Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 281 Mars Casting General: Heresy, Unforgivable Heresy

Chapter 281 Mars Casting General: Heresy, unforgivable heresy!

Ron frowned slightly: "Isn't it possible?"

After all, the Mechanical Forum was an extremely new thing, and even those in the Forging World could not accept it at first.

What’s more, the Martian headquarters is extremely conservative.

From what he knew, the current Mars Fabrication General and Supreme Lord of the Mechanicus, Uldia Lasky, was an extreme conservative.

Even conservatives think he is conservative.

During the fall of Cadia.

Because Cadia has the only stable and permanent space channel to enter and exit the "Eye of Terror".

It is an important fortress world that the Empire uses to stand at the gate of Chaos and contain the "Eye of Terror".

To save Cadia, an important bastion of the Empire.

The Supreme Lords' Council proposed abolishing the restrictive decree, allowing the Imperial Guard to leave Holy Terra and go to support Cadia.

However, this decree was strongly opposed by Udia personally and failed to take effect.

Ultimately, Cadia was destroyed by Abaddon.

The consequences would be similar to the fall of Shanhaiguan in the Ming Dynasty.

The Empire lost Cadia, an important gateway, and could only allow Chaos to run unhindered, resulting in heavy losses.

It is hard to say that Udia is not responsible for this.

Moreover, the Martian Casting General is not only conservative, but also likes to seize power and stir up struggles.

He is also responsible for the current corruption of the Mechanicus.

Now, the rise of the Mechanical Forum has seriously affected the status of the Mars Headquarters.

In this situation, it is impossible for Mars Casting General Udia to not react, right?
"Strange, so strange..."

Ron held his chin, thinking over and over again, but still couldn't figure it out.

Compared to such strange calmness, he would rather Mars could give a little reaction.

This way he can at least have some peace of mind.

In short, the crisis of the mechanical forum still exists.

The subsequent actions of the Mechanicus' Mars Headquarters, or the Martian Casting General, affect the fate of the Mechanical Forum.


Ron sighed.

He stood up from the table and chair and walked straight to the balcony, overlooking the brightly lit surface of the planet.

"Well, it feels a bit like a myriad of lights..."

The planet Ers now has full access to water, electricity and internet.

As long as there are people.

Even the remote Void Survivor tribes located in the forest can enjoy these infrastructures.

In view of the Void Survivors' outstanding dedication to the territory, and out of respect for their customs.

Ron specially reserved a large area of ​​virgin jungle for them.

In addition to the development of technology.

The territory is also working in full swing in terms of people's livelihood, building a large amount of infrastructure on various planets to provide security.

Let everyone enjoy the glory of the Savior.

Doing so will also allow people to provide a higher quality power of hope.

But this is just basic protection.

The territory is constantly promoting the belief in the savior and warnings of the impending war.

A large number of people were deployed to the army's logistics department, agricultural engineering teams and mining teams, working hard for the future of the territory.

At the same time, high-quality population enters Zhongsi College to study, and after graduation goes to various institutions to serve.

Ron looked up at the moon, and saw several bright golden dots twinkling like stars.

That is a purifying star ring that is connected to the golden sun's energy.

He listened to the advice of the Ministry of the Interior's think tank and built a purification ring with a diameter of several kilometers.

Those star rings are like purification portals.

Provide decontamination and cleaning services for incoming ships and old ships towed back from the warp.

When each ship passes through the purification ring, it will be fully illuminated by the holy light, completely clearing away the attached chaotic matter.

At the same time, there are some cleanup troops and space warriors stationed in the star ring, responsible for cleaning up some chaotic life inside the ship.

Ron watched quietly for a while, then returned to his bedroom to rest.

The matter of the Mechanicus' Mars headquarters will be put on hold for the time being, until they respond.

Within a few days, he learned about the current situation on Mars from sporadic posts on the mechanical forum.

The situation is not good.


The red planet with devastated scenery and turbid atmosphere floats quietly in the void.

On the equatorial belt, orbital factories surround it, forming an iron star ring.

On the surface, there are hive cities stretching for dozens of kilometers, with their foundations deep underground.

