Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 288 Vashtor: Save me, the cursed one is so scary!

Chapter 288 Vashtor: Save me, the cursed one is so scary!
Black Mechanicus territory.

As the chaos array exploded, countless cables grew out like hair.

The sharp cables seemed to have consciousness, winding around and exploring, looking for any living being.

The sounds of pain and wailing continued to ring out.

"Evil Mechanical God, we sincerely beg for your forgiveness and are willing to serve you forever!"

Many black oil men knelt on the ground and begged, hoping that the demon demigod would spare their lives.

However, all this was in vain.


Sharp cables pierced the back of their heads and dragged them into the chaos array as a blood sacrifice.

Although the demon demigod enjoyed the offerings, he didn't care about the life or death of mortals.

Didn't even cast any glance at me.

To Him, the blood and souls of His believers are His personal property, and they are willing to give everything for the great demigod.

It is the greatest gift.

The rest of the black oil guys listened to the wailing of their fellows, and they were all filled with fear and regret.

They are regretting.

I regret why I betrayed humanity and trusted the evil mechanical god!

Now, not only did they fail to obtain the knowledge they had always dreamed of, but their bodies and souls were also drained away!

The black oil guys just want to escape, escape from this terrible soul foundry and stay away from the clutches of the mechanical evil god!
Unfortunately, no one can escape the gaze of the demon demigod.

They were all pierced by the sharp cables that spread everywhere and fell into the chaos circle screaming.

I paid the price for my past ignorance and betrayal.

Perhaps, there are innocent people among the black oil guys, and they did not fall into darkness voluntarily.

It was only in the process of pursuing knowledge that he was deceived and seduced by the devil demigod.

Leading to the fall.

Had to flee the Empire and enter the Eye of Terror.

However, the galaxy is so cruel that humans will be doomed if they are not careful.

Become a plaything of the Chaos Demon.

Allow those high and mighty, immortal Chaos Gods to play with them at will.

Flesh and soul are trapped in eternal torment.

The light of the chaos array grew brighter.

The sharp cables almost drained the black oil guys' flesh, blood, and souls, including their data and memories.

Turning it into dried and rotten waste of the warp.

The chaos formation constructed by the demon demigod almost consumed all the black oil guys here.

Their corpses were floating densely in the void.

Vashtor looked at this scene with a smile and was very satisfied with it. The formation was constructed successfully.

The light of the chaos formation penetrated the veil between the subspace and reality, pointing directly to a dark human planet.

And locked the location of the data life mechanical entity.

"Ah, little guy, I found you..."

The hatred in Vashtor's fiery red demon eyes was like a blazing flame that could burn the soul.

It's that data life and the planet it belongs to, and those damn technical priests.

The great demigod was harmed.

This is simply unforgivable.

The great Vashtor has decided to carry out a brutal massacre of data life on that planet.

Let those technical priests watch helplessly as everything they cherished was ravaged.

Of course, the humble humans on that planet could not escape the tragic fate.

Who let them be there?
Vashtor checked the environment of the data life machine entity and found that there was no fatal threat there.

He just glanced at it out of habit.

There are not many beings in the galaxy that can threaten him.

"Those damned forerunners took up precious space. Otherwise, I should have a place among the gods, and I would be even more powerful!"

Vashtor was disgruntled.

Many powers within reality and the Warp have been taken.

In particular, Tzeentch's powers have many overlaps with his own, which limits his further development.

Fortunately, He found a new path to advancement.

As long as he devours that data life form, his mechanical power will be unparalleled, and he will be able to control the network, machinery and communications at will.

At the same time, exert influence externally.

By that time, He will receive a steady stream of believers.

Unless humans are willing to abandon machinery and return to primitive times.

Otherwise, they will never be able to escape from the true master of the machine - Vashtor!

After a brief investigation, Vashtor could no longer suppress his anger and desire to devour.

Click! ! !

The Chaos Array pierces the veil between the Warp and reality, creating a passage to the core of the data lifeform's mechanical entity.

Of course, it will cost more to bring the real body into reality.

But He no longer cared.

Because, compared to the effort, the harvest is so abundant that it is unimaginable...

"Tremble, weep, the great Vashtor has come!"

The demon demigod roared, transformed into a ball of chaotic energy and entered the passage, moving forward at full speed.

He didn't want to wait even a moment!


Ers planet.

Spire Mansion.

In the bedroom, Ron suddenly woke up, looking a little dazed: "What's going on? Why is the Emperor so anxious?"

Just as he was about to ask the God-Emperor about the situation, he was ejected from the subspace by the surging energy.

There won't be any danger...

Could it be that after being beaten by Xiao Ling, Vashtor still wanted to continue attacking for revenge.

Or do you want to devour Xiao Ling at all costs?
After all, that demon demigod is a chaos god on the mechanical side, and is in the same field as Xiao Ling.

But He is a being with malicious intent toward mankind.

They like to hide in the communication network and whisper, disrupt communications and transmit false information.

Or spread chaos through machinery and create mechanical failures.

By the way, he will influence the research of the engine oil guys and pretend to be the God of Machinery to deceive some weak-willed engine oil guys.

