Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 282 Ron: Alas, there is no other way but to disconnect from the Internet

Chapter 282 Ron: Oh, there is no other way but to disconnect from the Internet...

The Temple of the God of All Things.

The unquestionable tone of Mars Casting General plunged the entire hall into silence.

After Udia finished speaking, he also fell into silence.

It was just that his dozens of huge electronic eyes, like warning lights, emitted a red glow and scanned the participants in the hall.

He is waiting.

Waiting for someone who dares to oppose him to appear...

Opposition was dangerous, Udiya knew it, and so did the participants in the hall.

It depends on who dares to jump out.

After Udia received the relevant information from the Mechanical Forum, he felt an irresistible sense of crisis.

Regardless of whether there are hidden chaos, heretical technologies or other risks.

The existence of mechanical forums is the biggest danger.

It is so pure and free, and contains so much data and knowledge.

And it is so loved by technical priests.

These signs indicate.

If it is allowed to continue expanding, the class system and information barriers that the Mechanicus has established over a long period of time will be destroyed.

will be broken.

This seriously affected the status of the Mars Headquarters and his power as the Forging General.

Even more terrifying.

In recent years, there have been more and more voices of opposition within the Mechanicus.

Currently, there are approximately three major factions within the Mechanicus.

The most powerful faction among them is the conservative faction centered around him, the Martian Forging General.

Then there are the radicals who advocate loosening the shackles of knowledge and seeking more truth; and then there are the neutrals who remain neutral and do not participate in any ideological struggles.

As for the Great Sage Caul, he is considered a leisurely person, and some people from all three factions think he is a bit extreme.

However, the emergence of such an extreme platform as the Mechanical Forum did not arouse opposition from radicals and neutrals.

Instead, it is implicitly making them unite, and this trend is very dangerous.

The power of the conservatives is showing signs of waning.

He must launch a powerful counterattack while the conservatives still have the upper hand!

Udiya can no longer tolerate the harsh voices of opposition, and he wants to use this incident to violently eliminate all opponents!
And the Mechanical Forum, which posed the greatest threat to him.

Maintain the original teachings of the Mechanicus for ten thousand years.

Knowledge must be shared with caution.

Such valuable knowledge was handed over so easily to those lowly technical priests.

Not only is it dangerous, but it will also make them lose their respect for knowledge and authority.

If things go on like this, who will obey the orders of the Martian headquarters and him, the Casting General?

Udiya has made his decision.

No matter what the cost, destroy that damn mechanical forum.

That's the only way.

"Master Casting General..."

The silence in the hall was broken, and the radical leader, Gillis, raised an objection:
“Under the watchful eyes of the Mechanical God, we have conducted hundreds of tests and verifications on the Mechanical Forum, and the data obtained shows.

It's a very safe platform.

What’s more, the platform greatly promotes the safe dissemination of knowledge and we cannot destroy it so easily.

We should seek ways to control it and make better use of it!"

Gillis's remarks were supported by several senior members of the radical faction.

"Mr. Gliss, your suggestion makes sense."

Udia said slowly: “Unfortunately, there is currently no evidence to prove that we can control it.

You know, behind that platform is an unknown powerful force.

There’s no way they’re going to give us that chance.”

"Perhaps, we can seek cooperation," said Mina, the neutral leader.

“The Mechanical Forum was originally developed from a branch of our Mechanicus.

From the various actions of the Mechanical Forum, it can be seen that they have never engaged in any behavior of appropriating knowledge.

All uploaded, secure knowledge is shared…”

Most of the high-ranking members of the neutral faction do not have strong backgrounds and resource support.

Therefore, it is difficult to advance many construction and research projects, and the existence of the Mechanical Forum.

It enables them to collaborate on research safely in different locations, greatly reducing the cost of research.

This is why they respect the mechanical forum so much.

Udia patiently listened to the suggestions of radicals and neutrals one by one.

But there was no further response.

The conservatives, on the other hand, remained silent and said nothing.

This strange atmosphere made participants such as Glis and Mina feel a little uneasy.

Gradually, the hall returned to silence again, and only the sounds of some gears running and pistons moving could be heard.

“I have listened to your opinions.”

Udia said slowly: "Then let me announce the conclusion of this meeting..."

His huge body slowly rose up, casting a shadow over everyone, carrying an unparalleled deterrence.

"The Mechanicus Elder Council ultimately determined that the Mechanical Forum and the forces behind it were extremely dangerous heretics.

They are trying to disintegrate the Mechanicus and shake the foundation of the Empire's rule. They are enemies that the Mechanicus and the Empire need to eliminate!"

