Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 280 Casting Director: Oh no, am I a traitor?

Chapter 280 Casting Director: Oh no, am I a traitor?
The huge melta barrel accumulates energy and can release destructive energy at any time.

The casting director angrily shouted:
"Deputy Supervisor, you are suspected of betrayal and loss of knowledge. Please disarm immediately and await trial!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't admit the accusation and I refuse your order."

The red-robed deputy supervisor was resolute in his attitude.

As the Deputy Supervisor of Foundry and a high-ranking member of the Mechanicus, he also has the right to make appeals.


The Casting Supervisor adjusted the muzzle of the hot melt cannon and aimed at the steel-made mechanical limbs of the Red Robe Deputy Supervisor:

"You should understand the power of this melta weapon!"

He did not have the power to execute the deputy foundry supervisor on the spot, but he could arrest him and record his crimes in detail.

Then he will be sent to Mars headquarters for trial.

If it wasn't such a serious betrayal, he really didn't want to hurt his colleagues with whom he had worked for many years.

"Of course I know the power of those melta weapons. You have boasted about them countless times over the years!"

The red-robed deputy supervisor said in a muffled voice.

There is a trend within the Mechanicus to compete in the modification of mechanical bodies.

Every time the foundry director upgrades the mechanical body, he will ask two deputy foundry supervisors to install it as well, and even list detailed data to compare with the mechanical bodies of the deputy supervisors.

Finally, he pointed out that the mechanical bodies on them were too low-end and still needed improvement.

Such behavior is equivalent to driving a Rolls-Royce in front of someone else's Mazda and repeatedly overtaking it to show off.

How can I bear this?

Therefore, the Red Robe Deputy Supervisor has been immersed in research over the years, hoping to defeat the Casting Director once, but he has failed every time.

"If you think you can make me surrender by using force, you are totally wrong. Come on, arrogant guy, use your little spray gun to attack me!"

The red-robed deputy supervisor looked like he would rather die than surrender.

This remark completely annoyed the casting director: "You will pay the price for your inappropriate remarks!"


The air roared.

The sudden gravitational field suppressed the red-robed deputy supervisor, making him unable to move.

Then, the huge amount of energy accumulated in the barrel was released instantly, and several dazzling molten rays ignited the air.

Directly aimed at the target with destructive force.

The Casting Director's attacks are swift and devastating, enough to penetrate any personal force field defense shield.

It's simply irresistible.

Even if a Terminator or an Imperial Knight were here, their fate would be to have their limbs melted off and be captured!


Amid the crowd's exclamations, the hot melt ray hit the red-robed deputy supervisor's mechanical limbs.

But the next moment.

Those molten rays were refracted onto the ground, dissolving several red holes on the metal ground.

The melta attack failed!
Wait for the smoke caused by the heat-melting energy to dissipate.

Everyone saw the faint glow coming from the red-robed deputy supervisor.

That is the light emitted by the defensive force field.

Shining Shield!

This is an electromagnetic force field shield installed on heavy vehicles, originating from the dark technology era.

But the one installed on the body of the red-robed deputy supervisor is an upgraded version, which incorporates alien technology and enables it to work on a mechanical body.

And it has stronger defensive capabilities.

"When did you...modify the shield?"

Seeing this scene, the casting director's spider eyepiece trembled, and the electronic sound was full of disbelief:

"Mechanical God, this is impossible. Tell me, how did you combine the alien engine and the radiant force field?"

For many years, he has been studying the modification technology of the Radiant Shield, but has been unable to make a breakthrough.

However, his deputy supervisor researched it quietly and even equipped it!
"Mr. Director, are you envious?"

The red-robed deputy supervisor was very proud: "That's just one of the breakthroughs. Look at this..."

The voice just fell.

Extending from his mechanical body were several melta cannons of the same type as those of the Casting Director, containing even greater power.

"This is the latest version of the personal melta cannon. It's at least 20% more powerful than the small spray gun you're equipped with!"


He also demonstrated several mechanical creations mounted on limbs, all of which were superior in performance to the same mechanical creations on the casting director.

"you you you……"

The foundry director looked at the mechanical body of the red-robed deputy director, his electronic brain almost overloaded, in disbelief.

He also realized that he might not be able to take down the treacherous deputy supervisor on his own.

"Omnissiah bears witness to the end of my long patience, and I have finally given you, my arrogant self, the opportunity to see...