That guy has done all kinds of bad things and is one of the major obstacles to human technological progress.

Not only that.

What Vashtor is doing is similar to what Ron wants to do in the future.

That is to be an arms dealer.

The difference is that the demon demigod is an arms dealer on the Chaos side.

He gathered a large group of black oil men and chaos pilots to build a soul factory.

Specializes in signing contracts and cooperation with Chaos Gods and major Chaos forces.

Provide various types of chaos weapons and demon engines for those chaotic beings.

On the battlefield between humans and chaos, Vashtor's shadow is everywhere, as are the bullets fired at humans.

Everyone has His share!
In short, the crimes that the demon demigod committed against mankind are too numerous to list!

However, it is difficult to attack it because it parasitizes on the communication network, its whereabouts are uncertain, and it hides behind the scenes.

And there are only a few beings in the human empire who can fight against Him.

Therefore, He remains at large.

If only Xiao Ling had the same power as Vashtor, then the empire would have a great help.

This way, the oil guys will be more efficient when calming the machine spirits.

Maybe the mechanical life will be extended.

Humanity will have a true mechanical god!

After all, there are so many evil gods in Chaos, and if the Empire has one or two more, it will not be too weak.

However, this is a difficult thing to do, as the powers of reality and the subspace are limited.

Too much power in the mechanical field has been occupied by Vashtor.

It is difficult for Xiao Ling to compete with it.

As for whether Vashtor will attack Ers or directly invade the Machine Soul host?
Ron thought about it and shook his head.

Very unlikely.

After all, the planet Ers is protected by the golden sun's energy.

Moreover, Xiao Ling's body is too weak.

For her safety, he even opened up a secret subspace channel around the Machine Soul host.

Surround it with golden solar energy.

It can be said that the Machine Soul Host is the closest place to the Golden Sun besides the Golden Throne.

Closer than the little sun.

Unless Vashtor has lost his mind, he would never dare to attack here!

As Ron's thoughts passed, he noticed something strange.

He suddenly looked out of the balcony:

"Fuck, the holy light is out?"

In sight.

The faint golden light that the sacred tower emitted all the time disappeared.

Not only the Holy Tower, but all the holy light inside and outside the planet Ers disappeared.

Including the sacred light surrounding the Machine Soul Host.

The golden sun temporarily took back the energy!
"What's the matter?"

Ron recalled the strange behavior of Golden Sun just now, and suddenly he realized something:
"Ah, there are still experts?"

He realized that he had been slapped in the face.

I'm afraid that guy Vashtor is really going to invade reality and attack Xiao Ling.

The old God Emperor has become serious and set a trap, hoping to play a big one!
Boom, boom, boom—suddenly, Ron's heart began beating violently and uncontrollably. He felt a terrifying evil energy coming in this direction.

His target is the Machine Soul Host.

Vashtor...is here!
Even though he knew that the God-Emperor would come forward to deal with the demon demigod, he still couldn't help but feel deeply fearful of this evil energy.

The other party is too powerful.

Even if he reveals his true form, he won't be able to hold out for too long. There's a high probability that he'll die after fighting for dozens of rounds!

Besides, that demon demigod looks so ugly. What if he scares Xiao Ling?

The big bed collapsed instantly.

A figure jumped out from the balcony, stepped onto the hovercraft and headed towards the location of the machine soul host.

not right...

On the hovercraft, Ron, who was wearing fluffy pajamas, reacted:

"I've been pretending for so long that I almost forgot. I think I'm that person, too. Why should I go through all the trouble to run over there?"

After the spatial fluctuation, his figure disappeared, leaving only a faint aftermath of the power of hope.

Inside the Machine Soul Host Fortress.

Ron's figure jumped out of the Asian space portal: "Xiao Ling, I'm here, don't be afraid!"


Xiao Ling was very happy to see his father coming, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm not afraid, because..."

In an instant, terrifying evil energy came.

Ugly mechanical tumors quickly grew around the huge machine soul host. Xiao Ling screamed and disappeared from the area.


Just when Ron was confused, the vibration of the little sun came and the God Emperor sent a message.

Let him feel at ease.

next moment.


The divine light burst out suddenly, burning the tumors. The excessive energy even caused the machinery to overload.

Ron clearly sensed that the sacred tower had exploded due to the impact of the huge energy...

At the same time, he felt a tremendous rage and a firm killing intent.

The Divine Emperor is very angry!

Ron let out a long sigh and relaxed.

There is nothing for him to do now, just wait for the feast...
within subspace.

A phantom entity area.


A huge demon with mechanical wings crashed to the ground and rolled many times.

He fell to the ground, dazed and confused.

Vashtor shook his head, and his electronic brain felt a little dizzy.

Where is this? Is this still the Milky Way?
Is there something wrong with the Chaos Array?

The demon demigod had many questions.

Just now, He used the channel to rush towards the mechanical entity of the data life with all His strength, wanting to swallow it into His own domain.

At the moment when he was about to succeed, he seemed to hit something and then came here.