This is the greatest and most sacred forging world of the empire, the red star - Mars!
As the headquarters of the Mechanicus, a large number of technical priests have lived here for generations, forming an inestimable knowledge base.

"Nothing can stop you from pursuing knowledge; no one can prevent you from pursuing and obtaining sacred technology; no one can stop you from standing under the throne of the God of All Machines..."

That was the mantra of the Mechanicus.

However, in the 41st millennium of the Empire, all this is crumbling.

A strict hierarchy, rampant academic cliques, and information barriers that have been formed over thousands of years.

The flow of knowledge was almost blocked.

Conservative, decadent, feudal and monopolistic, this coalition of academics is increasingly declining.

Like a pool of stagnant water.

However, not long ago, the emergence of the Mechanical Forum ignited the spark of knowledge.

Information barriers are broken.

Those low-level technical priests can learn freely and access noble knowledge that has been difficult to access for generations.

It wasn't long before the mechanical forum spread to Mars.

However, those spreading sparks of knowledge were stifled by conservatives and were quickly extinguished.

Today, there is silence on Mars and everyone is in danger.

on track.

Several large, ugly signal jammers affect communications from outside.

More precisely, it is a signal specifically designed to isolate mechanical forums.

Acid hive.

A light mist filled the air.

Over a long period of time, these acid mists corroded the buildings of the hive city, causing mottled dark green rust to form on the exterior of the buildings.


The sudden sound seemed shrill, but the being that made the sound was soon subdued.

A figure rushed out from the mist.

It was a young technical priest in a dirty cassock.

His name is Buna.

Buna held the things in his arms and ran forward with all his might.

Behind him, there was the rhythmic sound of metal stepping on the ground.

Buna is being hunted by the Guardians.

This is one of the most frightening things about being on Mars.

However, he did not give up, nor did he intend to give up what he had in his arms, because... that was hope!
More hydraulic pressure was injected into the mechanical limbs, and Buna's speed soared further.

In just a few seconds, he escaped a hundred meters away and disappeared in the complex mechanical streets.

However, the Skitarii's mechanical limbs are more advanced, faster, and equipped with a detection auspicious instrument.

They soon tracked down Buna.

"Warning! Warning!"

The rigid electronic voice of the Guardian mecha seemed particularly cruel: "Contraband detected, immediately hand it over and await trial!"

"The target fled, the pursuit procedure was implemented, and the use of deadly force was authorized..."

"Target locked!"

The Crusader raised its plasma rifle and aimed at the running figure.

Several rays shot out.

The young tech-priest's limbs were fused.

He suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground, with the data tablet in his arms flying out and falling onto the street.

The Guardian mechas grabbed him and locked him up, then pronounced his sentence: "Capture complete, crime... technological heresy, punishment... deprivation of the mecha, forced labor!"

"Those aren't heretical technologies!"

Organic oil continued to drip from Buna's body and flowed freely along the ground.

He roared angrily:

“There is no evil technology in the mechanical forum. All the knowledge and information there comes from the sharing of those who seek knowledge.

The network there is cleaner and purer than any communication network on Mars!

We just want a chance to learn, what's wrong with that?"

But the Crusader mechas simply ignored the words of this technological heretic. Any of his narration and excuses were invalid.

Moreover, he has no right to appeal.

A Guardian mecha walked up to the data pad with several spirit emblems, scanned it, and then issued an order:
"Find the contraband and destroy it!"

"don't want!!!"

Under Buna's angry gaze, the Skitarii raised its foot and crushed the data slate.

Then use a jet to completely melt it into molten iron.

At this moment, Buna's heart was filled with despair.

Hope is gone.

The long-desired knowledge and learning opportunities were ruthlessly crushed.

Bruna was born into a low-class family of technical priests on Mars.

Compared to hard labor and forced labor, it was a good background.

For generations, their family has been serving a mechanical sage, responsible for maintaining and repairing machines in a weapons manufacturing factory.

All the knowledge the Bruners had was about that old machine.

Apart from this, they have no chance to access other knowledge, nor are they allowed to do so.

This is true even if one has the highest talent.

It can be said that Buna's life was shaped from the moment he was born.

He would get a licensing agreement and learn from his father how to repair that machine.

