Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 261 A pilgrimage ship to Holy Terra?

Chapter 261 A pilgrimage ship to Holy Terra?

Ron flipped through the email.

Based on the traces found along the way by Shasim's fleet, it was speculated that the Tyranid Hive Fleet came from outside the galaxy.

It moved along a straight orbit, swallowing many planets along the way.

Among them were several planets in the territory of the Govendi family of the Imperial Blood Merchants, and the Govendi family was unable to resist the Zerg.

They gave up resistance and fled back to the Gori Sector within the Empire.

But what is even more terrifying is that after the Tyranid Hive Fleet devoured those planets, it continued to move forward.

And ahead is the Gori star region.

What's more troublesome is that the planet Ers is right in the trajectory of the Zerg fleet.

If they continue to move forward, they will pass by the planet Ers and devour it completely.

Only bare, desolate rocks stripped of all traces of life were left!

However, for some unknown reason, the Tyranid Hive Fleet suddenly turned a corner and headed towards other areas.

According to the biological sage's speculation.

Perhaps because of the appearance of a large rift in the subspace, the surging chaotic energy made the Zerg Hive unhappy, forcing it to make a slight turn.

So, it was the Big Rift that saved the planet Ers?

"Hiss~ The people of Ers are really lucky..." Ron couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

If the great rift in the subspace had not appeared, the planet Ers would probably have been destroyed before Ron came to this world.

If you count carefully, the planet Ers actually suffered two invasions by the Tyranids.

In addition to this, it is also subject to corruption by the Four Chaos Gods and the possible attack of the Greenskins.

This treatment is almost the same as that of the Alert Star.

But Ers was luckier than Vigilant, as it met itself from the 2k era.

Under the glory of the great savior, these crises were resolved, and the country was able to turn danger into safety and develop stably.

As for the Alert Star, it is probably still in a state of chaos.

That planet with a population of more than 167 billion and its galaxy have become the most intense battlefield in the Milky Way.

The Imperial Army, the Chaos Legion, the Chaos Demons, the Chicken Cult, the Green-skinned Orcs, all the forces gathered together and have turned the entire Alert Galaxy into a mess.

And there are many enemies coming soon, such as Necrons, Eldar and so on.

It can be said to be a gathering of heroes.

What is more worth mentioning is that there are vast black stone deposits buried underground on the Alert Star. The forces of the Huangquan No. 8 Forging World have taken deep roots here and are mining those black stone strata.

That is also the reason why the Alert Star was not completely swallowed by the Great Rift. The black stone has the effect of suppressing or diffusing the energy of the subspace.

All forces want to seize this precious mineral deposit, and the one who wants the Alert Star the most is probably the great plunderer Abaddon.

This large-scale and long-lasting war on the Vigilant Star will affect the direction of the galactic situation.

In fact, Ron is also very jealous of the Alert Star. Those black stones are treasures.

The territory is already researching related Blackstone technology.

But now that the territory has just been stabilized, all things are flourishing.

It's not a good time to start a war.

Moreover, the territory may not be able to withstand the high-intensity war in the alert galaxy.

Let them fight for now. It won’t produce any results in a short time.

Just stay put and develop, and wait and see when the time is right.

Ron suppressed his thoughts and turned his attention back to the email.

Although the Tyranids left the area, he still sent a message to the Military Affairs Department just in case.

Have reconnaissance units monitor for signs of Tyranid activity.

But the Tyranids were not the focus of that email.

That email was actually good news.

Over the years, the territory has carried out several large-scale projects at the same time, especially the Forging World, which has swallowed up huge amounts of ore like a bottomless pit.

Ron has been worrying about this.

It can even be said that the shortage of mineral resources has limited the development speed of the territory.

Nowadays, the mining machines in the territory are smoking and working day and night, but there are still too few mineral veins in the star region.

Unable to meet demand.

Faced with the shortage of ore for various projects, the mining sector is simply worried.

They sent out hundreds of reconnaissance teams to search for unowned mineral veins across the galaxy.

Sadly, there has been no progress so far.

The mining sector has applied to the Ministry of the Interior several times, hoping to start the trading sector as soon as possible to trade with the outside world.

To fill the territory's ore gap.

Such a proposal is undoubtedly reasonable.

Within the vast territory of the empire, there are millions of civilized worlds.

