Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 259: Holy Solar Satellite

Chapter 259: Holy Solar Satellite
On the hovercraft.

Ron looked up at the huge mechanical tower in the center of the holy land, which was towering into the clouds and filled with holy light.

This huge structure, which covers several kilometers and is more than ten kilometers high, is enough to shock anyone who sees it.

It is one of the largest engineering projects invested in the territory in recent years.

If there was no supply of resources from the star zone, coupled with the technology of the Golden Age of Humanity, the Eldar, the Greenskins or the Old Saints.

It is almost impossible to build such a large and complex psionic mechanical creation.

In the galaxy, only his territory has the conditions to carry out such "heretical" technological research.

That giant mechanical tower was called the "Holy Tower," and the light it emitted almost covered half of the holy land.

It makes the holy place more sacred.

Those lights are not just for ornamental and religious purposes, but have real defensive effects.

Because those rays of light are emitted by the fierce energy of the golden sun.

Hundreds of large-scale subspace energy extraction devices in the giant mechanical tower are constantly extracting the golden sun's tremendous energy from the subspace.

Then use that energy.

Because the Golden Sun gathered unimaginable huge energy of faith, the God-Emperor suffered greatly from it, even to the point of his consciousness splitting and near collapse.

But after this tower is built, it will be able to extract the energy of the golden sun on a large scale.

It is equivalent to helping them relieve pressure.

This will reduce the pressure on the God-Emperor and the territory will also be able to obtain high-quality psychic energy.

In short, the God Emperor was happy, and Ron was happy too.


When he recently entered the warp, Ron could feel that the Emperor's attitude towards him had become better.

Although He still didn't want to say more.

Ron was beginning to react.

The reason why the Emperor of God is unwilling to talk much may be because He has been fighting against the dark personality within His consciousness.

It was difficult to convey any message.

This is why oracles or divine revelations are so rare for humans.

Because the price is too high.

If it wasn't an extremely critical moment, He would hardly take action.

Thinking of this, Ron was quite moved.

Even in this situation, the Divine Emperor still conveyed information to him many times and even provided help.

Not to mention, He has always been protecting the little sun.


The Divine Emperor is so good to me!

Therefore, I have to help him more, draw more energy, and relieve his pain.

Of course, the energy extracted from this sacred tower in front of him is nothing to the God-Emperor.

It doesn't relieve much pain.

But this is a good start. In the future, when resources become more abundant, more such towers can be built in various worlds.

Alleviate the pain of the God-Emperor to a greater extent.

That is not only helping the God-Emperor, but also helping humanity itself.

Now the Imperium not only needs the God-Emperor to plug the breach in the Webway, but also relies on Him to maintain the Astronomican, to keep routes and communications going.

Everything in the Human Empire is maintained by the God-Emperor, which is the main reason why He would rather endure extreme torture for ten thousand years than let go.

One day the Emperor of Gods will not be able to bear the pressure and will turn evil or explode.

Then mankind will fall into eternal darkness.

"Fortunately, all this can be temporarily alleviated..."

Ron let out a long sigh.

But that is only a relief. As long as the Four Chaos Gods and the aliens still exist, mankind will never have peace.

Human beings are so plagued by disasters.

Fortunately, the Emperor's son Guilliman has returned.

He could put the brakes on the empire's broken car that was accelerating towards the dark abyss.

That was the beginning of the transformation.

Will humanity move towards glory in the future, or will it step into deeper darkness or even complete extinction?

No one knows.

All he can do is try to become stronger in his own way and carve out a path of his own.

Being able to protect the people of the territory gives humanity a glimmer of hope...

The hovercraft slowly stopped at the entrance of the tower.


The Mechanical Sage led several technical priests in paying their respects. They had been waiting on the ground for a long time.

Ron calmed down, got out of the car and followed the mechanical sage into the tower.

This sacred tower is not just a mechanical building; to be more precise, it is a weapons manufacturing factory.

He came here this time to observe an experiment.

It is one of the key scientific and technological projects in the star zone development plan and a key link in building a planetary defense system.

The sacred light it radiates is nothing more than the energy leaked out during the weapon manufacturing process.

Ron followed the Mechanical Sage into the elevator and asked, "Will this experiment fail again?"

He had learned about the relevant experimental data and found that experiments on new weapons had failed several times.

The Mechanical Sage respectfully said:
“The Savior is above.

We have mastered all the elements of the new technology and reduced the chance of failure to less than 1%.

In view of this result, we dare to invite you to come and observe. "

The Tower Project consumed a lot of resources, and we were one of the executors of the project.

The Mechanical Sage was under a lot of pressure, and he was eager to let the Savior see the corresponding results.

Ron nodded, relieved.

In fact, the original designer of the tower project was Kaul.

