Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 286 Vashtor: I will eventually ascend to godhood!

Chapter 286 Vashtor: I will eventually ascend to godhood!

A month later.


Acid hive.

On the streets, the technical priests were immersed in jubilation.

That damned oppressor, Forge General Udiya, has been driven from power.

At the same time, the Mechanical Forum also issued a new announcement to thank the technical priests for their righteous contributions.

Announced that the forum will restart in five days.

"Praise the Mechanical God..."

In the celebrating crowd.

Bruna held a brand new data tablet with the little spirit emblem embedded on it and felt incomparable happiness.

It is knowledge and hope.

After the "Battle of Judgment on Mars", the conservatives led by Forging General Udia disappeared.

The Great Primarch, the Regent and the combined forces of the Mechanicus jointly declare:

Forge-General Udia and his core members are heretics and traitors of the Mechanicus, and the Mechanicus will try them in the name of Omnissiah.

After the trial.

A large number of conservative members were either punished or expelled from the core of power.

These technical priests who were persecuted by rebels like Udia were also rescued and received good treatment.

Even more gratifying is that Buna is free.

After the conservatives lost power, all their properties were confiscated and became the collective assets of the Mechanicus.

The weapons foundry where he had been working was also among them.

The Mechanicus will upgrade and transform those weapon foundries to a certain extent.

Rejuvenate it.

The profits obtained will be used as a public fund to support the research of some technical priests within the church.

Or invest in technical education.

This suggestion was made by the genius Kaul and was recognized by everyone.

Same old, harsh, rotten protocols.

All of them were abolished.

"God of Machinery, Master Cawl is such a good man, and he is also one of the founders of the Mechanical Goddess Group!"

Like other technical priests, Buna admired Master Kaul very much.

He had received notice that the technology confidentiality agreement that had bound their family for hundreds of years had completely become invalid.

This means that he can now work from anywhere, or research freely.

If he wants, he can also sign a new agreement and continue working in the previous weapons foundry.

Bruna has read the contents of the new agreement.

As the Mechanicus has realized, overly harsh, rigid, and decadent religious constraints and technological blockades will only bring confinement.

Moreover, excessive repression and restriction are more likely to allow chaos to take advantage of the situation.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many technical priests willing to betray humanity and throw themselves into the arms of the Black Mechanicus and Chaos.

Therefore, although the new regulations have relevant restrictions, they are already very relaxed in the eyes of technical priests.

It will hardly affect their exploration of knowledge.

Bruna liked the new agreement very much, so he chose to stay in the weapons foundry and give full play to his talents.

Build better machines for factories.

He was already eager to try.

Bruna fantasized about the future, then stuck his head out and looked out at the street, expectantly, he was waiting for something.

Time passes gradually.

The jubilant atmosphere turned tense and depressing.

In the distance, there was an angry noise, and the crowd was cursing something.

Soon, a heavy tractor pulled a black mass that looked like some kind of mechanical object towards the street.

That was the rebellious leader of the Mechanicus - Udia.

Huangquan No. 8 Casting Director, Genius Kaul and other oil men disarmed him and gave him a hearty and inhumane beating.

Afterwards, the oil men judged Udiya in the name of Omnissiah.

He was stripped of all his power and honor.

Today, Udea has been stripped of his status as a Forge-General, leaving only a pile of broken cybernetic implants.

Once tall, he was dragged by a heavy crane and forced to be paraded through the streets of Mars as a heretic.

Face the wrath of the Tech-Priests.

This was a public humiliation and a punishment for his perverse and heretical behavior.

more importantly.

The oil men came all the way from all over the galaxy, and they would have gone back if it weren't for the kick that bitch Udia gave them.

It will appear to be a loss.

Therefore, the genius Kaul proposed the suggestion of parading the people through the streets to release the accumulated anger.

Forum friends will also find the trip worthwhile.

His suggestions were praised and recognized by the oil men.

Then, medical equipment was installed on Udia's body and he was subjected to continuous torture.

This is also a warning.

Let those in power know what will happen if they do evil things and provoke people’s anger.

on the street.

The heavy tractor slowly drove over with Udiya, and Kaul's voice was playing on the truck:
"In the name of the Mechanical God, please torture in an orderly manner. There are still many people behind us. Do not use lethal weapons..."

Seeing Udiya, the crowd's anger was instantly ignited.


"Udiya you ***!"


The oil guys either rushed forward and beat them wildly, or used flame weapons to roast them, and some even used powerful electromagnetic shocks.

Various weapons inflicted unspeakable pain on that bastard.

Bruna also seized the opportunity, rushed forward with the angry crowd, and kicked twice.