As long as they do not betray the empire's beliefs and pay the tithe, which symbolizes loyalty and responsibility, they can enjoy the space for free development.

Those governors who control the civilized world are all greedy and shrewd rulers.

Once they see the tangible benefits of trade, they will not hesitate to trade with the territories.

In this way, the territory can sell goods at a more favorable price through trade, and then purchase raw materials such as ores.

Since territories can produce at extremely low costs, the webway can also reduce transportation costs and trade with more civilized worlds regardless of distance.

In this way, the territory can make a fortune and then purchase more related raw materials and produce more goods for trade.

Like a snowball, earn more profits.

Eventually, through the profits earned from trade and the mineral resources acquired, the territory will be able to fill the mineral resource gaps needed for large-scale projects.

Even more large-scale projects can be started.

Simply perfect!
Now, the business sector is already being launched.

As the head of the traveling merchant department, Shahim went to the territory left by his family this time in order to retrieve more family relics to prove his identity.

After all, the verification procedures for wandering merchants, especially the Imperial Blood Merchants, in the Imperial capital of Holy Terra are extremely complicated and strict.

According to the original plan, Shahim would return immediately after finding the relics.

Then head to Holy Terra with Ron.

Unexpectedly, this exploration brought some unexpected surprises.

After devouring several planets in a straight line, Tyranid's Zerg fleet left the galaxy.

Through detection, Shasim and his team discovered that the planets in the galaxy that contained rich mineral veins were intact.

That's the rich mineral resources of an entire galaxy. More than ten mineral-rich planets are rare even in the entire galaxy!

After the Govendi family discovered that galaxy, they resolutely left the empire and went there to open up the land at great risk.

Unfortunately, before they had the chance to develop, they were attacked by the Tyranids, and later completely declined due to a series of unfortunate encounters.

Only the Shahim brothers and sisters are left as the only bloodline.

Now, all this was a bargain for Ron.

According to the report in the email, Shahim and others have been exploring those mineral-rich planets and setting up navigation anchors.

I guess I'll be back later.

Ron closed the email and took a sip of his iced Coke.

The emergence of new mineral resources is good news that is worth celebrating. The problem of mineral shortage in the territory has finally been alleviated!

If I'm not mistaken, the mineral department is now organizing a mining fleet, just like the New Year.

Once Shahim and others set up the navigation anchor point, they can go there to mine as soon as possible.

After that, Ron received more good news.

Not long ago, Grand Inquisitor Deville of the Inquisition organized twenty Stormtrooper Group units and nearly three thousand Space Marines to carry out a cleansing operation called "The Great Purification".

These warriors will go to various planets in the star zone and thoroughly eliminate those hidden Chaos heretics and aliens.

Many evil cults and hidden alien lives were uncovered and given the justice they deserved.

According to Deville's account.

His goal is to purify the entire star region and allow the light of the savior to shine wherever he sees.

The latest battle report is that one of the "Purification Forces" cleared out and restored an agricultural world that was eroded by chaos.

At the same time, the technical priests sent by the Agricultural Research Institute are using the environmental ecology technology of Green Wave Farm.

Transform that agricultural world.

Once the transformation is completed, the food production speed and output of this agricultural world will increase several times.

In this way, the territory will have abundant food and there will be no problem in exporting large quantities!
"I believe that in the near future, those starch technologies will be eliminated, or they will be retained and made into corresponding starch foods for export..."

Ron enjoyed the afternoon tea cakes brought by the maid.

There is no corpse starch food in the territory nowadays.

In the absence of large-scale famine and war, corpses are harder to find than food.

The territory now has sufficient food, and the top holy places are basically supplied with pure grain food and meat.

After all, as a holy place, it has a special status.

This is also one of the important reasons why citizens work so hard to contribute and want to work in the holy land.

Because it has the best resource supply and environment in the star zone.

Other regions also supplied different levels of food products according to the citizen class system.

The lowest grade is wheat products mixed with 80% industrial starch and wheat husks.

Such food was a rare delicacy on the planet Ers back then.

But now it has become the cheapest and lowest quality food.

Ordinary citizens no longer have to worry about falling into hunger.

If they are willing to spend their credit points, they can also exchange them for some fine pure grains to taste.

For example, rice, whole wheat noodles, cream bread, Akenberry pastries and so on.

