Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 287 Ron: Do you believe in light?

Chapter 287 Ron: Do you believe in light?

Lunar Forge World.

Huge foundries are scattered across the surface, spewing steam and emitting a faint golden psychic light.


The assault ship roared through the air and slowly descended, the golden sun emblem on the ship's hull illuminated by the light.

Shining brightly.

That is the vehicle of the great savior.

Upon seeing this, the technical priests and workers of the Forge World saluted the ship.

"Is this the last stop?"

Ron yawned and strolled off the boat, set off by a robe embellished with expensive metallic threads.

Looks lazy and noble.

After the matter of the Mechanical Forum was concluded, he returned to the planet Ers and embarked on a tour that lasted several days.

Inspect the progress of important projects in the territory on the spot.

Currently, the Territory is pursuing several important research projects.

For example, the deciphering of the panacea.

The Medical Research Institute aims to decipher the relevant technology in order to produce more targeted, low-cost drugs that can treat the plague.

Since the panacea is a technology from the Golden Age and the technology is too advanced, the deciphering speed is low.

Especially slow.

But Ron gave a strict order that it must be researched no matter how much it cost or how much time it took.

Because in the near future, a terrible plague will sweep across the galaxy, killing countless humans.

That was the plague war launched by the Chaos God Nurgle against humanity.

Almost no civilized world can stay out of it.

He couldn't imagine how many people would die and how great a blow the territory would suffer after the plague.

Fortunately, there is still time and there are ways to deal with it.

Can prevent in advance.

In addition, after obtaining sufficient technical data from the mechanical forum, a new generation of equipment is also being developed.

Mainly a full-body armor for mortals.

It was experimental equipment that was ahead of its time and fraught with difficulties.

Just defending against chaos erosion is enough to give researchers a headache.

The Warp is a spiritual existence.

Once the Chaos Demon appears, he can destroy the will of mortals on a large scale and even corrupt and control their minds.

In this situation, no matter how strong the armor a mortal wears, it will not be of much use.

It’s better for everyone to have a hot melt gun, and it’s a profit if they hit it.

Of course, we still have to have dreams. If we can develop such equipment, it would be the best result.

By then, with the powerful supply of resources, he will have an endless supply of mortal scaled-down space warriors.

"Lord Savior."

The head of the Heavy Vehicle Center said respectfully: "The test site is ready. We can show you the new equipment at any time."

"Then let's go..."

Ron got in the reception car and drove towards the test site.

He was looking forward to the new equipment, because they were big, a man's dream...

Soon, the reception vehicle drove into a huge test site several kilometers high.

dong dong dong-

As soon as Ron got out of the car, he heard the sound of heavy machinery stepping on the ground.

It was a six-meter-tall, scarlet War Angel Dreadnought mecha, independently developed by the territory's Dreadnought Research Institute.

Named the Redemption I Dreadnought.

Although the body of the dreadnought in front of him was heavy, it used a streamlined design concept compared to the Empire's dreadnoughts.

Appears to be more flexible.

The Dreadnoughts, Imperial Knights, and Titans currently developed by the territory are all equipped with semi-automatic driving modes.

It reduces the burden on thinking, allowing more people to control such large war vehicles.

Currently, there are roughly three driving modes set up.

An ordinary skilled driver who has been trained can easily control the first gear mode.

The second gear mode is a full-mind link mode like semi-automatic plus empire.

The difficulty suddenly increased.

It is for geniuses or people with special driving talents, and is not suitable for ordinary skilled drivers if they do not worry about brain damage.

It can also be used in a short period of time.

As for the third gear, it uses technology related to the Titan-class plasma reactor recoil starter.

It's an overload mode with sparks and lightning all the way.

Exclusive for legendary and heroic characters.

Normal drivers may also choose to use this mode to risk their lives at critical moments.

But there is a high probability that they will be sent to the ICU or die on the spot afterwards.

Even so, it is a necessary and valuable function for the human empire where loyalty and sacrifice are paramount.

It is worthwhile to deal a fatal blow to the enemy of humanity at the necessary cost in order to save the lives of more compatriots...