Venting out the anger that has been suppressed for a long time.

"You lowly people, you shouldn't treat a Casting General like this!"

"Stop, do you know who you are facing?!"

"I am Udia, the great casting general. You lowly fellows are not qualified to treat me like this..."

Udiya roared incoherently.

The pain in his mechanical body was secondary; what was even more unbearable for him was the act of being paraded through the streets.

He, the great Udiya, has admitted his mistakes and is willing to step down and hand over power.

He retired from office from then on.

Why wouldn't those damn rebels let me go?

Now, his image has been completely destroyed and turned into a huge joke and a clown in history.

The once powerful Martian forging general Udia has turned into dust on Mars.

Even the most humble person can kick and spit at you.

This made him feel unprecedented humiliation and pain!
I do not know how long it has been.

Udia was finally on the verge of collapse.

"God of Machinery, I was wrong, completely wrong. I beg for your forgiveness..."

"Kill me, by the Mechanical God, please end my life!"

Udia's electronic voice trembled and tears welled up in his tear ducts. This was the first time he showed his vulnerable side in public.

The former Martian Casting General was willing to bow his head, beg for people's forgiveness, and give himself a quick death.

He just hoped this whole damn thing would be over soon.

Let those humble guys stop humiliating themselves.

"What the hell?"

On the heavy tractor, Kaul's excited voice came from the lift: "Which brother is so awesome that he made this damn Udiya cry?

Come on, brothers, step up your efforts, and don’t forget to take a group photo! ”

Suddenly, the oil men cheered and increased the intensity of torturing Udiya.

Then he took a photo of himself beating up Udia in the coolest pose.

"Cool, you devil, I curse you, I curse you!"

Uditya was furious and cursed Kaur as a devilish bastard.


Lord Udia, I still like your rebellious look now."

Kaul didn't care at all and continued:

“By the way, I have recorded the historic moment when Udia cried like a clown just now.

I will upload the video and emoticon package to the mechanical forum later, and brothers who want it can download it themselves! "

"Long live the genius Kaur!"

The oil men cheered and paid tribute to this talented and quick-thinking oil man.


Many of Kohl's thoughts and actions were learned from the savior.

"Do not!!!"

Udia let out a shrill scream. The double torture of physical and mental torture made him completely collapse.

The Casting General paid a heavy price for his actions.

After round after round of torture, Udia was dying, and both his mind and body were severely damaged.

After the parade, he was hung high on the Tower of Atonement that he had ordered built.

Enduring endless scorching sun exposure.

This punishment will accompany him for a long time, until he ends his sinful life...


The Temple of the God of All Things.

The new members of the Mechanicus Elder Council are holding their first meeting.

The previous Mechanicus Elder Council was almost entirely controlled by Udea and the conservatives.

Therefore, after Udia stepped down, the Mechanicus Elder Council was basically cleared out.

The Mars Casting General and a large number of seats were vacant.

The Mechanicus United Army summoned high-ranking members and held a new election.

Finally, everyone elected Mina, the leader of the neutral faction who had been severely persecuted, as the new Martian Forging General.

Everyone was tacitly aware of this appointment.

After all, this Lord Mina is the senior member of the Mechanicum who is closest to the Primarch.

Behind this "Battle of Judgment on Mars", there must be the strong support of the Primarch.

But everyone tacitly agreed not to mention this matter.

What's more, Mina has enough qualifications and is indeed the most suitable candidate to be the Mars Casting General at present.

Her philosophy is relatively moderate. She does not fight for power and profit, and focuses more on the development of the Mechanicus and the survival of the lower-level technical priests.

Moreover, she also agrees with the mechanical forum.

If you don't choose Mina.

Should we choose radical people to be the forging general, or those who study alien technology?

This is more risky.

In short, there was almost no controversy about Mina being appointed as the Mars Casting General.

After Mina took over the position of Forge General, she reorganized the Mechanical Elder Council.

The leaders of the Allied Forces, including the Director of Foundry of Huangquan No. 8, all got a seat on the Mechanical Elders Council.

What is even more surprising is that the mysterious genius Cawl also entered the Mechanicus Elder Council.

As a non-resident member.

This time, the Casting General Mina summoned a group of elders to discuss matters related to the Mechanical Forum.

In any case, the Mechanicus must give a clear attitude towards that mysterious platform.

We can't continue to be ambiguous.

Of course, there was no doubt about the outcome of the meeting.

According to the decision of the Senate, the Mechanical Forum is a sacred and loyal platform, and members of the Mechanicus can enter freely.

Conduct academic exchanges.

In fact, Mina and the others also thought about communicating with the person behind the Mechanical Forum to gain some authority, but they were firmly rejected.

