Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 262 Pilgrim: Is this Holy Terra?

Chapter 262 Pilgrim: Is this Holy Terra?

Ron's consciousness flashed through, and he roughly understood the condition of the dilapidated pilgrim ship.

Fortunately, there were still many survivors on the ship.

He then mobilized the Astronomican to send a psychic beacon to the Pilgrim ship.

As long as the ship still retains the ability to sail, it should be able to reach the Holy Land of Ers along the psychic beacon.

After doing all this, he withdrew his consciousness and stopped controlling the Star Torch.

Ron stood up from the psychic chair, feeling relieved.

Using the Astronomican doesn't feel that comfortable, but it's much easier than controlling the Blackstone Throne.

Even high-level psychics can bear this pressure.

This is just a first attempt.

If the effect is good, this star torch will guide more pilgrimage ships to come to the holy land of Ers to worship in the future.

Those devout pilgrims will spread the news of the Holy Land of Ers and the existence of the Savior.

Let this place become a true holy place in the galaxy.

Lilith walked over gracefully on high heels, her figure light and charming: "Savior, I think you need to take a good rest."

She gently held Ron's hand, and there was a hint of fanaticism in her pious and pure eyes.

Ron felt the other person's soft body and swallowed his saliva: "You are not allowed to use psychic power to play those tricks later..."

As a savior, you can't play too excitingly.

Besides, he was also worried that Slaanesh would come looking for him.

Having said that, he still followed Lilith into a small room.

After a while, a strange light flashed in the room...

Slaanesh has misled me!
The vastness of space.

A nearly one-kilometer-long dilapidated pilgrim boat floated quietly.

The years have left traces of vicissitudes and rust on the hull, but they have failed to cover up the ancient and solemn reliefs.

The relief depicts the legends of the great emperor and many saints, and is also a symbol of the ship's devout faith.

The pilgrim ship is named "The Pious".

Hundreds of years ago, a destitute planet spent almost all of its resources to build the Pious.

The pilgrimage began.

They sought salvation from the merciful Emperor.

The Pious set sail with the expectations of the entire civilized world and a load of pilgrims.

Following the pilgrimage route given by the state religion, passing through one holy site after another, we headed to Holy Terra.

However, just as they arrived in the Solar Star Region and were about to see the dawn of victory.

The nightmare has come.

The Astronomican went out, and a warp storm engulfed the Pious as it sailed.

The Pilgrims were lucky that the ship did not break apart in the severe storm.

Unfortunately, the storm hurled the ship into unknown regions and the Emperor's presence was lost.

They could no longer find the light from the Astronomican.

The Pious was completely lost.

Afterwards, this group of devout pilgrims were shrouded in suffering and nightmares.

They wailed in pain, begging for the Emperor's salvation, but received no response for a long time.

More and more people are dying.

Hope is fading...

The Devoted, bridge.

dong dong dong-

A series of rapid and heavy knocking sounds echoed in the bridge.

With a blood-curdling roar, the steel gate trembled under the violent impact of the unknown existence.

At the same time, there was a sharp sound, like something like nails scratching on the surface of steel, which gave people goose bumps.

These horrifying noises challenged the nerve limits of everyone in the bridge.

"O merciful Emperor, who controls the storms and whirlpools of the galaxy!
We poor believers are adrift in danger, and we cry out to you for help!
Save us, save us from those terrible zombies!"

The captain with gray hair and wrinkled face howled devoutly in an attempt to get help.

Behind him were hundreds of pilgrims dressed in gray and white rags.

The pilgrims were hungry and terrified, and they huddled together on their knees, begging the Great Emperor for help.

The captain shouted until his voice was hoarse, and there was a hint of despair in his deep eyes.

Hundreds of years ago, his ancestors were commissioned by the queen to build the Pious, carrying all the hopes of the believers on the planet.

This great journey began.

However, does their pilgrimage end here?

But the Pious has not yet arrived at Holy Terra.

They were not pious enough and failed to gain the favor of the Emperor, thus failing to live up to the expectations of the Queen and her believers!

Now, the horrific heretic zombies have surrounded the ship, and more and more pilgrims are dying.