The reason why humans have been able to survive in this purgatory galaxy to this day is largely due to the continuation of the race through cruel sacrifices.

Ron sighed slightly, pulled his thoughts back to look at the red dreadnought mecha.

At this moment, it is performing various complex movements to test its flexibility.

beep beep-

The alarm sounds.

This means the experiment is ready to begin.

The researchers gradually left, leaving only the Dreadnought in the huge battlefield simulation test area.

Ron followed the researchers and retreated to the observation deck covered by a defensive shield.

After all, the firepower of the Dreadnought is a bit strong, and it might be hit by a few heavy bombs or storm heavy artillery.

That must not hurt.


The hatch opposite the experimental area opened, and a familiar-looking Dreadnought walked out.

Ron recognized it immediately: "Isn't that the Contemptor Fearless that the heavy armored chicken thieves dragged out at the beginning?"

It was this Contemptor Dreadnought that allowed the territory to initially acquire the manufacturing technology of Dreadnought mechas.

Moreover, he picked up Colin, a thousand-year veteran, for free as the instructor of the Space Marines.

It seems that the research institute wants to use the Empire's Dreadnought to compete with the Territory's Redemption Type I Dreadnought...

Let’s take a look at the specific performance of the new dreadnought mecha.

The Contemptor Dreadnought was in good repair, with just a data cable connected to the back.

Probably they want to use cables to connect thoughts and simulate the driving effect of the driver.

After the two dreadnought mechas approached, they stopped.

next moment.


Both sides raised their main weapons and began a fierce bombardment, with heavy bombs, heavy artillery, and plasma cannons pouring down madly.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire.

The obstacles were torn into pieces as if they were made of paper.

The two Dreadnoughts made almost no evasive moves and just suppressed with pure firepower.

It can be seen that the Red Redemption Type I Dreadnought has more powerful firepower and better defense.

Dang Dang Dang!
The Contemptor's Dreadnought's shield failed first.

The body is under attack.

Seeing this, the Redemption I Dreadnought stopped attacking and continued to face the enemy's firepower.

After a few seconds, the shield of the Redemption I Dreadnought was also broken.

dong dong dong.

The two Dreadnoughts stopped suppressing fire and sprinted towards each other with all their strength, engaging in close-range hand-to-hand combat.

Use melee weapons to fiercely attack the opponent's weak points.

For a moment, the roar of metal collision resounded.

"You said... Did the pilot of that Crimson Dreadnought have some grudge against the Contemptor Dreadnought? Why did they fight so fiercely?"

Ron watched as the Crimson Dreadnought smashed the Contemptor Dreadnought with agile speed, then used its power claws to dig it out fiercely.

Fearlessly defeat those who despise you.

The green light comes on.

The observation deck's shields were lowered.

The researchers drove an engineering vehicle carrying test equipment towards the two Dreadnoughts.

To obtain relevant test data at the first time.

Soon, the cockpit of the Red Dreadnought opened, and Colin jumped out of the cabin, looking in a good mood.

"So it's this guy. No wonder he has some personal emotions..."

Ron came over and when he saw it was Colin, he immediately expressed his understanding.

After all, this veteran soldier had endured inhuman torture for ten thousand years inside that fearless machine.

Old-school dreadnoughts are hot, stuffy, and punishing to the body and soul.

Ron smiled and asked:

"Colin, how's the new fearless driving experience?"

"Praise the Emperor..."

Colin recalled the painful memories of the past, and tears welled up in his eyes: "The feeling of driving the new Dreadnought is so wonderful, it's like heaven. There is no doubt that my old one is the devil's hell!!!"

The veteran was right.

Compared to the old model of dreadnought, driving the new dreadnought mecha is indeed a pleasure.

Now, major research institutes have implemented the design concept of the Savior without affecting performance.

They are all designed with comfort in mind.

For example, the red fearless in front of you.

Not only is the entire machine equipped with an air circulation system, but also a temperature regulation system.

Keep the cabin temperature constant and controlled at a level that is comfortable for the human body.

At the same time, the seats are ergonomically designed, comfortable and soft, allowing for easy and fearless control.

Small hot and cold lockers are also set up so that soldiers can replenish their energy with delicious food anytime and anywhere.