But after building the basic framework, the guy threw the project to his subordinates and went to work on forging the world.

However, according to the Mechanical Sage, this experiment should be a sure thing.

He couldn't help but look forward to it.

Soon, the elevator arrived at an area four or five kilometers above the ground.

The moment the door opened, Ron felt a more vigorous divine energy, and all he saw was a golden color.

The area in front of me is as big as a square.

There are several large subspace energy extraction devices in the center, and the extracted golden energy is surging and the air waves are scattered.

The red robe fluttered in the air waves.

More than a dozen mechanical priests were working in the area, checking the condition of the mechanical equipment.

Ron followed the Mechanical Sage out of the elevator and walked deeper into the area.

Along the way, he could see one sacred urn bomb after another.

Since the construction of the Holy Tower, the manufacturing base of the Holy Urn Bombs has been moved here.

Because the space here is larger and the energy intensity is higher, it is better suited for making and storing urn bombs.

Prevent its energy from being lost.

There are three sacred urn bombs that can be used, and there are about eleven sacred urn bomb embryos being loaded.

That is to say, apart from the two used in Mathila and Macragge, there are now fourteen Sacred Urn Bombs.

Although every few months, Ron would draw bone marrow and blood for storage.

As a material for the sacred urn bomb.

But over the years, the number of sacred urn bombs has not increased.

As for why?
Because Ron was stockpiling materials and building a big one.

It's really big!
Ron looked at the central mechanical frame, where a super-large urn bomb about 10 meters long and 3 meters in diameter was being charged.

It is about four stories high and looks quite impressive.

This super-large sacred ashes missile, named "Tsar", is a powerful weapon among powerful weapons.

It may be a little difficult to fire.

The place where it can be used is very small, and it is completely useless for ordinary chaos invasions.

But to Ron, this thing is a strategic-level "nuclear deterrent."

He can choose not to use it, but he cannot live without it.

The manufacturing cycle is just a little longer.

The energy required by the "Tsar" is extremely huge.

Even if the energy intensity and flow rate in the tower are several times faster than before, it will take at least decades to fill it up.

Ron looked at the "Tsar" for a while, asked some questions about the relevant situation, and then left.

Today's protagonist is not it.

It is a new defensive weapon device.

Ron followed the Mechanical Sage to the end of the area and came to a completely sealed mechanical laboratory with an isolation force field.

He had just entered the dim machinery room.

An angry and somewhat miserable roar was heard.

Ron looked in the direction of the voice and immediately saw a high-level demon tied up with an anti-psychic field collar and chains engraved with runes.

There are many burn marks on it.

Why does this guy look so familiar?
Although it looks familiar, I can't quite remember it.

After all, in his eyes, demons all have a pair of big horns, green faces and fangs, and they all don't grow very tall.

The Mechanical Magus instructed the Tech Priest to operate the equipment in binary language, and then explained at the right time:
“This is Demon Experiment No. 1. We spent a lot of resources to borrow it from that miser Maou.

If he hadn’t recently obtained a Hell Dragon Demon Embryo and hadn’t had a new project, we might have had to spend even more money…”

There was a hint of sarcasm in the Mechanical Sage's tone when he said this.

After all, the joke that Maou made was known to everyone in the Mechanicus.

The Demon Research Institute under his command was also in a state of disrepair, with few researchers and almost no new results.

It's all thanks to studying this high-level demon in front of him and publishing a few papers that he can get some experimental funds to keep going.

Joking aside, the Mechanical Sage was still concentrating on debugging the energy data.

Afraid of making mistakes.

If the energy intensity is too high and I accidentally kill the demon in front of me, Mao will definitely fight me to the death.

Then make a big mistake.

"So it's that unlucky guy?"

Hearing the words of the Mechanical Sage, Ron recalled.

Three or four years ago, when exploring the Webway, that unfortunate demon rushed out of the Webway gate alone and was beaten up by Datong and his men.

Finally, Mao from the Demon Research Institute came and imprisoned him, and dragged him back to be used as an experimental subject.

Until now.

Ron looked at the high-level demon who was struggling desperately.

This is the terrible chaotic heresy that humanity needs to face, condensed from pure malice.

Even though it is so weak, it is still full of desire for human flesh and blood.

Don't underestimate this high-level demon because he is so fragile. Once he is freed, there will be no high-level combat power to stop him.

It is enough to destroy an entire city.

With the weak will of ordinary humans, even just looking at a high-level demon will give rise to many mental illnesses.

Leading to corruption.

Fortunately, the new technology researched by the Sacred Tower is specifically used to defend against the forces of chaos.

Soon, the data debugging was completed and the experiment began.

Ron turned his gaze to the mechanical ball above the mechanical laboratory, which was inlaid with lens-like crystals around it.

The job of those crystals is to focus and diffuse the light.