Udia stared at everyone and said, “From now on, the Mechanical Forum and the forces behind it will be listed as Chaos Heretics.

Mars Headquarters will issue an order to order all subordinate Forge Worlds to withdraw from the Mechanical Forum.

The headquarters will not hold any persons responsible for the withdrawal.

At the same time, the Mechanicus will stop at nothing to completely encircle and eliminate all traces of the Mechanical Forum until it is completely destroyed!

The above is the collective decision of the Mars Headquarters and cannot be changed.

Anyone who dares to resist will be regarded as a Chaos heretic equal to the Mechanical Forum! "

Hearing this, Gliss, Mina and the others stood up excitedly and shouted out their resistance:

"Oh my God, this is ridiculous!"

"The meeting did not vote, the procedure is invalid..."

"This is not fair!"

Suddenly, a huge roar and roar sounded, suppressing all objections:

Udia looked down at the crowd and said, "Patience has its limits. I am the Mars Casting General. My will is the will of Mars!"

"You can't represent us!"

Glis waved his scepter and roared: "You are tyrannizing and blaspheming the Senate..."


Udia was instantly furious.

Zhi! ! !
An extremely fierce ray of light penetrated Glis's body, almost destroying half of him.

He fell to the ground, twitching and gasping for breath.

Numerous implants give Udia unparalleled firepower and advantages.

This sudden scene shocked the radical and neutral members, while the conservatives remained calm.

Seems like nothing was seen.


Mina took a step back in fear, but she was also knocked down by the fierce rays emitted by Udiya.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Mina, you are also a heretic..."

Udiya said unscrupulously.

His electronic eyes flashed red, locking onto everyone: "Now, are there still heretics who want to rebel against the Casting General and Mars?"

The opponents remained silent as their lives were threatened by General Zhuo's brutality.

They raised their shields faintly and gathered together.

The opponents tried to escape and thoroughly expose the brutal crimes of General Casting!

Udia didn't care about this at all.

Boom boom boom——

Heavy footsteps sounded.

This caused everyone in the Temple of All Gods to feel a strong shock.

When the shaking stopped, the dome of the hall opened and light poured down.

The opponents looked up and saw two war monsters nearly 60 meters high standing there, giving people a huge shock.

Its majestic body and the eagle emblem on its head are illuminated by the sunlight.

Shining with golden light.

That is an Emperor-class Titan. She has massive, destructive, and direct firepower, and is an unrivaled mobile fortress on the surface of the planet!
Fear spread among the opposition.

Udia actually secretly dispatched two Titans to deal with them. How did he do that?

Dozens of various weapons on the Emperor-class Titans were aimed at the opponents in the hall.

As long as they make the slightest movement, they will launch a devastating attack!

Udia watched all this with satisfaction. He really put a lot of effort into arranging this meeting.

He issued an ultimatum:

"Just surrender, I will give you a chance to live and appeal, otherwise you will be destroyed!"

The situation was irreversible, and the opponents had no choice but to give up resistance and accept the arrangements made by the Casting General.

With the end of the meeting.

The Mechanicus Elder Council announced to the outside world that Gliss and Mina colluded with heretics and tried to disintegrate the Mechanicus.

Fortunately, such a horrific heresy was stopped by the Martian Casting General.

The two traitors, Gliss and Mina, were severely beaten and arrested. After the evidence of their crimes is recorded, they will be publicly tried and sentenced to death.

As for his followers, they will be temporarily detained for further investigation.

Since then, Udia has eliminated the opposition with an iron fist and completely occupied the core of the Mechanicus.

Even more authority.

Now, the Mechanicus Elder Council had no objection to his decision and only absolute obedience to his will.

The will of the Mars Forge General will represent the will of the Mechanicus!

Subsequently, the Mechanicus Mars Headquarters issued an edict to all Forge Worlds, ordering them to withdraw from the Mechanical Forum.

At the same time, declare war on the Mechanical Forum and the forces behind it!

After the decree was issued, there was turmoil in the Mechanicus and even the Empire.

Some conservative Forge Worlds responded to the call from headquarters and began to force the technical priests of their worlds to withdraw from the Mechanical Forum.

More forging worlds chose to delay, remain silent, and prepare to express their views once the situation becomes clear.

There are also some forging worlds that are extremely angry about the decision of the Mars Headquarters.

But given the majesty accumulated by the Mars Headquarters over tens of thousands of years, they still dare not speak out.


Mars Forge General Laboratory.