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, if you are rich, you can cover it with firepower.

The current principles of the territory's military development mainly include three:
1. Stronger firepower, artillery fire sweeping the ground.

2. Don’t skimp on building abundant logistics.

3. The equipment operation experience is comfortable and not anti-human.

In this situation, even the Space Marines using bolter rifles are not very fond of single shots.

Direct violent shooting.

Anyway, the logistics team will deliver the ammunition in time.

Even in extreme situations, when you are deep in enemy territory, the logistics team will find a way to deliver ammunition to you.

Of course, in most cases, reinforcements are sent along with ammunition.

In short, just go for it and it's done.

The soldiers only need to concentrate on fighting, and the logistics team will do everything possible to provide the necessary resources and assistance.

The reason why the territory can achieve this level.

The main reason was that Ron established a huge logistics system, and the number of logistics personnel was almost several times that of the army.

In his view, war is all about resources and logistics.

At all costs, we must try our best to avoid the soldiers being isolated, helpless, and out of ammunition and food.

Such strategic concept and logistical design are necessary when resource conditions permit.

It can better enable soldiers to maintain their combat effectiveness.

After all, the Savior has worked hard to create better conditions, so shouldn't the warriors be more loyal?
Colin stroked the red fearless weapon and said, "It would be great if this kind of fearless weapon could be promoted in the empire, so that the veterans wouldn't have to endure pain and torture..."


Ron looked at the Red Fearless and sighed: "That day will come..."

Because the Crimson Dreadnought was created by relying on the psychic energy of the little sun and related alien technology.

It cannot be promoted on a large scale in the empire for the time being.

After all, those warbands prefer pure human technology and will most likely reject it.

Once the influence of the territory expands and excellent results are achieved on battlefields around the country, perhaps this concept can be changed.

Let those chapters accept it.

By then, the territory will be able to provide them with such new fearless mechas on a large scale.

After inspecting the situation of the Dreadnought, the Savior went to the Imperial Knights' experimental field.

"This is what men like to play with..."

Looking up at the 10-meter-tall Imperial Knight mecha, Ron's DNA was mobilized.

The Redemption series knight mecha manufactured by the territory has optimized the size of the mecha.

The overall shape is streamlined.

Moreover, the limbs and joints are thickened and covered with heavy armor.

Two layers of defensive shields are loaded at the same time.

The appearance is between the mechas of the previous life and the Imperial Knight mechas.

It has a more domineering appearance and deterrence.

Now, there are three types of large war machines in the territory: Dreadnought Mech, Knight Mech, and Titan.

Dreadnoughts belong to the Space Marine Chapter and are piloted by Space Marines.

The knight mechas and Titans belong to the territory's army, which is part of the Storm Army Group.

Today, the Storm Army has expanded with the addition of the Knight Heavy Combined Brigade and the Titan Heavy Combined Brigade.

To cope with different combat environments.

In this way, these large war machines can also fight in coordination better.

In the definition of territory armaments, Space Marines belong to special assault operations teams, while Storm Army is used to deal with large-scale wars.

Of course, in the event of a large-scale war, they will also fight together.

After Ron took a look at the Knight Mech, he couldn't help but say, "Since I'm here, I must try it!"

Who doesn't want to fly a mecha?

Moreover, his physical fitness and thinking are close to those of the original body, even without any training.

It is more than enough to drive a mecha.


The huge dark gold mecha took a step forward, raising thick smoke and dust.

"Hiss~ The experience is indeed different..."

Ron carefully felt the connection between his mind and the machine, as if he had become one with the knight mecha.

That little mental burden was almost nothing to him.

But he was still keenly aware of a slight delay.

The knight mecha moved forward clumsily, but after a few steps its movements became smooth.

Soon, an identical knight mecha came from the opposite side.

"Damn it... Lord Savior, why are you on the Knight Mech?"

Yarui's rough voice came through the communication, and he was a little surprised.

Obviously, the driver of the knight mecha on the opposite side is the commander of the Storm Army, Ari.

There is no way this tough guy who likes to charge into battle will miss such a big guy.

"I'll just give it a try, you can't hold back."