What's more troublesome is that the food was consumed several days ago.

Even if those bloodthirsty zombies failed to rush in.

They will starve to death too!

The captain stopped praying and glanced at the communication equipment, his eyes becoming increasingly gloomy.

The navigator hadn't sent a message in several days.

If the navigator died under the attack of the zombies, the only hope of the Pious would be cut off.


The hull shook violently and the engine resumed.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound, the captain staggered to the dashboard and almost lay on it.

The next moment, he showed ecstasy: "Praise the Emperor, the Geller Engine has started!"

Could it be that the navigator has found the route?

Before the captain could react, he heard a roar outside. According to the instruments, a subspace vortex channel was forming.

This meant that they were about to enter the warp space.

"The subspace jump has begun. Hurry up, hold on tight and protect your heads!"

The captain immediately reminded everyone to prevent any unlucky person from getting his head smashed by the strong turbulence.

"The omniscient and omnipotent Emperor has come to save us!"

the captain shouted.


The ship entered the warp, and the surroundings suddenly darkened, with the gray-pink light of the warp energy seeping in slightly.

In an instant, everyone felt uncomfortable, their ears were filled with whispers, and countless horrifying images flashed behind their minds.

This is one of the side effects of traveling in the warp.

As the Pious traveled deeper into the Warp, the shaking of the bridge grew more violent.

At the same time, the zombies outside became more and more manic, bombarding the steel gate frantically.

The captain and the pilgrims knelt on the ground, eyes closed, silently praying to the Emperor.

I hope the Pious can successfully exit the warp.

I do not know how long it has been.

The Pious came to a sudden stop, and the steel armor outside the bridge window slowly opened.

The pilgrims who were praying with their eyes closed and shivering suddenly felt a warmth.

They opened their eyes carefully.

Then, I saw... the sun!
"Emperor, what do I see?" The pilgrims couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Their faces showed irrepressible piety and joy.

In the sight, the sun's radiance was shining, and a blue planet was faintly glowing with golden light under the sunlight.

How beautiful!
These pilgrims had visited many holy places on the planets, but had never seen such a beautiful and sacred planet.

There are no polluted clouds covering the sky, only green earth and blue ocean.

With just one glance, you can feel the unique and extraordinary temperament of this planet.

It is like a dazzling gem inlaid in the universe, emitting incredible light.

"Praise the Emperor, is that Holy Terra?"

the old pilgrim hissed.

He was trembling all over, looking at the planet in front of him fanatically, as if he wanted to imprint her appearance deeply in his mind.

However, the next second, the pilgrim fainted from excitement.

Before the pilgrims could react.


The terrifying roar pulled everyone back from their joy to the desperate reality that the terrible zombies were still outside.

They couldn't get out at all.

What’s more, the door is about to collapse!
Just when the pilgrims were in despair, a communication line suddenly came in.

A deep and powerful voice sounded, with an unshakable firm belief:

"Pilgrims, we have found traces of pollution, and it is approaching quickly. Please stay calm, find the nearest safe area, and stay hidden..."

After a pause, the voice silently recited another motto:

"I will strike down evil wherever it takes me, with your mighty power; Emperor and Savior, protect me from suspicion!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the ship shook slightly as if it had been attacked.

Melodious hymns rang out throughout the ship.

It is a hymn to the golden sun and the savior...

Along with the sacred hymns, there were also the roar of gunfire and the wailing of zombies.

All this happened so suddenly that the pilgrims were stunned.

A glimmer of hope lit up in the captain's deep eyes.

He murmured: "Could they be the legendary extraordinary beings - the Emperor's angels?

Then who is the savior, a living saint named by the Emperor?"


The Pious' cabin.

In the dim corridor, the light of the transmission beacon flickered slowly.

bang bang bang-

The flash from the bolter illuminated the flaming red armor.

The Nurgle zombies exploded and fell one after another.

Several war angels stepped on the remains of Nurgle's zombies and advanced forward silently.

The War Angels received an order that an alien pilgrim ship had entered the isolated airspace and had signs of pollution. They would allow the ship to enter the berthing area only after they had cleaned and purified it.

The war angels acted separately, kicking open the doors of the cabins one by one and killing the zombies inside.