What is real technology! "

Seeing the foundry director's shocked, jealous and powerless expression, the red-robed deputy director felt delighted.

Over the past six months, he has used the mechanical forum to break through bottlenecks several times and almost replaced all his equipment.

I've been holding it in for so long.

He finally showed off his power in front of this arrogant guy!
"Director, the small spray gun and mechanical body installed on your body are outdated, you still need to work harder."

The red-robed deputy supervisor delivered another heart-piercing blow.

The mechanical duct spewed out more sparks.

"No matter what, your actions are clear as day - you are a traitor!"

Angry electronic sounds echoed in the hall, and the casting director blushed completely after being ridiculed in public.

He looked at the gray-robed deputy supervisor beside him:

"Fight alongside me and capture this traitor who betrayed Huangquan No. 8!"


A plasma coil cannon popped out from the gray-robed deputy supervisor's mechanical body.

Then, in front of everyone's gaze, he pointed the gun at the casting director.

There was a hint of apology in his words:
"Director, please understand that I am also a high-ranking member of the Mechanical Forum..."

As he spoke, the gray-robed deputy supervisor suddenly lifted the anti-detection layer on the mechanical body.

It shows a data plate embedded in the body, as well as a shining emblem of a two-dimensional image of a mechanical goddess.

He was full of pride:
"Besides, I am also a senior member of the Little Spirit Goddess's group of believers!"

The grey-robed deputy supervisor's words drew cheers from other believers in the hall.

"Praise the Mechanical Goddess!"

"Long live Xiao Ling!"

The Machine Soul possesses an unimaginably large database and computing resources, which can grant the machine oil guys several times or even dozens of times the computing power.

Such terrifying computing power attracted fanatical worship from the oil men and even formed a special group of believers.

"You are a traitor too?"

A trembling electronic sound rang out.

Although he didn't understand what the Little Spirit Goddess was, the casting director still reacted.

Another casting deputy supervisor also joined the rebellious platform.

"We at Huangquan No. 8 are loyal to the pursuit of knowledge, which is why we study new alien technology and resist the attacks from the outside world."

The red-robed deputy supervisor glared at us: Now, a new safe road is right in front of us, but you, as a leader, are taking the lead in resistance and want to send us to the Mars headquarters for trial.

The person who truly betrayed Huangquan No. 8... is you! "

"Director, I need to remind you."

The Gray Robe Director added: “Now more than 60% of the technical priests in Huangquan No. 8 have accepted the Mechanical Forum.

You have no right to deprive them of the right to enjoy new knowledge."

"That's right!"

"We need a mechanical forum!"

The technical priests spoke out in support, glaring at the foundry director.

These members of the Mechanical Forum on Huangquan No. 8 deliberately showed up and were arrested, just for this moment.

They want to let the foundry director know that the spread of the Mechanical Forum is unstoppable!

Looking at the angry eyes of the two deputy foundry supervisors and the technical priests, the foundry director suddenly felt an uncontrollable sense of guilt.

An absurd thought popped up in his mind: So I am... the traitor?

The casting director slumped back onto his pedestal, realizing that the situation was irreversible.

If he continues to insist.

What awaits Huangquan No. 8 is all-out war.

Even if he won, all he would get was a forging world that was riddled with holes and had greatly reduced its strength.

Moreover, once Huangquan No. 8 loses its unity, a civil war will break out.

The Martian headquarters and the Inquisition will take the opportunity to intervene.

In the name of technological heresy, they suppressed and even tried these technical priests who studied alien technology.

"Let's talk..."

The foundry director issued an order for the divine machine guards to retreat:
“Under the watchful eyes of the Mechanical God, I will not pursue your crimes any further, but the technology of Acheron-8 cannot be uploaded any more.

You can’t expand any further.”

"Commander, greed and anger have clouded your mind."

After achieving his goal, the red-robed deputy supervisor resumed his respectful attitude and said, “You don’t seem to have figured out one thing.

That is, we must all join the Mechanical Forum, and fast, or we will lose our advantage! ”

“Yes, according to the latest intelligence.

Agrippina Foundry World has all settled in the Machinery Forum."

The gray-robed deputy supervisor explained: "With the help of the Mechanical Forum, they quickly updated their core technology and created more advantageous weapons."

Hearing this, the casting director reacted.

Huangquan No. 8's technology has been uploaded to the mechanical forum if they want to maintain their advantage.