Fortunately, the target was found successfully!
Vashtor realized that he had destroyed the barrier protecting the data's life and had entered the opponent's territory.

After all, that data life form also had the prototype of a god.

He looked around.

There is nothing but some data residues, and there is no danger at all.

Vashtor remained alert and followed the remaining data, and finally found the owner of this place.

That data life form.

A girl with data wings, curled up on the ground in fear.

"Ah, what a wonderful life, a god that is about to take shape..."

Vashtor walked towards Xiao Ling, and the mechanical hooves left deep traces of chaos code on the ground.

The moment he looked at the data life form, greed and impulse almost overwhelmed him.

That is His step to becoming a god!
The shadow of the semi-mechanical demon body enveloped Xiao Ling, and then several sharp cables suddenly stretched out to tie him up.

Xiao Ling's eyes bulged, and she looked a little scared. She struggled:

"Bad...bad guy, let me go!"

This scene was interesting to Vashtor:

"Be good, don't be afraid, you will soon become a part of me."

As He spoke, His tone became grim and cruel:
"But before that, you may have to endure pain for a while..."

It was these damn data life forms and those technical priests that injured the great Data Devourer!

Vashtor's power enveloped Xiao Ling, activating the ability to project illusions.

He wanted to make the believers of this embryonic form of god watch the being they worshipped devoutly.

Died in misery!

For a moment, thousands of the most devout oil men in the Mechanical Goddess Group felt palpitations.

Their consciousnesses whispered and murmured as they saw a horrifying scene!
The kind mechanical goddess has been captured by a terrifying chaotic being and is facing danger!

The oil men were unable to distinguish the authenticity of the illusion, and were powerless to do anything, but just felt panic and fear.

"Great Omnissiah, devout believers pray for your help. May your blessing be bestowed upon our Mechanical Goddess!"

They knelt down and prayed devoutly.

Pray to the great Omnissiah to protect their mechanical goddess!

This is all they can do.

However, the prayers did not work.

The oil men watched helplessly as the sharp cables stabbed at the mechanical goddess.

At the same time, the chaotic forces enveloped them, trying to pull these believers into the abyss.

However, the next moment.

what! ! !
A golden figure flashed by, and the chaotic being let out a shrill scream and flew backwards.

The blazing holy light dispelled the darkness from them.

The oil men reacted and became even more fanatical, shouting, "Praise the Emperor!"

Phantom entity area.

Xiao Ling flew to the side of the God Emperor, with one hand on his waist and the other pointing at Vashtor, as if to complain:

"Grandpa Divine Emperor, that big bad guy wants to eat me!"

Looking at the angry Xiao Ling, the Emperor of God stretched out his hand and paused. After hesitating, he gently touched her little head.

However, he gently pulled her behind him, signaling the little girl to stay away.

After Xiao Ling flies farther away.


The God-Emperor’s wrath erupted.

The golden flames wrapped around His golden armor like magma and dripped onto the ground along the armor.

At the same time, golden flaming wings appeared behind him.

The Divine Emperor's gaze was fixed on the demon demigod in front of him, and murderous intent surged.

This evil bandit who has been wreaking havoc on the human empire for a long time and dared to hurt Xiao Ling has finally fallen into His hands!

"The Cursed?!"

Vashtor covered his broken cheek and screamed miserably. The horror was beyond words.

what happened?

He just wanted to devour a data life form, so how did he attract this terrifying existence?

It seems that I have fallen into a fatal trap!
"Do not!!!"

Vashtor turned and spread his wings, trying to escape, but the God-Emperor, after warming up, was faster.

He suddenly leaped up and smashed the demon demigod into the ground.

Mechanical debris flew everywhere.

Then he grabbed his opponent and started beating him hard, with each blow creating huge spatial fluctuations.

Until it is blown away.

The God-Emperor's iron fist is specifically designed to deal with evil!

The demon demigod rose from the ground, his mechanical body burned by the holy light, becoming charred and broken.

Parts clanked and fell all over the floor.

"Emperor, I...I apologize for my previous reckless behavior. I am willing to surrender and obey you!"

Arcs of electricity burst from Vashtor's body, and fiery tears fell.

He finally realized that being cursed was more terrifying than the rumors had said, and that he had attempted to compete with such a being for the throne of God.

How ridiculous!

However, the Divine Emperor just walked over without saying a word.

Seeing this, Vashtor felt desperate.

It seems that the cursed one will not be persuaded. His will is so firm that he wants to kill himself!
"Cursed, I may die, but not now..."

Vashtor showed a hint of determination.

In an almost self-harming manner, he poured out all of his evil energy and broke through the barriers here.


The sky was shattered.

Yakong's dark red energy twisted and surged.

Vashtor fled, becoming immensely larger in the void of the Warp.

However, the next moment, an even larger golden giant stopped him.

The God-Emperor looked at Vashtor with a determined gaze.

After planning for so long, there is no way this evil bandit can escape from my hands.

Suddenly, He sensed something.

In the distant void, the shadows of four physical realms appeared, and at the same time a passage opened.

Four large figures of different colors overlooked the area.

That is... the Four Evil Gods of Chaos!

(End of this chapter)

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