to go to Holy Terra.

After stabilizing the situation in Ultramar, Guilliman will travel to Holy Terra with Saint Celestine and others to meet the Emperor.

Seize the supreme power of the empire.

The original body has a very sharp perception. If the real body is discovered by the other party, he will be arrested.

That's it.

After he and Shahim returned safely to Ers.

The territory can use the identity of the Emperor Blood Merchant as a cover and utilize the Internet's high-speed channel to communicate and trade with the outside world.

Integrate resources internally and actively trade externally, taking a two-pronged approach to build a prosperous Goli Star Region.

Of course, all this also requires the maintenance of force.

The Gori Sector is on the dark side of the Empire and controls the Webway, so there is no need to worry about threats from the Empire for the time being.

You only need to face heretics, aliens and other enemies, and the most important thing is to defend against the enemies of chaos.

Now the Gori Sector is actively expanding its military, accelerating the research and development of high-end weapons, and the automated weapons production system has reached the final stage of implementation.

A new planetary defense system is also under construction.

Ron looked through the document, approved it, and then turned off the computer and left the office.

Not long after.

A hovercraft drove out of the spire mansion and headed towards the sacred tower in the center of the holy land...

(End of this chapter)

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