Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 291 Ron: Psionic Network 20, activated!

Chapter 291 Ron: Psionic Network 2.0, activated!
When the smoke clears.

The Chaos Knights of Crow Clan, who submitted to the Dark Lord, slaughtered the Chaos Legion sent by Abaddon the Despoiler.

Like Chaos Knights elsewhere, they seized control of the Soul Factory.

dong dong dong-

The great hammer made of souls and steel began to work again, hammering at the material on the anvil.

The soul factory is back in action.

Thick black smoke was belching out of the towering chimneys again, and the wails of souls could be faintly heard in it.

This soul factory will serve the Lord of Darkness, providing him with a steady supply of terrible armaments.

Bilak watched all this with satisfaction.

Now he has seized control of 99 soul factories, a considerable number of which are the targets of the Great Plunderers.

Will the great predator become angry, even declare war on him?

The Dark Lord had never thought about this problem. He even killed many of the Chaos Gods' favorites.

Would you still care about a mere big predator?
Perhaps Be'lak has forgotten that, not long ago, he was once the Grand Reaver's nominal ally and chosen champion.

Although during this period, he backstabbed the Great Predator many times.

But that's not important.

No one can influence the free will of the Great Dark Lord, not even the Chaos Gods...

Now, Bilak has only one goal, which is to go to the real universe and establish his own dark kingdom.

Then find the Demon Eater who is the favorite of the Cursed and the focus of the Four Gods, and crush him in the most gorgeous and cruel way.

Announce your existence to everyone!
As the soul furnace roared, Bilak's gaze penetrated the curtain and cast his sights towards the distant starry sky.

There it is... Charaton.
Ers planet.

Spire House, bedroom.

Ron fell into the warm bed, sleeping soundly and having a good dream.

A gentle electronic bell rang.

He slightly pried one eye open, used his psychic power to press it away, then changed his posture and continued to sleep.

Prepare to continue the dream and continue fighting for three hundred rounds with the beautiful dream world created by the Lord of Joy.

I wonder if the Lord of Joy has had a breakthrough recently and has increased the intensity of his illusions.

Bring forth something new out of the old.

I have to say, there is something there.

Nowadays, things in the fantasy world are becoming more and more novel and exciting, with several times the real sense of reality, rich plots, and are tailor-made.

Last time, we put together a galactic version of the Kingdom of Women, and I have to say, it was quite impressive.

Billions of stunning* tides, just that.

It seems that the Lord of Pleasure has invested huge resources and worked hard.

Ron couldn't even imagine showing off this set of illusions with various styles and worldviews, which were real and tangible.

What old pervert can stand this?
However, the great savior still sticks to the bottom line, just one word - white gourd.

Ron vaguely sensed it.

As the sunk costs were too high, the Lord of Pleasure, who was suffering heavy losses, became more and more impatient and impatient.

He even went so far as to personally participate, secretly integrating himself into the plot of the fantasy world and playing a certain role.

Want to corrode him at close range.

Unfortunately, the great savior was able to recognize it every time and then firmly refused.

All I can say is that the Lord of Joy still needs to work harder.

Ron fell into a deep sleep again and continued in the illusion.

The plot this time is a battle between a lone hero and the Tyranid insect girl, which is really quite intense.

Just when he dealt with many insect female guards and broke into the depths of the insect nest, preparing to fight a decisive battle with the big boss, the Tyranid insect girl.

He suddenly felt a chill.

"Get up!"

A cute voice sounded, urging herself anxiously.


what's the situation?
Ron interrupted his dream and opened his eyes dazedly. In front of him was a large fluttering moth...

No, it’s Xiaoling.

He rubbed his eyes and his vision became clear.

At the head of the bed, Xiao Ling was flapping her little wings, trying hard to lift the quilt on his bed.

After her transformation into a Warp God entity, she gained her own physical entity.

But due to the suppression of the veil between the subspace and the real world, her body in reality is not that strong.

It can be said that there is no fighting power.

But it is limited to physical strength.

Her abilities in data networks and mechanics are much stronger than before.

After the death of the demon pilot Vashtor, the mechanics of the Mechanicus have noticed the changes in the real universe.

There were fewer cold and terrifying whispers and chaotic garbage codes in the communication channels and the Thinker Matrix.

Many experiments that had been failing in mechanical research suddenly succeeded.

The overall development of the mechanical technology of the Mechanicus has become smoother.

At the same time, some oil men found that when they were chanting or praising the mechanical goddess.

It can better soothe the machine soul, and the electronic brain will operate more smoothly.

More clever and efficient than the Omnissiah.

What's more, the Mechanical Goddess will also provide them with computing power support.

Some young oilmen think that the Mechanical Goddess is much better than the dry Omnissiah.