Relevant parties of the Machinery Forum stated that this would make it impossible for the forum to remain neutral and would easily become a tool for profiteering.

At the same time, the Mechanical Forum has made a commitment to remain permanently neutral and not do anything that goes against the spirit of knowledge dissemination.

Mina and others had no choice but to accept this.

Because the mechanical forum is no longer restricted by anyone, the tragedy of Udia is right in front of us.

Even if the Mechanical Forum announced the establishment of a new Mechanicus tomorrow, I believe that most of the Mechanical Priests would follow them.

Rendering the Mechanicus a hollow shell.

At that time, Mina and other senior executives will of course choose to join.

What else can they do? Can they give up the Mechanical Forum?
Technical priests have become inseparable from the Mechanical Forum.

It is the only platform in the galaxy that allows them to communicate and conduct research safely.

For the technical priests, losing the Mechanical Forum is like a modern person being cut off from both electricity and the Internet.

How can we live our lives?
In this case, the Mechanical Forum is willing to remain neutral forever, and they can only shout for the blessing of Omnissiah.

Therefore, the Mechanicus had no choice but to join.

After the meeting, Mars Casting General officially issued an edict to establish the legal status of the Mechanical Forum.

This caused the Mechanicus to be in jubilation, and almost all technical priests joined the Mechanicus forum.

However, this phenomenon frightened the imperial high-ranking officials.

Unknowingly, the Mechanical Forum almost took control of the Mechanicus, which was a huge threat to the Empire.

Fortunately, the great Primarch and Regent Guilliman appeared in person and recognized the Mechanical Forum.

He declared to the Empire that the Mechanical Forum was a safe and controllable platform.

Under the Emperor's protection.

There is no need to worry.

Such remarks completely calmed the Empire's panic about the mechanical forum.

At the same time, the forces of the empire were shocked.

They have reason to suspect that the Primarch is one of the people behind the Mechanical Forum.

The Regent took control of the Mechanicus in such a short time without bloodshed.

Gain half of the empire.

Suddenly, the Primarch's power increased greatly.

Especially those unruly forging worlds no longer take a perfunctory attitude towards the Empire's orders.

Instead, we use the best production lines to complete orders to the highest specifications.

Make every effort to provide productivity for the Indomitable Crusade.

Those Forge Worlds feared being reprimanded for failing to fulfill the Primarch's orders.

Of course, what they fear most is that the Primarch will cut off their network. What’s the difference between that and the end of the world?

Mars Dockyard.

The warship of the Urs Mechanicus slowly sailed out.

Inside the ship's cabin.

Ron and Cole were looking at the latest intelligence received.

Looking at each other.

Wow, the news is that Regent Guilliman is the man behind the Mechanical Forum?


Kaur frowned and said slowly, "Do you think we should dispel the rumor?"

The Lord Savior and he are the real people behind the Mechanical Forum.

In order to keep it secret, I tried so hard to keep it secret on Mars that I almost got exposed.

However, now all the limelight has been stolen by the Regent.

He felt so uncomfortable.

"Dispel rumors. Why do we need to dispel rumors?"

Ron shook his head:
"Isn't this good? Our Mechanical Forum has gained supreme legal status and can continue to operate smoothly.

And old... the Lord Regent has gained power and can better unite the Empire and resist Chaos.

The Mechanicum itself gained a safe research platform, its technological strength increased greatly, and the oil men could also surf happily.

This is a win-win-win situation, and everyone wins.

Well, except for Udiya..."

"You do have a point."

Call didn't even look up, his attention returned to the dataslate.

Suddenly, he jumped up excitedly: "Yeah, I'm back on the top of the list. I have to go and mock that old man!"

Ron glanced at it, curled his lips, and didn't care too much.

Based on his predictions and Xiaoling's data analysis.

The old man that Caul wanted to mock was most likely the great sage, Belisarius Caul.

Ron wondered whether he should remind Kahl.

After all, Kohl is quite good at scolding people in the mechanical forum, and his power is comparable to that of the foul-mouthed guys in the forum.

What if the great sage is angered?

When the two of them meet in the future, the genius Kaul will probably be pinned to the ground by the great sage Kaul.

"Tsk, forget it..."

After taking a look at Cole's weird look, Ron retracted the idea.

I really want to see him get beaten up.

Ron continued to think.

His good half-brother Guilliman should have confirmed the ownership of the Mechanical Forum in some way.

The energy of the little sun is almost entirely on Xiao Ling's network lines, and Guilliman has had close contact with the little sun.

Even if his spiritual power was dull, he could still distinguish it.