Ron controlled the joints of the knight mecha, ready to have a good fight with this tough guy.

"Well, you will see the true strength of Immortal Yarui soon!"

Yarui became cautious. Facing the powerful savior, he had to use all his strength.

Boom boom boom——

After the experiment began, Ron controlled the mecha and launched a fierce cannon attack.

However, they were all avoided.


Can this be dodged?

Seeing that the fire suppression failed, Ron activated the jet behind the knight mecha and suddenly accelerated towards Yarui.

This can be considered as the unique technology of the territory.

It is said that this technical concept was proposed by a mechanic in a mechanical forum, and it was even installed on the Titan.

When he was halfway through the charge, Ron suddenly activated his power chainsaw weapon and slashed at Ari.

However, the attack was dodged again.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and fired a shot in the face with his backhand.

Only then did he hit the opponent.

At the same time, Yarui also launched a counterattack, almost cutting off half of the shoulder armor of Ron Knight Mecha.

The fierce fight between the two sides almost shook the entire test field. The final result was that both sides' mechas were scrapped.


Ron's cockpit flew out and fell to the ground. He climbed out dazed, having been so absorbed in the fighting that he almost forgot himself.

Yarui's mecha was in an even worse state, almost scrapped, with sparks crackling all over it.

"Savior, are you okay?"

Yarui ran over nervously, sweating coldly, fearing that the savior would be injured.

boom! ! !
Behind him, the knight mecha exploded violently, and fragments scattered everywhere.

Fortunately, Ron had a defensive shield on him, so there was no impact.

He quickly looked up at Yarui, this guy didn't seem to have any defensive shield on him.

It would be bad if I got hurt.

However, Ron's worries were unnecessary.

From the fierce battle to the impact of the explosion, Yarui didn't even get a scratch!
What kind of divine choice is this?
The experiment ended with the explosion of the Knight Mech, and the researchers rushed to the wreckage as usual.

Data collection.

Compared with those low-intensity combat experiments, such high-intensity combat can collect more data.

Of course, these large war machines still need to be tested on a real battlefield in the end.

Only after obtaining sufficient actual combat data will it be put into large-scale production.

After all, once the casting assembly line is started and there are enough resources, the products will be shipped out in large quantities.

If performance problems occur at that time, the losses will be huge.

In this case, we still need to be more cautious.

Because the star zone is too peaceful, there are no large-scale wars.

The Ministry of Military Affairs has already been planning to deploy this batch of large-scale war machines to external battlefields.

After inspecting the knight mecha.

Ron took another look at the Redemption model Titan, which was about eighty meters tall.

Those 100-meter high-end models, which are equivalent to the top-level Emperor-class Titans, are also being cast.

As for the experiment.

It was just a simple test firing of the weapon.

These big guys, driven by several drivers, are a bit destructive and a bit expensive.

It is not easy to conduct combat tests on the planet.

Once the Military Affairs Department has chosen a location, they will go directly into the battlefield to test the machines.

It can also help the local civilized world to deal with enemies.


Spire Mansion.


Ron lay back against his pillows, swiping at his datapad, looking at some news reports from the Territory.

This is pretty much his bedtime routine.

Now the Propaganda Department has established a news agency.

It is said that a television department will be prepared to shoot some films to promote the great savior.

Compared with previous promotional methods, it can be considered an upgrade.

Brushing and brushing.

He suddenly discovered that the page on the data pad became stuck and garbled characters appeared.

At the same time, the circuit in the bedroom began to flicker faintly.

Ron stood up instantly and became more alert:
"Chaos is invading. Could it be that Slaanesh-chan is here to find us?"


On the data board, Xiao Ling's intermittent and panicked voice appeared, sending out a call for help.

The territory's psychic network, or rather, Xiao Ling's main body, was attacked! ——
The Eye of Fear.

Black Mechanicus territory.

A huge chaotic ring machine full of mechanical tumors floats in the void.

The demonic pilot, the data devourer, the great demigod Vashtor, is at the center of the Chaos Machine.

Dozens of tentacles mixed with flesh, blood and machinery tightly connect it to the chaotic machinery.


Soon I will have the potential to become a god!"