This makes the Mechanical Goddess Group, an organization originally similar to a fan club, inexplicably have some religious atmosphere.

More and more oil men are joining the Mechanical Goddess Group, or spreading the stories and gospel about the Mechanical Goddess.

There were even some old sages and great sages who began to write some doctrines and prayers based on the revelations from the unknown.

This makes the image of the Mechanical Goddess more perfect and gains her more worship.

The system of the Mechanical Goddess swept through and integrated into the entire Mechanicus at an extremely fast speed.

There are almost no obstacles.

With the collective consent of all members of the Mechanicus from top to bottom, the Mechanicus gained a new god.

Her name is the Spirit of All Machines - the Goddess of Machinery.

The oil men worship the God of Machines, and while praising the Omnissiah, they also love the Goddess of Machinery more.

I would also talk about the Mechanical Goddess more often and collect her relics, emblems, etc.

The oil men believed that it was their common wish that caused the omnipotent Mechanical God to send the Mechanical Goddess to protect them.

Now, some Forge Worlds even create statues of Mechanical Spirits to perform religious ceremonies and worship.

I don’t know if it’s the influence of faith, but the mechanical goddess they created is more like Xiao Ling’s original appearance.

Quite majestic.

Instead of the little guy in front of him, the Warhammer version of Paimon.

Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Ron could imagine the scene, the technical priests burning incense and lighting candles, performing a solemn religious ceremony.

Under the pious prayers, what they were kneeling down to was a flying two-dimensional mechanical little loli.

It’s kind of funny to think about it.

"Why are you smiling at me?"

Xiao Ling saw Ron's expression and felt a little strange.

She looked down at her body while floating in the air, then leaned over to the mirror and stared at it with wide eyes:

"There's nothing on my face..."

After all, the last time she ate pastries, her face became so ugly that Milia laughed so hard that her stomach hurt.

Ron shook his head and pinched her little face: "Nothing, I just suddenly thought of something funny."


Xiao Ling put her hands on her hips and frowned:

"Didn't you say you would have breakfast with us?

Shasim, Milia and the others have arrived and are waiting for us. I'm so hungry!"

"Okay, okay, I asked the chef to prepare a lot of delicious food, and I promise to make your belly full..."


Xiao Ling's eyes almost glowed.

Ron glanced at the time and was indeed a few minutes behind schedule.

I have to say, this little guy is punctual, even more punctual than an alarm clock.

He quickly got up and washed.

Then he took Xiao Ling to the restaurant in the mansion.

After this little guy got a physical body, he turned into a foodie.

As soon as it’s time for dinner, I start reminding the savior that it’s time to eat.

Of course, Ron would try his best to meet Xiao Ling's request. After all, she was also a core figure in the territory.

Undertake the most work tasks.

What's more, before she had a body, she was working for free, working wholeheartedly for her "father" Ron all the time.

Now consider it as compensation.

After arriving at the restaurant, Ron first asked the maid to feed Xiao Ling a large portion of food.

He had dinner with Shahim and others, and learned about the situation of the merchant team.

Today, the merchant department organizes wealthy businessmen in the star zone and establishes thousands of merchant fleets.

In this way, trade routes can be established throughout the galaxy.

Today, the first batch of caravans have returned, bringing back a lot of minerals and other materials.

After today, Shahim will also lead the Imperial Blood Merchants team to set off.

He will go to some war-torn areas with the missionary saints of the Ers State Religion.

Spread the light of the Savior.

During this period of time, the holy land of the Ecclesiarchy has welcomed a steady stream of pilgrim ships.

Those pilgrims came to this important holy place in the state religion with full of piety and expectation.

Behold this sacredness.

Then, he was shocked by the holy land's one-stop tourism, hot spring leisure and worship service and the emperor's blood fingerprint.

Bring the Codex of Redemption and the faith of the Savior to all parts of the galaxy.

Now, the belief system of the Golden Sun and the Savior has gained unparalleled legitimacy.

Almost no one dared to stop or criticize.

Because this is the state religion belief school personally certified and strongly supported by Pope Laurent Tiss.

Many people understand that this is the power of the Pope of the state religion.

That’s right, Bishop Doni’s mentor, after hundreds of years of health-preserving life, finally rose to the position of Pope of the state religion.

Several years ago, a chaos known as the "Primarch's Disaster" broke out on Holy Terra.

Tens of millions of Terra residents were treated as heretics, mutants, and criminals and burned alive in the streets.

The mastermind behind this chaos wanted to discredit the Primarch's image and limit his power.

Fortunately, the Primarch took control of the situation and used it to clean out a large number of high-level officials who were just sitting there doing nothing.

