Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 283 You are the conservative, your whole family is conservative!

Chapter 283 You are the conservative, your whole family is conservative!

Deep underground, in the Tinos Hypercube Labyrinth.

Under the control of the Mechanical Wizard of the Guardian Order, the complex machine started up and a beam of energy appeared.

Projected onto the Star God fragment.

Boom boom boom!
In the mechanical ring, the fragments of the Star God that were beating slowly like a heart were stimulated and began to beat more and more violently.

The fragments of the Star God became active, emitting more dark green light, and the rhythm of life became clearer.

Everyone can feel the impact of this rhythm on the machinery.

It contains the mysteries of all machines, as if all the machines in the universe should submit to it!
"Praise the Almighty God of All Machines!"

The mechanical wise men surrendered to this great power, kneeling on the ground and falling into complete frenzy.

Then, they fanatically tore off every implant in their bodies and dedicated them to the great God of All Machines.

As implants were forcibly pulled out one after another, the mechanical structure of the body completely collapsed.

Can't move anymore.

The mechanical wise men collapsed to the ground, even so, they were still praying and worshiping fanatically.

It looks extremely weird and scary.

This is the god that the Mechanicus truly worships, or more precisely, the true owner of this fragment.

One of the most powerful star gods in the universe—the Void Dragon!

The Void Dragon can control all machines, even if its body is shattered, only some fragments will be left.

But even just a fragment can have a huge impact on the machine.

Perhaps, the Void Dragon is the empire's most dangerous enemy.

Because the human empire is so dependent on machinery, blindly entrusting itself to it.

Not only the technical priests, but the vast majority of the humans in the Empire have mechanical implants implanted to varying degrees.

If the Void Dragon ever awakens and regains his true form, he will cause all mechanical creations in the empire to malfunction.

Total collapse.

It could be even worse, as those mechanical creations and implants in the body could be completely taken over by the Void Dragon.

In this way, the human empire may suffer a catastrophe even more serious than the Iron Man Rebellion.

The door to the maze is outside.

"What a great force!"

Udia's body, like a building, was shaking slightly, and he felt a little complicated.

He longed for this power, but at the same time he was terrified by its might.

Udiya could feel it.

If you enter the portal yourself, you will most likely suffer the same fate as the Mechanical Intellect.

The Martian Casting General has secretly made a decision that he must find a way to take control of this power in the future.

By that time, no one would dare to defy his will.

"Such a powerful force will definitely completely destroy that damn heretic platform!"

Udiya was extremely excited.

After so much careful preparation, the moment of victory finally arrived.

The struggles of those who oppose are feeble and ridiculous.

Now, the fate of their cherished heretical platform rests in his hands.

As long as he pulls down the mechanical valve.

The power of the great void dragon can pass through the transmission lines and destroy the heretic platform at the network level.

Along with that intelligent abomination called Xiao Ling.


Udia pulled the valve without hesitation, and the dark green energy was transmitted along the cable to the outside of the door.

Then they rushed towards a mechanical sphere with a data plate in the middle.

"This is what happens when you disobey the Forge General!"

Udiya sneered.

He couldn't wait to see the astonishment and fear of those opponents after the heretic platform was destroyed in an instant.

Opponents who lose their heretical platform are just a group of scattered sand.

With the strength of the Martian headquarters and conservatives, they can easily be suppressed one by one!

Once the leading opponents are eliminated and replaced with conservatives, then the entire Mechanicus.

They must obey his will.

When the will of the entire Mechanicus is unified and obeys the Forge General.

He will become the most powerful man in the empire.

Even that old antique Primarch has no right to tell him what to do!

Udia proudly imagined the future, and the electronic eyes on his head shone brighter.

"The Great Martian..."


The mechanical sphere suddenly exploded, and the spilled dark green energy affected his mechanical system.

This makes the shield installed on his body ineffective.

The fragments that were thrown out by the violent explosion hit his face.


O Mechanical God, what happened?
Udia's excited voice was stuck, like a rooster being strangled by the neck.

However, he didn't wait for a reaction.

There were also dramatic changes in the Tinos Labyrinth, and the machine responsible for guiding energy also exploded.

Along with the shock wave, more dark green energy poured out, severely injuring several elders of the Guardian Order near the portal.