We must upgrade our core technology at a faster pace.

But without the help of the Mechanical Forum, they could not catch up with other Forging Worlds relying on their own research speed.

Under such circumstances, Huangquan No. 8 will soon lag behind other forging worlds in technology.

Completely lost competitiveness.

This is a terrible thing for a forging world, without orders and raw material supplies from the empire.

They will soon decay.

"By the Omnissiah, you are correct."

The foundry director was a little tired, as if he had accepted his fate: "All members of Huangquan No. 8 should move into the Mechanical Forum. Before other foundry worlds react..."

After saying that, he immediately issued an order to the entire Huangquan No. 8 Forging World through the director's communication channel:

Under the guidance of the Mechanical God, with your thirst for knowledge and loyalty to machinery, I order you to enter the Mechanical Forum as quickly as possible.

Let us gather our knowledge and wisdom in the Mechanical Forum to gain competitive advantage for Huangquan No. 8!

Accompanied by instructions.

The casting director uploaded the data package that the deputy director transferred to him.

This includes the manufacturing drawings for the data plate, as well as how to access the Mechanical Forum channel.

After completing all this, the casting director felt relieved.

He asked, "I have satisfied your request. Can anyone give me a new data pad?"

Since everyone has to move in, he, the casting director, is no exception.

Besides, he was curious.

How powerful is the Mechanical Forum that can enable his deputy supervisor to make such rapid progress?

The voice just fell.

The red-robed deputy supervisor quickly handed over a brand new data pad: "Master Director, I happen to have a new one here."

He said with some anticipation: "Believe me, you will like the Mechanical Forum..."

After handing over the data tablet, the two deputy forging supervisors and the technical priests bowed and left the Mechanical Palace.

Leave each other.

On the pedestal, the foundry director activated the data pad and began to register an account.

But he felt vaguely strange.

Those guys were whispering and looking at him strangely.

After registration.

The foundry director entered the machinery forum anonymously.

Then he saw his own virtual video of Hong Wen in the post on the homepage.

The title is: Please give me a thumbs up, the Radiant Shield perfectly protects against the poor little melta spray gun!
Just now.

The red-robed deputy supervisor recorded the video and uploaded it, and with the likes of the technical priest No. 8 of Huangquan, it quickly became a hot topic.

Although the video conceals his figure, people who know him well can recognize that he is the casting director of Huangquan No. 8.

There were also some old guys who seemed to recognize me at first glance and made sarcastic remarks under the comments!

"Just wait for me, bastard!"

The casting director was furious and burst into a string of binary expletives.

Of course, mutual ridicule is part of the daily routine of the oil men, and he did not hate his deputy supervisor for this.

He also felt that since he had joined the platform, he had to adapt to the culture of this platform.

Only then can you use it better and gain advantages for yourself.

The foundry director was able to resolutely lead Huangquan No. 8 to research alien technology without falling into chaos.

It proves that he is sober enough and capable of accepting new things.

After leaving an angry comment, the casting director quickly found the forum's knowledge base.

After browsing it, he truly realized how terrifying this knowledge base was.

Even if he is one of the most knowledgeable technical priests in the Mechanicus.

But here, he still found more unique and novel ideas and technologies.

"What a pure and wonderful platform! There is no trace of chaos. It is safe enough!"

The casting director couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

He felt a little scared that he had been blinded by inexplicable greed and anger.

He is determined to take back the technical data of Huangquan No. 8 and seize the huge database of the Mechanical Forum.

I even thought about destroying it completely.

Thinking back now, my previous thoughts were so wrong and foolish, and there was a risk of falling into chaos.

The galaxy is filled with hostility towards researchers.

Over the years, countless predecessors of the Mechanicus were corrupted by Chaos in the process of exploring knowledge, and died in distorted and terrifying images.

Even chaotic creatures were created, causing greater danger.

Too many people died because of this.

This has led to researchers becoming more conservative and afraid to go beyond that.

But standing still will only lead to decline, and humans will eventually need more advanced technology.

Therefore, there are still many researchers who take risks to explore new things.

And he and Huangquan No. 8 are among them.

Over the years, Huangquan No. 8 has lost many outstanding researchers on the road of exploring knowledge, but has never stopped because of fear.

This also provided the empire with better weapons.

This is also one of the reasons why Huangquan No. 8 can exist.

But now, a safer research path and platform has emerged, that is the Mechanical Forum.