But these are still too luxurious for them, and they are generally reluctant to exchange them.


Ron was flipping through the battle report of Operation Great Purification when a message popped up at the bottom of the mechanical screen.

He clicked on the message: "Invitation from Xingyu Court, it's a good time to go over and take a look..."

After reading the message, Ron got up and went out, taking a hovercraft to the area where the Star Language Court was located.


Top floor holy place.

Star Language Court, Star Torch. Ron got off the hovercraft and looked up at a psychic mechanical tower hundreds of meters high.

That is the Astronomican.

As the little sun grew larger, he discovered its huge psychic energy radiation range.

Then Ron imitated the God-Emperor and established the Star Language Court, and at the same time built a small Star Torch.

The Astronomican can project a stable psychic beacon across the galaxy and the Warp, guiding ships across the galaxy.

It is also capable of ultra-long distance communication.

And when necessary, the Star Torch can be turned off or the beam interrupted at any time.

Unfortunately, the Astronomical Torch has limitations.

As the territory expanded, the Astronomican's demands on the psychic energy of its users grew, creating a serious burden.

This is the important reason why the Imperial Astronomican Court sends out black ships everywhere to capture psychics. They need these psychics as consumables to maintain the Astronomican.

When the Divine Emperor discovered the shortcomings of the Astronomican, he devoted himself to the study of the Webway, hoping to master the Webway technology and eliminate the Astronomican.

Yet He failed.

The Empire can only continue to use the Astronomican.

No matter from which level of perspective, for Ron who has mastered the Webway, the Astronomican is an outdated technology.

But he still insisted on making a small star torch powered by the psionic energy of the little sun.


A tingling voice sounded.

Lilith, a royal sister psychic with deep blue eyes, wearing a black robe and high heels, and with a proud figure, came to greet them.

Ron looked at Lilith and felt that some time had passed.

This psychic mentor named Lilith is Deville's sister. When he first met Lilith, she was still a sixteen-year-old blonde girl.

Later, Lilith awakened her psychic powers. She was afraid, but also worried about affecting her brother, so she fled from the Upper Nest.

But she was soon caught and brought to trial.

It was Ron who stepped forward and rescued Lilith.

Otherwise, Deville might have really dealt with Lilith with great reluctance in order to maintain the authority of the Inquisition.

Because of this incident, Ron issued a new decree, no longer hunting down psychics in the territory.

At the same time, a psychic academy was established to not only provide psychics with housing and shelter, but also assign them jobs.

Let them be able to live upright lives.

"Savior, the Astronomican is running smoothly and can project the psychic beacon..."

Lilith looked at the Savior with an undisguised fanaticism in her eyes, and also a hint of something else.

Ron nodded gently, slightly avoiding the other person's gaze that wanted to swallow him.

Girls really change a lot when they grow up.

The innocent little Loli gradually turned into a wolf-like and tiger-like person.

But this time he came here for something serious, not to exchange feelings.

The existence of the Star Tongue Court and the Star Torch is not for the re-employment of psychics, but it has a real purpose.

It's just a bit niche.

After all, the territory has a webway, so there is no need for a torch for navigation.

As for internal communications, there is no need for them. The existence of Xiaoling allows the entire star region to be connected to the Internet.

Its only function is ultra-long-distance communication, allowing ships far outside the star zone to contact the territory.

Before the territory has established more efficient ultra-long-distance communications, it still has to rely on the Star Torch to transmit information.

But not long ago, Ron thought of a new use for the Star Torch, which is to salvage boats.

To be more precise, it was to salvage the pilgrims' boats.

Anyway, the Xingju has been built and it’s just sitting there idle, so why not make use of it?

The appearance of a large rift in the Warp caused the Imperial Astronomican to be temporarily extinguished, leaving countless ships lost.

Those large fleets might be able to return to the correct course with the faint guidance of the Imperial Astronomican after it is lit again.

But smaller ships, especially those on the dark side of the Empire, will likely be lost forever.

The largest number of them were the ships of the pilgrims.

There are too many pilgrims in the galaxy, and they set out from various civilized worlds in dilapidated or ancient ships.

They will make pilgrimages to various holy sites along the way, eventually arriving at the throne world - Holy Terra.

Go and worship the Great, Holy, Merciful Emperor.