They fell to the ground wailing in pain.


Because of the loss of control of his machine, Udia fell heavily to the ground, sprawled out.

In an instant, the sealing system of the Tisno Labyrinth sensed the strong shock wave.

It responded immediately and intensified its suppression of the Star God fragments.

The door of the maze was suddenly closed at this moment, causing the entire maze building to temporarily fall into a tightly locked state.

All external interference and danger are firmly kept out of the door.

"Who can tell me what happened?"

Udia was furious. He struggled to hold up his mechanical body and questioned his subordinates around him.

The great elder who guarded the order wailed:

"Oh, Almighty God of All Machines, the maze portal has returned to the locked state. We have lost the authority to open the door..."

It took them thousands of years to guard the order and gain this little bit of authority.

To have the opportunity to access that great power.

Now, they no longer have that authority!
Moreover, the builder of this maze possesses unparalleled mechanical technology.

In this situation, even they do not have the ability to open the portal by force.

"Udiya, this is your responsibility. You urged us to use the power of the great void dragon.

This is what led to the consequences!"

Several elders of the Guardian Order angrily scolded Udia, making the scene even more chaotic.

"Silence, stop!!!"

Udia was beaten with the elders' scepters and he roared, but to no avail.

If the weapons system hadn't been in chaos, he really wanted to shoot these conservative old men!
Fortunately, the Divine Machine Guards rushed over and dragged away the elders who were guarding the order.

The order here was temporarily restored.

Then, Udia learned the reason why the attack failed: the Mechanical Forum was closed!

Not only was the Mechanical Forum shut down, but all network lines were also cut off, which led to the excessive accumulation of power from the Star God fragments.

Destroyed the boot machine.

Even more fatal was that damn announcement.

Originally, Udia banned the Mechanical Forum in the name of the Mars Headquarters.

However, that notice only targeted him!

After reading the notice, Udia felt an indescribable sense of crisis in his heart.

The struggle has entered a dangerous moment.

If he is not careful, he will face failure.

"Quick, gather all forces to support Mars!"

Udia responded immediately.

The current situation does not allow any more hesitation, and he must suppress his opponents with tougher measures.

Only in this way can we retain power.

Moreover, he cannot retreat in the slightest, otherwise his opponents will see his weakness.

They will be attacked by everyone.

Fortunately, the conservatives are still strong enough.

After the Martian Forge General's decree was issued, hundreds of forging worlds, Titan orders, and knight families.

They all expressed that they would send elite forces to support Mars.

As support forces began to set out one after another.

This made Udia feel a little relieved. With this power, let alone those Forge Worlds that dared to resist.

Even Holy Terra can't do anything to him!

Next, we only need to use the unparalleled power of the Mars Headquarters to forcefully suppress those Forging Worlds that resist most fiercely.

Just fine.

Enter Holy Terra.

The supreme lords and heads of institutions fell silent.

Given the current situation, they have no way of intervening unless Udia asks for help personally.

Otherwise it will easily lead to greater unrest.


A forge world.

The closure of the Mechanical Forum caused an uproar.

In a dark corner.

"Urdiya, I *you*!"

The angry curses from the oil men of the Mechanical Goddess Group immediately resonated with people.

In an instant, more voices greeting Udiya came from nearby and spread to more places.

The anger was ignited.

The oil men walked to the middle of the road, cursing wildly, and more and more oil men gathered around them.

Soon, all the mechanic guys in this area followed behind those mechanical goddess mechanic guys.

The crowd moved forward.

In fact, the oil guys in the team were just cursing along with the team.

I don’t know where to go next or what to do.

They marched aimlessly, greeting the Martian Forge General.

Seeing that there were so many people here, other oil men also came over to watch and joined the team.

This caused the team's size to expand rapidly.

Gear Avenue.

When the parade passed by a laboratory, a mechanic who had been working late for several days was awakened by the noise.

He stuck his head out of the window and looked out at the mechanical street.

The oil man looked at the protesters on the street in a daze and was confused:
"For the love of the Mechanical God, why are there so many people here?"

Suddenly, an oil man in the crowd gave him a look and shouted, "Hey brother, do you want to go?" "Oh...oh!"