Whatever the purpose of the founders of the Mechanical Forum, its existence does share knowledge and benefit researchers like them.

Giving them a safe environment for communication greatly reduces the risks of researching new knowledge.

It can be said that the Mechanical Forum is a gift from the Mechanical God to researchers!
As a researcher myself, why wouldn't I support it?
After some hesitation.

The foundry director decisively uploaded most of the knowledge in his database in exchange for gear coins.

That is just known knowledge.

He believed that with his research level, he would soon be able to eliminate it and delve into newer and more profound knowledge.

Do not know why.

There was a sense of freedom for the casting director.

This is what he has always been pursuing.

He was somewhat grateful to the technical priests who had resisted stubbornly before, and at the same time was glad that he had remained sober in the end and was not bound by paranoia.

Soon, the casting director immersed himself in research.

He will make better weapons for his deputy supervisor to see!
Machinery Factory No. A*VIII1248.

Factory laboratory.

"Praise the Almighty Mechanical God!"

Parus liked the post of Casting Director Hong Wen and continued to study.

He enjoys the joy of exploring knowledge:
"so good!"


within subspace.

A dark, twisted Tech-Priest floats in the void, his mechanical body covered in dark runes and mechanical tumors.

No one knows whether he is still alive.

The dark tech-priest's communicator was filled with whispers of terror, and then he somehow entered a pure network.

A brief moment.

His data consciousness was kicked out of the pure network and the access was cut off.

Behind the dark technical priest.

An evil figure interwoven with flesh, blood and machinery appeared, and the sharp mechanical devil wings seemed to pierce the void.

He was a demigod, an independent demon in the Chaos Realm, a weapons dealer in the Great Game, and he made deals with the Chaos Gods.

He has many names, Data Devourer, Demon Pilot, and Cruel Forge Master.

He is - Vashtor!


A sharp cable pierced into the electronic brain inside the head of the dark technical priest, sucking something.

"I found you, delicious data lifeform!"

Vashtor gave a cruel smile...
Ers planet.

Spire Mansion, Savior's Office.

Ron was flipping through the documents of the "Psychic Network 2.0 Project", which included an online software called "Redemption Market".

This is the second software for the outside world after the Mechanical Forum, and it is also an important part of the business trade.

He clicked Approve, sending it into the construction phase.

after awhile.

Ron received a report from Xiao Ling that everyone in Huangquan No. 8 had already moved in.

Moreover, the casting director of Huangquan No. 8 also joined her group of believers anonymously.

Wow, I didn’t expect you to be such a casting director!

Call ~
After listening to Xiao Ling's detailed report, Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"If my prediction is correct, the Mechanical Forum has temporarily survived the crisis and will expand at a faster pace..."

There are now two foundry worlds settled in the Machinery Forum.

With their joining, no Forge World can ignore the existence of the Mechanical Forum anymore.

They can only join.

Because this is a scientific research competition that sweeps across all the forging worlds.

Their technology has been leaked, and the forum's technology database is constantly being enriched.

If those forging worlds do not join, they will fall behind other worlds until they completely lose their competitiveness!

Things turned out exactly as he expected.

In the following months, the foundry world rushed to join the Machinery Forum.

Almost half of the forging worlds have moved in.

Ron also responded to the demands of those forge worlds and added new functions, allowing each forge world to create a section of its own.

At the same time, the ranking function was opened.

The scientific research capabilities and innovation levels of each foundry world are evaluated, and there are also some personal rankings.

This greatly promoted the scientific research enthusiasm of the oil men and promoted the improvement of the overall technological level of the empire.

That's what Ron wanted to see.

After all, humans are now in a weak position and can only passively take the beatings and be slaughtered by chaos and aliens in most cases.

It would be a good thing to improve technology and reduce casualties.

Of course, these advances in human technology have also benefited the Mechanical Forum, giving it a more noble status.

The territory's technology is also growing rapidly.

The optimized, semi-automated Dreadnoughts, Titans, and Imperial Knights have entered the field testing phase one after another.

At the same time, more advanced power armor, power weapons, and individual equipment are also under development.

The territory is in a very good and prosperous situation.

However, for some reason, Ron felt a little worried.

Because it's all so peaceful...

Until now, the Mechanicus Mars Headquarters has not released any comments on the Mechanical Forum, nor has it implemented any countermeasures.

Did the Mars headquarters just accept this?
(End of this chapter)

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