The real culprit behind the scenes was found out.

One of them was the former Pope of the State Regent, who expelled him from the Supreme Council and suppressed him vigorously, forcing him to retire and live out his days.

No news.

This left the state religion without its supreme leader, and the position of Pope became vacant.

The state religion had to start the process of selecting a successor to the Pope.

In the Synod.

Doni's mentor was chosen to become the Pope of the state religion with the highest qualifications and unparalleled advantages.

There is no way. The acting Cardinal, His Excellency Laurent Tiss, is already the most senior figure among the senior leaders of the State Church.

He outlasted all the high-ranking figures of his time.

It can be said to be a living fossil of the state religion.

Among the high-level people of the same period.

As far as the previous pope could be compared to him, he has now retired and is nowhere to be found.

Only he can carry the banner of the state religion and restore the state religion that has lost too much influence due to the "Primarch's Disaster" incident.


After Doni's mentor became the Pope of the Anglican Church, he further enhanced the status of the Anglican Holy Land of Ers.

At the same time, the belief system of the Golden Sun and the Savior has become more stable and legitimate.

Now, the Ecclesiarchy can preach openly without any hindrance.

Even the local state church took the initiative to come forward and integrate and absorb the belief system of the Ers state religion.

This gave the local state religion a more sacred status.

As for exclusion?

It is simply impossible and we dare not reject the belief system personally approved by His Holiness the Pope?
This is a clear case of heresy, shouldn't it be tried?
The Pope has an almost supreme position within the state religion and has the right to interpret doctrine.

His words are part of the doctrine.

In such a system.

Unless they are insane, the regional state religions will not oppose the state religion of Ers.

Not only will they not oppose it, but they will also strongly support it, actively integrate into it, and take advantage of the status of the Ers state religious belief system.

In short, missionary activities are going particularly smoothly now, and the number of believers of the Golden Sun and the Savior is growing rapidly almost every day.

Unfortunately, the galaxy is still too vast, and missionary activities require more efforts.

According to Ron's plan, trading and missionary activities were carried out almost simultaneously.

Missionary saints traveled around on merchant ships.

No civilized world would reject both the Imperial Blood Merchants supported by the Primarch and the Ecclesiarchy supported by the Pope.

What's more, the two are integrated into one and possess a terrifying armed force.

Almost always successful.

In this way, the influence of the territory is greatly increased.

Nowadays, the territories are more involved in the dark side of the empire, and the light side has a smaller scope of activities.

To be honest, Ron's strength is already very strong. He controls the Mechanical Forum, the Church of Ers, the Imperial Blood Merchants, as well as the battle group, the fleet, and so on.

It is possible that one day he will raise his arms and create a second empire in secret, or even rebuild the empire.

Of course, the prerequisite is that he can defeat the Primarch and Regent Guilliman who holds a large army.

That man is the son of destiny in the galaxy today, and Ron doesn't really have much confidence that he can defeat him.

But this is just a random thought.

Under the current circumstances, it is not suitable to establish a second empire, and there will be no conflict between him and Guilliman.

Otherwise, the two brothers would have to endure the emperor's heavy punishment.

What's more, Ron used a more reasonable approach.

That is to build a strong armed force, spread faith, provide assistance, and enhance influence.

One day, the Savior's influence in the Human Empire will be great enough to even surpass that of the Primarch.

He doesn't have to do anything, and a bunch of people will come up to him to ask about his well-being and put on a yellow robe or something.

Then he was lifted up to the position of the common leader of mankind.

But that’s all in the future.

Now mankind still has common enemies, so let’s deal with those enemies first.

It is not known whether humans can survive in the galaxy.

In the restaurant, Ron gave Shahim a few instructions and sent him away.

The Milky Way is so vast.

This time, the Emperor Blood Merchants will cross several star fields and go to many dark civilization worlds.

These include high-risk areas such as the Charaton war zone.

Even with the help of the Internet, it will probably take many years before we can see each other again.


Spire Mansion.

Savior's Office.

Ron sat at his desk, looking through the territory's armament manufacturing situation.

At present, a huge amount of weapons of various types are being manufactured continuously, and the output quantity has far exceeded the equipment needs of the territory’s army.

A batch of Dreadnought, Knight Mech, Titan, etc. were also built.

These relatively expensive large vehicles have not undergone large-scale, long-term actual combat tests.

Not manufactured in large quantities.

At the same time, hundreds of large warships have been repaired, and the number of other types of ships is even larger.

I have to say that the speed of the psychic automation assembly line is very fast.

But for the savior who aspires to become the largest weapons dealer in the galaxy, this production capacity is not enough.

Therefore, he approved several large-scale engineering projects in succession to build the second, third, fourth and fifth forging worlds.