This sentence, whether to leave or not, seems to have some magic power.

Although he didn't know the other person, the oil man who had just woken up didn't even ask where he was going or what he was doing.

He instinctively stood up, put on his robe, jumped out of the window and joined the parade.

He didn't know what to do, but it was definitely a good thing to follow the main force.

As the parade moved forward, more and more oil dealers joined in, making the team even larger.

Suddenly, the oil guys from the Mechanical Goddess Group in the front row of the team stopped.

After they stopped, the whole team stopped as well, and the crowd gradually became quiet.

Looking at each other.

Those engine oil guys were confused.

They want to start thinking about one thing: where are we going?

With so many people here, we have to find something to do, right?

Otherwise it would be tiring to keep scolding like this.

When a crowd gathers, there will always be talented people who show up and offer advice.

A smart guy scratched his head, glanced into the distance, and suddenly said, "Hey, is this the way to the Foundry Palace?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of the other companions immediately lit up.

"Yes, let's go to the Foundry Palace!"

“Yes, I heard that the casting director got the position by currying favor with the conservatives.

Moreover, it was he who issued the forum ban order!"

The leading oil man turned around and yelled to the team: "Brothers, let's go to the Cast Palace!"

"The casting director is a conservative man, he needs to pay for all this!"

"F*cking casting director!"

The oil men's parade moved forward again, heading towards the Foundry Palace in a large crowd.

Once the goal was set, the oil men became more determined and divided the work.

After all, the foundry palace is heavily guarded, and it is not easy to break in.

However, these oil men are not ordinary people, they are high-end technical talents.

And they are high-end talents capable of manufacturing weapons.

The oil men quickly sent out a communication, calling for more people to join, and began to organize the division of labor.

New oil men arrived one after another, and they brought with them many powerful weapons.

Arm the team.

There was even an oil guy who dragged out a newly built heavy cannon from the laboratory on the spot.

The oil men rushed to the square of the foundry palace like a tide and had unimpeded passage.

The religious guards along the way did not dare to stop them.

This is a team composed entirely of mechanical oil men, and among them there are quite a few mechanical sages.

Moreover, the mechanical projects they research are also diverse.

There are melta rays, gravity weapons, super-heavy poison blade tanks, and a large number of armed heavy intelligent machines and servo skulls.

At the same time, there are also organized aerial vehicles.

Such armaments are more than enough to conquer a planet.

With such a powerful parade, why would these religious guards risk their lives?
The sentinels kept reporting the latest situation to the Foundry Palace, and the rest of the guardian mechas acted as guards.

Follow both sides of the team.

Now, the nature of the parade has changed. They are no longer a group of oil men demonstrating and swearing in the streets.

But a powerful armed force.

It can even be said that it is a huge powder keg heading towards the foundry palace.

The guards of the foundry palace did not dare to do anything radical and even had to lead the way with a good attitude.

To prevent any obstacles from arising along the way and irritating these mechanical guys, they would start bombing directly.

Inside the foundry palace.

"Mechanical God, are they here to attack me?"

At this moment, the foundry director was like an ant on a hot pot, extremely scared: "The order was issued by the Mars headquarters, there is nothing I can do...

Besides, I only persuade people, not enforce them!"

The casting director felt that his life was over.

In fact, he wanted to run away, as he would be safe if he ran to the Martian headquarters.

However, some bastard closed the route and mobilized the near-orbit artillery array.

Targeted the area near the Foundry Palace.

There are also large artillery blocking other areas.

Therefore, he couldn't run away even if he wanted to, and it was safest for him to stay in the foundry palace.

Because this place has the most complete shield system on the planet.

"Say something!"

The foundry director looked at the two deputy directors, trying to get their help.

After all, he, the foundry director, together with two deputy directors, have enough firepower to deal with this crisis.

Of course, it is only a temporary response. Once a large-scale war starts, they can only be under the cover of the troops.

Leave this planet in disgrace.

However, the two deputy supervisors just looked at him coldly without any response.

Their relationship with the casting director was not very harmonious and they did not want to get involved in this mess.

"Mr. Director, you are the one who caused this problem, so you should be responsible for resolving it!"

"That's right. If you don't leave now, they will probably break in..."