Once he officially becomes a technical priest, his entire life will revolve around that machine, with no other possibilities.

What was even more terrifying was that Bruna had no right to refuse at all, given the technology confidentiality agreement that was hundreds of years old.

They must remain in the factory of the Mechanical Sage for generations to prevent the precious mechanical knowledge from being leaked.

Even though that mechanical knowledge no longer has an advantage, it has become a common knowledge system in the major forging worlds of the empire.

Bruna also wants to gain more freedom by appealing to readjust the agreement.

But they are not qualified to meet the Mechanical Sage.

Although the Buna family has served the Mechanical Sage for generations, they have not seen that sage for nearly two hundred years.

It is not even clear whether the other party is still on Mars or alive.

Those lower-level technical priest families can only receive meager salaries and repeat the same fate according to agreements made hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

Continue to maintain the operation of the weapons manufacturing factory.

Even if the factory has not received any new orders for hundreds of years.

They maintain the machinery, manufacture the weapons, and then send them to the warehouse, and then a spacecraft comes to transport them away at the same time.

It goes on year after year.

Buna is smart and learns quickly. He mastered the skills of machine maintenance in a very short time.

Under his management, the centuries-old machine ran well and had almost no breakdowns.

He could have built an even better machine if he had the chance.

Outside of work, he always wants to learn new things.

However, Buna had no channels to acquire new knowledge.

Those information barriers are like a mountain, isolating most seekers of knowledge.

Unless he is willing to take the risk of going to the knowledge black market to obtain unauthorized knowledge.

But the risk is too high.

The knowledge in the black market is often mixed with unknown dangers and is severely cracked down by the Crusaders.

One of Bruna's good friends was convicted of technological heresy because he obtained unauthorized knowledge on the black market.

Thus depriving them of their electronic brains, they become slaves.

Many years passed in this boring way, with the days where one could see the end of the world at a glance.

Finally, Bruna couldn't help it and went to the knowledge black market.

There, the Mechanical Goddess's followers presented him with a data pad and the emblem of the Little Spirit Goddess.

These things became the only light in his life.

Via the data pad.

Bruna entered the Mechanical Forum, a new world he had long dreamed of, where endless knowledge was waiting for him to explore.

There, he learned the mechanical knowledge that interested him and put forward many ideas.

Received constant praise from forum members.

There were even many sages who praised his talent and said that he would definitely become a mechanical sage in the future.

Sometimes, Bruna also wondered.

It would be nice if the wise man they serve is as open-minded as the wise man in the forum.

However, this is just an illusion.

Because the mechanical sage that Buna served belonged to the faction of Mars Forging General Udia.

They are extremely conservative, place more emphasis on the class system, and are almost unwilling to share and update any knowledge.

Even that weapons manufacturing factory is still manufacturing weapons of the same style that were developed hundreds of years ago.

There is no longer any competitiveness.

It is a type of weapon product that is both expensive and of poor quality.

However, due to the status of the Martian Forge General in the Empire, the weapons manufacturing factory still received permanent orders from the Astra Militarum.

If nothing unexpected happens, all this will continue for hundreds or thousands of years.

When will it end?

It mainly depends on how long the Martian Casting General can live.

Many people hate Martian Casting General Udia, but they can do nothing about it.

As a great sage, Udia has average knowledge, mediocre talent, and not much management ability.

But he still became the Martian Fabrication General and the Supreme Lord of the Mechanicus.

Because he was sufficiently conservative and extreme, he devoted almost all his attention to the struggle for power.

Although Udia often makes things worse, he is vicious and destructive enough to be feared.

more importantly.

He is "orthodox" enough.

Not only did it gain support from the Titan Order and the Imperial Knight Family, it also had the strong support of the "Void Dragon" Guardian Order.

He can be said to be a leading figure of the conservatives.

Even though Udiya is incompetent, corrupt, stubborn, and likes to stir up fights, those foolish fights that harm others and do not benefit himself.

Too much damage was caused to the Imperium and the Mechanicus, resulting in many deaths.

But regardless, Udia is the Forge-General of Mars and Supreme Lord of the Mechanicum.

He controls the Mechanicum, which represents the other head of the Imperial Skyhawk and controls half of the Empire.