"Savior, everything is ready. You can activate the device at any time." The Mechanical Sage reminded.

Ron nodded, and he gently pressed the mechanical button to activate the mechanical ball.

A sacred light ignited within the mechanical sphere, illuminating the entire room.

The moment the holy light lit up, the high-level demon roared.

Ron watched all this.

Those sacred lights were not as violent and rapid as the explosion of ash bombs, but burned slowly and continued steadily.

Adjustments made as the Mechanical Sage operates.

The scattered rays of light were gathered, focused in the designated direction, and all projected onto the high-level demon below.


Black smoke rose.

The high-level demon let out an even more shrill roar, his voice filled with deep fear.

Under the illumination of the holy light, its body gradually dissipated!
But for some reason, the high-level demon's eyes, filled with hatred, showed a hint of joy:
"Damn humans, I'm finally free!"

But the next moment, the beam moved to another place.


The high-level demon let out an even more miserable roar, but no one in the mechanical laboratory paid any attention to it.

At this moment, Ron watched the movement of the beam carefully.

Next to him, the mechanical sage was operating and explaining it to him.

The full name of this new technology is "Holy Sun Satellite", but the technology used is completely different from the ash bomb.

Instead, they used the savior’s bone marrow and other materials to make a projectile similar to a flare.

Although its lethality is far less than that of the ashes bomb.

But it can keep burning, maintaining the divine light for a longer time.

It is equivalent to a long-lasting artificial sacred sun, capable of maintaining its light for more than ten hours or even longer.

At the same time, mechanical devices can be used to focus and move the light.

"Great, this is the effect I wanted!"

Ron was quite excited.

The Sacred Solar Satellite experiment was successful.

This means that the construction of a planetary defense system has taken a big step forward!

Of course, the mechanical creation in front of us is just a small device used for experiments, not a real finished product.

After the experiment, Ron and the Mechanical Sage came to the top platform of the Sacred Tower.

There, he saw several sacred solar satellites about two hundred meters long, which were the finished product.

Dozens of mechanical priests are debugging them.

Unlike the Ash Bomb, the Holy Sun Satellite is not an offensive weapon but a defensive array.

These sacred solar satellites will be launched into the planet's orbit to form an array to protect the planet's safety.

If demons invade, just shoot them.

Of course, if Ron has the ability to get this thing into the realm of the Chaos God.

It may have a more stimulating effect.

In the future, the territory will build more sacred towers, create more sacred solar satellites, and deploy them on all planets.

As a key part of the planetary defense system, the Holy Sun Satellite will be together with other turrets and force field defense arrays.

Guard the safety of the star zone.

This is a plan that will last for decades.

During this period, the territory will continue to seize resources from the galaxy, continuously create more defense arrays, and deploy them throughout the star region.

Form a larger defensive array.

Ron's goal is to make the star region as impregnable as an iron barrel through these defense systems spread throughout the star region.

Let him have an absolutely safe rear area.

In this way, he could develop outward and expand his territory without any worries.

It is not like Holy Terra, which is often besieged and needs people from all over the country to come to its defense.

When the core area of ​​territorial rule becomes the main battlefield, there may even be a huge minefield like a webway crack buried right under your butt.

How can there be any stability under such a rule?

Of course, the Empire had no choice.

After all, the Emperor was there, and they had to choose Holy Terra as their core.

But Ron was lucky enough to have the time and resources to build a stable and secure ruling core.

It can continuously output power without being disturbed.

In fact, it now seems that the location of the territory is very clever.

It happens to be on the edge of the empire's territory and is on the dark side, so the empire has no way to attack it.

And the territory has the ability to defend against the greatest threat from the dark side - Chaos Demons.

Even better, the waterway problem that had plagued the territory was also solved.

The Territory controls the Webway, and the entire galaxy is accessible.

The only concern is the attack from the webway and aliens.

But it’s not a big problem.

Nowadays, the territory has established a large number of greenskin farms in the network, using the life authority of the little sun to speed up the reproduction of the greenskins.

Wait until the day when the greenskins fill the Webway and destroy all the chaotic creatures, demons, and remaining alien groups within the Webway.

That webway was Ron's.

He lets whoever he wants to pass, but they have to pay a toll, otherwise they can just wait for the greenskins to smash their boats.

So, Ron now has a strategy:
Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly.

First, establish a safe rear base, and then continue to seize galactic resources and accumulate strength.

Finally, a heavy blow.
In short, it’s just one word: stable!


Spire Mansion.

Luxurious bath center.

Ron was lying on a reclining chair in his bathrobe, watching the dance troupe's performance.

He hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time.

The data panel vibrated.

Ron picked it up and took a look, and was very surprised.

That was the message sent from the Moon Forging World, the psychic automated production line was successfully launched!

(End of this chapter)

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