Vashtor let out a shrill, wild laugh, and countless streams of data poured out of his body.

Launch an attack on the target's data network defense barrier.

at the same time.

A large number of Black Mechanics gathered under the Chaos Machine, kneeling down and chanting binary hymns in praise of the Black Mechanic God.

More tentacles stretched out from the chaotic machines, piercing into the back of their heads, grabbing the computing power in their electronic brains.

"Praise the Dark Machine!"

The black oil guys are becoming more and more fanatical, and they will contribute their strength to seize the great platform on the Empire side!
With the impact of huge computing power, the platform's data defense barrier collapsed.


Ers planet.

Machine Soul Host Fortress, CNC Center.

"The data barrier is broken, and the enemy's chaos code has invaded Xiao Ling's body!"

Call screamed.

Ron looked at the data monitoring screen, extremely anxious.

Even putting personal feelings aside.

Xiao Ling's safety must not be compromised either, as she is one of the cornerstones of the territory's development.

Any disturbance will have a huge impact.

For example, now all of Xiao Ling’s computing power is invested in the data defense barrier.

The territory was cut off from the Internet and electricity was also affected, hampering many daily operations.

Many foundries have come to a standstill.

That's an entire star region, the loss is huge.

What's more troublesome is that this is a data-level intrusion and there is almost nothing he can do to help.

If I'm not mistaken, there is someone capable of carrying out data attacks of this magnitude.

There are only those demigod demons Vashtor.

If He really swallows Xiao Ling, the consequences will be disastrous!

Kaul kept operating, but he was powerless: "The enemy's computing power is stronger than Xiao Ling's. We can't defend ourselves at all!"

This terrifying attack came so suddenly that the dozens of data defense barriers set up in the territory could not stop it at all.

"Do you believe in light?"

Ron thought of something and suddenly said something.


Kaur was a little confused.

"Since Xiao Ling doesn't have enough computing power, we will provide her with computing power!"

Ron issued an order: "Xiao Ling, try your best to allocate computing power to provide a communication for the Mechanical Forum, and at the same time fully open up the computing power channel.

Kaul, please post a notice on the Mechanical Forum and ask all the forging worlds to provide computing power support!"

Since Xiao Ling can provide computing power for the oil guys.

Conversely, the oil guys can also use their own electronic brain matrix to provide computing power for Xiao Ling.

Today, they will use the power of mortals to fight against the demigod.

Ron urged:

"Quick, call the brothers to the station!"



Weapons foundry.

"what happened?"

Bruna nervously looked at the garbled text on the data pad, worried to the point of tears.

That's a sign of chaos code.

What’s even more terrifying is that the data shows that Goddess Xiao Ling is under attack!
This sign made almost all engine oil men feel anxious and panicked.

It seemed that all the good things were about to leave them.

Fortunately, a new notice was posted above the garbled code:
The Chaos Demons invaded and wanted to seize the platform and devour the Mechanical Goddess, who was unable to resist.

The forum calls on technical priests to provide computing power for the Mechanical Goddess!

In fact, this is a very risky thing.

Failure or error would result in serious damage to the electronic brain.

This dealt a heavy blow to the engine oil guys.


Buna resolutely inserted the data cable into the back of his head: "Protect the Mechanical Goddess!!!"

Data streams flowed through the electronic eyes, and he almost stopped moving, focusing on outputting his meager computing power.

To protect the beauty we once had.

Huangquan No. 8 Forging World.

Foundry Temple.

"Director's order, all members of Huangquan No. 8 are to provide computing power to the Mechanical Forum until death!"

The foundry director gave the order with determination.

One of his mechanical arms grabbed the thick data cable and patted the small spirit emblem on his chest.

"For the Mechanical Goddess..."

The casting director said softly, then suddenly inserted the thick data cable into the back of his head.

Inside the hall, senior members of Huangquan No. 8 performed the same action and contributed their computing power.

"For the Mechanical Goddess!"

At the same time, the oil men in other casting worlds were connected to the data cables one after another.

Donated his computing power.

For engine geeks, the Mechanical Forum is like a cyber sanctuary.

Their spiritual home.

This is a war between the Oilmen and Chaos, and they will never allow Chaos to destroy their home!