Udia's massive mechanical body was immersed in a lake of motor oil, undergoing maintenance.

"Sir, less than one-third of the Forge Worlds have responded to the decree."

A loyal conservative subordinate reported: "But their progress in clearing the heretic platform is very slow.

Also, based on the positioning of the heretic platform, they are located on the dark side of the empire, and it is difficult for us to carry out physical attacks on them." "I understand."

Udia did not react much to this, as he had already expected these results.

Struggle is always full of risks.

Moreover, the Mechanical Forum has endangered the status of the Mars Headquarters and the Casting General.

Could he just sit there and wait for death?
Or choose to give in and cooperate with that heretical platform that suddenly emerged.

Delegating precious knowledge to those technical priests?
Simply ridiculous!
As long as he can destroy the Mechanical Forum with the force of thunder, those wavering worlds will naturally submit.

And those who try to resist will naturally disappear into thin air.

In terms of military strength.

The Mars Headquarters has an absolute advantage and can violently suppress those Forge Worlds that dare to resist.

"Has there been resistance to the Edict on the Forge World?" Udia asked.


The loyal subordinate shook his head: "A few Forge Worlds did file a complaint in accordance with the agreement, trying to defend the heretical platform..."

Udia snorted coldly: "Pick two that are closer and send troops to suppress them!"


Soon, the Martian headquarters sent troops with thundering force to suppress the two Forging Worlds that had filed complaints.

This action completely made Holy Terra unable to sit still.

The leaders of the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Fists, and several other organizations attempted to intervene to mediate the dispute.

To avoid causing further unrest.

Even the Primarch who was far away at the front line sent a warning letter.

However, those mediators were blocked by Udia.

He solemnly emphasized the position of the Mechanicus.

At the same time, it was pointed out that according to the Martian Covenant, they had no qualifications to interfere in the internal affairs of the Mechanicus.

Otherwise it would be a provocation to the Mechanicus, please ask them to respect themselves!
Afterwards, Udia wrote back to the Primarch, promising to destroy the heresy and quell the chaos as quickly as possible.

This will definitely not affect the Primarch's expedition.

After rejecting all mediators, the army of Mars Headquarters violently suppressed the two Forge Worlds.

The local foundry director was removed from his post and replaced by a conservative person who fully implemented the order to clear out the machinery forum.

Such a thunderous suppression action frightened many wavering Forge Worlds and made them choose to respond to the decree.

Since then, more than half of the forge worlds have responded to the decree.

However, privately, the casting directors of those worlds were miserable, and the response was a response.

But the order to clear cannot be implemented.

Therefore, they only persuaded them in a low voice and did not dare to enforce the law with violence.

Otherwise, they were afraid that they would not live long enough for support from the Martian headquarters to arrive.

When the news of these responses to the imperial edict reached conservatives such as Udiya, it greatly encouraged them.

The advantage is back on their side!
Deep underground on Mars.

The ancient portal slowly opened with a low roar.

The dark green light surged out like a tide, carrying ancient secrets and unknown powers, illuminating the surrounding space.

It seems to contain the profundity of the universe and the rhythm of life.

The mechanical wise men who guarded the order walked in slowly, carrying a complex machine.

They walked to a huge mechanical ring and worshiped it.

In the center of the ring is a beating fragment of matter.

The rhythm and light emanated from it.

That is the fragment of Star God.

The Star Gods are insulators of the subspace, pure material beings, ancient and powerful, like planet devourers.

Feeding on the energy of the planet.

They are arguably the most powerful non-psychic entities in the universe, true living gods.

Fortunately, the star gods no longer exist, leaving only fragments.

But even the fragments possess unrivaled power.

Udiya looked at all this with pride.

This Star God fragment is one of the most secret secrets of the Mechanicus, and even involves the origin of the Mechanicus.

As a casting general, he is qualified to access such secrets.

The fragment of the Star God in front of him was the guarantee that he was confident he could destroy the Mechanical Forum.

Although Udia was unable to control this Star God fragment, he was also unable to touch the seal.

But he can use machinery to slightly draw out some of the quantum energy from the fragments and channel it through the network.

Completely destroy the network core of the Mechanical Forum.

After this battle, the Mechanical Forum will be destroyed, and his power in the Mechanicus will also reach its peak.

Udia roared, "I...will win!"


Ers planet.

Machine Soul Host Fortress, CNC Center.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Kaur cursed, fidgeting like an anxious monkey.

So annoying!
It's not just because of the depressed mood in the mechanical forum where everyone is worried about themselves, but also because of the ranking issue.