This journey could take centuries, or even longer.

On the pilgrim ship, generation after generation of pilgrims died and new pilgrims were born.

Many pilgrims were born among the stars, causing slight mutations in their bodies and becoming known as the Sons of the Void.

Suffering from discrimination.

But the pilgrims didn't care and remained pious.

They sincerely believed that one day in the future, they or their descendants would be lucky enough to reach Holy Terra.

But most of the time, those pilgrims would die in the vast galaxy or the subspace for various reasons.

There are very few pilgrim ships that can reach Holy Terra.

Ron's goal is to use the Astronomican to find those lost pilgrim ships and then send psychic beacons to them.

Guide them to come to the holy place of Ers to worship.

Then, send them away.

In this way, he can not only obtain purer power of faith, but also spread the existence of the Holy Land of Ers and the name of the Savior.

Let more believers know the existence of the Savior.

To absorb more faith.

This will also help with future trade activities.

After all, those governors would not easily trade with strangers, no matter which side they were on.

The territory has developed to the current point, and it is no longer feasible to work secretly and behind closed doors.

Must actively communicate with the outside world.

At that time, Shahim will cooperate with the mysterious Holy Land of Ers in the name of Emperor Blood Merchants in the outside world.

Selling goods from the Holy Land of Ers.

No matter how the empire feels about Ers, whether it is disgust, rejection or attack, it will not affect the activities of the Imperial Blood Merchants.

After all, the Emperor Blood Merchants possess the power granted by the Emperor and can even trade with aliens.

A human territory that believes in the Emperor and is loyal to the Empire can't be worse than the aliens, right?

As for not paying the tithe?
There are many places in the empire that do not pay the tithe. Even if he wants to pay it, the empire has no way to collect it.

Moreover, the laws of the empire are relatively flexible, especially for powerful entities.

Guilliman also founded the Second Empire, so he was very loyal.

Who dares to say anything?
Everyone in the empire knows that Huangquan No. 8 Forge World is researching alien technology and is almost corrupt.

But since it was an important forge world of the Mechanicus, no punishment was imposed on it.

Those mutated warbands all grew horns and lost their human form, but no one dared to call them heretics.

Of course, if you are a pushover.

There is nothing you can do about it, and you will most likely be severely judged or abused for being "disloyal".

For example, the planet Ers.

Even if they had to endure the wrong and cruel tithe, which resulted in the planet's resources being drained out, the people being bled to death, and almost perishing.

There is no right to say no or appeal.

Today, the planet Ers, or the Holy Land of Ers, has the confidence to say no to the Empire.

It can now operate on the surface as part of the empire or human forces.

In short, the empire is a union of many forces, with numerous contradictions.

Today, it is unable to take care of itself, and its tentacles cannot reach the Holy Land of Ers on the edge of the dark side.

I don't even have the energy.

Emperor's Son Guilliman will soon return to Holy Terra to seize supreme power in the Empire, and feeling deeply constrained, he will carry out a large-scale purge.

Then readjust and redistribute power to save the collapsing empire.

At that time, all the energy and strength of the empire will be invested in the Indomitable Crusade to gradually recover the dark side of the empire.

This process is estimated to take dozens or hundreds of years, or even longer.

This is a good opportunity for the territory.

Make good use of this chaotic time and develop boldly!

Ron followed Lilith into the Star Torch and saw a familiar thing.

His expression changed: "Who designed this thing?"

The chair in front of me looks too much like the Blackstone Throne.

Lilith smiled:
"I made it specially for you. Lord Kaul said you would like it."

Just know...

Ron was silent for a moment.

Lilith was a little confused: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, go on..."

Under Lilith's operation, the psychic chair that looked very similar to the Blackstone Throne was activated, with psychic arcs entwined.

Ron sat on it and operated it.

He was just experiencing the process this time, and in the future he could let Lilith control the Star Torch.


The moment the Star Torch was activated, Ron felt his consciousness being stretched to an endless distance.

With the help of the Star Torch, the little sun's spiritual energy continued to radiate and spread in a certain direction.

Because it is a small astronomical torch, it can only explore in a narrow direction.

But on the scale of the Milky Way, it is enough.

after awhile.

Ron's "consciousness" looked across the stars and saw a lonely, dilapidated pilgrim ship.

It has been lost for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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