Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 260: Lunar Forging World

Chapter 260: Lunar Forging World


On the track, an airport platform about 20 kilometers long shines brightly in the sun.

The port is a warehouse area that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Every day, hundreds of large transport ships from all over the star region dock here to unload fully loaded construction materials, ores, food and other goods.

The transport workers at the airport are wearing exoskeleton equipment several meters high and driving transport vehicles, and they are busy all the time.

They need to unload the cargo from the transport ships into transfer warehouses, and then transport it to the ground by hundreds of large space elevators.

Without a doubt, this is one of the busiest ports in the Gori Sector.

The construction resources of the entire star region are gathered here.

Because this will become a forging world.

outside the atmosphere.

The Dream slowly came to a stop.


A large assault ship flew out of the ship and headed for the surface of the moon.

Inside the assault ship.

"That guy Kaul is pretty fast..."

Ron was sitting in a chair, browsing the documents sent by the Mechanicus.

His main purpose of coming to the moon this time was to inspect the operation of the psychic automation production line.

That is the key technology that determines whether the territory can develop faster in the future.

After roughly reading the document, Ron turned off the data board. He turned his head and looked through the porthole, overlooking the mechanical nest on the ground that looked like an octopus spider.

After more than ten years of transformation, the first phase of the mechanical nest city has been completed.

It can be seen that the mechanical hive is still being built and expanded.

Huge engineering machinery continues to flatten the endless steep mountain belts on the lunar surface, swallowing up soil and ore.

The engineering team in the rear, under the command of the technical priests, continued to build a foundry on the flat land.

This is a grand lunar transformation plan, one of the key projects in the star region development plan.

For this transformation project, the Ministry of the Interior dispatched billions of engineering personnel and an even larger logistics team from all over the star region.

There are hundreds of large transport ships alone, and countless construction machinery.

According to the plan, the Urs Mechanicus will completely transform the environment of the moon, turning it into a huge foundry complex - the Lunar Forge World.

The lunar forge world will become the holy place of the Urs Mechanicus and the largest forging base in the star sector.

In the future, a steady stream of weapons, armor, vehicles and warships will be produced from the foundry here.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of the Interior and the Adeptus Mechanicus.

After the lunar forging world was initially formed, relying on psychic automated production technology, its productivity was able to meet the needs of the entire star region.

With the subsequent transformation plan, the productivity of the lunar forge world will continue to leap forward.

Able to export products outside the star region.


The center of the mechanical hive.

As soon as the assault ship's hatch opened, Ron felt a slight burning sensation on his face.

That is the heat emitted by the high-temperature furnace.

As soon as he came down, he saw the huge statue of the Savior in the central area.

The statue is majestic and magnificent, reaching a height of 500 meters, comparable to that of a skyscraper.

The entire statue is assembled from a mechanical structure, which possesses both the rugged beauty of machinery and the sacredness of religion.

It gives people a strong visual shock.

Even more amazing is the golden sun above the statue.

It was a ring-shaped mechanical device with thick golden energy filling the center.

It looks like a real sun.

"Hi~ This is a good idea!"

Ron looked up at the statue in front of him, admiring his own heroic figure, feeling quite satisfied.

The golden energy in the ring-shaped mechanical device is the psychic power of the little sun.

Of course, it is not just a decoration, but has a real function.

The savior statue in front of you is the energy core of this mechanical hive city.

It can continuously extract the psychic energy of the little sun through the huge ring-shaped subspace extraction device above its head.

The energy will be supplied to various foundries in the mechanical hive along the complex energy pipelines inside the statue.

Serves as energy source for psychic automated production lines.

Ron felt relieved as he watched the extraction device continuously extracting the little sun's psychic energy.

Before, he was worried that the little sun might not have enough energy.

Now it seems that is enough.

The little sun now has three main sources of energy.

The most important force is the power of faith provided by hundreds of billions of people in the star region.

The second is the unknown emotional energy from the subspace, which should be provided by those chaos demons.

The last energy comes from the Divine Emperor.

Ever since the little sun acquired the devouring property, Ron has been manipulating the little sun to continuously absorb the energy emitted by the golden sun.