Not long ago, the Mechanical Forum launched several lists, including the Innovation List.

He, the genius Kaur has always been at the top.

However, recently, an anonymous guy who came out of nowhere has squeezed him out and taken the top spot on the list.

Kaul had debated with the anonymous member and felt that the old guy had some strength.

But he is also confident that he can take back the top spot.

What's annoying is that the Mars headquarters announced an attack on the Mechanical Forum, which made him busy building and updating the network defense matrix.

There is no time to compete for the rankings.

"Damn Mars headquarters, you stinking conservatives, one day the genius Caul will go there and blow you all up!"

Kaur cursed.

Several mechanical arms struck the network device, leaving afterimages.


Not far away, Ron was lying on the sofa with his chin in his hand, thinking about a solution, hesitant.

Now, they are unable to confirm what kind of attack method the Mars headquarters will use.

"Dad, don't worry, they definitely can't crack my network defenses!"

Xiao Ling made a cute expression, trying to ease her father's anxiety.

“I always feel uneasy”

Ron shook his head: "Besides, this is not a solution..."

He sighed deeply and finally made a decision:

"Well, for safety reasons, activate the 13th defense plan. We cut off all external lines and close the forum."


Hearing this, Kaur let out a shrill scream and collapsed into a chair, exhausted.

But the next moment, intense anger broke out.

He stood up and roared, "Mars headquarters conservatives, I will fight you to death!"

"That's right, this is what I want. This forum has to be closed!"

When Ron saw Cole's condition, his eyes suddenly lit up and he became more confident in the strategy of closing the forum.

These days, he has been hesitating about how to respond to the attack on the Martian headquarters.

After all, that is half of the empire.

Moreover, those oil men seemed to be suppressing their emotions, and due to the intimidation from the Martian headquarters, they did not dare to confront them.

But the Mechanical Forum was unable to jump out and gather the oil men to attack the Martian headquarters.

Then it would lose its neutral status.

The Mechanical Forum has taken the initiative to fight against the Empire and the Mechanicus.

It is likely to shatter its aura of neutrality, sharing and non-contention, and attract more criticism.

But just now, Ron figured it out.

This situation is not unsolvable.

Only when they lose something will they truly understand how precious everything they once had was.

This is the only way to ignite their anger and make them take the initiative to fight for their own rights.

Moreover, the oil men do not need to fight against the entire Martian headquarters, they just need to concentrate their firepower on Martian Forging General Udia.

This can minimize the losses caused by the struggle.

Now, the forum is full of posts cursing the Martian headquarters, conservatives, and the local casting director.

Among them, the most posts were those cursing Udia.

The oil guys have enough suppressed emotions, and all they need is a spark.

Ron provides the spark and then gives the choice to the oil man.

Only the oil men took the initiative to give the Mechanicus a bone-scraping treatment and solve the problem once and for all.

Only in this way can a good environment for knowledge dissemination and academic research be formed.

Otherwise, the mechanical forum will never have peace.

Even if we resist this attack, who knows if those conservatives will jump out again.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

It depends on how this fire burns to Martian Casting General Udia.

Ron wrote a circular.

Dear members of the Mechanical Forum:

God of Machinery, all the operational members of the Machinery Forum announce this news to you with heavy hearts.

We do not know how to prove our innocence against the false accusations and terrible threats made by Martian Forge General Udiya Laski.

At the same time, we are unable to resist the attacks of that being.

For the safety of all operating members, Goddess Xiaoling and forum members, we have to suspend the operation of the Mechanical Forum indefinitely.

Therefore, from the moment the notice is issued, the Mechanical Forum will stop operating until the operating environment becomes safe again, and then the service will be resumed.

Finally, I would like to say sorry to the members of the Mechanical Forum and thank you for your continued support!

Sincerely from all the operating members of the Machinery Forum.

After Ron typed this notice, he looked at Xiao Ling: "Xiao Ling, upload the notice, and then... disconnect the Internet!"
A forge world.

In a dark corner, several oil guys gathered together stealthily, reading the posts in the forum.

moan and groan.

The current situation is not good. Some forging worlds are already forcing the collection of data plates and forcing forum members to withdraw from the mechanical forum.

Fortunately, it hasn't affected them yet.

Suddenly, the oil man exclaimed: "What on earth is going on?"

On the data board, the page of the Mechanical Forum disappeared, leaving only a notice of cessation of operations.

Off the net?!

Looking at the notice, the oil men trembled all over, with uncontrollable anger bursting out in their chests:

"Urdiya, I *you*!"

(End of this chapter)

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