Ers planet.

Machine Soul Host Fortress, CNC Center.

Ron waited anxiously.

He could feel through the energy channel that Xiao Ling was struggling to hold on.

The demon pilot's data stream was like a hungry mechanical vulture, constantly devouring the little spirits that looked like data balls.

Xiaoling's data life is slipping away!
Suddenly, Kaul cheered:

"Praise the Omnissiah, the power of calculation... is coming!"

In the many forging worlds of the empire, countless oil men have contributed their strength to Xiao Ling without hesitation.

Their power is small though.

Like a firefly.

But one by one, tens of billions, or even more oil men, their glimmers gathered together.

Then you can... become the sun!
At this moment, enormous computing power from all over the galaxy has gathered here.

The hundreds-meter-high machine soul host instantly heated up, and the power gathered by countless machine oil men... it's here!
Ron could sense it.

On the data level, countless computing powers converged on Xiao Ling, causing him to undergo a transformation.

The data ball representing Xiao Ling slowly cracked open, and a figure that looked like a little girl appeared.

The computing power of the oil men was attached to her, forming armor and wings.

"No...how is this possible?"

Vashtor clearly felt that the power of that data life form surpassed his own!
"You big bad guy!"

Xiao Ling's face turned red. This was the first time she met such a bad person and also the first time she was so angry.

It was this guy who got himself injured and made his father worry.

"Kill you!"

Xiao Ling flapped his wings slightly, and suddenly flew towards the mechanical vulture formed by the data, then swung his fists violently and punched it in a random manner.

"Do not!!!"

The mechanical vulture let out a shrill scream, then vanished into thin air under Xiao Ling's glowing fist.

Vashtor's attack failed and more data was lost.

Inside the CNC room.

Kaur jumped up suddenly and cheered: "Long live Xiao Ling, we won!"

Call ~
Seeing this, Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed in his chair.

After all, it was his idea.

If it fails, so many oil men will be hit hard.

Then he is the sinner of the human empire...

at the same time.

Countless engine oil men in the forging world also shouted in victory.

They cheered and hugged their good brothers around them.

This is a common victory for the oil guys!

The Eye of Fear.

Black Mechanicus territory.

"Do not!!!"

Along with Vashtor's screams, the circular chaos machine exploded completely, and fragments flew everywhere.

above the ground.

The black oil guys suffered heavy losses from the backlash and explosion of data.

Needless to say, their plan to seize the Mechanical Forum failed miserably.


Vashtor roared, and under the stimulation of the electric arc, black smoke continued to overflow from the cracks on his body.

This failure caused Him to lose a lot of data power and His strength declined significantly.

More importantly, his hope of becoming a god was shattered.

"No, I will never accept such a failure. I haven't lost yet..."

After calming down.

Vashtor regained his coldness, and his eyes glowed with a fiery red light.

This attack was not without results.

He obtained the location of that data life host.

Since she cannot win at the data level, she will face even more terrifying attacks.

The great data devourer will personally invade!
on the ground.

Those black oil guys felt their scalps tingling when they saw the Mechanical Evil God's gaze coming towards them.

Want to escape.

It’s bad enough that he’s working illegally, but now the Mechanical Evil God wants his life?

However, it was still too late.

Countless sharp mechanical cables pierced the bodies of the black oil guys, forming a strange magic circle.

Rich chaotic energy spread, and Vashtor was in it, revealing a fiery and cruel gaze.

This time, that data life will definitely not be able to escape!


The chaos mechanical array suddenly exploded!


Spire Mansion.


"Now... can I finally get a good night's sleep?"

Ron collapsed on the soft big bed and let out a long sigh.

Now, the data network has been restored, Xiaoling is fine, and Kaul is also guarding the CNC room.

There shouldn't be any problem.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt the surging energy in the subspace.

Ron quickly dived into the subspace and possessed the little sun to see what was going on.

He looked at the golden sun, which was emitting divine light and was sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller, and felt a little confused.

This feeling is a bit like what?

Suddenly, Ron had an accurate definition and said in surprise:

"The old God Emperor is warming up?!"

(End of this chapter)

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