Then continue to the next location.

They were so cold, precise, and unhesitating, as if they had rehearsed it countless times.

To the war angels, these zombies are still a little weak.

inside the cabin.

The pale-skinned, scarred boy was wrapped in rags and huddled in the corner of the room.

His name is Jose.

A pilgrim, a void child born among the stars.

Because of his unusual body shape, he suffered from discrimination.

Whenever the pilgrimage ship arrived at a planet to worship or obtain supplies, he needed to wrap himself up.

To cover your body and face.

For the Son of the Void, revealing one's true form is dangerous.

Although the Sons of the Void are excellent sailors and crew members, many people born on the ground have no knowledge of the starry sky.

It is easy to regard the Sons of the Void as heretics and aliens and attack them.

When Jose was eight years old.

The first time he set foot on the planet, he saw with his own eyes his uncle's family being tied to the stake and burned to death by ignorant fanatics.

When the pastor arrived, it was too late.

From then on, José became increasingly afraid of exposing himself.

However, the pilgrim ships lack the ability to replenish themselves, although local nobles and believers will kindly donate some supplies.

But those supplies were not enough to meet their long-term sailing needs.

Therefore, every time the pilgrims arrived at a planet, in addition to worshipping, they also needed to do some extra work for a period of time.

Those aren’t great jobs.

Most of them are physical work, or unclogging some polluted and dangerous sewers.

Fortunately, completing that work allowed them to obtain additional corpse starch sticks.

Avoid starving to death during the voyage.

But for Jose, every job is fraught with danger.

He needed to be extremely careful not to expose himself to others.

In return, they were subjected to insults, beatings, and even more horrific attacks.

But all this is coming to an end.

José felt vaguely relieved that he was going to die.

Several zombies outside the door were hitting the crumbling door panels, eager to devour flesh and blood.

He carefully took out a small piece of moldy sawdust bread and took small bites of it.

Enjoying this delicious food.

This half piece of sawdust bread was given to him by a kind pastor, and he was reluctant to finish it.

When you feel hungry, just take it out and take a bite.

"Thanks to the merciful emperor, for letting me eat such delicious food..."

Jose swallowed his food and prayed devoutly.

Since he was going to die anyway, he decided to enjoy this piece of sawdust bread before he died.

However, when Jose was halfway through his meal, the door was suddenly pushed open by the zombies.

The sudden loud noise caused his hand to shake, and the wood chip bread rolled to the door.


Just as he was about to go over to pick it up, the zombies stepped on the sawdust bread and pounced towards him.

"Are you finally going to die?"

Faced with the coming of death, Jose was not too afraid, but just felt sorry for not finishing his food.


With a puff, the zombie's head was chopped into pieces, and the roaring chainsaw sword stopped in front of Jose's nose.

The sharp attack caused a slight pain on his pale face.

Then the chainsword was pulled back.

Jose looked up and saw an indescribable fiery red figure.

The warrior was so tall and strong, his heavy armor decorated with sacred emblems and runes, full of power and faith.

"Thank you...Angel-sama!"

Jose was so shocked that a hoarse voice came out of his throat.

Obviously, he recognized what kind of existence the warrior in front of him was.

That's an angel sent by the Emperor!
Suddenly, José thought of something. He bent over to find the small piece of dry, blood-stained sawdust bread and began to wipe it vigorously.

“Is it still edible?”

he murmured.

The war angel watched Jose's actions in silence.

He suddenly reached out and snatched the contaminated food, took out a strip of object from the storage bag behind him, and threw it into the other person's arms.

Then turned and left.

Jose picked up the bar in his arms in a daze. It was beautifully packaged and had a half-length portrait of a person wearing golden armor.

"Savior... Lord, compressed dry food?"

He read the words and realized that he had food in his hands.

That was compressed dry rations produced under the auspices of the Ministry of Military Affairs and distributed to various armed forces as emergency food.

It is a mixed grain product with Akenberry flavor, rich in eggs, milk, sugar and several vitamins.

Compared to those refined grain products, it sacrifices a little bit of taste.

Jose smelled the irresistible fragrance, he swallowed, put it in his arms, and protected it tightly.