Linda's gentle voice sounded. This head maid who had been with him for decades now had a maximum lifespan of nearly two hundred years due to the blessing.

She looks the same and is still as gentle as ever.

With Ron's permission, Linda invited in a data sage.

Then he quietly retreated.

The Data Sage came to the audience this time to show the Savior an important project.

That is an important part of the 2.0 phase of the Psionic Network, an online software that will soon be available throughout the human empire.

It's called "Redemption Bazaar."

"Savior, please wait a moment!"

The young data sage with signs of baldness seemed to remember something, and quickly took out the data board and entered the mechanical forum.

Then, in front of the electronic statue of the Mechanical Goddess, a prayer ceremony was performed to pray that the software would be allowed to run smoothly.

"Good fellow, Cyber-worship, eh? Is the Mechanicus so up-to-date now?"

Ron was numb.

What he didn't know was that this was somewhat popular in the mechanical forum, and the oil guys prayed and checked in every day.

After you have gained enough piety.

You will also be rewarded with achievements, badges, avatars, and more.

It is a symbol of the Mechanical Goddess's followers and identity, representing the loyal belief in the Mechanical Goddess.

In order to get these, some old guys have to start learning from the young oil guys.

Ron suddenly remembered.

It seems that I taught this set of things to Cole myself when we were playing games.

Once the Data Sage finishes reciting his binary prayer, the ceremony will be over.

Only then did he respectfully transmit the data packet of "Redemption Market" to the data pad of the Savior.

Ron opened it and browsed through it. It was not a big problem. It was similar to the shopping software in his previous life.

The difference is that the Redemption Market sells all kinds of survival supplies and arms.

There are also some hired services.

If you are loyal enough to the Savior, you can even purchase and summon the arrival of Titans.

This amounted to military aid combined with religious faith.

After all, the empire's territory is so vast that it is impossible to count how many civilized worlds there are.

As the Great Rift spreads, large numbers of civilized worlds are plunged into war or even destroyed every day.

With the current strength of the territory, it is simply impossible to help so many worlds at the same time.

Therefore, we can only help the civilized world that believes in the savior first.

This is also a virtuous cycle.

After all, the development of the territory and the manufacture of weapons are inseparable from the psychic power of the little sun.

Just like the manufacturing factories in the Chaos Realm consume fel energy and souls.

Those psychic automated foundries are consuming the little sun's faith energy every moment.

If we blindly give too many weapons, resources, etc. to other worlds, there will be no return.

That would only severely weaken the territory's power.

Like now, we develop faith in certain civilized worlds, provide certain assistance, and then develop them in depth depending on the situation, making them dependent on the territory.

It is a better way.

In this way, the assistance provided will also be rewarded with faith and resources, which will make the territory continue to become stronger.

As for how to judge.

Those missionary believers who traveled to various civilized worlds on merchant ships would follow the rituals, scale, methods, etc. prescribed in the Holy Book of Salvation.

Build statues of the Golden Sun and the Savior in the local area, which come with some faith nodes.

This allows Little Sun to easily sense the situation of those believers.

It is similar to how cultists contact demons or evil gods through certain rituals and tokens.

However, the medium connecting the little sun has become a data board containing complex rune arrays.

At the same time, using Xiaoling's data core as a transfer point, relevant data is counted.

It can be said that it is very scientific and efficient.

At least it is much better than the crude, cumbersome and inefficient way of spreading faith of those Chaos Evil Gods.

Ron took a close look at the overall situation of the Redemption Market and made some suggestions on its display page.

Ask them to highlight the important functions and selling points of the weapons, put red bubbles on them, and use bold fonts.

Then the display pictures of those key weapons should be clearer and more impactful.

It would be best to set up a professional filming team.

After he made some suggestions one after another, he looked up at the Data Sage:
"Those are just minor issues. We will slowly adjust them later. The Redemption Market can be launched now..."

After the Data Sage left, Ron formally approved the documents related to the Redemption Market.

It allows it to access the psychic network, becoming the second online software for the human empire after the Mechanical Forum.

This marks the launch of Psionic Network 2.0.

The territory will be more involved in the world outside the star zone and participate in many wars.

The Imperial Blood Merchant Ships, Missionary Saints, Storm Army, Interstellar Corps, Navy Fleets, etc. will roam in dangerous areas filled with war.

Deliver the gospel to those who are in distress and believe in the Savior.

At the same time, bring ruthless destruction to all enemies of humanity!

Ron Grant, the great savior, the demon eater, the beloved of the cursed, and the new Lord of Forge, will officially step into the galactic battlefield as a powerful force and arms dealer.

Join the Chaos Gods in their never-ending Great Game...

(End of this chapter)

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