Occasionally grab a big one.

But not long ago, Ron discovered that the old God Emperor would give Little Sun a large amount of spiritual power from time to time.

Sneaky and never tired of it.

That is the high-quality spiritual power of the golden sun, which can accelerate the growth of the little sun.

So, over the years, the little sun has accumulated more and more strength, and its size has expanded several times.

These effects were also fed back to Ron's body. His muscles became tighter and his strength increased a lot.

The strength of the body is gradually approaching that of the original body.

He estimated that his current physical strength was about two-thirds of that of the original body.

As for actual combat ability...

It's probably the kind of person who is being chased by Lao Ji.

Just as Ron was admiring the statue.

A huge red figure floated over, blocking his view.

He was a technical priest about five or six meters tall, inlaid with various mechanical prostheses, and wrapped in an extremely wide red robe.

It looks a bit like a black oil man.

"Lord Savior!"

A slightly mean and exaggerated electronic sound came out from the mechanical body.

It was that guy Kaur who was right.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Ron frowned slightly: "How did you get into this state?"

This modification is a bit outrageous.

Of course, this is based on his aesthetic taste. He doesn't like excessive transformation.

"Isn't this handsome enough?
Such a body is worthy of the genius Kaul. Don’t forget that I am now equivalent to a casting general…”

Kaur was a little depressed.

He had worked so hard to build this body, and he still wanted to show it off.

Hearing this, Ron understood.

After all, for technical priests.

The larger their modified bodies are and the more prosthetics and tools they have, the more popular and envied they will be among their colleagues.

That is also a symbol of some kind of authority.

Especially those Cast Generals, their bodies are almost entirely made of machinery, and their size is almost the same as that of super heavy tanks.

Their bodies are too large and heavy to move.

It needs to ride a large vehicle or use huge tracks to move, and thick smoke billows wherever it goes.


As Ron was thinking, he heard the sound of mechanical gears. He looked up and saw the huge mechanical body in front of him opened from the chest, and Cole came out from inside.

Kaul muttered, "It seems that this mechanical body is not handsome enough. I will change it later..."

Wow, it turns out to be just a showpiece.

Ron's mouth twitched slightly: "Okay, get down to business, don't mess around with these things all day long.

Instead of spending this time, it is better to run the Forge World well..."

Kaur is confident:

"If all goes according to plan, Moon will rise to surpass the Forge World of Mars and become the greatest and most sacred Forge World in the galaxy.

By then, all those old guys from the Imperial Mechanicus will have to come here to worship!"

Ron glanced at Call and almost rolled his eyes.

Every technology here would be heresy if taken out to other places, and yet you still worship it?
If the mechanics from the Empire could really come here, they would probably regard this place as a heretic base.

Then treat Kaur as a black oil man.

It would be good enough if we don't send troops to attack.

Seeing that the Savior didn't believe him, Kaul didn't refute anything. He already had a perfect plan in his mind.

Then let the Imperial Mechanicus see how powerful he is!

Ron and Kaul boarded the hovercraft that came to greet them and headed to the foundry...

Foundry, entrance.

Dozens of servoskulls danced through the air, and mechanical apprentices chanted binary poetry in praise of the Omnissiah.

The technical priests held incense and circled the machine, blessing it.

Ron stood quietly, waiting for the ceremony to end.

He was taking part in a blessing ceremony at the foundry to appease the machine spirits and get the factory's equipment up and running smoothly.

In fact, it is similar to what the Internet companies in the past did by hiring Taoist priests or monks to service their servers.

Very scientific.


The mechanical clock roared.

Ron walked forward, reached out and pulled down the mechanical valve in front of him.

Along with the arcs of psychic energy, the huge gears began to turn, and the entire foundry operated smoothly.

After the ceremony, Ron followed Kaul into the foundry for a tour.

According to Kaul, this foundry uses psychic automated production technology.

The entire process is run by the program set by the machine soul spirit.

No manual work by workers or technical priests is required.

Among them, the ancient elves' psychic shaping technology can produce a variety of complex precision components and chips.