At the same time, he faintly heard gunshots outside, which gradually faded away.

Two hours later, the war angels cleaned up the zombies and boarded the ship to leave.

At the same time, the cleaning team's ship came to contact the Pious and docked. They will conduct a half-day cleaning of the entire ship.


Holy Land of Ers.

Reception hall for pilgrims from outside the district.

Aleman from the reception office stood straight, her smile as bright as the sunshine in spring, but there was nothing in front of her.

She was a little discouraged.

Aleman graduated from the School of Administration of Zhongsi College and entered the Ministry of the Interior of the Holy Land with relatively good grades.

Eventually, she was assigned to the newly established Ministry of Culture and Tourism under the Ministry of the Interior to work in the reception office.

Although it is not an important department.

But compared to other graduates who were assigned to other planets, this is a very good organization.


The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is responsible for cultural and tourism-related matters within the star region, and is responsible for the development and maintenance of various holy sites and famous attractions.

To maintain and spread the glory of the Golden Sun and the Great Savior.

The most important task is to operate the worship activities related to the Holy Cathedral.

Today, part of the holy area on the top floor of Ers has been cordoned off as a core area for religious worship.

And invested a lot of resources in its construction.

The goal is to learn from Holy Terra and create a first-class holy place in the galaxy.

Now, the construction work has been preliminarily completed, creating a pilgrimage route of about 50 kilometers.

When the worshippers arrive, they will go from the reception desk to more than ten areas including the Sacred Square, the Trail of Redemption, the Church of the Savior, the Holy Land Garden, the Souvenir Market, etc.

Finally they arrived at the Holy Cathedral to worship the shrine of the Great Emperor and the holy relics he left behind.

Pilgrims will see the sacred Emperor's Fingerprint with their own eyes.

It is the fingerprint on the Emperor Blood Merchants’ license.

A large amount of Emperor's blood.

Sacred and shocking enough.

After all, even in Holy Terra, most pilgrims only glanced at the Ecclesiarchy from afar.

Or take a look outside the palace gates.

There was no sign of the Golden Throne or the Emperor's remains.

But in the Holy Land of Ers, there is the real blood of the Emperor, where you can feel the greatness of the Emperor up close.

Of course, the exhibits are replicas.

But no matter what, it is also mixed with nano-powder extracted from the drop of Emperor's blood on the Emperor's Blood Merchant License.

Rounding it off, it is still a genuine product and the price is reasonable, which is quite conscientious!
From embarking on the pilgrimage to worshipping the Emperor's shrine and witnessing the Emperor's holy relics.

The entire journey takes approximately two weeks and allows pilgrims to fully appreciate the greatness of the Emperor and the Savior.

Of course, Ron, the savior, spent so much effort to build the pilgrimage route not just for sightseeing.

There will be various deeply rooted faith worship projects along the way.

In fact, it is a large-scale brainwashing campaign to maintain and deepen the citizens' faith and gain more power of hope.

At the same time, it can also allow foreign pilgrims to feel the glory of the Savior and the sacredness of the holy land, and then spread it.

This will also be good for the territory's reputation in the empire.

The reception office where Aleman works is responsible for receiving foreign pilgrims.

However, in the past six months, the reception hall has been empty, with no pilgrims from outside the city arriving.

She received the credit points, but felt guilty, as if she had not contributed the value she should have to the savior.

Suddenly, Aleman's communication device rang.

She took a look, and her eyes sparkled with surprise: "The pilgrims from other places are coming!"

"Hurry, hurry, get ready!"

Aleman's immediate superior, the official in charge of the reception office, trotted over and urged.

"Why are you here?" Aleman was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, the other party does not need to show up.

"Praise the Savior, these are the first pilgrims, our department must entertain them well!"

The official was quite excited.

After half a year, he finally waited for the first group of pilgrims to arrive, and the savior might also come.

They will have the opportunity to see the Holy Face of the Savior.

At such an important moment, he must be in place no matter what and embody the value of the department!
At the entrance of the Pilgrim Reception Hall outside the area.

The landing ship responsible for transporting passengers slowly stopped, and the pilgrims walked out carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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