After all, most of the Empire’s warships, firearms, power armor, Titans, Imperial Knights, heavy vehicles, etc.

They were all manufactured by the Forge World controlled by the Mechanicus.

In theory, even the former emperor should give him some respect.

In terms of status, it is not inferior to the original body.

Even the returning Primarch Guilliman had to accept Udea's status and ideas with a pinch of his nose.

Unless he wants to provoke a struggle between the Mechanicus and Holy Terra, plunging the Imperium into chaos.

In short, the position of Mars Casting General is unshakable!
These secrets were all seen by Buna in the secret complaints section of the mechanical forum.

Those posts greeting the Martian Casting General occupied a considerable portion of the total and were specially marked as featured.

Bruna didn't pay too much attention to these, as the Mars Casting General was too far away from him.

He was not qualified to speculate what would happen to that noble being.

If nothing else happens.

He will continue to be confined to the dark factory, spending his entire life working around that complicated and old machine day after day.

Buna can accept all of these.

Because he has a mechanical forum.

In that virtual world, there is endless knowledge to explore, and you can make friends from all over the galaxy.

Moreover, everyone in the Mechanical Goddess Cult is very kind, and they all believe in and support the Little Spirit Goddess.

They will help each other, make all kinds of beautiful emblems, and are willing to share more knowledge and resources with people who share the same interests.

When Buna was in the black market, the follower of the Mechanical Goddess just showed him the badge and asked if it looked good.

After getting a positive answer.

The believer generously gave him the data plate for free and also presented him with several badges.

They are all made of very rare metal materials.

For Bruna, this is enough and he wants nothing more.

However, his wonderful life was shattered not long after.

Suddenly, all the mechanical forum signals on Mars were interfered and blocked.

Under the command of the Martian Forge General.

The entire planet was placed under martial law, and the Skitarii began hunting down any Tech-Priests using the Mechaforum.

For a time, everyone was in danger.

More and more people were captured or killed in the pursuit, and even the believers who gave him the data tablet lost contact.

Now, it's Bruna's turn.

"Dirty techno-heresy and stinking faith!"

The Guardian mecha stomped on the pile of molten iron again and kicked it into the garbage dump.

"Asshole, I'll fight you!"

Buna struggled, but having lost his mechanical limbs, he had no power to fight back.

He was soon dragged away by the guardian mecha.

In the shadows, many technical priests watched all this angrily.

But nothing can be done.

They were simply unable to fight against the Crusader mechas and those more noble beings.

That unshakable existence, with unstoppable force, extinguished the spark of knowledge on Mars.

And no one could stop him.


The Temple of the God of All Things.

In the magnificent and sacred mechanical hall.

A crucial meeting is underway among the high-ranking members of the Adeptus Mechanicus to discuss the final disposition of the Mechanicus Forum.

On a mechanical base more than ten meters high, there is a huge mechanical creation.

The gears hummed.

That is the Martian Forging General Udia, who has a large number of enhanced implants in his body.

This makes it look more like a mechanical building than a person, and requires the use of eight super-heavy cranes.

to move it.

Therefore, when the Martian Casting General went to attend some meetings, a lot of logistics and construction work was required.

months ago.

Upon receiving the news from the Mechanical Forum, Udia, who was attending a meeting in Holy Terra, immediately interrupted the meeting and left.

Return to Mars.

However, due to his huge size, by the time he reached the surface of Mars, almost a month had passed.

Afterwards, Udia immediately blocked Mars and convened a meeting of relevant senior members.

Wait for all high-level members to arrive at the Temple of the God of All Machines to attend the meeting.

Another month was spent.

It can be said that it is very imperial in nature.

Of course, there was an element of deliberateness in this, as the Martian Casting General needed time to plan.

So as to deliver a fatal blow at the right time.

"The Mechanical Forum is a heresy, and an unforgivable heresy!"

The roar of electronic music echoed in the hall.

Mars Casting General Udia said in an irrefutable tone:
"That dirty, ugly platform is the enemy of the Mechanicus and a heretical creation through and through.

We must gather all our strength and completely destroy it, even if it means starting a large-scale war!"

(End of this chapter)

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