This time, the Mechanicus incident can be regarded as a collaboration between the two brothers across the air.

Everyone benefits.

I hope that good brother will like it.

Today, the Mechanical Forum is officially on the right track and can bring about a huge improvement in the territory's technology.

Almost all of the research results of those engine oil guys have a share in the territory.

Even if they don't upload it, they will use Xiaoling's computing power support, and the territory can still obtain relevant technical data.

Moreover, with the support of the data of the entire Mechanicus, Xiao Ling's database and intelligence strength.

It will get an unimaginable improvement.

In this way, Xiao Ling's psychic network can cover more places, and he can also carry out the next plan.

Anyway, go home first!


The battleship jumped into the subspace channel and disappeared from the Martian airspace...
Carapace Sector.

The Great Primarch led the Indomitable Expedition Fleet and took back this territory that originally belonged to mankind from Chaos.

On the surface of Caphras, the remnants of the battlefield were removed and the bodies of the traitors were completely burned.

The expeditionary force is preparing for the upcoming expedition ceremony.


A landing ship slowly descended from outside the atmosphere.

Inside the ship's cabin.

Guilliman's huge body sat at his desk as usual, dealing with a never-ending workload.

For the survival of mankind, he works day and night.

But the Primarch did not frown as he did in the past, but instead smiled.

His good brother sent him a big gift.

The disgusting forging general Udia, who was hypocritical and treacherous, has been defeated.

The Mechanicus participated more actively in the Indomitable Crusade and contributed more production capacity.

This causes the pressure everywhere to drop suddenly.

Guilliman would have liked to see a Mechanicus like this, not a bunch of decaying, moving humanoid machines.

Why in the empire, the older the weapons, the more powerful they are?
That's because the Mechanicus doesn't research new technologies at all, and the inherited technologies are lost layer by layer.

Of course, the things made under this situation are not as good as before.

Many troops in the empire are still using equipment from the Great Crusade, and they call them holy relics.

Guilliman was almost vomiting blood in anger.

Fortunately, with the help of its good brothers, the Mechanicus regained its vitality.

I believe better equipment will be produced soon.

"Father, I seem to have found the feeling of the Great Expedition..."

Guilliman muttered.

Just like during the Great Crusade, the brothers worked together to fight for humanity.

Now, he is no longer alone...

The landing ship stopped.

Guilliman disembarked and stepped onto the land of Carapace.

Bright sunlight casts down.

Groups of automatic chanters flew across the sky, and priests rode on floating vehicles to bless the bare land...

In the distance, a construction team is working on constructing a brand new building.

Everything is so vibrant.

Guilliman felt happy watching all this.

I have the confidence to win this war that concerns the fate of mankind...

He and his brothers will fight side by side and let the war burn against the dark gods!

The Eye of Fear.

Black Mechanicus territory.

Recently, the black oil guys are in a bad mood.

Because of jealousy.

The emergence of mechanical forums has made the black oil guys feel a little envious of the oil guys on the imperial side.

At the same time, there is more resentment and jealousy.

Why on earth are those damn guys lucky enough to have such a wonderful platform?
The black oil guys did not hesitate to betray humanity, moisten the Eye of Fear, and turn themselves into this horrible appearance.

It's for the so-called freedom of research.

For these, they are willing to sacrifice their souls and work illegally in the chaotic soul factory.

Create various weapons and chaos engines for the Chaos side.

It was exhausting.

However, now, the oil men on the Empire side are freer than them and can acquire more knowledge!

In this way, their betrayal and sacrifice become somewhat ridiculous.

The black oil guys will never accept this!

In the void of the Dark Mechanical Factory, there floats a huge Chaos Ring Machine covered with mechanical tumors.

These days, the black oil guys have been working overtime to catch up with the work, and even many people have been sacrificed.

This is how the Chaos Machine was created.

They made a pact with a demigod.

He will help the Black Mechanicus seize the Mechanical Forum, its huge database and unparalleled computing power!

Amid the roar of machinery, evil power descended, and a huge figure made of flesh and blood and machinery appeared in the air.

Vashtoor comes.

He looked at the chaos machine and smiled cruelly.

Now, all the elements for success have been gathered together to achieve that ultimate delicacy.

Vashtor was deeply aware of this.

Just devour the data life form that has divine power and obtain the platform.

Then there will be no more obstacles on His path to becoming a god.


Accompanied by the screams of dozens of Black Mechanicus members, the Chaos Machine began to spin, emitting more dark green light.

Vashtor spread his arms and slowly floated over, revealing an indescribable enthusiasm:

“I…will eventually ascend to godhood!”

(End of this chapter)

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