The two deputy supervisors were determined and asked the foundry director to go out and solve the problem.

The current situation is no longer under the control of the Foundry Palace. If they are not careful, all of them will die here!

The casting director felt very frustrated.

Judging from the situation, if he doesn't go out on his own initiative, the two deputy supervisors will arrest him and throw him out.

His fate will be even worse then.

What's more, his position was not formal, and he was not strong enough to deal with the two deputy supervisors.

The foundry director gritted his teeth, activated all the defensive force fields on his body, and then stepped onto the levitator.

Go towards the square.

In any case, he had to persuade the demonstrators to disperse.

As soon as the casting director came out, he saw the huge crowd in the square, and he was so scared that he almost couldn't control the levitation device.

Those slogans of condemnation made him even more terrified.

The casting director felt the crowd's anger and felt a sense of despair and powerlessness in his heart.

He underestimated the Tech-Priests' thirst for mechanical forums, and their hatred of the old guard.

It's over now...

The shield of the Forge Palace rises.

The foundry director carefully approached the edge of the shield.

He used a sound generator to try to speak to the crowd: "Everyone, I understand your emotions, but..."

However, the next moment.

The crowd's anger grew even more intense, and the slogans against the foundry director became louder, drowning out his words.

Some people even set up heavy artillery on the spot.

"It seems like there's no way this can be resolved peacefully. You guys forced me to do this!"

The casting director was roaring in his heart.

He completely gave up the idea of ​​persuasion and made a cruel decision.


Several huge cannons were raised in the Foundry Palace, and the black muzzles looked extremely terrifying.

Such a scene caused the crowd to fall into silence.

People did not retreat at all and watched all this with anger.

At the same time, shield lights gradually rose among the crowd.

The tense atmosphere reached its peak, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the next development.

But what is foreseeable is that war is coming!


Finally, the casting director had a chance to speak. He turned up the sound generator to the maximum and shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, listen to me one last thing..."

He used all his strength to utter the most powerful words ever spoken:

"Udiya, I *you*!!!"

The casting director's angry roar echoed repeatedly in the square, and the lingering sound was lingering.


The crowd was stunned by the casting director's sudden scolding.

But soon, they reacted and cheered!
The casting director breathed a sigh of relief at the crowd's reaction.


Fortunately, he cut ties with the conservatives in time and turned to the light.

Anyway, he is not a direct descendant of the conservatives and cannot integrate into their core of power.

Why should we follow them all the way to the end?
“Protest, protest!”

The foundry director left the shield's protection range and blended into the crowd of demonstrators without any hindrance.

He roared: "Oppose the edict, long live the Mechanical Forum!"

Slogans of protest came out of the foundry director's mouth one after another, and he looked like the leader of the demonstrators.

He resolutely complied with the people's demands, opposed the conservatives and tried Udia.

Moreover, the casting director's attitude was more resolute than anyone else.

After all, if I don’t get that guy out of office, I’ll be finished!

The foundry director came to the front of the team, fist raised high, and roared: "Oppose the decree, judge Udia!"


Lucius Forge World.

Foundry Palace.

An expulsion of conservatives is underway.

The mechanical sages were outraged: "You damn conservative, get out!"

The old technical sage was excited: "You are the conservative, your whole family is conservative!

I am a member of the Mechanical Forum and definitely not a conservative! ”

"Where's the evidence?"

Hearing this, the technical sage was stunned. He hesitated under the gaze of everyone.

Then, he hardened his heart and opened the anti-detection layer, revealing more than a dozen extremely cute little spiritual emblems.

The crowd was in an uproar.

I didn't expect that you, a conservative with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would secretly rebel and even join the Mechanical Goddess Group?
Soon, the technical sage was cleared of suspicion.

After all, everyone knows that the Mechanical Goddess Group is the group that most maintains the Mechanical Forum.

Moreover, the small spiritual emblem in the old guy's hand is of a very high level, and only senior members can have the opportunity to obtain it.
at the same time.

As the anger of the technical priests was ignited.

Similar things are happening on more non-Conservative-controlled Forge Worlds.

For a time, conservatives became notorious and dangerous, and many people took the initiative to cut ties with them.

Even taking the lead in vigorously attacking...

(End of this chapter)

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