As long as there is technology and corresponding materials, the finished product can be perfectly manufactured.

As expected of the once glorious ancient spirit race, their techniques are simply the most awesome!
What Ron saw was densely packed robotic arms and tracks everywhere, leaving only a few passages.

Provide maintenance and repairs to machinery to the Tech-Priests.

He observed some of the production processes.

In fact, it is similar to the automated factories in the previous life, a bunch of parts go in and then finished products come out.

After watching for a while, he lost interest and walked to the end of the assembly line.

There is the exit for finished products, with rows and rows of iron boxes neatly stacked.

Those iron boxes are the finished products that have been packed uniformly by machines, and they are just waiting to be loaded onto trucks and shipped away.

"So fast?"

Ron was very surprised.

He just watched for a while and produced so many finished products?

Kaul was quite proud:

“According to existing data, automated equipment produces more than twice as fast as skilled workers.

It also saves time for rest and replacement of workers, allowing production to be carried out 24 hours a day.

Overall, the production speed of an automated foundry is five times faster than that of an ordinary foundry.

As long as there are enough raw materials, the machine can never stop! "

Hearing this, Ron nodded with satisfaction.

Not only that, the cost of psychic automated production is lower, which not only saves labor costs but also energy costs.

After all, it uses the spiritual energy of the little sun as energy.

To a certain extent, the source of these energies is faith, which can almost be ignored in terms of cost.

The future lunar forging world will gather the entire industrial chain for the production of weapons, armor, vehicles, and warships.

Simply put, you just need to bring in the corresponding materials and then wait for the finished products to be shipped away.

In this way, costs such as transportation can be further reduced.

The same weapon, produced using automated technology on the lunar forge world, can be produced faster.

It’s also much cheaper.

Ron walked to the pile of packaged finished products, opened the iron box, and the smell of engine oil hit him in the face.

There were five bolt guns stacked in the iron box.

Looking at the label on the iron box, the model of these guns is Locke Spearhead Bolter MK·Modified.

He picked it up and weighed it. It was much lighter than the bolter used by Space Marines.

Not bad indeed.

These bolt guns are improved models specially provided for use by Stormtroopers of the Stormtrooper Group.

Afterwards, Ron went to see some other prototypes of new equipment.

For example, the new type of sentinel mecha.

The new Sentinel mecha uses some of the technology of the Dreadnought mecha and looks like a smaller Dreadnought.

Loaded with a single-link heavy bomb.

Moreover, the operating system is in semi-automatic mode, which greatly reduces the difficulty of operation.

Equipping the heavy combined brigade with new types of sentinel mechas can greatly increase the strength of the Storm Army.

Under the torrential rain of heavy bombs, even the Space Marines did not dare to withstand it.

Today, many technologies in the territory have been innovated.

Unfortunately, the manufacturing technology of Titan, Dreadnought, and Terminator armor has not yet been deciphered.

Among them, the more troublesome one is the Dreadnought.

The relevant weapons research institute plans to switch the control technology to semi-automatic mode.

Controlled by elite stormtroopers.

Once these technologies are successfully deciphered and optimized, and then automated production is carried out, Titans and Dreadnoughts will be churned out continuously on the assembly line.

Ron didn't even dare to imagine that scene!

For example, the organized Titans and Dreadnoughts?
What is conceivable is that in the future, with sufficient materials, the various legions in the territory will be armed to the teeth.

By then, Titans and Dreadnoughts will be assembled into an army, Terminator warriors will be everywhere, and ordinary soldiers will each have a Melta. How can you fight me?
Who comes and who dies.

War is a battle of resources and productivity!

After taking a tour around the Moon Forge World, Ron left with satisfaction.

In the future, the territory will only need to mine more and find more resources.


Spire Mansion.

Savior's Office.

Ron sat in front of the mechanical computer. He rubbed his face and continued to look through the files accumulated during this period.

He opened a newly received email and started reading it.

That was sent back by Shahim and the others.

Suddenly, Ron showed an excited look: "Good boy, the Tyranids didn't eat up that galaxy?

And...Tyron's activities are somewhat abnormal?!"

(End of this chapter)

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